Ick. I really don't want to say anything about this because it usually is tied into me in some way.
Just notice the names like Mulva:
- M u L-VA = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7) Virgin/IA(VA)
- Conoco = Scam(Con) o'(O) Company(Co)
- David J. O'Reilly= Davis
It's interesting how you can put names on people and they don't even realize it. It's just like plants that have special characteristics.
The reason why I'm stewing in debt right now is so that I'm experiencing what other people are experiencing. People wonder why I've got this Title but I'm mucking around.
As I said, the last thing you want is for someone like me to be granted a huge amount of power plugged into the Electromagnetic Field and then be a Successful Film Producer.
If that happened, I would've transformed into a total dick. I'd be running around bragging to all the women that I'm Superman and Batman in my $70,000 Sports Car and getting laid.
I'd be finicky and sulk if I wasn't given bottled water or had soda served in a Champagne Glass. When you're down in the dirt, you get a really up-close perspectieve of what's really important and not important when it comes to money and power.
By doing it this way, it also makes all the people who are rich look kind of silly where they're all pampered and enjoying living high off the hog while my job is more important than what they do or while they sit around in their country clubs and I'm not even getting paid, any credit, or respect for the work that I do.
That's why it was staged where I got knocked down so I'd be crawling around in the mud when I gained these powers to keep me (somewhat?) humble. Plus, you get to see who's really sincere and cares about your welfare and those who won't give you the time of day when they think you're beneath them.
I'd have all this power, money, and fame. What would I care if I was sitting on top of the world with the ability to command what's going on around the Planet?
I'd get swept up by all the Fame and Fortune and people kissing my ass. By being shoved down like this and "hidden" where people are looking down upon me not realizing that I have influence over the Planet like this, I get to see people's true colors.
For example, you should look at the way Davis behaves. When I'm telling I'm Psychic, he goes, "Hmm." It's with that tone of someone who doesn't believe you and is just being non-commital.
This is just like Investment in Stocks. There are a lot of bad deals and fakes out there, but it takes true visionaries and people who can see through things to know what's really of value or not.
When it comes to Tech Stocks, people who play the Stock Market do their homework. They research. They check out the company to see how stable it is and what its assets are.
When people bet on horses, they check the lineage of the horse. They look at its stats. They pay attention to the numbers and hedge their bets.
People should be doing the same thing when they're weighing and assessing what I'm capable of and the claims I make. My methodology may be unorthodox, but at least I tell you how it works.
When I define something, it's public and listed in my Journal.
I tell you how it works as a Software Program, use Algebra, and I follow a pattern. When something happens, I set up Hyperlinks that point back to the original Journal Entry where I stated it.
If people pay close attention, they'll notice I have a very godo memory and filing System with the way I tag my Journal so that I know where 70% of the Content is. That's a lot considering how much I write.
When you bet a winner and whom you think can pull it off, you pay attention to the Statistics and not the hype.
You also check if the person appears to know what he's talking about or if he's just blowing smoke up your ass. If I was blowing smoke up someone's ass, you wouldn't see me citing my Journal Entries. I'd remain vague.
People who have stuff to hide don't post everything in Public. Everybody knows that when you post stuff in Public, it can be used against you. Personally, I think it takes a lot of balls to post everything publicly.
Big Oil Executives Say Fuel Is Relatively Cheap
They Blame Higher Prices on Global Competition for Supplies
WASHINGTON (June 18) - Americans paying $3 per gallon at the pump have it relatively cheap when compared with prices globally, say oil and gas company executives who defend their record profits as essential to maintaining supplies.
In parts of Europe and elsewhere in the West, gasoline prices are more like $5 per gallon to $7 per gallon, said the chairman of ConocoPhillips Co., James J. Mulva.
"This is a global business, and it's not only that we need to add to supply, but we need to reduce demand," Mulva said. "In the United States alone, we have about 2 percent of world oil reserves, 5 percent of the population and yet we use about 25 percent of the world's consumption of oil."
Mulva and two other executives who appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" said they are optimistic about keeping a lid on domestic prices, unless their fears come true about the potential for damage to U.S. energy production from the hurricane season that began June 1.
"I do understand why consumers are concerned. The thing that concerns all of us, I think, is that we're heading into hurricane season again," said the chairman of Chevron Corp., David J. O'Reilly.
Scientists say this year's season could produce 16 named storms, six of them major hurricanes. Last year's was the most destructive on record and the busiest in 154 years of storm tracking, with a record 28 named storms and 15 hurricanes.
Thousands of oil company employees living in temporary housing along the Gulf Coast are "much more subject to having to evacuate if hurricanes were to return," O'Reilly said. "But absent the hurricanes, I'm optimistic" that prices will not spike this summer.
Though many consumers blame high pump prices on oil companies greedy for profits, the oil company chiefs blame global competition for supplies.
"If we didn't have this level of profitability, I don't think we could get the supplies to where they need to get to," said the president of Shell Oil Co., John Hofmeister. He emphasized that the companies are seeking greater access to federal lands and offshore waters for exploration.
O'Reilly said "profits are in the midrange" and not as high as they could be, but that if prices were to decrease, the demand for oil and gas would increase and supplies could become short.
"The issue here is not the price issue. The solution here is how to increase supply," he said.
Hofmeister said his company has held "discussions with the White House quite frequently" on issues such as gaining greater access to more domestic supplies. The Bush administration has granted the companies ever-greater access to drilling areas on federal lands and waters.
"On a global basis, we're competing for resources," Hofmeister said. "If we're going to be more independent, we're going to have to address the tough, tough question of should we allow more oil and gas development in this country."
06/18/06 18:01 EDT
Updated: 12:07 AM EDT
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