2 Numb3rs drabbles

Mar 18, 2010 03:29

Title: Susan 2 and
Prompt: #255: Punch.
Pairings/Characters: Charlie, Don, Susan, British embassy employee.
Rating: PG
Summary: The bad news arrives.
Word Count: 141
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Notes: One possible event.
Warnings: none.


Don was on his lunch break when he was approached by an agent of a foreign government; he tried not to analogize with Colby.

"Alistair Punch, British Embassy," the man said, shaking Don's hand. "I'm not sure I'm the man to mention this, but I'm told you are. It concerns your brother."

"What about him?" Don asked, inwardly on the defensive.

"He knows a woman by the name of Susan Berry, so I'm told."

"Yeah; well, he did."

Punch nodded to himself. "She was arrested this morning, for her role in the lift bombing at a train station yesterday."

"Really?" Don asked.

"Oh yes. She's part of a militant group trying to force the Her Majesty's Government 'to end the repressive union with Scotland' as Miss Berry puts it."

"I'll let my brother know," Don said. "Thanks."

"Thank you, Agent Eppes."

The End


Title: and Susan 3.
Prompt: #255: Punch.
Pairings/Characters: Charlie, Don, Susan,
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes, Charlie, we aren't the change we like to think we are.
in an AU where Charlie lives in England (in-show divergence or pre-show)
Word Count: 131
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Notes: The other possible event.
Warnings: none.


Charlie waited for his brother to pick up the phone over in California. "This' Don," Don Eppes said.

"Hi, Don."

"Hey, bro, how are you?"

"It's Susan, Don," Charlie said. "She was arrested for -"

"Phone, Chuck," Don said. "Remember?"

"Right," Charlie said, his voice dulled. They say Susan's a member of the RealIRA and behind the attack two days ago. To say it was a punch in the gut, was putting it mildly, very very mildly.

"Right," Don said. "And what does the math say?"

Charlie mumbled something. It says they're right.

"You want me to come over there?" Don asked.

"I don't want -"

"It's no trouble. I got some vacation time owed me."

"Thanks," and stared at the phone, unsure what else to say, after something like this.

The End


numb3rs fanfiction, au, numb3rs, drabble

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