Who: Roscoe, Axel, Prank
When: After
Roscoe’s errand/adventure with the skunkWhere: Axel’s apartment
Roscoe stands at the door of Axel’s apartment and knocks hesitantly. He gave himself a thorough scrubbing with both soap and tomato juice after getting skunked -- he hadn’t been allowed back in the house until he did -- but there’s still a faint aroma of skunk stink following him. Never mind, at least he’s out of the house and acting mostly normal again.
He’s carrying a bag of goodies for Axel: a package of Oreos and a carton of milk. If he was a socially aware woman, they’d probably be all nicely laid out in a basket in a pleasing visual presentation with fancy cloth napkins or something, but that never occurred to him, so Axel has to be content with yummies packed in a plastic bag. Well, it’s the thought that counts.
He is a bit nervous, not knowing if Axel is home and not even certain he lives here; Mick gave him directions, but he got lost for a while. He’s been spazzy lately. And he’s afraid of how Axel will look at him and talk to him after his stint in the psych ward -- it wasn’t his finest hour, and he fears the kid will treat him like a pathetic nutjob. Which perhaps he is, but nobody wants to be treated that way.