Medium-sized List of Fics

Feb 15, 2003 16:39

Finally sat down and made The List. All stories are gen unless specifically stated otherwise (with a / between character names), although if you choose to read them with het- or slash-goggles, I say go for it. I always try to update this list after posting a new fic, but for the record, you can always find my newest fics under the fic: all tag.

WARNINGS POLICY: To put it shortly, I have yet to write any fics that I think require any warnings: no special kinks, no violence, no major character deaths. If you stumble upon anything that you think might be triggering, please let me know and I'll mark it down. If in the future I write something that I think needs a warning, I'll mark it and change this message to incorporate that. In general, I prefer keeping things like character deaths a surprise with no warnings in advance -- but until I actually write that fic, it's a moot point.

American Idol RPF | Bible/Bible-based | Discworld | Firefly | Harry Potter | House MD | Scrubs | Sports Night | Stargate | Star Trek XI | West Wing | Other Fandoms | Audiofics

Updated: April 1st 2010

American Idol RPF

The One With Adam's Nearly Royal Pain
(PG-13, ~2400 words, Adam/Kris)
Summary: Prince Kristopher goes hunting, and comes back with a pet. Adam does not particularly approve. Royal Court AU (18th century...ish), written for the prompt: "royal hunt".

(G, ~1200 words, Kradison, gen)
Summary: sick!Kris, sick!Adam, utter pointless schmoop. Following the Bridgeport concert where Kris was too sick to perform.

That's Right, You're Not From Texas (Friday Night Lights crossover)
(G, ~4400 words, Kris, Adam, FNL ensemble, gen)
Summary: Dillon High receives a donation from, and wins a visit from Adam Lambert and Kris Allen.
Notes: This was supposed to be written as a flashfic for athenejen who requested a general crossover at the charity board. Somehow it grew to 4400 words, and yet it remains plotless.

Judge Not
(PG, ~1900 words, Paula, Simon, Randy, gen)
Summary Randy, Paula and Simon secretly go to watch the Idols Live final concert in Manchester.

Post Lambert, Ergo Propter Lambert (AI/The West Wing)
(PG-13, ~3300 words, TWW ensemble, Adam, gen)
Summary: "You know we can't do anything about it," Josh said. "The White House does not call up Good Morning America and tell them who to put on their show."
Notes: My reaction to Adam and the GMAs.

Eight Days of Lamburkkah (AI/multifandom, co-written with sabrina_il and miarr)
(PG-13, gen, ~4600 words, Adam & co)
Summary: Adam Lambert's eight days of Hanukkah, 2009.
Notes: Crossovers with Daily Show, Heroes, The Wire, Political RPF, NCIS, Generation Kill, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Sports Night.

They Come In Threes (AI/Merlin)
(R, ~12900 words, Kris/Adam)
Warnings: possible consent issues (magic spells).
Summary: Adam gets three wishes.
Notes: Written for astolat for Yuletide 2009.

Adam Chooses Rocker Over Spock, The Internet Claims
(R, ~900, Kris/Adam)
Summary: 26 letters, 26 sentences. An experiment in form.

Masquerade (fandoms in costume) -- 3 independent 1000-word ficlets written for lomedet for purimgifts 2010:
Idols in America -- American Idol/West Wing/Sports Night, Idol AU. Scenes from Sam's sendoff dinner.
A Night of Sports -- American Idol/West Wing/Sports Night, Sports Night AU. Where Cook and Margaret are BFFs, and Dana could really use a miracle.
The Whole Megillah -- American Idol, Bible AU. The Book of Esther retold, with Adam Lambert playing all the parts.

Pocketful, PG, 430 words, Kris/Danny
Japan Adam dragon, PG-13, 250 words, Kris/Adam.
A Lambert Seder, PG, 330 words, Kris/Adam.


Repeat As Necessary (Discworld, Bible)
(PG, ~500 words, Death, Gedaliah)
Summary: Gedaliah dies. Written for daysofawesome, the Jewish Characters Ficathon.

Ushpizzin (House/Bible, kinda)
(PG, ~1200 words, Wilson-centric, biblical characters)
Summary: Every year, Wilson builds a sukkah.
Notes: Written for daysofawesome.

I sayeth unto thee (Prince of Egypt)
(PG, ~2000 words, Moses, Ramases)
Summary: In Midian, Moses was a stranger in a strange land; now he is on familiar soil, but a stranger nonetheless.
Notes: Written for for yuletide '07. Thanks to queenzulu for handholding and leiascully for the beta. Also posted here at the archive.

Three Tales of Documents Found in Ancient Persia: (Scroll of Esther)
Part I: Chapter 2: 21-23
Part II: A message to the fish from a woman with no name
Part III: Two decrees from the desk of the king
(PG-13, ~3000 words)
Summary: Three short ficlets + images, written for shayheyred for the purimgifts 2008 gift exchange.

How Are the Mighty Fallen: An Instruction Manual (Heroes/Discworld)
(PG-13, ~2600 words, Matt Parkman, City Watch)
Notes: No spoilers, written for daysofawesome 2008.
Summary: There were two big differences, Matt felt, between Ankh Morpork and New York City.

By the Terebinths of Mamre part 2 (Bible/Good Omens)
(PG, ~900 words, Sarah, Abraham, Crowley, Aziraphale)
Summary: Aziraphale has many missions in Genesis. This is one.
Notes: Written for daegaer for purimgifts 2009.

Absalom, Absalom (Bible/Good Omens)
(PG-13, ~700 words, Absalom, Death)
Summary: “Well,” Absalom observed, “this is humiliating.”
Notes: Written for daegaer for purimgifts 2009.

unto the third and unto the fourth generation (Yochi Brandes' Kings III)
(PG-13, ~1300 words, Shlomam/Ithiel)
Summary: Ithiel tries not to think about Shlomam.
Notes: To miarr, and thanks to sabrina_il for the beta.

Cave (Kings)
(NC-17, ~800 words, Jack/David, futurefic)
Notes: Written for the prompt 'cave' for the Dreamwidth inaugural comment porn meme.

a time to be born (Kings)
(G, ~3000 words, Shepherd family)
Summary: Written for the anonymous prompt: “Eli, on the day David was born.”

Non Ducor Duco (Kings)
(NC-17, ~3200 words, Jack/OMC)
Summary: The first time Dan met the prince, he'd been Private Benjamin; over time, Private had turned into Cadet, which turned into Lieutenant, distant and professional. There was no room for royalty in the chain of command. Now, the honorific feels foreign and stilted in Dan's mouth.
Notes: First PWP! Written for sabrina_il's prompt, which was, very simply: "Jack cocksucking." Only in capslock. Endless thanks to thedeadparrot and hannahrorlove for patiently handholding me the whole way, and to miarr for the extra beta.

Masquerade: The Whole Megillah (American Idol, Bible AU)
(PG-13, ~1000 words)
Summary: The Book of Esther retold, with Adam Lambert playing all the parts.
Notes: Pic-fic. written for lomedet for purimgifts 2010.


Can't Stop The Turtle (Firefly/Discworld)
(PG-13, ~3900 words, entire cast)
Spoilers: Set pre-Serenity, so none.
Summary: Taking on a job commissioned by an orangutan may seem to veer from Mal's (admittedly abysmal) usual standards, but when it comes down to it, gold is gold, right?
Notes: Crack. Also, there is turtle genitalia.

Group Support (Multi-fandom)
(G, ~2700 words, BtVS, HP, Firefly, Discworld, and Many Other Surprising Guest Stars!)
Summary: Come and join a tour of our Facility! It's going to be rushed today, but you might find something (or someone) you like. Watch your step...
Notes: There is slash and there is het, and mostly there are support groups for the characters who need them.

Repeat As Necessary (Discworld, Bible)
(PG, ~500 words, Death, Gedaliah)
Summary: Gedaliah dies. Written for daysofawesome, the Jewish Characters Ficathon.

The Undiscovered Country (House/Discworld)
(PG-13, ~2000 words, Death, Amber)
Spoilers: Season 4 finale, "Wilson's Heart"
Summary: post-ep for the finale. Amber is somewhere in between.

How Are the Mighty Fallen: An Instruction Manual (Heroes/Discworld)
(PG-13, ~2600 words, Matt Parkman, City Watch)
Notes: No spoilers, written for daysofawesome 2008.
Summary: There were two big differences, Matt felt, between Ankh Morpork and New York City.

For the Want of a Goat
(G, ~1100 words, Death, Vimes)
Notes: Passover-themed.
Summary: dizabin abah bitrei zuzei, or whatever. Vimes investigates a murder.


An Old Fashioned Melody
(PG, ~700 words, entire cast)
Summary: Response to fffriday's challenge to write 100 to 1000 words about hair. I thought about hair, came up with blank, and took the prompt in a slightly different direction. Blame it on the... well, fine, you can blame it on me.

Can't Stop The Turtle (Firefly/Discworld)
(PG-13, ~3900 words, entire cast)
Spoilers: Set pre-Serenity, so none.
Summary: Taking on a job commissioned by an orangutan may seem to veer from Mal's (admittedly abysmal) usual standards, but when it comes down to it, gold is gold, right?
Notes: Crack. Also, there is turtle genitalia.

What Kind Of Week Has It Been (House MD/Firefly)
(PG-13, ~4100 words, Chase, various Firefly characters)
Spoilers: House 3.13, none for Firefly.
Summary: Chase gets abducted by space cowboys!
Notes: I was only going to write a Chaseian episode filler for 3x13 (Needle in a Haystack). It really wasn't supposed to turn out this long. Once again, this is the result of Chase getting just enough plot this season to... okay, I can't think of any thing he does have enough plot for. QED.

Group Support (Multi-fandom)
(G, ~2700 words, BtVS, HP, Firefly, Discworld, and Many Other Surprising Guest Stars!)
Summary: Come and join a tour of our Facility! It's going to be rushed today, but you might find something (or someone) you like. Watch your step...
Notes: There is slash and there is het, and mostly there are support groups for the characters who need them.

Harry Potter

Family Plagues
(PG-13, ~5000 words, Bill Weasley & bros, some Bill/Fleur)
Summary: When inside an ancient pyramid prone to curses being triggered, never let a Weasley twin out of immediate grabbing distance. Response to ten-plague challenge, set during the Weasley family's trip to Egypt in PoA.

Group Support (Multi-fandom)
(G, ~2700 words, BtVS, HP, Firefly, Discworld, and Many Other Surprising Guest Stars!)
Summary: Come and join a tour of our Facility! It's going to be rushed today, but you might find something (or someone) you like. Watch your step...
Notes: There is slash and there is het, and mostly there are support groups for the characters who need them.

Fics written for wellymuck:

Another April Fools (days 1 and 4)
(PG-13, ~4700 words, MMWP, Remus/Sirius)
Summary: “How they take it!” Sirius scoffed. “You know James won’t give a shit, and if he does, I’ll punch him into next year.” Remus and Sirius decide to come out to their friends.

Caught In The Downpour (for days 3 and 6)
(PG, ~2000 words, Remus, Sirius)
Spoilers: HBP. Set during book seven.
Summary: Remus spun around, but of course, no one was there. "Oh," he said. "It's you again." As if he could ever mistake that voice, phantom as it may be. "Go home, Sirius."
Notes: Remixed by romanticalgirl here.

Run (for day 5)
(PG, ~430 words, Sirius)
Summary: There’s something about running under the moon that’s deeper than magic.

Four Sons (for day 10)
(PG-13, ~2000 words, Sirius-centric)
Summary: The story tells us of four sons: one Wise, one Wicked, one Simple, and One Who Does Not Know How To Ask. Four scenes from 1976 and 1980. The prompt was spring cleaning.

Green Is The Color Of Spring (for day 12)
(G, ~1000 words, Remus, Sirius)
Summary: Sirius gets excited by frogspawn, and it's spring. A bit of MWPP-years fluff.

House MD

(PG-13, ~3000 words, entire cast)
Summary: Three fellows in a car crash; House isn't exactly Florence Nightingale.
Notes: Takes place sometime after Euphoria, though not a post-ep.

The One With The "British" Doctor (House/Friends)
(PG, ~5900 words, House, Wilson, Ross, Rachel)
Summary: A visit from his first ex-wife is just the beginning of a very odd day for Wilson. The number of coincidences in the universe, it appears, are staggering. Wilson POV.
Notes: The story was 100% inspired by Hugh Laurie's guest appearance on Friends, a clip of which you can (and should!) watch right here. In case you don't watch it, I'm also attaching the transcript of those two scenes.

Something to Sing About
(PG, ~1300 words, ducklings)
Summary: "The Princeton-Plainsboro Singing Sensations," Cuddy recites. "Medical Melodies. The Dancing Diagnosticians. Apparently, you're hot stuff."
Notes: Eleven song titles as the basis for a series of 100-word drabbles. Written for this housefic_pens challenge.

(PG, ~800 words, Wilson)
Spoilers: ep 3.09, Finding Judas.
Summary: After House breaks his fingers, admits he's an addict and then goes back to work, Wilson draws out a clean paper and a pen and makes a list.

The Trouble With Mutants (House/X-Men Movieverse)
(PG, ~2000 words, House, various)
Spoilers: set post X3, none for House.
Summary: The trouble with mutants, House thought, was that they weren't so much a puzzle as they were like a stumping piece of contemporary art.

In The Shadow Of Two Canes (House/West Wing)
(PG, ~800 words, House, Wilson, Jed, Abbey)
Spoilers: so tiny you won't notice them for Meaning.
Summary: They both wish the other was real. A House/West Wing crossover, except not really.

Eight Hanukkah Candles Lisa Cuddy Lit
(PG-13, 4700 words, gen, Cuddy)
Spoilers: up to Merry Little Christmas.
Summary: A holiday in eight scenes from Cuddy's life. When you're done, go read kassrachel's wonderful remix of the fic: Eight Festivals Lisa Cuddy Observed (Eight Hanukkah Candles Remix).

Thrice as Nice (House/West Wing/Ally McBeal)
(PG-13, ~3000 words, Cuddy, House, Laurie)
Summary: "What I'm trying to figure out is this: is she the evil twin because she's a hooker, or are you the evil twin because you're you? So hard to decide…"
Notes: I know I'm not the only one who watched her first episode of House and thought, "hey, isn't she from--?" Warning: one really stupid pun inside.

Three Dreams Stacy Had That Didn't Come True
(PG-13, ~4600 words, House/Stacy)
Summary: Three dreams Stacy had; three possible AUs.
Notes: Written as a response to perspi's exercise at housefic_pens, which was to write three stories using the same line of dialogue. I used vanillafluffy's prompt: "Trust me." I also took the 'exercise' opportunity to play with POVs, writing the first scene in first person, the second in second person, and the third scene in third. Beyond brilliant remix by queenzulu is here.

Just A Day
(PG-13, ~1600 words, Chase)
Spoilers: Post-ep for episode 3.12 (One Day, One Room).
Summary: What was Chase doing during One Day, One Room? An episode filler where Chase gets more than six lines.

What Kind Of Week Has It Been (House MD/Firefly)
(PG-13, ~4100 words, Chase, various Firefly characters)
Spoilers: House 3.13, none for Firefly.
Summary: Chase gets abducted by space cowboys!
Notes: I was only going to write a Chaseian episode filler for 3x13 (Needle in a Haystack). It really wasn't supposed to turn out this long. Once again, this is the result of Chase getting just enough plot this season to... okay, I can't think of any thing he does have enough plot for. QED.

Seven Deep Dark Secrets That House Could Have Had
(PG-13, 700 words, House, Wilson, Cameron; some gen, some H/W, a wee bit of H/Ch, and a teenie weenie HP crossover.)
Spoilers: Spoilers for the promo of ep 3x15, none for the actual ep.
Summary: Seven Deep Dark Secrets that might be revealed next episode, written as seven 100-word drabbles. Very, very crack.

Crack files
(R, ~1500 words, all characters)
Spoilers: None, really.
Summary: Three crack ficlets written mostly as responses to prompts. One Cameron-Cuddy dialogue, one House-Wilson gen, one House/Wilson slash.

New York Boys, Jersey Girls (House/Sports Night)
(G, ~2200 words, Dan, Casey, Cameron, House, Wilson)
Summary: Dan Rydell can be in pain and still flirt with his doctor. He's just cool that way.

The I Accidentally Slept With A Call Girl And I Don't Know What To Do Chatroom (House/West Wing)
(PG-13, ~1500 words, Sam Seaborn, James Wilson)
Summary: An IM conversation between Sam Seaborn and James Wilson. Post-ep for House 3.18, "Airborne".

Playing Doctors (or: five medical show crossovers that never happened) (ER/Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs/Grey's, House/Scrubs, House/Grey's, House/Scrubs)
(PG-13, ~4000 words, Dr. Doug Ross, Dr. Cox, JD-Chase, Foreman-Cristina, Cameron-JD)
Summary: Five medical show crossovers, written for hannahrorlove.

Hi, Ma (Sunrise, Sunset Remix)
(PG-13, ~6000 words, House/Wilson)
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Wilson is seeing a man. Wilson's mother isn't handling it well. Wilson's grandmother adds Yiddish to the mix, and maintains that mothers only want what's best for their children.
Notes: This was written for Remix Redux, and is a remix of
deelaundry's wonderful story Hi, Mom. You don't have to read the original, but you should. Because it's fun.
DVD commentary of Hi, Ma

Letter to Judy - 500 words short, takes place sometime after Hi, Ma.

Five Times ficlets (written for prompts)
Spoilers: Up to the S3 finale.

What The Ducklings Did On Their Summer Vacation (House/SGA)
(PG-13, ~6600, ducklings, SGA ensemble)
Spoilers: House S3 finale, SGA Tao of Rodney.
Summary: Wherein the ducklings are recruited, captured, rescued, yelled at, and that thing they’re not going to mention again ever, and discover that brilliant jerks aren't only found on Earth.

Ushpizzin (House/Bible, kinda)
(PG, ~1200 words, Wilson-centric, biblical characters)
Summary: Every year, Wilson builds a sukkah.
Notes: Written for daysofawesome.

The Undiscovered Country (House/Discworld)
(PG-13, ~2000 words, Death, Amber)
Spoilers: Season 4 finale, "Wilson's Heart"
Summary: post-ep for the finale. Amber is somewhere in between.

The Law of Unintended Consequences (House/Star Trek XI)
(PG-13, ~1400 words, Chase, Cameron, Kirk)
Spoilers: House 5x23 "Under My Skin", casting for the ST film.
Summary: Even the most purposeful action can have unintended consequences.

The One With the Chases (House MD/Angel:TS)
(PG-13, ~4000 words, Chase, Cordelia)
Summary: Where Chase meets his American cousin and New Jersey is surreptitiously mocked. (Sorry about that.)
Notes: Crack. Pay no attention to the timeline.

Drabble: birthday chat (House/Foreman, PG-13, ~300 words, written for queenzulu's birthday meme.


My Holiday Musical (Scrubs)
(PG-13, ~10,000 words, Scrubs cast with special appearences from certain cane-carrying TV doctors)
Summary: You think you've gotten used to Sacred Heart Hospital, but in the end, Christmas is always just a little bit crazier than you expected. Complete with brainwashing, poultry, and musical numbers.
Notes: Written for yuletide 2006.

Playing Doctors (or: five medical show crossovers that never happened) (ER/Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs/Grey's, House/Scrubs, House/Grey's, House/Scrubs)
(PG-13, ~4000 words, Dr. Doug Ross, Dr. Cox, JD-Chase, Foreman-Cristina, Cameron-JD)
Summary: Five medical show crossovers, written for hannahrorlove.

Sports Night

Season's Greetings
(PG-13, ~2000 words, ensemble)
Summary: In which the boys come up with bad plans and Christmas is held in July. But hey, at least there's eggnog.
Notes: Written for sn_playbook's "Christmas in July" challenge.

Holy Mother of - Wait, No
(PG, ~870 words, Dan, Casey, Jeremy)
Summary: “So let me get this straight. You think you’ve been a bad Jew, so now, instead of saying Jesus or Mary, you’re using Old Testament characters as epithets?”
Notes: Written for daysofawesome.

New York Boys, Jersey Girls (House/Sports Night)
(G, ~2200 words, Dan, Casey, Cameron, House, Wilson)
Summary: Dan Rydell can be in pain and still flirt with his doctor. He's just cool that way.

A Night of Sports (American Idol/West Wing/Sports Night)
(PG, ~1000 words, Dana, ensemble)
Summary: Sports Night AU. Where Cook and Margaret are BFFs, and Dana could really use a miracle.
Notes: Written for lomedet for purimgifts 2010.


To Sing, To Soar (Stargate: Atlantis)
(G, ~1300 words, John Sheppard)
Spoilers: None.
Summary: John knows aircrafts like old friends.
Notes: Short character study for the sga_flashfic backstory challenge. An explanation for the banner pics can be found here.

What The Ducklings Did On Their Summer Vacation (House/SGA)
(PG-13, ~6600, ducklings, SGA ensemble)
Spoilers: House S3 finale, SGA Tao of Rodney.
Summary: Wherein the ducklings are recruited, captured, rescued, yelled at, and that thing they’re not going to mention again ever, and discover that brilliant jerks aren't only found on Earth.

A Medium Case of Culture Shock (SG-1)
(PG, ~5300 words, Mitchell family)
Summary: Meet the Mitchells, 1994.
Notes: Written for clanmitchell, based on synecdochic and ivorygates's Mitchell family characters.

Tu Bishvat ficlet (SGA)
(PG-13, ~1000 words, plant!Rodney, team)
Summary: Everyone in the lab resented Rodney.
Spoilers: Takes place during ep 4x13, "Quarantine".

Four Arguments Keller and Zelenka Had Around Purim, And One They Did Not (SGA)
(PG, ~400 words, Keller, Zelenka)
Summary: Four arguments Keller and Zelenka had around Purim, and one they did not. Holiday fic.

The Pretty Peculiar Pegasus Pesach (SGA)
(PG, ~4400 words, ensemble)
Spoilers: General season 4.
Summary: Passover in Atlantis, in an Everyone's Jewish!AU.
Notes: Written for the sga_genficathon, for the prompts AU and Slavery, the latter somewhat indirectly.

The [Short] SGA Guide to Hebrew Slang

And Then the Heroes Came Along (SGA/DC Comics)
(PG, ~5700 words, team, Superman, Batman)
Spoilers: Generally set in season 5.
Summary: You would think that grown men would be able to interact with Superman and Batman without turning into thirteen-year-old girls. You would be wrong.
Notes: For marag. No knowledge of DC comics other than who Superman and Batman are necessary.

Four Sundays (SGA)
(PG, ~500 words, Ronon, John)
Summary: Sunday morning drabble. S. Takes place in general season 5.

Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix) (Star Trek XI/SGA)
(~R, ~3300 words, John Sheppard/Jim Kirk, no spoilers)
Summary: Jim Kirk has issues with the new guy. (Academy fic)
Notes: A remix of sabinelagrande's fic Takes One to Know One, written for remixredux09.

Star Trek XI

The Law of Unintended Consequences (House/Star Trek XI)
(PG-13, ~1400 words, Chase, Cameron, Kirk)
Spoilers: House 5x23 "Under My Skin", casting for the ST film.
Summary: Even the most purposeful action can have unintended consequences.

Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix) (Star Trek XI/SGA)
(~R, ~3300 words, John Sheppard/Jim Kirk, no spoilers)
Summary: Jim Kirk has issues with the new guy. (Academy fic)
Notes: A remix of sabinelagrande's fic Takes One to Know One, written for remixredux09.

The West Wing

Twenty-Five Hundred and Counting
(G, ~4000 words, Josh, Donna)
Summary: "Yes. A fan club. The Donna Moss Fan Club."

(PG, ~1700 words, Josh/Donna)
Summary: She's just waiting for him now.

The Virtues of a Pomegranate
(PG-13, ~1400 words, Josh, Donna)
Summary: It's Rosh HaShana and Josh decides to get festive. If you can call it that. All dialogue.

In The Shadow Of Two Canes (House/West Wing)
(PG, ~800 words, House, Wilson, Jed, Abbey)
Spoilers: so tiny you won't notice them for Meaning.
Summary: They both wish the other was real. A House/West Wing crossover, except not really.

Thrice as Nice (House/West Wing/Ally McBeal)
(PG-13, ~3000 words, Cuddy, House, Laurie)
Summary: "What I'm trying to figure out is this: is she the evil twin because she's a hooker, or are you the evil twin because you're you? So hard to decide…"
Notes: I know I'm not the only one who watched her first episode of House and thought, "hey, isn't she from--?" Warning: one really stupid pun inside.

The I Accidentally Slept With A Call Girl And I Don't Know What To Do Chatroom (House/West Wing)
(PG-13, ~1500 words, Sam Seaborn, James Wilson)
Summary: An IM conversation between Sam Seaborn and James Wilson. Post-ep for House 3.18, "Airborne".

Post Lambert, Ergo Propter Lambert (AI/The West Wing)
(PG-13, ~3300 words, TWW ensemble, Adam, gen)
Summary: "You know we can't do anything about it," Josh said. "The White House does not call up Good Morning America and tell them who to put on their show."
Notes: My reaction to Adam and the GMAs.

Idols in America (American Idol/West Wing/Sports Night)
(PG, ~1000 words, Donna, ensemble)
Summary: Idol AU. Scenes from Sam's sendoff dinner.
Notes: Written for lomedet for purimgifts 2010.

Other Fandoms

Aladdin: Whole New World
(PG-13, ~2200 words, Genie)
Summary: Genie always returns to Al.
Notes: Written for kyburg, yuletide 2008. Notes about the writing process here.

BtVS/Angel: all on, written before 2003.

Angel:TS: The One With the Chases (House MD/Angel:TS)
(PG-13, ~4000 words, Chase, Cordelia)
Summary: Where Chase meets his American cousin and New Jersey is surreptitiously mocked. (Sorry about that.)
Notes: Crack. Pay no attention to the timeline.

Daily Show/Colbert Report: The Yom Kippur Toss
(G, ~650 words, gen, Stewart, Colbert)
Summary: Stephen forgives. Written for daysofawesome.

DC Comics: And Then the Heroes Came Along (SGA/DC Comics)
(PG, ~5700 words, SGA team, Superman, Batman)
Spoilers: Generally set in season 5, none for DCU.
Summary: You would think that grown men would be able to interact with Superman and Batman without turning into thirteen-year-old girls. You would be wrong.
Notes: For marag. No knowledge of DC comics other than who Superman and Batman are necessary.

Multi fandom: Group Support
(G, ~2700 words, BtVS, HP, Firefly, Discworld, and Many Other Surprising Guest Stars!)
Summary: Come and join a tour of our Facility! It's going to be rushed today, but you might find something (or someone) you like. Watch your step...
Notes: There is slash and there is het, and mostly there are support groups for the characters who need them.

Eight Days of Lamburkkah (AI/multifandom, co-written with sabrina_il and miarr)
(PG-13, gen, ~4600 words, Adam & co)
Summary: Adam Lambert's eight days of Hanukkah, 2009.
Notes: Crossovers with Daily Show, Heroes, The Wire, Political RPF, NCIS, Generation Kill, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Sports Night.

Friday Night Lights: That's Right, You're Not From Texas (crossover with American Idol)
(G, ~4400 words, Kris, Adam, FNL ensemble, gen)
Summary: Dillon High receives a donation from, and wins a visit from Adam Lambert and Kris Allen.
Notes: This was supposed to be written as a flashfic for athenejen who requested a general crossover at the charity board. Somehow it grew to 4400 words, and yet it remains plotless.

Friends: The One With The "British" Doctor (crossover with House)
(PG, ~5900 words, House, Wilson, Ross, Rachel)
Summary: A visit from his first ex-wife is just the beginning of a very odd day for Wilson. The number of coincidences in the universe, it appears, are staggering. Wilson POV.
Notes: The story was 100% inspired by Hugh Laurie's guest appearance on Friends, a clip of which you can (and should!) watch right here. In case you don't watch it, I'm also attaching the transcript of those two scenes.

Generation Kill: Generation Kill v2.0 - the Bahad
(~3500 words, PG-13, gen, Israeli army AU)
Summary: Israeli!AU, Brad's team as staff at an IDF training base.
Notes: Gift for sabrina_il! Lots of Hebrew and local references, with a short glossary of terms here, for anyone interested in reading.

Grey's Anatomy: Playing Doctors (or: five medical show crossovers that never happened) (ER/Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs/Grey's, House/Scrubs, House/Grey's, House/Scrubs)
(PG-13, ~4000 words, Dr. Doug Ross, Dr. Cox, JD-Chase, Foreman-Cristina, Cameron-JD)
Summary: Five medical show crossovers, written for hannahrorlove.

Hercules: the Legendary Journeys: I Friend You, You Friend Him
(PG, ~3800 words, Herc, Iolaus, others)
Summary: "It's a social network," Salmoneus explained. Where Ancient Greece discovers Face Scroll, and fun is had. Mostly.
Notes: Written for for yuletide '07. Also posted here at the archive.

Heroes: How Are the Mighty Fallen: An Instruction Manual (Heroes/Discworld)
(PG-13, ~2600 words, Matt Parkman, City Watch)
Notes: No spoilers, written for daysofawesome 2008.
Summary: There were two big differences, Matt felt, between Ankh Morpork and New York City.

Merlin: They Come In Threes (American Idol/Merlin)
(R, ~12900 words, Kris/Adam)
Warnings: possible consent issues (magic spells).
Summary: Adam gets three wishes.
Notes: Written for astolat for Yuletide 2009.

The Bubble (2007): On the Doorways to Paradise
(PG-13, ~1500 words, Noam/Ashraf)
Summary: The first question Ashraf asked in Heaven was: "Did I kill anyone?"
Notes: For elishabet, yuletide 2008. Notes about the writing process here.

X-Men movieverse: The Trouble With Mutants (crossover with House)
(PG, ~2000 words, House, various)
Spoilers: set post X3, none for House.
Summary: The trouble with mutants, House thought, was that they weren't so much a puzzle as they were like a stumping piece of contemporary art.


Group Support (multifandom), read by jadesfire2808
Can't Stop the Turtle (Firefly/Discworld), read by jadesfire2808
The Undiscovered Country (House/Discworld), read by blienky27
The Pretty Peculiar Pegasus Pesach (SGA Jewish!AU), read by jadesfire2808

Other Stuff

One MST for a House-has-a-daughter fic: part 1, part 2a, part2b.

An old-stories meme I stole from queenzulu: old scenes from my hard drive that make me shudder.

Gee, Officer Tritter - based on West Side Story's "Officer Krupke".

The [Short] SGA Guide to Hebrew Slang


Some more are on - eventually I'll link them too, or post them here. Hope you enjoy, and if you feel like leaving comments, I heartily approve :-)

fic: all

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