Title: Online Marriage Proposals
Author: roland44
Team: the wingmen
Word Count: 100 x 4
Fandom: TBBT, HIMYM and Doogie Howser mentions
Characters/Pairings: Raj, Mr. and Mrs. Koothrappali
Rating/Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Response to "E-mail" prompt at him_tbbt_100
To: rajesh.koothrappali@caltech.edu
From: jkoothrappali@indiatimes.com
Subject: Proposals
Raj, your mother and I have set up a profile for you at www.indiamatrimony.com. Today we checked the account and there were 9 proposals already, 7 of which I will forward to you shortly. I have replied to all the girls with your phone number. After the incident with Mr. Gupta’s daughter (which your mother and I will never live down) we have decided it is best for you to find your own bride. So we expect you to meet all these girls and choose the one you feel is best for us.
To: jkoothrappali@indiatimes.com
From: rajesh.koothrappali@caltech.edu
Subject: Re: Proposals
Papa- for the 168th time, please stop trying to get me married off. I’m just not ready for this yet. Right now the only woman in my life is my Dean of Research, and as much as I venerate her, she’s an extremely hard taskmaster who simply refuses to stop nagging me about the progress of my latest hypothesis. These incapable Research Assistants aren’t helping either - they’d rather spend Wednesday evenings playing Halo 3. Not that you would understand.
Please don’t give my number to prospective brides until I say I’m ready.
To: rajesh.koothrappali@caltech.edu
From: jkoothrappali@indiatimes.com
Subject: Re: Re: Proposals
Dear Raj,
Mummy here. Please don’t be angry with Papa’s marriage proposals, he means well. When he was your age, you were already two years old, hai na?* We’re both getting old. Can a mother not dream of holding her grandchildren before she’s taken to the next life?
Last week I googled Doogie Howser and was shocked - he’s so old now. I saw his new show on Star World - he will not get a good wife as that shameless Barney character. He should have stayed as Doogie only.
*translation - isn’t it?
To: jkoothrappali@indiatimes.com
From: rajesh.koothrappali@caltech.edu
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Proposals
Hi mummy, I’m not angry with Papa, I just don’t have time for women, you know? I have to teach and work. It takes all my energy just to do that, let alone communicate with women. Mummy, women these days are scary. Keep watching How I Met Your Mother (Doogie’s show) and see how Robin and Lily act - you’ll understand.
Doogie isn’t like Barney in real life. He’s actually a really nice guy who’s living happily with his “friend” David. So he isn’t really looking for a wife anyway.