Challenge Fifteen: DH Missing Scenes (SPOILERS)

Aug 01, 2007 20:44



Romancing the Wizard
Challenge Fifteen: Deathly Hallows - Missing Scenes

The Challenge:
Write or draw a romantic missing scene from a specific chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Explore the new canon while showing what happened 'off screen' during the course of the book.

EXTENDED Deadline:
Sunday, August 26, 2007 at midnight, New York time
Sunday, September 2, 2007 at midnight NY time

Click on picture to view larger image.

WARNING: This post is image heavy.

Challenge Guidelines

Claiming Your Prompt

1) All participants should thoroughly review the Community Guidelines before beginning the challenge. (You must be a member to participate.)

2) You may claim only one prompt at a time. Please comment to this post with the chapter number AND name (Example: Ch 6 - The Ghoul in Pajamas). This makes it easier for your moderator and will reduce the chance of misassignment. When the moderator acknowledges your request, your username will be added to the table. The prompt is then yours, and you may begin.

3) When you claim a prompt, we expect you to post your story or art by the deadline -- Sunday, August 26 September 2 at midnight, New York time. If you cannot produce the fiction or art due to a real life crisis, tell us immediately so the prompt can be reassigned.

4) Outstanding prompts will be followed up several days before the deadline on Wednesday, August 22 Monday, August 27. Important: If you do not respond to that post, your prompt will be reassigned the following day.

Writing Your Story/Creating Your Art

ETA: All characters engaging in sexual activity must be 18-years-old or older. Also, no NC-17 Art is allowed at this community. (See this important moderator message for futher information.)

1) This is the challenge criteria:
    a) The story/art must be a 'missing scene' from the chapter you have claimed on the prompt table and must take place during that time frame. Extra points for incorporating canon happenings in your story. (For instance, what are Bill and Fleur doing in Chaper Three before they show up in Chapter Four?)
    b) The story/art must be 750 to 1500 words (art 750 x 750 pixels).
    c) The story/art must star a canon wizard and a canon witch in a romantic situation. (No Muggles or Squibs.)
    d) Stories/art must stick to the new canon.
    e) Stories must incorporate some sort of magic: spell, potion, item, magical creature, etc.
    f) You can write the challenge from any point of view, but the focus must be on the wizard/witch's romantic relationship within the setting.
    g) Since ghosts and portraits are wizards and witches, you may write about them. (For instance: Ravenclaw's daughter/baron.)
    h) No 'AU'. Hermione can't be in the Headmaster's Office, and Sirius can't be alive. (We'll save those for the next challenge.)
    i) No character may time travel.
2) Here are a few examples of missing scenes:
    (a) During his tenure as Headmaster, does Snape find peace in the arms of the mysterious Aurora Sinistra? (Must be in a chapter during the school year.)
    (b) Was Neville's first kiss during seventh year? Who was the lucky witch? (Must be in a chapter during the school year.)

    ETA: Here's another example:
    Chapter Two: In Memoriam - This chapter occurs in the mid to late afternoon of the night Harry is taken to the safe house. The members of the Order are ready and waiting to go to Privet Drive. The DEs are preparing for their ambush. People in the safe houses are waiting for their guests. Here are a few ideas for missing scenes for this scenario:
    a) Bill/Fleur - Deep in the Forbidden Forest, Bill and Fleur have one last romantic interlude before mounting their Thestral. They realise they could die tonight.
    b) Rodolphus/Bella - Bella is very excited about tonight's ambush, and she hopes to be the one who captures Potter for her master. Rodolphus has always liked Bella just before a mission... *cues seduction music*
    c) Ted/Andromeda - They share a tender moment, thinking about a future without Volde in it. *g* (I'm sure you can think of something better than that!)
3) All stories must be proofread for canon spellings/usage, grammar and punctuation, including proper comma usage.
    a) You may use your own proof-reader or request the help of our Proof Witches, RTW's team of experienced proof-readers.
    b) To request a Proof-Witch for your completed story, see the first thread in the comments below marked Request a Proof Witch. We have changed the procedure, so you will not request a Proof Witch until your story is complete this time. See the Request a Proof Witch comment for more details.
    c)Please see this post about the purpose of our Proof Witchs for the proper procedure. THIS HAS CHANGED SINCE OUR LAST CHALLENGE, so please read carefully.
4) Important for authors who use beta-readers: Please review the information in this post regarding beta readers.

Posting Your Story or Art

1) Post your story or art to romancingwizard by midnight (NY time) on Sunday, August 26 September 2.

2) Subject line: Use the title of your story/art ONLY as the subject of your post.

3) Do not use the 'rich text' posting option because it causes problems with our community and template formatting.

4) Use this conveniently coded author template for your story post:


Challenge Fifteen: Deathly Hallows Missing Scenes
Title: X
Wizard/Witch: X
Rating/Warnings: X
Genre: X
Word count: X
DH Chapter: X
Summary: X



Author's Notes: X
Proof-reader: X

5) Use this conveniently coded artist template for your art post:


Challenge Fifteen: Deathly Hallows Missing Scenes
Title: X
Wizard/Witch: X
Rating/Warnings: X (No NC-17 art allowed)
Media used: X
DH Chapter: X



Artist's Notes: X

6) Do not modify the template, except where you are adding information. 'X' marks the spot to insert your information. There needs to be a space after the colon (and after the html bold tag), so the 'X' is there as a helpful guide. Please note there is a place for the name of your proof-reader in the author template.

7) There are only three possibilities for ratings at romancingwizard: (1) G/PG, (2) PG-13/R and (3) NC-17. If a warning is needed, the moderators will remind you. Examples: PG-13/R for language and suggestive content OR NC-17 for sexual content (no NC-17 art allowed). (See the Community Guidelines for a further explanation.)

8) There are six genres at romancingwizard: (1) Romance, (2) Romance/Whimsy, (3) Romance/Humour, (4) Romance/Drama, (5) Romance/Despair, and (6) Romance/Passion. Please choose only one. (See the Community Guidelines for a further explanation.)

9) The summary should consist of a short sentence or two to entice the reader. Do not put author's notes in the summary, or you will be asked to move them.

10) Post your picture prompt icon with your story or art in in the appropriate place in the template.

11) Place all your thoughts, recognitions and explanations in the author's or artist's notes section at the bottom of the template.

12) Your entry will be moderated, but it will show up in the queue in a reasonable amount of time. We check for guideline compliance, formatting, word count, content, proof reader's name and blatant errors (grammar, punctuation and canon).
    a) Ineligible entries will be rejected with a brief note explaining what needs to be fixed. We expect complete cooperation.
    b) Sometimes an entry will be accepted, but a Moderator Comment will be posted asking the member to adjust a minor error. We expect complete cooperation. Invalid posts may also be deleted.

After Posting Your Story or Art

1) When you have successfully posted your story or art according to these guidelines, you may claim another available prompt by posting a new comment to this entry. (Limit: three per challenge per member)

2) You may upload your story or art on other LJs or archives whenever you'd like. Please mention Romancing the Wizard romancingwizard. You can also link your story, bringing readers and viewers here, so you'll have all your comments in the same place.

3) Enchanted Quills may be given by the moderators to the authors of memorable stories and art.

4) Questions? As always, per the community and challenge guidelines, any questions regarding content, requirements, etc. should be sent directly to the moderators (not Proof Witches) at seaislewitch(at)livejournal(dot)com, or you may comment to this post.

The Prompt Table

redvelvetcanopy #2






redvelvetcanopy #1




gelsey #1










ladywhitehart #2




somigliana #1




gelsey #2








seaislewitch #1




ladywhitehart #1


somigliana #2


seaislewitch #2




Illustrations by Mary GrandPre
Copyright 2007 by Warner Bros.

ETA: Please see this important moderator message for information which affects this challenge.

challenge guidelines

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