The Demon and the Maiden

Jan 28, 2012 09:49

It was time for the city of Riddleport to offer its very first sacrifice to the demon lord ( Read more... )

(series) bleach

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leekspin January 29 2012, 18:27:46 UTC
Dean...! So that was why he seemed so familiar to her. She'd met him a few times at the market, and he'd been nice enough to walk her home when their lively conversations carried on a bit too long to avoid nightfall. But she certainly hadn't expected him to come to her rescue like this, and against a demon? One that was after her soul ( ... )


leekspin February 14 2012, 07:10:15 UTC
(OOC: Sorry for the slow, RL is kicking my ass!)

The rules of chivalry didn't apply in this particular instance. Though Orihime knew some pretty effective moves to keep herself from getting mobbed and beaten down too easily, the numbers weren't in her favor, and when it came to taking blows she was something of a lightweight.

Just as she was reeling from a particularly vicious backhand from the butcher, she saw Dean kick open the doors, and felt her energy renewed at the sight.

"Ah! That was so cool!" she chirped, throwing a quick chop at the spot between neck and shoulder of the butcher who failed his attempt to follow up with another slap. Her face was stinging something fierce, but she ignored it, ducking and weaving to catch up with Dean. "I've always wanted to try kicking a door open like that. You're amazing!"


100deaths_a_day February 14 2012, 16:07:23 UTC
(That's okay bb! *snugs*)

He didn't know why, but her compliment sent a little warmth through him. Probably because he wasn't used to recieving them that often. That's what he'll tell himself, at least.

He lashed out with a particularly vicious right hook in return for a jab he recieved to the stomach, and just waved her to hurry. "Well, I do it a lot. C'mon."


leekspin February 15 2012, 05:42:02 UTC
Orihime didn't need to be told twice. As soon as she managed to work free of the crowd (though not for lack of trying on their part), she caught hold of the edge of Dean's sleeve to establish a connection. To get separated now would be disastrous at the very least.

It hadn't yet occurred to her that she had no plans once they escaped the city. Everything was happening so fast that she could only react in a knee-jerk fashion.

...Maybe she'd follow in her rescuer's footsteps, she thought, and learn to track and fight demons too. It seemed like the best way she could show her gratitude, by making his job a little easier. Especially if he didn't get paid for all that dangerous work! She glanced up at him as they ran, and grinned. In a weird sort of way...this was actually kind of fun, even with the aches and pains that came with it. It was the most excitement she'd had in years!


100deaths_a_day February 15 2012, 09:47:42 UTC
"My car's at the back of the building." He focused on the point of contact, but not gripping back. He pushed and punched his way free of the bulding, aware of her doing the same sort of thing when the towns people got too close to their back. Minutes later, they were by the impala.

Was he sure he wanted her in there? Yes and no. After all, he still wasn't sure what she was, but he needed to get her clear to start that line of questioning. And that was avoiding examining the feeling he'd got from her compliment. "Get in. I'll drive us clear of the town, and then I'll find a diner. You probably need to eat, and we need to talk."


leekspin February 15 2012, 16:15:51 UTC It looked like a fine and sleek carriage, but there was no sign of any horses. And how was she supposed to get in? ...By watching Dean get in first, and then doing the same, feeling very proud of herself as she slid into the seat and pulled the door shut after her.

"Wow, this is comfortable!" she beamed, looking around her. Maybe it was one of those fancy magic enchanted carriages she'd heard about from passing bards!

As for needing to eat? Her stomach answered in the growling affirmative before she could offer a peep. It had seemed rather pointless to eat if she was just going to get killed, as that would be a big waste. But now that she knew she was going to live? She was starving. "Ah ha ha! Ah...yes, please. Thank you!"


100deaths_a_day February 17 2012, 11:54:39 UTC
He couldn't help but chuckle at her stomach. And the fact she... didn't appear to have been in a car before.

"She's the best." After she was in, he pulled away, foot to the floor to see how many miles he could put between him and the own of Riddleport.

"I'd ask if you know anywhere to eat down the line, but you seem like you might not have been out of town that much before."


leekspin February 17 2012, 18:02:56 UTC
Orihime's head thumped lightly against the back of her seat as she was suddenly sped away faster than she'd ever traveled before. The carriage roared and squealed, and from the way Dean referred to it, she thought perhaps it was alive. Maybe enchanted? Either way, it was magnificent, and she was absolutely thrilled.

"She is!" she agree, watching trees zip past them faster than she could follow.

Glancing back at Dean, she smiled sheepishly and shook her head. "No, not really. Not since I was little, and that was too long ago to remember. But anywhere you see an inn will probably have something hot to eat!"


100deaths_a_day February 17 2012, 22:23:48 UTC
"Okay." He drove in silence for a little while. He was hoping to do this while or after eating, but he supposes it might be better while they're in private.

plus, he doesn't think he can hold back his curiosity that long.

"...So." He searches his mind for a gentler way to put it. Comes up empty. Oh well. "What are you?"


leekspin February 18 2012, 08:35:38 UTC
Orihime blinked. She looked at Dean, shocked at the bluntness of the question. She felt her stomach start to tighten, and her gaze fell to her knees. "I don't...really know, I suppose," she admitted quietly, shooting him a brief glance from beneath her lashes. "I think I'm human. My brother was. And my parents were too, from what he told me when I was little."

She folded her hands in her lap, rubbing her thumbs together. "It's only lately that I've started being able to do things. A monster attacked my friends, and I was so angry...and I wanted to protect them so badly...these powers just kind of awoke inside me. They said they'd always been with me."

Again she looked at Dean, prepared to wince at his reaction. "They might be fairies, but I don't know. I'm still learning as I go."


100deaths_a_day February 20 2012, 16:36:48 UTC
[He gives her a look, emotions tumultuous behind them, such a mess of them that they're probably had to disinguish seperately.

He has a lot to think about there, so he's focusing on the first though that comes to mind, and thinking about the rest later.]

Only just starting. That's a damned lie - only just starting wouldn't be able to bring back the dead. [Which is another thing. But that is to be addressed where he can get pissed without endangering his car.]


leekspin February 20 2012, 16:40:30 UTC
It's not a lie! I just have to think 'I reject what was done', and then it's like the injury never happened!

[She hugs her stomach, distressed. She doesn't want him to stop liking her because she has powers.]

Why would I lie, anyway? You saved my life, I kind of owe you.


100deaths_a_day February 21 2012, 08:44:27 UTC
You shouldn't be messing with that shit anyway![...okay, so much for getting angry about that away from the car. But it kind of exploded out of him, knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel, and fixing his eyes on the road. He understood a little when it comes to family - he gets that, he's been there - but... Not for someone you barely know, muhc less someone who was trying to kill you. And it might have been a demon in his body, but that was a town member of the town that tried to kill them.]


leekspin February 21 2012, 08:54:40 UTC
And the demon shouldn't have killed that person! But it did. Wouldn't you fix that if you could?

[She frowns, then leans her forehead against the car window, her expression relaxing.]

I can't save everyone. I know that. And I don't have any right to decide who lives and who dies.

[Her eyes watch the trees zip past.]

But I have the chance sometimes to fix what isn't right. I can help people. I want to help. Why is that a bad thing?


100deaths_a_day February 22 2012, 11:28:07 UTC
You shouldn't mess with the dead. [He knows Sam would be calling him a hypocrite again right about now, but that was different. Completely different.

He Just looks at her for a moment, and turns back to the road. He'd learnt the hard way, there was no way in hell she thought she could understand the magnitude of what she'd just done for some random guy, especially not when it had taken a practical assignment from Death himself to make Dean understand. Not that he didn't still think it was his right to mess things the hell up for Sam. But like he thought: Different.

And then there was all the feelings that went with being dead, and then alive again. That, she definitely wouldn't understand. That was definitely something you can only understand by having it happen, or... so he figures. His eyes flick to his hands, and he makes a concious effort to loosen them when he sees he's white-knuckling it.] ...You wouldn't understand.


leekspin February 22 2012, 19:47:45 UTC
I suppose not...

[She glances over at Dean. He doesn't seem to hate her. He'd have booted her out on the road if he did, right? Maybe he's just scared. She's kind of scared too. The origin of her powers isn't something she thought about too much. They were fairies, and that was kind of neat, and they came from the hairpins her late brother gave her, just before he died. To her, they were special, almost sacred. She could do good things with them. But Dean's been working with this sort of thing, apparently, for a long time, and it's unnerving him.]

[She also hates the idea of arguing with him. He was a friend before all of this happened, and he did save her life. The atmosphere is too heavy and intense. So she risks an inappropriate comment, hoping she can make him feel a little better, with humor.]

...The demon started it.


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