Title: Tiny Sparkles
Fandom, Characters: HIMYM, Ted, Leia, Barney, Robin
Summary: For the new
Drabble-a-thon at
barneyrobin .
otempora42 prompted "Barney still watches Robin Sparkles"
Spoilers: Upto 401, but totally AU futurefic set in 2017
Rating: G
"Come on Jessica, come on Tooooreeyy! Let's go to the mall, you won't be soooreeey!"
When he hears the sweet, half-whispered singing, Ted looks up from the drawing board, his gaze reaching across the living room to linger on the golden-brown curls of his precious little Leia who's busy practicing to write the letter "q" without it looking too much like a "p" or a "g".
"Put on your jelly braces, and your cool grafifi koes...umm..nanana, nanana, na naa naa naaaaa naaaa..let's go to the maaaaaaallll...todaaaaaaay!"
"Leia, honey, where did you hear that song?", he asks gently.
Startled, she gasps and turns to face her father, her curls bouncing softly around her baby cheeks which blush pink in embarrassment. She's three years old and had just found her singing voice but is still shy about letting anyone hear it.
She hides her head in her tiny little hands, peeping out of them after a moment to say, "That's Aunt Robin's song, daddy." She smiles shyly at her father, then claps her hands back over her eyes and turns back to her notebook.
"Yeah sweetie, I know...but Aunt Robin's in France now with Uncle Taran, so when did she teach you this song?"
"Um, actually, Uncle Barney taught me to sing it. He played it on his big TV for me yesterday...mmmm mmm..keeeee-yewwwww...peeee...kyew...aaaaarrrr..."
The smile on Ted's face melts into sadness. If only Barney had been ... no, he can't think about this now. Robin's marrying Taran in four months and he's not going to think about this any more than he already has. He sighs, looks down at the rough lines he's just sketched out onto the blank white drafting sheet, but he can't concentrate on work anymore.
He grabs his phone and hits 2 on his speed dial.
"Barney? Hey bro.. listen, you want to meet up at MacLaren's Friday evening? I think I need to brush up on my wingman skills.."