Rodvale BaCC; year two found

Aug 15, 2015 08:56

Last time;
Emily began her endevour as mayor of Rodvale, opening up a little town hall/community area for all of the settlers to meet. While there she found herself enjoying the company most of Elouise and managed to get the business to rank 3.

With the popularity of her home business growing, Emily decides she needs another employee. She chooses Taylor for this.

Before showing that the real reason for hiring an employee was so that she could spend her days flirting it up with Elouise.

However, Taylor did not want that, so she quit.

Kieron complained about something (as you will learn in the near future, kieron is the first to complain about e v e r y t h i n g!)

Elouise and Emily get their flirt oooon!

Annnnnd this was when I decided that cute garden blokey (also known as Amar Todd) was going to be in my game!

Cheeky sods

Pregnancy was a new experience for Emily.

Sam, the local pet-owner, got a tad scared by the stray that had appeared in Rodvale.

Before macking it on with Edward

But yano, Edward and Taylor both have trouble deciding who they actually want to be with.

(Sam doesn't seem to mind though)


Right so, a slightly longer update for once (more than 10 pictures is an achievement), the first pregnancy of Rodvale.


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