
Oct 13, 2008 20:47

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Comments 7

undefeated0ne October 14 2008, 01:58:30 UTC
Name: Emily
Please and Thank you


Pick up! :) rolypoly_laurie October 14 2008, 02:04:06 UTC

... )


Re: Pick up! :) undefeated0ne October 14 2008, 02:12:54 UTC
Thanks so much :)
And thank you for the thoughts too, I can use all i can get right now. *hugs*


(The comment has been removed)

rolypoly_laurie October 16 2008, 02:54:37 UTC
You're very welcome! :-)


undefeated0ne October 16 2008, 04:07:05 UTC
Name: Emily
Please and thank you!


undefeated0ne October 16 2008, 04:07:39 UTC
Shoot, I posted that comment in the wrong request, sorry! *blushes* Ignore this! *goes to find the right one*


Omg. yay_its_amee November 6 2009, 16:04:41 UTC
I never ever get anyone on here to make me anything. I don't really know how to do anything on here, but Ilove looking at the icons.
Can you do one for ME?!
I'm Amee


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