Title: Who watches the fangirls?
Fandom, Characters: Watchmen mentions, HIMYM, Marshall, Lily, Robin
Prompt: "Comic book heroes" in
him_tbbt_100 Word count: 100
Spoilers: None
Marshall’s eyes light up when he recognizes what Robin’s reading.
“Watchmen! Just four more -”
“Enough with the countdown Marshall,” Robin cuts in. “You just want to see Silk Spectre in that clingy outfit…”
“And Lily’s only interested because Billy Crudup’s literally naked for most of the film.”
They blush deeply, casting guilty side-glances at each other.
“I forgot to ask…we’re interviewing Billy Crudup tomorrow; you guys wanna come watch the taping?”
There’s a beat, then two long sighs. When Robin looks up, they’re both staring into space, grinning.
Robin smiles, mutters, “Fangirls” and returns to the Black Freighter.