If a bit on the busy side. Woke up around 8 this morning, I went and did laundry, made some spagetti for lunch and worked for Richard a couple more hours before taking a shower and getting ready to take my nephew Tanner to see Wall-E
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Comments 3
[Sorry couldn't help].
If it's any consolation, I never knew any of the toys for kids out there, so I never felt old. Haha. Just foreign.
How come you didn't help him out with some $ to get a game?
As for the kids toys and shows... I used to watch them occassionally and keep up with the times so to speak, but anymore the cartoons are so stupid and formulaic that I feel like my intelligence is being insulted (even as cheesy as the cartoons I grew up with were, it didn't feel as insulting as some of the garbage on tv nowadays). Now some of the cartoons on today that I do think are kinda cool and entertaining, Tanner isn't into much *lol*.
Hey I took him to a movie and got him a Happy Meal what more do ya want? *lol* He had only $16, and the games he wanted were around $30, so no... not going to spend that much helping him buy a video game *lol*.
Anyway... kids today seem to be into totally different type of cartoons and stuff. I can't get into them myself. :| They're not the same style as the ones I grew up with - nevertheless, I grew up in Romania, so they wouldn't be the same, but still...
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