I haven't really talked much about it, but everyone assumes that God is Male:
- It's really "God the Fat Her."
- If the Sun in our Solar System is Female, she'd be a "Fat Her"
- When you're pregnant, you're Fat
- F = 6th Letter = 6th Sign = Virgo = Virgo = Virgin Mary
- F/At = Virgo(F/6) Superman(At/20-1/19/S)
That's why when it comes to Lesbian Couples, you can determine which one is the Fat Her, by the one that weighs the most :o).
The one who's bigger or more dominant would be a "Fat Her" :o).
That's why you should listen to "Fat" by Weird Al Yankovic that is a parody of "Bad" by Michael Jackson. When you're "mentally lazy," you get mentally fat.
When you're mentally fat, you do BAD things because you're taking the easy way out:
- That's why when I say that Davis is being L/AZ-y that's a True Statement
- L/AZ-y = Bad(L/Non-7) Valentine(AZ/Arizona/2-14) Male(Y)
- I said that Davis thinks I just sit around doing nothing when he's the one who's being L/AZ-y
- L.A./Z-y = Heavenly(L.A./Los Angeles) Aquarius(Z/Hardened 2) Male(Y0
- Davis is Aquarius, Male, and living in Los Angeles
- Heavenly Aquarius Male = Humanitarian Ideals of "God" being impressed on other people
- It means overdoing Religion
That's why he's REALLY L.A./Z-y :o). When you don't want to do the right thing because it's hard, you're being "L.A/Z-y" or a Heavenly Aquarius Male.
Once again, we come back to how I always say Mathematically True Statements :o).
----------------- Original Message -----------------
¸¤.Klaudia.¤¸Date: Jun 16, 2006 12:24 AM
Have her message me! I am interested in knowing her if she chooses to accept that.
Also as Pisces is the Sign of Endings, Termination, or Finality, what does that mean for me in terms of circulation or energy. Because i've "been through it all" I understand where a lot of the bagage and demons are from however what does this mean in the bigger picture for me? What do the endeds represent and are the ending really begginnings?
What's your take?
- KLaudia
To: ¸¤.Klaudia.¤¸
From: Rod
Date: Jun 16, 2006 1:21 AM
Subject: Pisces, Preparation H, "It's the End of the World" by REM
I haven't talked much to
Kelly Deva. We have a cordial friendship, but that's about as far as it goes.
You're better off talking to her yourself than me IMHO.
A lot of people get angry with me and the stuff I say even though it's Prophetic.
One of the things I try to tell people is that I don't lie or have to worry about lying anymore. What I say is already true or will technically come true so that any false statements will transform into True Statements.
That's the interesting thing about Truth. Whatever is false can be turned into the Truth.
For example, if I said something outrageous like there's going to be an Alien Invasion, people can laugh. However, if the next day a bunch of UFOs land on the Planet, what was once false and could never happen in a million years, turns into a true statement.
This is where we come back to why I was shown by the Planet "Mathematical Truths." They say that Numbers don't lie.
- If I say I'm "Christ," people can dispute that
- They can say, "You're not Christ because you don't look like him"
- However, when I say I'm C+H+R+I+S+T = IR = My Initials, that's a Mathematical Truth
- It robs all Lawyers, Scientists, and Skeptics of any argument because it's a Mathematical Truth that can be proven
- You can dig up my Birth Certificate for my Real Name
- You can dig up any Periodic Table
- You can transcribe the Letters in "CHRIST" to Numbers and it will add up to 77
All true statements.
For example, when I say I'm a Gemini Superman, that's a true statement:
- I didn't say I'm Superman, I said I'm a Gemini Superman
- Gemini = Sign of Communication
- When I plug into the Electromagnetic Field using it as a Broadcast Signal beamed to Subconscious Minds around the Planet, that's Communication
- That takes "a" Superman to pull something like that off
- The Planet even got more technical because my Biological Father was born 11/19
- 11/19 = K/S = KS = Kansas
- Clark Kent was born in Kansas
- C/L.A.-R/K-K/Ent = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Los Angeles(L.A.) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Washington State(K-K/11-11) Entertainment
- My mom is born 12/8 like Teri Hatcher who played Lois Lane
- CHRIST/OP-Her = IR(CHRIST/77) Operating Procedure(OP) IR-On Male(Her/Fe-Male/Iron Male)
- Re/EVE = 1975(Re/75-Periodic) Gemini Sun(EVE/555/LeoLeoLeo/SunSunSun/3 Sun)
Mathematically True Statement. That's why the move "
Superman Returns" is about me. I'm a Superhero Character brought to Life.
- I've been genetically altered to look like Clark Kent right down to the Forelock.
- I'm of Royal Blood
- I'm the Last S/On of K-R/y/Pt-On
- S/On = Superman(S) Activated(On)
- K-R/y/Pt-On = Aquarius(K/11/11th Sign) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y) Part(Pt.) Activated(On)
- K-R/y/Pt-On = 11-18(K-R)) Male(Y) Part(Pt.) Activated(On)
- 11-18 is before 11-19 (My Biological Father's Birthday)
- When my Biological Father was still in my Paternal Grandmother's Womb, he was "K-R/y-Pt/On
- When he was conceited, K-R/y-Pt./On was "destroyed"
You even see traces of it in Adult Film STAR Sunny Leone:
- She looks like my mom in 1961
- Oedipal Complex: Sigmund Freud = SF = San Francisco
- Did you know that Scott born 3/10 now resides in San Francisco (Sunnyvale) with you?
- SF = Superman(S) Virgo(F/6/6th Sign)
- SUN/ny LEO/ne = Sun Leo = Sun Sun = Gemini Sun
- My mom is symbolic of the Sun in our Solar System
- My mom is symbolic of Mother Earth
When my dad impregnated my mom, the Sperm carrying me was symbolic of the Spaceship carrying Kal-El that crashlands on Earth, which is my Mom's Physical Body.
- There was a repeat of this on a Global Scale
- I said 1/17/2006 about Planetary Myosis
- Two years ago, my "Psychic Sperm" pierced through the Electromagnetic Field as the Shell of the Planet
- It broke through and the Earth accepted my DNA
- It started leaking inside the Planet and going through a Myosis Process
That's why I know that all the stuff you see in the Associated Press is about me. When you know how to read and apply the Mathematical Decryption Code to the Front Line news, you instantly understand why I am able to do this.
That's why technically on another level, my Physical Body would be the "Sperm Shell Casing" left over or the DNA Spaceship that was carrying Kal-El and the last Son of Krypton.
That's why in the movie, you see Marlon Brando as the father:
- Initials MB = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Gemini(B/2)
- Marlon Brando was the Godfather Vito Corleone
- His IMDB Number is 8 = H = Pisces Symbol = Fe-ET = IRon Alien = Man of Steel
- Corleone = C-Or/Leon = Gemini(C/3rd Sign) Sun(Or/V in Philosophy) Leone(Sunny Leone)
- Sunny Leone is Go/D the Fat/Her
- That's why she's been getting kind of "Plump" or Chubby as a "Fat Her" :o)
- The Sun is really big and round, which would qualify as a "Fat Her" :o)
In Celtic Lore, the Goddess Danu (Mother of All) is depicted as Pregnant:
- Technically, the Solar System would be the body of th Goddess Danu
- Planet Earth would be Jesus Christ in the Womb
- Virgin Mary could qualify as the Solar System
- Once the Age of Aquarius is compted 4,000 years from now, Humankind may be technologically advanced enough to travel to other Planets and "leave the nest"
You even see reference to this in "Austin Powers 3: Goldmember"
- I said about Scott Evil
- They talk about Preparation H
- H = Pisces
- Aquarius precedes Pisces
- We are in "Preparation" for "H" (Pisces)
It's a Joke.
That's why Fred Savage is the Mole:
- That huge Mole on his face is referring to me being on the Planet
- All the Subconscious Minds around the Planet that know the SCRIPT aren't allowed to say anything
- The Subconscoius Minds on the Planet aren't allowed to let slip my Identity or Location
- That's why you see Austin Powers who finally can't keep his mouth shut and is pointing at the mole
- "Nobody's allowed to talk about the Mole, but there it is!"
- M(OL)E = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) Sun(E)
You see the same Practical Joke played on people with my Identity. Everyone knows that Clark Kent has the DUMBEST disguise ever with that Pair of Glasses:
- He's the same height as Superman
- He's the same build
- He has the same voice as Superman
- When Clark Kent disappears, Superman appears
- When Superman disappears, Clark Kent appears
It's the Planet making fun of Human Beings that can't see me when I'm right in front of them. It's so OBVIOUS about my Identity, but when I show people my Psychic Abilities and all the things I can make happen, people still don't believe it :).
In your case, as Pisces, it's really just a Sign. Energy is just energy. It's like a Flowing Water Cycle. When you die, your body no longer acts as an Anchor for your Electrical Spirit and you get reinserted into the Pool of Electricity (Water). Then you or parts of you will be reformed into something else.
Maybe you'll be reincarnated as a possum. Oh wait. That already happened. You're tied into Scott:
- You're a P.O.-SS u M
- P.O.-SS u M = Port Orchard Gemini Superman(SS) in Union with 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
- Scott's from Port Orchard(P.O.)
- You're from PO/Land
You're probably one of the Hottest P.O./SS u Ms I know :).
As they say, the end of one thing means the beginning of the other:
- Did you know about the End of the World?
- E/N-D = Sun(E/5) Sun(N/V in Greek/5/Leo) Sun Female(D/Leo Female)
- Sun Sun Sun Female = 3 Sun Female = Gemini Sun Female
- "It's the E-N-D of the World as We Know It" by REM
- RE/M = 1975(Re/75-Periodic) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
- I'm born 5/29/75
- REM = Random Eye Movement
- My First Initials is "I"
- Florida is shaped like a Penis
- California is shaped like an Ass
- Ass = End
- California is the "End" (Ass) of the World
- A/SS = God(A) Gemini Superman(SS)
I'm from Washington State:
- Florida is the Penis
- California is the Ass
Washington State would be the Back
- Ba/CK = Spirit(Ba-Egyptian) Clark Kent(CK)
- I said 5/27/2006 about the Mathematical Version of Clark Kent changing into Superman in a Booth
- Notice Italy for the Vatican is shaped like a Boot
- Boot + Pisces(H) = Booth
- VA/T-i/C-An = Virgin/IA(VA) Female(T/20/XX) God(I) Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Indefinite(An)
It's Rome = R(OM)E = 1975(Re/75-Periodic) with No Mission Objective(OM/Non-MO) inside
- R-O/ME = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Sun(O) Mother Earth(ME)
Ever notice the First Person Pronouns?
- I = 1 in Roman Numerals = God
- Me = M.E. = Mother Earth
- ME = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Sun(E/5/Leo)
- Yo = I in Spanish
- Y-O = Male(Y) Sun(O)
When you break down all the Foreign Languages, you see the Linguistic Operating Procedure. It's really funny :o).