Supernatural 122: Devil's Trap - Review with pictures

Sep 21, 2006 16:25

Seing as season 2 isn't far away now, it might be a handy recap for those gearing up for the long awaited second season. Enjoy! :D
Finally time for the Devil's Trap review. You can find the Salvation review HERE if you missed it.
To make things clear, regular style is recap and italics are my thoughts. Dial uppers be warned.

Come on people! We all know what happened, and if you don't, check out the Salvation review HERE.

And now to the exiting conclusion!!
Dean is frantically trying to get a hold of John on the phone, but Meg answers the phone, saying that they'll never see him again.


Meg: You boys really screwed up this time.
Dean: Where is he?
Meg: You're never gonna see your father again.


Dean is caught off guard by this news, and tells Sammy what's happened.


Dean hurries up and starts packing their things, informing Sam that they have to get out of there, because the Demon is surely coming and they’re not ready to face it.


Sam is worried that Meg isn’t offering a trade and that John has been killed. Dean doesn't want to hear that John might be dead.


He does however see that they need help and they go to get some help from Bobby, a friend of the family. 
I love this opening scene. Dean is frantically trying to figure out what their next step should be. He knows they're not ready to face this thing on their own, so they go to get help. Considering the last episode killed off two of the people who usually help them it was nice to see someone made it out alive. Was cool to see another hunter and how he works.


Sam goes through Bobby's books, while Dean shares a drink with him. Bobby warns that the amount of demonic possessions are up and trouble is brewing.


Sam: And these, uh, these protective circles, they really work?
Bobby: Hell yeah, you get a demon in one, they're trapped, powerless. It's like a satanic roach motel.

They’re interrupted by Bobby’s dog barking. They have a quick look outside to see the dog is gone.


Am I the only one worried about what happened to the dog?
Shortly after Meg barges in. Dean tries to fend her off, but she tosses him aside and demands the Colt. 



Love the fact that Dean charges ahead to attack her like he has a chance.


Sam and Bobby back up trying to get away from her, when they stop, Dean shows up to inform her that she’s now standing beneath a demon trap, painted on the ceiling.


Meg: I swear, after everything I heard about you Winchesters, I gotta tell you! I'm a little underwhelmed. First, Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun and then he leaves the real gun with you two chuckleheads. Lackluster, man. I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you?
Dean: Actually, we were counting on it.


Dean: Gotcha.
Loved the whole thing. And when Dean came around the corner, and sait 'Gotcha', that was awesome!!!

The boys have tied Meg to a chair and are trying to get answers from her.


Meg: You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask.

Bobby joins them in the room, he's been busy salting all the entrances while the boys tied up Meg. Dean starts to question Meg about John, while Bobby and Sam watch.



Dean: Where’s our father, Meg?

Meg: You didn’t ask very nice.

Dean: Where’s our father, bitch?
Meg: Jeez, you kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh I forgot, you don't.

Meg refuses to give up information on John, insisting that he is dead. 



Dean looses his temper and hits her.
I'm so happy he hit her. Now, I'm not a fan of guys hitting girls, but ever since Meg showed up in 'Scarecrow' I've wanted Dean to hit her. After 'Shadow' I wanted him to use a shovel to hit her in the face, but this'll do nicely.


Meg: That's kind of a turn-on, you hitting a girl.
Dean: You're no girl.


Bobby pulls them aside and tells them that Meg is in fact a girl, she’s possessed, and they can’t harm Meg for fear of harming the host. 



Dean: Are you trying to tell me there's an innocent girls trapped somewhere in there? That's actually good news.

Now they have a weapon against her. The brothers start an exorcism.


See, Dean is smart. So BAH! to all you haters. He figured out that an exorcism would be the way to get Meg talking.
However I can't blame her for trying to keep secrets because Dean looks incredibly hot when he's angry, but she can only stand it for so long...
I could go on forever about this scene, but I wont... unless you want me to.


Meg: An exorcism. Are you serious?
Dean: Oh, we're going for it, baby. Head spinning, projectile vomiting, the whole nine yards.


It starts to have an effect.


Meg: I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna rip the bones from your body!

Dean: No, you're gonna burn in hell, unless you tell us where our dad is.... well, at least you'll get a nice tan.

After a while she starts to show that she's in pain and the exorcism is taking effect. Meg keeps insisting John is dead, but Dean doesn’t believe her.


Meg: He begged for his life with tears in his eyes. He begged to see his sons one last time, that's when I slit his throat.
Dean: For your sake, I hope you're lying. Cause if it's true, I swear to God I will march into hell myself, and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches, so help me God!



Dean: Where is he?
Meg: You just won't take 'dead' for an answer, will you?
Dean: Where is he?
Meg: Dead!
Dean: No, he's not! He is not dead! He can't be!



Dean urges Sam to continue the exorcism, Meg is not saying anything, but finally she cracks.


Meg finally breaks, telling them John is alive. The boys ask her a bunch of questions, but all she knows is that John is being held in a building in Jefferson City, and that he will die.  Dean sees that they won't get any more information out of her.

Dean: Finish it!
Meg: What? I told you the truth!
Dean: I don't care.

Meg: You son of a bitch, you promised!
Dean: I lied!


Dean orders Sam to finish the exorcism, but Sam is reluctant. Especially when Bobby warns them that if the demon is exorcised, Meg will die from the injuries she got when she fell from the building (in “Shadows”). Dean insists saying that they have to save the real Meg from more suffering. Sam is reluctant, but does what Dean says and finishes the exorcism.


I couldn't have been the only one yelling 'finish it!' at the screen when Sam hesitates. Seriously, if I were Meg, i'd rather die than keep living like that. Even though this can be seen as a kind of scary side of Dean I think he did the right thing.
Also, this scene shows how much power Dean can have over Sam. Sam didn't really want to finish it, but Dean made him. Sam easily lets Dean take charge in high pressure situations.


Meg appears to be dead, but suddenly she pulls a ragged breat, she is barely alive, but she manages to thank them. 
The boys help her off the chair and onto the floor, while Bobby calls for an ambulance and gets water and blankets for her.


She tells them that she’s been possessed for a year. Dean is desperate and asks if the demon was telling the truth about John, she assures them the demon was telling the truth and there are other demons holding their father. She manages to say "sunrise” before she dies.
That look on Dean's face when Meg dies... poor boy. He had to do it, he had to get the information about his father and set Meg free, but it wasn't easy on him.



Bobby urges the boys to get moving and find John. The boys worry about what'll happen to Bobby, but he assures them he'll be fine.

Bobby: You think you guys invented lying to the cops. I’ll figure something out.

Bobby gives Sam one of his books, containing numerous spells and such to contain demons and the like. The boys head out for Jefferson City, leaving Bobby to clean up. 



The boys arrive in Jefferson City and start getting ready to find John. Sam is looking through the books Bobby gave him, while Dean is checking the weapons.
Sam uses the book and draws a “devil’s trap” on the Impala’s trunk so they can hide the Colt there and no demons can access it. Dean freaks out a bit when he sees Sam drawing on his car.
Lol, the fact that the car is so dirty that Sam has to clean up the parts where he's drawing doesn't seem to bother Dean at all. Gotta love it when he checks if the writing can be wiped off. Is it bad that I want those symbols painted on the trunk of my car?


Dean: Dude, what are you drawing on my car?!

Sam: It's called a devil's trap. Demons can't get through it or inside it.

Dean: So?!

Sam: Basically turns the trunk into a lock box.
Dean: So?!
Sam: So, we have a place to hide the colt while we go get dad.

When Sam shares this bit of informatin Dean insists that they bring it with them to save John, Sam argues they can’t bring the gun, as they only have three bullets left. Dean is not happy, saying that they have to save John, to which Sam replies that John wouldn't want them to bring the gun. At this point Dean is so focused on getting John he says he doesn't care. They argue, Sam saying that he and John want to kill the demon, that that's what counts.


Dean: Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike that I thought, you know that? You both can't wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing, but you know what, I'm gonna be the one to bury you!

Even though what Dean says is true, it's also kind of ironic considering that Dean is always the first one to sacrifice himself to protect Sam and the potential victims in the other episodes.
Sam eventually manages to convince Dean to leave the Colt in the trunk of the car, Dean is not happy about it.


They go in to the river in Jefferson City and after some field work they stumble upon “Sunrise Apartments". They see that it's filled with innocent people and potential victims, and that the demons have the upper hand by knowing what the Winchesters look like while the demons can look like anybody.

Dean Winchester: This sucks out loud.
Sam Winchester: Yeah, tell me about it.

They decide to pull the fire alarm, which will give them seven minutes before the fire department arrives. Sam pulls the alarm, and all the people evacuate the building. However in one appartment there is a demon couple, and they have John tied to a bed. 


Dean creates a diversion giving Sam the chance to break into the fire truck and get some uniforms so they can enter the house disguised as firefighters.

Dean: What's happening? Is there a fire?
Firefighter: Sir, you have to stand back.
Dean: Well, I got a yorkie upstairs and he pees when he's nervous.

Lol, yeah, sure Dean. The fireman will believe that YOU own a yorkie!



Dean: I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.
Sam: What? You never told me that!

Come on Sam, you don't have to know everything about him. Though if you're desperate try finding his journal.
Does it amuse anyone else that our little Pyromaniac Winchester wanted to be a fireman?

They find the right apartment by using Dean's EMF metre and break in, spraying the demons with holy water. They manage to toss the demons in a closet, then salt the door to keep them trapped. 
When they finally find John, he's out cold. Dean checks if he's breathing, happy to discover that he's alive. Dean starts untying him, but Sam stops him, saying that they have to check if he's been posessed. Sam throws some holy water on him, John awkes a bit confused as to why Sam is throwing water on him, the boys have the proof they need that he's still their dad.


I had to post that picture of Dean ripping his uniform off, not that any of you mind, now do you?



Yay, daddy's alive. I'm glad Sam wanted to make sure he was still John though. Dean was just so happy to have found John alive that he didn't stop to think, he even seemed kind of offended when Sam wanted to check. Anyway, I was very happy that they found John alive, and I hope he'll stay that way.
Outside the building a bystander and a firefighter are possessed. They make their way up to the appartement and barge in with the intent of stopping Dean and Sam who are just coming out of the bedroom carrying John. The boys double back into the bedroom locking the door behind them, and salting the doorway. The demons take an axe to the door, so the boys sneak John out via the fire escape, salting the window as they go. just as the demons hack through the door.
The boys manage to get their father out of the building, Sam walks ahead to check if the coast is clear while Dean is helping John. Suddenly Sam is jumped by MaleMeg and gets a serious pounding. Dean tries getting him off Sam by kicking himin the face, but that doesn't work and MaleMeg just sends him flying into the nearest car and continues beating Sam. 



However it turns out that Dean brought the Colt with him, and he uses it to shoot MaleMeg in the head to save Sam.


However much I hate anybody that will threaten the Winchesters, MaleMeg had the makings of an awesome villain. I was kind of sad to see him go, for some reason he reminded me of Caleb from Buffy, who is my fave Buffy-villain. That, and I will also forever love him for shooting Meg in 'Salvation', that moment had me cheering. So byebye MaleMeg, we hardly knew thee.
Dean hurries over to see how Sam, is doing and makes him get up. They hurry on to get John and get out of there.



Poor Dean, he does regret having to shoot MaleMeg, but he didn't have a choice. It was either that or watch his brother die, and with those odds it was an easy choice, but things often look different in hindsight.
Dean and Sam manage to get John to their hideout. Sam is salting the entry ways in to the cabin while Dean checks on Johns contition. Dean asks Sam if he needs to have his face looked at, but Sam declines. 


Sam: Hey, uh, Dean? You, um...You saved my life back there.
Dean: So I guess you're glad I brought the gun, huh?
Sam: Man, I'm trying to thank you here.
Dean: You're welcome.

Dean is worried, he considers the fact he isn’t hesitating at harming people who are possessed.


Dean: You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there.
Sam: You didn't have a choice, Dean.
Dean: Yeah, I know, that's not what bothers me.
Sam: Then what does?
Dean: Killing that guy, killing Meg - I didn't hesitate, I didn't even flinch. For you or Dad, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just, scares me sometimes.

John enters the room and thanks Dean, pointing out Sam and John can get obsessed in their war against the demon. Dean is taken a little off guard by this, but John continues, saying  that Dean is the one who’s always watched out for the family,  and he did the right thing by shooting MaleMeg. 



I feel so sorry for Dean here, things have finally calmed down, he has his father back, and now the reality of it all hits him. He did the right things, but it's still not an easy thing to have to carry with you, especially considering that there were people that got hurt in the process. It's also hard that Dean's reaction to John's words is suprise, I am pro John, I like him, but that one still got me.
Just  then a storm whips up and they realize the demon is coming. John orders Sam to check that he's salted every entryway, and tells Dean to give him the Colt.


John demands the gun again, but Dean hesitates. John tells Dean again to give him the gun, but Dean has realized that there's something wrong with John, as he’d never thank him for wasting a bullet. 



Dean: He'd be furious
John: What!?
Dean: That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn't be proud of me, he'd tear me a new one. You're not my dad.

Dean aims the Colt at John. John tries to convince Dean that he really is John, but Dean's not having any of it. Sam comes in and is suprised to see what’s going on. Dean and John tries to conivince Sam ther's something wrong with the other one. Sam sides with Dean, because he knows that Dean would never point a gun at John unless he was sure something was wrong. 


How sad is it that this is how Dean understands that there's something wrong with John? His father doesn't yell at him, so something must be wrong. Okay, I understand that John would be mad about having one less bullet, I do, but this is still sad. I like John, and the Demon was right about one thing... both John and Sam become blind to other things when it concers the Demon. Dean knows this, and that's how he knew something was up with John.


John insists Dean should shoot him if he's so sure, doing a very good impression of Sam's puppy look. Dean hesitates, he doesn't want to shoot his father.


Dean still doesn't lower the gun though, and this makes the Demon reveal that he's possessed John, and telekinetically pushes them into the walls. Dean drops the Colt in the process.



The Demon takes the Colt. The boys understand that this is The Demon. This is what they've been looking for all these years.


Sam Winchester: But, the holy water?
DemonJohn: You think something like that works on something like me?



Sam Winchester: I'm gonna kill you!
DemonJohn: Oh, that'd be a neat trick. In fact, make the gun float to you there, psychic boy.

The Demon taunts them, saying how he could have killed them anytime he wanted to. The Demon tells them that John is aware and inside of his possessed body, turning his attention to Dean.


DemonJohn: Your dad, he's in here with me. Trapped inside his own meat suit. He says "hi" by the way. He's gonna tear you apart. He's gonna taste the iron in your blood.
Dean Winchester: Let him go. Or, I swear to God...
DemonJohn: What? What are you and God gonna do? You see, as far as I'm concerned, this is justice. You know that little exorcism of yours? That was my daughter.
Dean Winchester: Who? Meg?
DemonJohn: The one in the alley? That was my boy. You understand?
Dean Winchester: You gotta be kidding me.
DemonJohn: What? You're the only one that can have a family? You destroyed my children. How would you feel if I killed your family? Oh, that's right. I forgot. I did. Still, two wrongs don't make a right.
Dean Winchester: You son of a bitch.


Sam Winchester: I wanna know why. Why'd you do it?
DemonJohn: You mean, why did I kill Mommy and pretty, little Jess?
Sam Winchester: Yeah. 


The Demon doesn't answer straight away, but tells Dean that Sam was going to propose to Jess, that he'd even been looking for rings. Then he tells Sam that Mary and Jess got in the way of his plans for Sam and all the children like him.


Dean knows that Sam already has enough guilt about Mary and Jess' deaths, so he snaps into 'protective big brother mode' and mocks the Demon, calling its attention away from Sam.


There you go again Dean, sacrificing yourself for Sam. Dean does this a lot, he wants Sam to be safe, or as safe as he can be under the circumstances. 
I hate what the Demon is doing to the boys here. This must be hard for both of them, seing the thing they've hunted for all these years infesting their father and using him to taunt them. Must say I think it's harder for Dean though, he is more offended by the violation. It's kind of like when you're a kid and find out that your parents aren't invincible.

Dean Winchester: Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Cause I really can't stand the monologueing.
DemonJohn: Funny. But that's all part of your M.O. isn't it? Mask all that nasty pain. Mask the truth.
Dean Winchester: Oh, yeah? What's that?
DemonJohn: You know, you fight and you fight for this family. But the truth is, they don't need you. Not like you need them. Sam - he's clearly John's favourite. Even when they fight, it's more concern than he's ever shown you.
Dean Winchester: I bet you're real proud of your kids too, huh? Oh, wait. I forgot. I wasted 'em. 


Dean took the joke to far. The demon tortures him, bleeding him. Dean is in serious pain, and Sam can't do anything but watch. Dean is begging John not to let the Demon kill him, which just makes the Demon intensify the pain. 



Sam is desperate and tries to tap into his telekinesis so he can get the gun, but he can't. The Demon is still torturing Dean.



Dean: Dad, please.

The Demon pushes on, and Dean looses consciousness. Somehow John gains control, trying to stop the demon from killing Dean.


This scene killed me. Great acting work from Jensen. Sam's desperate attempt to tap into his telekinesis so he can get the gun, John fighting to break the Demons hold on him long enough to give the boys a chance, and Dean begging his father not to let the Demon kill him.
This brings me to a point about John. There are some who are convinced that John doesn't care about the boys, that they're noting more to him than soldiers. However, he would never have managed to break the Demon's hold even for a second if he didn't love the boys, no chance in hell. And the pained expression on his face for the short time he does manage to break through speaks volumes.


John has control long enough for Sam to get free, grab the Colt, and shot John in the leg. Both John and Dean fall to the ground.




Dean wakes up, and Sam runs to check on him. John is unconscious. Dean asks for John and Sam tells him that he's right there. Dean makes Sam go check on John.



John suddenly awakes, telling Sam that the demon is still inside him, and demanding Sam to shoot him in the heart. But a barely conscious Dean begs him not to. Sam hesitates and the black cloud emerges from John and passes through the floorboards. 



I'm so glad that Sam didn't shoot John. They'll all have a lot of remorse and angst following all this, but it would have been worse if Sam had actually shoot him. I'm sure Dean would have never forgiven him and that would have been the end of the show right there. I think for John what will be bothering him is how the Demon used him and violated his family yet again, now how he voices that in the coming episodes will be interresting to see.
Sam is left stunned but what he's just witnessed. Dean is relieved his father is still alive, and John is dissapointed that the Demon got away.



They've gotten into the Implana and are driving to the hospital. Sam explains that they're only 10 minutes away, and urges John and Dean to hold on. 



John: I'm surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn't you kill it. I thought we saw eye to eye on this; killing this demon comes first, before me, before everything.
Sam: No, sir, not before everything.

Sam starts explainting that they can start over, they still have have the Colt and a bullet left. His argumentations are cut short when a semi broadsides them and runs them off the road. 


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Dean already looked half dead, how is he going to survive this!?!
A possessed driver sits behind the wheel of the semi as the Winchesters lie mortally wounded. 




And this was the part where I sat nearly hyperventilating for who knows how long. Never before has a season finale or anything on TV had this affect on me.
I was just happy to know there'd be a second season.

Please keep your comments season 2 spoiler free. Thank you.

bobby, sam winchester, dean winchester, devil's trap, meg, john winchester, supernatural

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