LJ Idol, Prompt 5: “Kuchisabishii” (lonely mouth)

Apr 02, 2022 01:00

Apologies to “Queen” for using We Will Rock You as my inspiration for this! Enjoy!


Tummy, don’t you lie, make some small noise,
Gimme a reason to be in the fridge again.
I’ve got jam on my face, Pocky by the case,
Enlarging my arse by snacking in place.

My mouth is lonely, so I’ll nom you - CRUNCH!
It’s so lonely, so I’ll nom you - MUNCH!

Mindlessly I snack on greasy chips and dip,
Platters with crackers and cheese once again.
Smudged chocolate on my face, sodas by the case,
Spreading my crumbs all over the place.

My mouth is lonely, so I’ll nom you - CRUNCH!
It’s so lonely, so I’ll nom you - MUNCH!

Tummy, you’re distended, hard as a rock.
My snacking has gone on for long enough.
I’d better stop right now, I’m such a cow,
I’ve gained twenty pounds, and don’t know how!

My mouth is lonely, so I’ll nom you - CRUNCH!
It’s so lonely, so I’ll nom you - MUNCH!

(Repeat ad nauseum)

music, lj_idol, food, fandom

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