Rodvale BaCC; Year four Johnson

Aug 26, 2015 19:36

Last time... Edward went a bit mental due to being all on his own for the first time ever. However, he did make friends with the social bunny and kept up a casual relationship with his girlfriend Sam, who he actually does not like at all.


I love kittens!

The repo man came as Edward had completely forgot to pay his bills.

and Izzie and Emily were veeery worried for him.

Sam and Edward got into an argument over the fact that Edward has embarassed them both.

At first Sam was embarassed.,,

Even apologetic

Then he just stopped caring.

(fyi, this was when i 100% stopped shipping Sam and Edward as a couple at. all)

George grew into a cat (and drank his own peeeee)

Due to breaking up with his girlfriend and having virtually no friends except his sister, Edward decided to make himself a companion.

Just George being amazing.

Edward worked night and day until the Servo was finished.

He named her Servette.

And Edward felt a very strange attraction to Servette.

So disturbed with his new-found feelings towards a robot Edward called over Sam for a booty call.

But there was no denying the romantic connection between Edward and Servette.

Honestly, Sam and Edward did not get along... AT ALL. She was constantly arguing with him and just generally being annoying and he always found a way for their conversations to end in double negatives. BOO. So yeah, I got him a new girlfriend (maybe), and you never know! Sam may find herself a new man now she isn't so wrapped up with Edward.

rodvale bacc

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