Rodvale BaCC; Year five Found

Aug 29, 2015 10:20

Last time... Izzie moved to Rodvale in search of pastures a-new and found herself staying in a spare bedroom of the founders household. She and Emily developed a whirlwind romance that very quickly resulted in Izzie falling pregnant. Emily and Izzie got engaged!

Early morning wakeup call + Emilys ridiculous 'makeover'

Aaah, labour.


Two girls, named Katherine and Elena.

Their cute lil bedroom.

Calub playing with his toys.

Izzie opens up the town hall so everyone can meet the new babies.

But my mind was quickly stolen by the very cute blokey who rates the business (he will get married into my game sorry)

Fgs Sam, why find interest in somebody who isnt Edward only after you have found yourself a new boyfriend and got knocked up???

Emily and Elouise have a catch up.

Twins birthdays!

Here's Katherine, she seems to enjoy playing on her own.

And heres Elena, who is a real mummys girl.

I love the kids hugging animations. When they plop to the floor haha

Izzie and Emily get married in their bedroom (in front of their first ever simoleon)

Izzie teaches Elena how to talk and Calub decides he wants to join in on the fun.

While Katherine plays by herself.

But only for a while! She does crawl over to see what all the fuss is about.

Emily gets a want to write a bestselling novel.

It is about her starting up Rodvale (New city, through sun and snow, lots of confusing decisions to make and then she has a baby so ofcourse she has no time to do anything else)

I love Emily and Izzie together, and they made adorable babies. Not much really happened this round, they spent all day looking after the twins and Calub and then most of the evening ACR'ing. They actually opened the shop everyday but all people do is play don't wake the llama lol.

rodvale bacc

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