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Comments 15

miss_nightowl December 18 2006, 12:27:15 UTC
Hmm, I have absolutely no idea what this movie is about, but I´ve agreed to go and see it nonetheless.
I don´t really expect to be over the moon about it though.


roguem December 29 2006, 09:34:18 UTC
Fekk du sett den? Kva syns du?

Den er jo retta mot LOTR og Harry Potter fans med tanke på innholdet, men eg syns ikkje den holdt seg godt nok.


va_ronin December 18 2006, 13:08:54 UTC
Yea I was all set to see it until two trusted sources said it was only so-so. I guess now with your review that makes it three trusted sources. One of my BIGGEST movie pet-peeves is a fight scene that's filmed horribly.


roguem December 29 2006, 09:36:20 UTC
So you stayed away?
I didn't expect much... if the trailer got you exited there might be something there for you. The trailer didn't impress me.

The fight scenes weren't horrible. There were just some parts of them where they had close ups and it was impossible to see who was getting the most hits in.


fresco_senorita December 18 2006, 14:59:10 UTC
I'm surprised that this film isn't doing so hot. It seemed to have a huge reaction from everyone. Now I'm not sure I want to see it in theatres. I think I might just download it.


roguem December 29 2006, 09:37:19 UTC
Well I was never that hyped to see it, and the trailer confirmed that for me. I'm sure there are people who will like it.


ladywolf_ December 18 2006, 16:08:11 UTC
Jeg likte den.. I mine øyne var feilen at den var for kort, og at de virket litt som de hadde hastet seg gjennom storyen.. Jeg har hatt lyst til å lese bøkene en stund, og kommer nok til å gjøre det, men det er ikke så mye filmens fortjeneste som det faktumet at jeg sluker fantasy og eventyr bøker.

Hvis de lager en baby saphira bamse så skal jeg ha en... :) skjønneste..


roguem December 29 2006, 09:40:33 UTC
Eg følte og at dei kjørte igjennom historien veldig fort. For meg føles det og som om handliga skjedde i løpet av ei veke, eg reknar med at det er fleire månader i boka.

Eg liker veldig godt fantasy eg og, men så er det jo og det at eg er blitt meir kritisk til ting etter film skulen. Litt kjipt.
Ikkje at eg trur eg hadde vert overbegeistra for denne filmen uansett.

Den var bare herlig.


(The comment has been removed)

roguem December 29 2006, 09:43:24 UTC
Star Wars too? Hadn't thought about that. Thought considering Eragon was left with his uncle I'm thinking the parent will pop up again at some point.
I have no clue, haven't read the books, but I guess when a 15 year old writes them he's bound to get inspiration from other big things.

I didn't think he was horrible, but he wasn't great either. I kind of suck at judging that stuff unless it's blatantly obvious. As for now I can't really see a shining carrere in his future.


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