PREDICTION: Top 11 "American Idol" Results: Most. Dramatic. Elimination. Episode. Ever.

Mar 25, 2011 04:02

News says that Casey Abrams on "American Idol" was almost cut tonight for his poor rendition of "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" but got rescued by a Judge's Save.

People are wondering how that happened. I don't know about "American Idol," but I know what's going on with the Kacey (Sinopia) that I know.

Like Casey, Sinopia had talent. However, that episode is a sour reminder how Sinopia still doesn't "hear" the other side using the listening techniques I taught her.

I was saying in Blog Entry #3776712 yesterday about Sinopia born Year of the Dog on 4/28 living in Florida. All the tags I mounted on her are still active.

She never cleaned up her mess. I had to clean up after her mess. My Septic System blew out in October 2008. I said you can even see the imprint of the dates when England had Earthquakes in 2009 on 3/3, 4/11, and 4/28, which is Florida, her husband, and her birthdays.

In fact, the Earthquakes hit England TWICE on 4/28.

Currently, the other person in Florida on Second Life where Sinopia is has the name Britain. It's the U.K.

As I've said in previous discussions, I understand the part where people don't believe in the Psychic Field. Sure, that's fine. That's how people are.

However, there are 2 groups of people that I don't feel deserve to be dismissed:

1) People who claim to be Witches or work in the Occult. I said that Bliss in England proclaims herself as Wiccan yet she turns around and says that I don't have abilities. I can see that coming from someone who doesn't believe in the Occult. However, to call yourself a Witch and believe you have powers and then turn around and not extend the same courtesy of respecting someone else who asserts working in the Occult is a double standard.

2) People who ask to use the Psychic Field or the Occult for something and then turn around and disregard it after they already got what they wanted.

Sinopia falls in the latter. In Summer 2008, she was angry at the man who raped her daughter. She asked me to appeal to the Subconscious Collective and have them punish that guy.

I warned her that asking them to do that is risky business because you're asking to inflect harm or damage to someone else. That's a negative or bad emotion. I told her that's not a good idea.

However, she said she didn't care. She wanted him to pay. So I said, "Okay, if you're sure." I submitted her application. They gave the guy 30 years. picked the judge, and set the court date for 7/14.

The Subconscious Collective carried out their side of the deal. All she had to do in return was SHOW UP TO CLASS.

That's it.

She couldn't even do that.

That's not the worst of it. When I noticed she was skipping class and not studying, it was during October 2008 where I had agreed to pay $100.00 for her Internet Access on the condition that she show up for her lessons.

Talk about stupid on my part.

She wasn't showing up. When I went looking for her on Second Life to find out where she went, she was off building a strip mal with Seven.

I was like, "WTF?"

That's why during the days leading up to it when I found out what she was up to and not showing up for class, my Septic System blew out and her dog got hit by a car.

I warned her.

I told her not to mess with the Subconscious Collective because they made a Blood Pact with her. They're not stupid. They're going to protect their investment. They made a BLOOD PACT with her.

Blood Pacts aren't like regular pacts or contracts where if you don't follow through on them, you can avoid them like a Collection Agency by not taking their calls.

The Subconscious Collective knows where you are. They know your family. They're like the MAFIA.

Only this tyep of Mafia has no need for money or anything from the physical realm. All the material wealth humans covet is no use to them because they're in "Energy Form." Cash isn't going to do them any good. Physical objects are useless to them.

When they make a Blood Pact with you, it's just like in Folklore with Satan and signing your soul away or promising your first born child.

Your soul will be like a house used as Collateral. A Soul or a "person's body" is useful to them. It means they can manipulate the person's body into carrying out things for them.

However, when you sell your soul, you cede the right to object to any usage or things they choose to use your body for. They will use it for whatever things they have to complete. You're basically a slave to them because you've indentured yourself as a servant.

Some people may not mind or care.

That's fine.

However, that Blood Pact also spills over to your FAMILY MEMBERS. It spills over into yoru CHILDREN. Your children will be paying for that debt as well.

I know some people are not going to want to believe me or think I'm full of crap, but it's just like the U.S. Debt. Notice how the Debt Clock is continually growing with interest generating on it.

A large portion of it was created by people before our lifetime. Future generations of Americans are getting stiffed with that debt. It didn't die with the original borrowers. It got passed on to our children, grandchildren, and future generations.

The same thing goes for littering and ruining the Planet. Do you really think the Planet is going to just write off debts by our ancestors who screwed up the Planet and not hold future generations accountable?

SOMEBODY has to clean it up.

You can talk about how unfair it is and that it's not your fault. You can complain about how you shouldn't have to clean up all the smog and pollution that was left behind by ancestors. However, those ancestors are dead and gone. It's dropped in our laps.

That's the way you should look at Blood Pacts and why striking a deal with the Subconscious Collective shouldn't be taken lightly. I know this very well, and I'm very respectful to the Subconscious Collective.

I know full well that if they want to pull the plug on me, they can kill me off right now. Just like the Mafia. They can cause an "accident" where some drunk driver hits my car and kills me.

That's how Subconscious Minds work. It's just like in the "Matrix" when you see Agents take over the bodies of people who are in the Matrix. They said that anyone who is plugged into the Matrix is a potential Agent.

The way to "unplug" from the Matrix so you can't be used as an Agent is by seeing the world as it is as a Matrix. When people believe what I say and really come to know what the Matrix Grid of our reality is like, that's unplugging.

You'll hear me say that my Psychic Abilities are most effective at influencing people who don't believe I have any. Their own ego and turning a blind eye make them the best candidates.

Yet, notice if someone became wise to my Abilities, studied my Software Programs, and knew what I'm capable of. They'd be on guard. They'd be carefully screening their actions and monitoring me to ensure that I don't slip anything into them subtly influencing their actions.

Those people become "immune to my charms" and so they unplug themselves from the Matrix. They cannot be possessed by a Subconscious Mind acting like an Agent.

I know all this stuff like the back of my hand and respect the rules and customs of the Subconscious Collective. I try to be honest with myself and not lie because I know the Subconscious Collective can read my thoughts and see right through me.

I don't claim to be the best or "most honest," but the Subconscious Collective knows I make the effort.

That's more than the billions of Conscious Minds of people who are "asleep" or just move around the Planet like robots. That's what separates me from the rest of the masses. I have Free Will.

I would even claim that's attractive to Planet Earth or the Sun as living organisms because I've "transcended" to where I'm not like an inanimate object. I'm able to think independently.

It's the same way human programmers would covet a sentient robot that is able to think independently and use its own reasoning skills without having to be programmed or told what to do. It thinks autonomously.

That's why if anyone ever wonders how I got so much power and influence in the Psychic Field, this is the answer. I'm flat out telling you in this Blog Entry.

People can choose not to believe me and call me a sham, but I don't care. Actions speak louder than words. I don't need to tell anyone. I can show them by just laying out the Software Program parameters and showing that the Software Program always runs consistently with the number tags I mount on people yielding the same outcome.


Top 11 'Idol' Results: Most. Dramatic. Elimination. Episode. Ever.
Posted Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:05pm PDT by Lyndsey Parker in Reality Rocks

You know how writers like me tend to lapse into hyperbole, and use that hackneyed old phrase "Best ______ Ever"? Well, believe it this time. This ain't hyperbole here. Thursday's "American Idol" top 11 results show was in fact The. Most. Dramatic. Ever.


The show started out innocently enough, with a Motown-soundtracked birthday celebration for 63-years-young judge Steven Tyler (who doesn't look a day over fabulous), complete with a cake the size of J.Lo's dressing room and a surprise "Happy Birthday" serenade by Motown legend Stevie Wonder. Good times, good times. But I couldn't quite enjoy the spectacle, because at the back of my mind was Ryan Seacrest's ominous announcement from the top of the show: "Tonight's result might shock you." And with this being one of the highest-staked elimination episodes of the season--the one that determined which contestants get to go on the Idols Live Tour this summer--that didn't sound like cause for celebration at all. What a party pooper that Seacrest is.

Then Ryan, evil man that he is, nearly gave me my biggest "Idol" scare since that horrible night Adam Lambert was in the bottom two, when he told two of my favorites, Paul McDonald and James Durbin, that they were "not safe." But this was, thankfully, just an elaborate setup for a gag starring one of wrestling fan James's idols, Hulk Hogan, who crashed the stage to tell the boys that they'd actually made the top 10. Not cool, Ryan. I got my revenge when Hulk body-slammed Ryan into the crowd after that, but I didn't think that was punishment enough for such cruel fakery.

Little did I know, the cruelty had just begun...

I started to breathe a bit easier and put away the smelling salts once other favorites of mine--Naima Adedapo, Jacob Lusk--went through, along with presumed frontrunners Scotty McCreery, Lauren Alaina, and Pia Toscano. And I can't say I was too disappointed to see Stefano Langone and Thia Megia in the bottom three. But then, dear readers, came the shocker Ryan had warned about: Haley Reinhart, the girl who'd been in the bottom three the last two weeks and was widely predicted to be this week's castoff, was safe. She wasn't even in the bottom three. Taking her place on the last stool? None other than...CASEY ABRAMS, who actually received the fewest votes this week.

Yes, Casey. The lovable lug who until recently seemed like THE guy to beat. How did this happen? What went wrong? Was it the fact that he sang first this week, in the kiss-of-death spot? That he was getting just too angry and angsty and growly and, well, kind of creepy? That the producers weren't letting him play his melodica or standup bass, which would have better showcased his immense talents and unique jazz-blues style? I just don't know. All I know is America got it very, very wrong this week.

Casey looked crushed, but he put on a brave face to sing for the Judges' Save. His song choice was "I Don't Need No Doctor," but I needed a doctor, because I felt like I was going to have me a heart attack...especially when the judges cut him off mid-song.

"We know who we you are, we don't need to see you sing any more," Randy Jackson interrupted. Casey looked like the one in need of medical attention after that, as his face went as white as Paul McDonald's teeth. But then Steven Tyler said: "This is crazy wrong! We've made a decision to keep you on!"

Upon hearing that the one Judges' Save of the season would indeed be used on him, a totally stunned Casey felt to his knees, shook like one of Scotty McCreery's awkward microphone-holding hands, looked like he was about to hurl, then let out a torrent of five-second-delayed curse words. (Where was Steven's little censor-paddle when Casey needed it?) "That scared the stuff out of me!" Casey exclaimed. "I can tell what the 'stuff' is, I know," snarked Ryan.

Casey was probably freaking out too much to even truly listen to Jennifer Lopez's sage advice--in fact, at one point he almost seemed to be talking the judges out of saving him, shrieking, "Why would you do that?"--but I hope he records this episode and plays it back later, because she had a valid point. "We want you to get back to being the musician that you are, no more antics," she said. "Let people feel your soul!" Added Randy: "You don't need to growl anymore."

I know only a couple weeks ago I wrote a whole rant on how the Judges' Save is a lame gimmick to create TV drama rather than help contestants, but I'll make an exception in this case. Casey is exactly the kind of contestant who deserves another shot, because an Idols Live Tour without his "antics" would be no fun at all. (FYI, it's now going to be a tour with all 11 contestants, so we'll still have to sit through Haley's set, or else use her onstage time as an excuse to hit the beer and merch lines.) I just hope that Casey--and my other favorites--step it up in the weeks to come, because now that the one Judges' Save is gone, AND there's a double elimination next week, there will be no more second chances.

And my heart can't take another night like this. Parker out.

subconscious, software, davis, sinopia, signs, computers, psychology, debts, predictions, omens, prophecies, accidents, personal. strategy

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