a Primeval fanfic: "Isolation herself"

Mar 27, 2007 22:43

Title: Isolation herself.
Author: Keenir.

Summary: The thoughts of a woman literally living in the past.
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primeval fanfiction, future ep

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Comments 5

fredbassett June 26 2007, 21:22:32 UTC
Oh lord, how true. Any thoughts of time travel have a tendency to give me a nose-bleed, so I know how she feels.

Stangely your bacteria comments put me in mind of my long-argued position that killing off the last remaining smallpox virus is wrong and would represent species-genocide. Am I the only one rooting for the little buggers to be kept alive? Sometimes it seems like it, but everything needs someone to stick up for them! I don't think they'd make good pets, but I certainly wouldn't kill 'em off. Yep, I am getting into random thoughts tonight! :)


rodlox June 26 2007, 23:52:34 UTC
sorry about the nose-bleed.

I think that the fate of smallpox depends on one thing: can we take care of it? (the Dusky Seaside Sparrow had conservation groups arguing over it until there were 8 males left and 0 females....while that's not the exact worry with smallpox, we also don't want it escaping)

and I'm rambling again; sorry.

oops, meant to put "eight-toed" (not "either") in the story..its an Ichthystogenia (or was it -canthus?). gah.


fredbassett June 27 2007, 16:02:16 UTC
You're quite right about smallpox, but I'd still rather it survived. What if it turned out to the the very thing we needed to cure cancer or something? Fanciful, maybe, but as Gandlaf said (not even the wise can forsee all ends " or words to that effect!

Also remainds me of another bird, I think, but I'm not surem an Andean Condor of some type. Ended up with only a few mangy ones in captivity somewhere and someone de-loused them. Then they realised they'd killed off an entire species by accident as they only lived on those birds and they were the only ones left. I think the people concrened felt a bit bad about that.

Definitely an "oh whoops" moment!


rodlox June 27 2007, 18:09:29 UTC
that's a fairly Pharonic concept there - using one evil to defeat another.
(ie, Setukh, lord of the red lands, lord of wild animals, was the enemy of Heru (Horus)...but was used to fight off Apophis, who is the enemy of Ra and civilization)

yeah, definately "oops."
(why is it that's the sort of thing - the "oops" - I hear Connor saying?") :)


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