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Dec 07, 2008 21:41

Well, it's been seven days since the end of National Novel Writing Month 2008, and I might almost be back to normal. I need to beg your indulgence for a moment, however:

Sorry, but I just have to crow a bit )

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Comments 13

kryssa_girl December 8 2008, 04:38:47 UTC
Yay, Roku! *tosses the confetti and lets the trumpets play* I knew you'd be able to make that final sprint to the finish line. I can see you hunched over the keyboard, making it smoke at a screamingly quick 30 wpm.

So you know what this means, right? You're the closest of the Seishi sisters to actually getting published. (o_O Doesn't that seem mind-boggling, in a very positive sort of way?) So you better hurry up and do so. I demand that house on Orcas Island to be purchased post-haste!

I still want to hear the Twilight rant, by the way. I miss the sound of your melodic voice, saying something on the lines of, 'Those stupid S.O.B's wouldn't know a real plot-line if it came up and bit them in their ball-point pens!' ... or something like that. ^_~ Anyway, congrats again and I can't wait to hear from you.


roku_kyu December 8 2008, 04:58:20 UTC
Ah, Kris-chan, always so positive! What you should say is that I'm the closest of the seishi sisters to start collecting a wallful of rejection notices. :P ( ... )


banditscribe December 8 2008, 04:45:04 UTC
Yay, I get to be the first comment to offer congratulations on winning NaNoWriMo! :D:D That's a huge accomplishment in itself, but it's even more exciting and impressive to hear you've finished your first rough draft of 'Standing Mute'! *cheers* Way to go!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Hey, where did that post come from? I could have sworn I was the first to say congrats! *laughs heartily*


roku_kyu December 8 2008, 05:04:32 UTC
That's okay, KL--the congratulations are very much appreciated, first or second!

I think the most important thing about NaNo this year was that after three attempts at this contest, I -finally- got the message and just banged away at my keyboard (at yes, 30 wpm) with my edit function firmly in "off" mode. I don't know how many times I started asking myself, "Is this scene important enough, or is it just cute dialogue? Does it advance the plot, or slow it down?" --but each and every time, the spirit of NaNo said "Fug it! Just write it anyway and cut it later!" If I can keep to this credo, I may even be able to update my fanfics sometime soon. - -;

Anyway, thanks again for taking time out of your busy life to send me congratulations and encouragement!


banditscribe December 8 2008, 17:22:35 UTC
"Fug it! Just write it anyway and cut it later!" If I can keep to this credo, I may even be able to update my fanfics sometime soon. - -;

I hear ya. As you know, this is a gigantic challenge for me- and I'm still struggling with that particular demon. ^_^;;

Anyway, thanks again for taking time out of your busy life to send me congratulations and encouragement!

You're very welcome! It was my pleasure!! ^___^

P.S. I'll eat green eggs, but there's no way I'm touching green ham. lol XD


nekonezumi December 8 2008, 13:23:46 UTC
Sometime in the near future...

Oprah: Well, Roku, let me know about this remarkable Hugo Award-winning book of yours. Is it true that you wrote the last 50,000 words in Just One Month??

Roku: That's right. November is National Novel Writing Month, and the goal is always 50,000 words.

Oprah: Wow. I hear that, in particular, it was the support of your friends that encouraged you to achieve that goal. What was it specifically that they would say to you that made such an impression, inspired such devil-may-care determination??

Roku: *nostalgically* How well I remember it. I believe it was one particular limerick that really made me go for the prize.

Oprah: ....Oh, a limerick? XD;;

Roku: Ah yes...

Oprah: Really.

Roku: "There was a half-mutant named Taz / Who probably had a nice azz." *staring wistfully into the distance* Yes. THAT....that made the fires ignite beneath me. After reading that, I knew I had no choice but to just go until I hit the end. And, by god, I did it.

Oprah: ........

Roku: There was also the time ( ... )


roku_kyu December 8 2008, 13:41:08 UTC
Do you know what the scariest thing is about your little skit? The fact that I can clearly hear the "Oprah" tone of voice and see that "I think you're nucking futs" expression she often wears. Now see what you've done: instead of getting on my editing, I'm going to rush back to my NaNoWriMo page to copy out and memorize all the lines of that limerick! Damn!

Thanks for the words of praise. I couldn't'a done without ya, bud!

As for my salt-and-pepper shaker penguins: yes, those were an indulgence for the Sequel at my shopping mecca, Le Tarzhay. Not for us the hallowed halls of Macy's, wherein lie Waterford crystal pepper mills--We demand penguins, by God!


kryssa_girl December 8 2008, 22:25:10 UTC
... You actually wrote a dirty limerick? Why don't I hear about fun stuff like that?

I knew we'd make you one of us - as in, a woman who can't keep her mind out of the gutter and away from the keyboard. :D


alcathradiel December 8 2008, 15:11:58 UTC
Whee, NaNoWriMo.

I'm no writer, but I instead spent the month slaving over final projects, most of which are due tomorrow.



roku_kyu December 8 2008, 17:13:17 UTC
Well, you may not be a writer, but you're a very talented artist, something that is far out of my reach. ^^ So best of luck, but you'll probably ace all those projects anyway.


alcathradiel December 10 2008, 13:44:43 UTC
I can hope. Oddly, my best class so far seems to be English.

I write a mean essay, but creative writing? Not so much. I'd rather draw purty pictures. :D


jyuneen December 9 2008, 06:27:22 UTC
Congratulations on winning NaNoWriMo! *applauds loudly*

Your post made my day totally better when you wrote this in one of your comments.

Enough of Twilight! That crap is...crap!

THANK YOU!!! A person who understands! If I hear one more fangirl going on and on about Edward whatshisface and how he's a friggin gentleman yada yada yada, I'm going to bloody scream. I'm all for supporting dead fictional characters in books, but heck, I'm just not that fond of Edward. And the writing gets really long and wordy after a while.

Gimme Neil Gaiman anyway. *nods*

Or roku kyu with Hidden Paths. *winks*

Take care!


roku_kyu December 10 2008, 04:52:20 UTC
Ah, you are always so nice to me...although it's best not to get me going on another "Twilight" rant. There's nothing that ~should~ get me foaming at the mouth over this novel series: it's nothing worse than a b-flat Harlequin type, typical "Male-With-All-The-Power" romance that happened to hit a chord with young teen girls around the world. Really, I'm all for getting young people to celebrate the power of the printed word, so it must be overexposure that makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Not to mention, I generally avoid reading those types of romances, because I ~know~ I'm not the target audience, and I don't generally enjoy the uber-predictable plots (or lack thereof), but I tried to read the first novel for the sake of bonding with my daughter. That's what set me off--reading that dreadfully overblown, beginning fanfic-writer-level prose--then realizing it came from a woman WHO WAS A BLOODY ENGLISH MAJOR!! If ~anyone~ should know that a man's (or vampire's) arms can't be "scintillating", it should be an English ( ... )


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