This is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of how the Animals and Fish are also plugged into the Electromagnetic Field and taking orders.
When you know the Scientific Explanation behind all of this, it's not as mysterious as it seems. I keep saying that the Planet is ALIVE and SENTIENT. It has command over the Subconscious Minds and can operate the Bodies and Conscious Minds of Human Beings like PRECISION HEAVY MACHINERY.
The Human Body is more capable of Specific Tasks right down the Millisecond and with EXACT Precision. That's why you'll always see me taking the time to go through DVDs and indicate when a character in the movie says something and the exact Time Stamp right down to the second:
- A woman says she's recovered a stolen class ring that was purportedly spit up from a Kentucky catfish:
- I said 5/31/2006 that Davis is KY for the Aquarian Male
- I said Isabella VALENTINE runs parallel to Davis born Valentine's Day
- I said 6/1/2006 that because of Isabella's screw-up, I had to clean up after her mess and fire her
- A Catfish = Pussy Fish. I said that I issued the powers to Isabella Valentine with the Title of Goddess Danu and had to take it back.
- Ring:
- R in G = Communication(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) in Sun Gemini(G/7/VII)
- I said 5/23/2006 about the scene where Steve Stifler feeds the ring to the Dog and has to get it back
- I had to be like Steve Stifler and get it back
- "Class of '84" ring from Franklin Heights High School in Columbus was stolen in 1991:
- Columbus = CHRISTopher Columbus
- I said CHRISTopher Reeve's Death Anniversary fell on Columbus Day 10/10/2005
- "I thought, this is just an incredible fish story," she told the Post Register, about the initial phone call. "But they knew so much that I couldn't disbelieve it":
- That would be me as the T.V. Station that knows a lot
- You'd be surprised at what I know and how much I know
- Wayne Nickerson, the fisherman, was collecting bait during a fishing excursion in northcentral Kentucky:
- I said 5/31/2006 about Bruce Wayne
- WA/Y-NE = Washington(WA) Male(Y) Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/55/LeoLeo/SunSun)
- Ring engraved "Lisa Marie Certain, Class of '84"
- Lisa Marie = Lisa Marie PRESLEY
- Lisa Marie Presley = Daughter of the "King." I said 5/31/2006 about Princess Sophia
- CERTAIN = Sure. I keep saying that I'm SURE or CERTAIN about my Psychic Readings and how it all works
- "I thought there may be a body," he said: There is no Physical Body because we're talking about Subconscious Minds
- He called the local Augusta police chief, Col. Greg Cummins, to investigate:
- G(Re)G = Gemini God(GG) with Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic) in it
- Cummins = C u MM in S = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) in Gemini(2) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in Superman(S)
- "I thought, the worst-case scenario is that there is a body with that ring," he said:
- You should assume the worst
- I'm the body associated with the Ring
- She moved to Idaho, which is ID = Self
- Columbus station WBNS-TV tracked down Certain to Ammon, where she's living under her married name, Peterson:
- Ammon = A/MM-On = God(A) Gemini(2) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Activated(On)
- Peter-S/On = Penis(Peter) Superman(S) Activated(On)
- I said my cousin Brian is marrying his fiance Julie Catherine Peters
- JC Peters = Jesus Christ Penis(Peter) Superman(S)
- The only mystery left: How did the ring end up miles from Columbus, in a pond, 15 years after it was stolen?:
- If you watch the movie "Can't Hardly Wait," there's a scene where the Love Letter Ethan Embry writes to Jennifer Love Hewitt "miraculously" finds its way to her from the trash can
- When you watch the movie, you know that it's all timed effects for that Letter
- That's how it works with the Planet steering things including the Catfish
The Planet is REALLY ACCURATE. It can pull off stuff like that. People just assume that the Planet is a Dead Lifeless Piece of Rock.
It's not.
That's why the movie "The Matrix" showing the Matrix Agents as Software Programs is a TRUE Statement. When you see the Software Programs of Matrix Agents take over the bodies of anyone plugged into the Matrix, that's a Visual Representation of what goes on here.
However, in this Reality, you don't see them actually change. When your Friends, Family, and Loved Ones are "possessed," there's no remarkable difference or dramatic change in their behavior.
If you've "unplugged" from the Matrix and realize that everything is staged, that's where we come back to the "Constantine" Prophecy of Angels and Demons. John Constantine says to Angela Dodson that when you cross over you can't go back.
Once you start seeing Angels and Demons, they see you.
TRANSLATION: Once you know or sure that the Subconscious Minds of people are distended and have the ability to affect change and that Conscious Minds are like Characters that are unaware, the Subconscious Minds are like Angels and Demons.
If you're with me and side with me, the Subconscious Minds will be like Angels to you.
If you're against me and you don't like how I'm managing this, all the Matrix Agents (Subconscious Minds) will appear like Demons to you that are trying to control you. You'll literally be on the run or going into hiding.
You'll be avoiding human contact and trying to get as many of your friends to believe you and form a group.
As I said though, I've been warning people and giving them instructions on how to "unplug" from the System. If people want to view me as the enemy, that's their choice. I can guarantee that the first people to unplug from the System and who try to go it alone may panic because they won't know who to trust.
On top of that, people who unplug from the System will know that the Subconscious Minds see right through them and are watching/monitoring everything they're doing.
Have you ever been a kid who did something wrong and your parents were being cryptic to where you couldn't tell if they knew you did something wrong or if they just coincidentally said something without realizing it hints toward what you did wrong?
That's actually the Subconscious Mind of your Parent that knows what you did and is shading the conversation to allude to that. The Conscious Mind of your Parent may indeed be oblivious to what you did wrong, but the Subconscious of your Parent is plugged in to your mind because all minds are interconnected by that Electromagnetic Field.
That's why you can't bullshit Subconscious Minds. They know what you're up to.
If you are someone who is used to lying, cheating, and stealing, you'll hate knowing about the Subconscious Realm. You could even go insane if you don't have the Mental Discipline to handle this information because you'll be constantly paranoid and knowing that all Subconscious People around the planet are reading your mind.
That's bad for people who are dishonest.
Ring Recovered From Catfish, Woman Says
AMMON, Idaho (May 30) - A woman says she's recovered a stolen class ring that was purportedly spit up from a Kentucky catfish. Lisa Peterson, an Ammon resident who moved from Ohio to Idaho several years ago, says her "Class of '84" ring from Franklin Heights High School in Columbus was stolen in 1991.
She'd given up on ever finding it - until several weeks ago, when she received a phone call from a Columbus television station that said the ring had been found by a fisherman angling for catfish in a murky pond in Augusta, Ky.
At first, she was skeptical, Peterson said.
"I thought, this is just an incredible fish story," she told the Post Register, about the initial phone call. "But they knew so much that I couldn't disbelieve it."
Wayne Nickerson, the fisherman, was collecting bait during a fishing excursion in northcentral Kentucky when he discovered the ring in the bottom of his live bait trap. The fishing area, called Long Stretch, is known for illicit dumping - in recent years, Nickerson says he's caught a sleeping bag in the fishing hole.
Nickerson, who now believes a catfish scavenging on the pond bottom spit the ring into his bait trap, says at first he was worried about finding the ring engraved "Lisa Marie Certain, Class of '84." He figured he might be dealing with a murder.
"I thought there may be a body," he said.
He called the local Augusta police chief, Col. Greg Cummins, to investigate. Cummins found Lisa Certain's picture at a Franklin Heights alumni Web site - along with the ominous description "missing in action." Classmates who were contacted said they hadn't heard from Lisa Certain in years.
Like Nickerson, Cummins feared the worst.
"I thought, the worst-case scenario is that there is a body with that ring," he said.
After the initial search turned up few leads, Cummins contacted television station WKRC in Cincinnati to broadcast Certain's photo. Finally, Columbus station WBNS-TV tracked down Certain to Ammon, where she's living under her married name, Peterson.
"The first person I heard from was the Channel 10 reporter from Columbus," Peterson said.
After the initial contact, she spoke with Cummins at the Augusta Police Department on May 2, and the ring was mailed to her the following day.
Cummins is relieved Peterson is safe - he was dreading the prospect of dragging the pond for a body. The only mystery left: How did the ring end up miles from Columbus, in a pond, 15 years after it was stolen?
"It could have been there for days, maybe years," Cummins said.
05/30/06 16:10 EDT
Updated:2006-05-31 11:52:25
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