Okay, let's take the LAST Psychic Prediction a ONE STEP FURTHER to show how much Faster my Psychic Reflexes are now compared to 6 months ago:
Male member of the beefolk seeks female outside of the hive to attract, possibly mate with. Perhaps to bring back to the hive for some more fun. Methods of attraction include magic, pheromone-laden honey, and the ability to change genders for those girls who prefer other girls. Be sure to check +info for more detailed information and let me know if you're interested.
- Posted at: Wed May 31 02:28:38 2006: That's 11:28 p.m. Pacific and ONE HOUR LATER from my previous post 10:10 pm.
- Beehive Analogy:
- Yellow Jacket = Bee
- Beehive: I said 5/30/2006 about the Beehive Analogy
- Bee Sting: I said I'm like a Queen Bee with the Subconscious Minds as a Swarm of Killer Bees that keep stinging you
- Sting and the Police: I said 5/29/2006 about I'm the Police and mentioned the group Sting and the Police
- 11:30 pm:It's 11:30 pm, which is my cousin Helen. I said 12/17/2006 that Sunny Leone is Helen of Troy
- Bee Colors: Notice how Bees are YELLOW (like the Sun) and BLACK (like Space)
- Bee Girl in "No Rain" by Blind Melon:
- You had the song "No Rain" by Blind Melon
- Blind Melon = Planet Earth as a floating BRAIN in Space orbiting around the Sun
- It had the little Bee Girl where everyone was LAUGHING at her DUMB OUTFIT
- At the end, she comes across other people wearing DUMB BEE OUTFITS and they all start dancing together :o)
- I'm like the Little Bee Girl
- Queen Bee: I said my Psychic Video Game Character is "Queen Isabelo the Gemini" ( Queen Elizabeth II)
When I was in 7th Grade, I was walking barefoot in the Dining Room and accidentally stepped on a Yellow Jacket crawling around on the carpet stung my big toe.
PROPHECY: I remember feeling sorry for the Little Bee Girl who made a Guest Appearance at the end of the 1993(?) MTV Awards because everyone was leaving and no one was paying attention to her dancing.
That's symbolic of me showing everyone Psychic Phenomenon and no one's paying attention. Everyone pointing and laughing at my claims at having Psychic Abilities is everyone pointing and laughing at my "dumb Bee Girl Outfit" that I'm dancing around in...LOL