RANT: Davis' Negligence Causing Brea's Fingernail to Rip Off

Jun 17, 2006 22:31

I was reading Brea Bennett's Blog. She fell and accidentaly tore off her Fingernail on her Pinky.

Do you know why she fell like that?
  1. I said 6/3/2006 that Davis is the Pinky
  2. I said that every time Dr. Evil has a scheme, he puts his Pinky on the corner of his mouth
  3. The corner of the mouth indicates Los Angeles or Sin City if the Face of the Earth was that of Dr. Evil
  4. Pinky = P in Ky
  5. P = Aquarian Male
  6. K-y = Aquarian(K/11) Male)
  7. P in K-y = Aquarian Male in the Aquarian Male
I said that I had a parting of ways. He still couldn't understand what I was talking about. He just thinks that all the E-mails with me going off on him is just about "misplaced anger."

The reason why I get mad at people is that when people screw around with my Life, it gets projected onto other people. Because of Davis not understanding and not wanting to read what I was telling him, he didn't understand. So the Subconscious Mind of of Brea Bennett knowing that I'd read her Blog showed her support by damaging Brea's Physical Body.
  1. What you're seeing is Subconscious Brea Bennett that is plugged into the Electromagnetic Field that knows what Davis did and said to me.
  2. To show her support, she had Conscious Brea Bennett lose her balance and fall over
  3. When Brea fell over, her body movements were positioned to where she ripped her fingernail off
  4. The Human Body is a precision instrument under the command of the Subconscious Mind
  5. That was Subconscious Brea expressing her distaste with Davis
  6. Subconscious Brea can't directly express her discontent, but she can "sabotage" her own physical body as an expression
  7. That's why the Pinky symbolizing Davis is what got ripped off painfully
You're also seeing how Subconscious Minds plan things way ahead of time.

You also see what the value of Davis is:
  1. Davis is the Fingernail that got removed
  2. You can always grow another fingernail
  3. This is a message to Davis and anyone else who tries to claim how important Davis was in my work and research
  4. Davis abandoning me and leaving me when I needed help is that Fingernail getting torn off
  5. That's what Davis is in comparison to the rest of the body
People wonder why I get mad and it's because people's NEGLIGENCE results in someone else getting hurt or even killed. Call me crazy, but I think people accidentally dying because of someone else's ignorance and negligence is offensive.

I get really offended when I see someone else have to suffer for someone else' screw-up. That's why I go off on people and will yell at them. What really annoys me is how people are like Kids that don't know any better.

This comes back to why I'm not impressed with people's age. Davis is a 34 year old. However, his negligence causing hurt is because he doesn't know any better.

That's where we come back to why I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II). This is why I was designated as the Official ADULT while everyone else doesn't know any better.

That's why in "Minority Report," the bum who tore his eyes out says:

"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."

That's how it is right now. Because nobody realizes what they're doing except for me, I'm the MOST SANE of everyone. I'm the one who actually UNDERSTANDS what's going on and the repercussions of my actions.

Because I'm SMART ENOUGH to avoid doing things that will hurt or harm people unconsciously, that's what makes me MORE EXPERIENCED and SMARTER than most people.

That's why my "Spiritual Age" is that of an old person compared to everyone else who is physically older than me.

I gained the respect of the Subconscious Minds around the Planet because I understand the way the Laws operate. That's why they listen to me and why I'm like the "Ambassador to the Subconscious Realm."

The Subconscious Minds around the Planet send me data or information so that I know who's doing what. It's a hug offense to me when someone has to have their Physical Body marred or where they have to go through unnecessary pain and anguish.

That's why I said 6/15/2006 how I got angry with Kelly Deva because her actions caused a 12 people to die in Bus Crash in Poland and 21 to drown when the boat flipped over.

Kelly Deva, who didn't understand what she'd done, thought I went Psycho and couldn't understand why I was yelling at her and going ballistic.

I said 4/7/2005 how Isabella Valentine and a bunch of women chewed my ass out when I told them that Charlie of BCB killed Mattie Stepanek.

My Psychic Forensics Tests I conduct are ACCURATE. I always follow the same Mathematical Operation to divine this stuff. It doesn't deviate.

Davis is one of the worst. I said 3/2/2006 that two Nigerian Planes with over 200 people total fell out of the Sky kiling all of them.

That's why when all of this gets out into the Mainstream, I will not sit here and have people go off on me and try to pin the blame on me. I tried to tell people and I always got shut down and told to screw off.

If people don't want to listen and tell me to fuck off after I've warned them, fine. However, don't come crying to me when people suddenly realize that my Readings are correct.

I said 5/30/2006 about the BEEHIVE ANALOGY:
  1. I tell someone that he shouldn't rattle the beehive because he'll piss off the bees. They'll come and sting him
  2. He laughs at me, calls me stupid, and ignores my warnings
  3. He grabs a stick and starts prodding the beehive
  4. The swarm of bees come out and start stinging him
  5. He has to go to the hospital for bee stings and runs up a a hospital bill
Do you think it's FAIR if he comes to me pissed off blaming me and then saying I'm the one who has to pay for the hospital bill?

I will keep on harping on that issue. Don't make me the scapegoat claiming I didn't do my part trying to warn people to stop doing what they were doing because it was harming and killing others.

Like I said, if people want to claim that I'm nuts and wrong, okay. However, don't blame me years later when it turns out that my Theories on how it all works turns out to be right.

complaints, pinky, davis, signs, rants, accidents, beehive, ambassador

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