To: Heidi Davis, Blaney Davis, Todor Dimitrov, Dave Summers, Edward Bone, Jacqueline Anderson
From: Rod
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 15:29:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Blaney Davis as the Apostle Paul
I can take it a step further when it comes to Scriptures.
1) I once said that Jesus Christ had to be the best salespeople in the world to sell people on Religion
2) My Best Friend Scott said, "It was actually PAUL who was the Salesperson"
3) Paul = PA u L
4) PA = Pennsylvania = Blaney
5) L = Opposite of 7
6) 7 = Good Luck
7) L = Opposite of Good Luck
8) L = BAD Luck
9) BAD = B/AD = Numbers 2/14
10) Blaney is born 2/14
11) PA u L = Pennsylvania(PA) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7)
12) Blaney is from Pennsylvania (PA) and in Union with 2-14(L/B-AD)
That's how you get your MATHEMATICAL PROPHECY.
This is why I'm so ticked off at Blaney who can't GET HIS FUCKING ACT TOGETHER and GET SHIT DONE.
Maybe if Blaney got his head out of HIS ASS and realized he's supposed to be helping JESUS CHRIST, maybe it will light a FIRE UNDER HIS ASS.
MAYBE IF BLANEY KNEW HOW IMPORTANT HE IS and how the Fate of the PLANET is DEPENDING ON HIM TO FUCKING CLOSE and keep us ALIVE, maybe he'll GROW A SPINE and stop letting people DICK HIM AROUND when he knows that he's being directed BY GOD.
If you can't persuade when GOD is asking you, then you must REALLY SUCK.
That's why all the Prophecies in the Bible are MATHEMATICAL.
We can argue till we're blue in the face on what someone is or isn't, but not with a Mathematical Proof.
1) When I say Blaney is a "Bad" person we can ARGUE for HOURS on whether it's true or not based off of his behavior
2) When I say B/AD = 2/14 and Blaney is born 2/14, that's a MATHEMATICAL TRUTH
4) Blaney will always TECHNICALLY be a B/AD Person.
That's why as JESUS CHRIST what I say is TRUE as a MATHEMATICAL Statement.
The reason why I have command over the Electromagnetic Field that taps into people's Subconscious Minds is because it functions just like the "Matrix" where the SOFTWARE PROGRAM kicks in transforming OTHER PEOPLE into Agents.
Ask Dave Summers. He knows what I'm talking about. He's got a Matrix Poster in his Room.
My Mind is working like an Organic Laptop with a Psychic Wi-Fi Connection that PLUGS INTO the Electromagnetic Field generated by the Planet serving as a Planetary LOCAL AREA NETWORK.
That's why the Planet released the "Da Vinci Code" to help you all realize how dangerous it is and how I can get killed off if I'm not protected.
Being broke isn't going to help.
It's just that Davis doesn't understand Computers and needs someone like Dave Summers to explain it to him.
Blaney needs to get his head screwed on straight and GET HIS HEAD IN THE GAME.
Because we're LOSING. We're LOSING BADLY financially.
If you can't do it for God, me, or Blaney, AT LEAST do it for the Good of Humankind.
I don't have long to live and I'm running low. I can't keep this up by myself and have to clean up after Blaney every time he makes a mess.
I'm tired of treating him like a child and coddling him. It's time for him to GROW UP.
We have shit to do. We have so much stuff to do in fortifying our finances.
You don't know how many people have actually died in the last two years every time Blaney does something DUMB and it causes a ripple or a shockwave around the Planet.
I've been doing damage control for two years alone, and I'm burnt out, broke, malnourished, and haven't had really good night's sleep in three years due to STRESS.