The strategic priority of a social state is progressive development of the community (society). Constitutional rights for good living standards, personal fulfillment (creation) and - for the use of natural resources - must be the triune basis of such a state. The word "triune" means that one cannot have the necessary and sufficient effect without the second and the third. Of course, all these rights must represent not only a political declaration, but their implementation must be backed up by financial and economic instruments created on the principles of financial democracy. The "right for good living standards" notion means that each member of the society must a priori (by the fact of birth) be backed up by the basic standard of life in accordance with the level of the current economic development of the state. Only with this standard of life the man can get rid of his perennial fear of dying from hunger for the absence of money. People will get a chance to think better and more thoroughly about the choice of their profession, but this is beneficial for the universal and economic development because each man will get a chance to fulfill himself in the area where his vocation lies. It is only in this case that he can be most efficient and in demand and be satisfied by his activities.
The constitutional right for self-fulfillment, for the creation logically comes from what is said above. In a nutshell, the right for progressive development. Human life cannot be efficient without implementation of natural aspiration for new horizons. Nature has inbuilt in people their internal incentives for progressive development (the creative potential), but they lack necessary external financial and economic conditions for such development. Under the current artificial limitations all efforts are often wasted to solve a purely down to earth task to feed himself and his family (ref.
The World of Upturned Values). The fact that "the right for self-fulfillment, creation" is not prescribed in any constitution of any country of the world is nonsense, which can only be explained by a full dislocation of the social mind. It is the modern system of values which is aimed at business that impresses on many people that life is only worth living for consumption, not for creation.
Of course, each person must have the right to use his country’s natural resources to have the right for good living standards as well as for the implementation of his creative potential. And although Russia’s key law, the constitution, says that natural resources belong to the people, common citizens do not have financial or economic instruments to exercise the right. Financial corporations (which have credits) and state corrupted apparatus of bureaucrats, which issues permits for the use of natural resources often for bribes. In fact it means that bankers and bureaucrats actually manage natural resources of our country, while the constitution is a mere (not backed up by assets) declaration.
Money is of the key role here. It is necessary we realize that we receive riches of the country which are already ours in accordance with the constitution for money (as debt). It happens because the very principle of emission (сreation) of new international money (and of our internal money, which is tightly, by law linked with international money, accordingly) is of a debt character. The new money is in fact new debts of the society to the financial system. Тhis principle of distribution of benefits is in fact the highest injustice of the modern world. It creates an impression that not only common citizens, but also many leading politicians do not realize that it is the current financial system that propels states to systemic crises that are fraught with internal and external military conflicts.
It is necessary we change our attitude towards money drastically, i.e. change the very essence of money to break this situation which is fatal for the human society. It must turn from the prohibition and restriction factor into an incentive for the progressive development of the state and the society.
Money is the information and payment instrument to unify relative units of trade through a digital technologies method. In other words, money is digital information about the necessity оf a material embodiment of human’s creative idea.
If we change the notion of modern money this way, a natural need will arise to make the financial system more democratic (ref.
Financial Democracy). To this end it is necessary to upturn the very principle of financial flows movement. Initially money must move not from banks to the society but vice versa from the society to banks. Banks must only have a purely technical role, like commuter servers (knots) after having changed from a system of exploitation of the society into a system of public service. Monetary supply must be tied to the number of people by splitting it into significantly different flows - investment and consumer flows. It is realistic to implement all this via modern digital technologies by creating bearer’s investment and social (consumer) electronic accounts (ref.
Financial Democracy in Action, V.Yurovitsky
"Moneymaia for Everyone"). Social (consumer) accounts are the financial provision of the constitutional right of citizens for good living standards. Accordingly, bearer’s investment accounts
are the financial provision of the constitutional right of a citizen for self-fulfillment, сreation.
Leading politicians call our country a social state from different high rostrums. Our country of course has some features of a social state. But there is a serious difference between the notions of "have features" and "be". For example: a bog has some traces of a river, such as water, the bottom and shore, however, a bog is not a river, as it flows nowhere. Conventional wisdom says: "In for a penny, in for a pound", and if we really want to become an enlightened people of a social state, it is high time we stop being silent and wait for benefits to be sent to us from above. The century of digital information technologies produces leverages, which we do not yet fully realize. We can turn social networks into virtual rostrums of public opinion, if we want.
We already have our legal constitutional rights, and we can and must insist on their material implementation. We have all political reasons to demand that a new chapter be included into the constitution - the right for self-fulfillment, сreation. No financial and economic conditions for the progressive development of the society will be created without this right.
It is time we stop sit around and wait indefinitely, it is time we act. We can start the process of creating the YSSR (Your Social State With Rights). Literally created with our own hands. It is enough if you show your civil position on your own covers in social networks.