Comment Fest #1

Aug 27, 2011 13:20

Welcome to the first rodneymckay_gen comment fest!

Under the cut are the rules and information on how this comment fest will run. Please note that the comment fest is open to prompts for fic, art and vids. I want this to be as multi-media as possible!

Rules and Information
*Comment to this post with your prompt, using the form below, and putting 'Art', 'Vid' or 'Fic' as the subject - or any combination thereof if you're happy that your prompt could be interpreted in any of them (see my prompts if you need examples).

*You do NOT have to respond to any of the prompts to be able to post your own prompts. It would be good if you could, but not everyone is able to and that's fine.

*One prompt per comment. THIS IS IMPORTANT! You can post as many prompts as you like, but please only one per comment!

*Prompts can be as general or specific as you wish.

*Prompts can be filled multiple times, not just once. You may fill your own prompts if you wish.

*If you want artwork using specific screencaps/photos, please provide links in your prompt post.

*Remember this is a gen community. Although canon pairings can be referenced briefly if necessary, they must not be the focus and must be labelled. Also, Rodney McKay must appear prominently in your fic, art or vid.

*Use the subject line on your comment to put in the title and rating of your fic/art/vid, where appropriate.

*Fic - post your fic as a reply to the comment with the prompt you have used. If it won't fit into one comment, then post the reply in parts, making sure to number each part. Comment fics are meant to be short, but if the fic does turn into something very long, please post it elsewhere and reply to the comment with a link.

*Art - if the image is reasonably sized, post it as a reply to the comment. If it is large, please post it elsewhere and reply to the comment with a link (you may use a thumbnail/teaser if you wish). Please use your discretion on this. Comment art is not meant to take a long time to do. However, no one will stop you if you wish to take a week or more over it - it is entirely up to you.

*Vid - please post the vid elsewhere and reply to the comment with a link. Comment vids are not meant to be long. However, no one will stop you if you want to make a twenty minute epic!!

*If you wish to pimp this, please use the banner below.

All stories/artwork/vids should be posted by the Monday, September 26th. Extension give to Friday, September 30th.

NOTE: If you have started a fic/art/vid for the comment fest by the end of Friday but not finished it, you may post it later - so long as it is not months later (and preferably by end of October this year). Please do not start working on a request after the end of Friday! Thank you!!

Now, let's have some fun!!

challenge: comment fest #1

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