Numb3rs drabbles: "Birth" (2 versions)

Jan 14, 2010 03:58

Title: Birth: the original text.
Author: Keenir
Dedicated to: Mustangcandi, who gave me the idea. thank you.
prompt: Monthly Prompt #245: Son.
Characters: Don, Charlie; mention of Alan and of Charlie's wife (its a surprise)
Summary: Charlie calls Don with the good news.
Warnings: AU

Rating: M
Word Count: 250
Spoilers: Thirteen.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.
Note: I edited this one because I mistakenly thought my word-counter said "500 words". I was wrong. (if I may ask, which is better?: this one or the shorter one?)

Normally when his phone rang, Don would answer it with 'Eppes.' But he saw who was calling, so he said, "Good news?"

"Only the best," Charlie said.

The phone service wasn't the best, so Don couldn't read his brother's voice as well as he normally did. But he could tell Chuck felt proud - it's what I'd be feeling, for one. "Well good," he congratulated his little brother. To everyone in the room, "There's a baby!"

"Boy or girl?" Robin asked at the same time as Colby asked "Girl or boy?"

"Well?" Don asked into the phone.

"We have a son," Charlie said.

"I'm an uncle," Don said. "About time," he teased his brother.

"I'm going to stay with them tonight, so we'll all be ready for visitors tomorrow at the earliest. When you come by, you know what floor we won't be on."

"No offense, bro, but I think your allusions got worse. But yeah, I know what you mean."

When it had come time for the inducement and labor, Charlie had wisely backed his beloved wife's wishes...his own thoughts on the matter were immaterial, and not just because he knew his mother-in-law would skin him if her grandchild were born on the wrong floor.

"Dad's now got a grandson."

"Hey, thats great, Chuck."

"I was kinda hoping you would stop that, you know, as a present on such a momentous day as this."

"Yeah I bet. So, how's Dad's favorite daughter-in-law?" Don asked.

"Alice is fine," Charlie said.

The End

Title: Birth: the edited text.
Author: Keenir
Dedicated to: Mustangcandi, who gave me the idea. thank you.
prompt: Monthly Prompt #245: Son.
Characters: Don, Charlie; mention of Alan and of Charlie's wife (its a surprise)
Summary: Charlie calls Don with the good news.
Warnings: AU

Rating: M
Word Count: 210
Spoilers: Thirteen.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.

Normally when his phone rang, Don would answer it with 'Eppes.' But he saw who was calling, so he said, "Good news?"

"Only the best," Charlie said.

"Well good," he congratulated his little brother. To everyone in the room, "There's a baby!"

"Boy or girl?" Robin asked at the same time as Colby asked "Girl or boy?"

"We have a son," Charlie said.

"I'm an uncle," Don said. "About time," he teased his brother.

"I'm going to stay with them tonight, so we'll all be ready for visitors tomorrow at the earliest. When you come by, you know what floor we won't be on."

"No offense, bro, but I think your allusions got worse. But yeah, I know what you mean."

When it had come time for the inducement and labor, Charlie had wisely backed his beloved wife's wishes...his own thoughts on the matter were immaterial, and not just because he knew his mother-in-law would skin him if her grandchild were born on the wrong floor.

"Dad's now got a grandson."

"Hey, thats great, Chuck."

"I was kinda hoping you would stop that, you know, as a present on such a momentous day as this."

"Yeah I bet. So, how's Dad's favorite daughter-in-law?" Don asked.

"Alice is fine," Charlie said.
The End

numb3rs fanfiction, 2010 fanfiction, numb3rs, drabble

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