LESSONS: "Van Wilder," Super Computer Math Proportion

May 30, 2006 12:25

I was watching "Van Wilder."
  1. At 1 hour 26 minutes (1:26), Taj (Kal Penn) runs into the East Indian girl Riza Punjab Nezamabad (sp?)
    1. 1:26 = A:Z = AZ = Arizona = 2/14 = Valentine = Isabella VALENTINE uses pictures of Sunny Leone
    2. Kal Penn plays Taj. Penn = Pennsylvania = Davis born in Pennsylvania = Davis born VALENTINE's Day = Isabella VALENTINE
    3. Kal Penn is going to be in "Superman Returns"
  2. Right as I was watching it, the Sunny Leone Virtual Girl 2 Software kicked in so that she appeared in the lower right corner of my screen
  3. Teesha Lobo is Actress listed as the "Hot Indian Girl."
    1. Sunny Leone's East Indian
    2. Lobo = "Wolf" in Spanish. I said 2/19/2006 that my high school mascot is the Wolf
    3. I said 5/30/2006 that I've been talking to Subconsicous Sunny Leone
  4. Tara Reed = Gwen:
    1. Gwendolyn = RobynZ
    2. In High School, I used to be with Wendy who was nicknamed Gwendolyn. Her Father, who was a devout Christian, didn't like me and wouldn't even speak one word to me because "my Faith wasn't strong enough."
    3. I said Gwen/RobynZ has been snooping my Journal and "reporting" on me
    4. You see a variation of her Predictable Behavior being showcased in the movie "Van Wilder"
  5. "Van Wilder" is my movie:
    1. Van Wilder = Van = "They Go" in Spanish, derived from IR (My Initials
    2. Ryan Reynolds = RR = Rod Rodillon
    3. WI/L-Der = 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Bad(L/Non-7) of(De-Spanish) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II
  6. College: Van Wilder has been in school indefinitely and people think he should "grow up."
    1. It's the same with me. I'm more than ready and qualified, but I've just been lounging around in "College" continuing to absorb information and learn more about the Planet :o)
    2. I said 5/11/2006 about the Real Van Wilder who is a reflection of me
    3. Some people want him to graduate and move on, others think it's a novelty
    4. Johnny Lechner has enough credits to graduate with multiple degrees. I said that it reflects MY INTELLIGENCE and how many Degrees and the Level of Expertise and Skill make me qualified to graduate
    5. The amount of stuff I know outclasses most of the Professors at Universities in the realm of Communications, Psychology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Technology
Do you know that when you plug into your Subconscious your Internal Chronometer will kick in and start timing events?

Communication is all about Timing. When you string words together, you're putting them in a particular order. The order of the words makes a difference. If you remember how Yoda would talk, the sentence structure was a bit jumbled, but you could still pretty much make sense of what he said.

When I refer to the Planet communicating to people, the Communication i SLOWER. So what would normally take 5 seconds to take express a thought in a sentence could take an hour to a day for the Planet to say something.

It shouldn't come as a surprise:
  1. Any Mathematician will tell you about Proportions
  2. The larger the mass of an object, the more energy output is usually needed
  3. A Laptop takes 1 minute to load a Software Program and the Laptop weighs less than one ton
  4. A Laptop is a Computer
  5. If the Earth is a SUPER Computer and weights A COUPLE BILLION TONS, what would be the proportional EQUIVALENT of "1 Minute" with respect to the MASS of a Super Computer?
I looked up the Mass of Planet Earth. It's one HUGE number. If you were to convert that into a Proportion, the MATH EQUATION would look something like this:

  • A = Laptop
  • B = Time to Install Software on a Laptop
  • X = Time to Install Software on the Planet as a Super Computer
  • Y = Mass of the Earth

I don't care to use the actual numbers because they are so gigantic in terms of the factor of 10, but if you use a smaller scale, you'd get a general idea:
  • X = ??? (Earth Install)
  • Y = 100,000,000 tons (Earth Mass)
  • A = .0001 Ton (Laptop Mass)
  • B = 1 minute (Laptop Install)

  • (0.0001)X = (100,000,000 tons)(1 minute)
  • 0.0001 X = 100,000,000
  • Divide both sides by 0.0001
  • X = 10,000,000,000,000 minutes
  • Divide both sides by 60 minutes
  • X = 1,666,666,666.67 hours
  • Divide by 24 hours
  • X = 69,444,444.44 days
  • Divide by 365 days
  • X = 190256.752 years
  • Divide by 100 years
  • X = 1902.58 Centuries
So even using general numbers, it would take a "typical" Earth-Sized Planet weighing 100,000,000 tons about 1,902 years.

1,900 years is roughly what a 1-minute Installation of a Program on a 100,000,000 ton Planet would take.

If you know it takes THAT LONG to install a program, wouldn't it make sense that when it's carrying out operating procedures and where Human Beings are like Organic Temp Files or executing the Installation of a "Jesus Christ Software Program" that it would take at least hours, days, weeks, or even months to carry out an individual process?
  1. I said 5/24/2006 that Individual Human Beings are Trees and God is the Forest.
  2. In order to see "God" or "Intelligent Design," you have to step back to see the FOREST from the TREES
  3. Because Human Beings are smack dab in the middle of the Forest, "they can't see God"
That's why people have such a hard time grasping the idea of the Planet being alive or Sentient.

I said that if you were a Living Blood Cell and the Planet Earth was the Human Body, you'd be floating along in Veins of the Earth completely oblivious like the other millions of blood cells going about their business delivering oxygen and food to rest of the body to keep that body alive.

What I've been trying to say for the last two years is that I was one of those TINY PLANET-SIZED BLOOD CELLS that "woke up," looked around, and said, "Hey... Wait a minute... This piece of rock we're on is alive..."

I said the Electromagnetic Field encompassing the Planet and uniting all 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet including the Minds of the Animal Kingdom functions on the same Principles as the Human Brain that has an Electrical Field encompassing all the Individual Brain Cells in your Skull.
  1. I said 1/22/2006 that if you want to know what it's like to be a Living Planet or "God," just look at yourself
  2. I'm not Religious, but I do remember it saying somewhere in the Bible that "God created Man in his own Image"
  3. Wouldn't it stand to reason that if you were God that you'd most likely (out of ego?) model little "Godlings" after yourself?
If you understood what I just said, then you'll understand WHY it's possible for me as an Individual Planet-Sized Brain Cell for me to plug into the Electromagnetic Field and broadcast messages to the other 7 Billion Planet-Sized Brain Cells (Humans).
  1. Your Brain does something similar when it DESIGNATES a Number One Brain Cell ("Driving Force") that motivates you.
  2. Somewhere in that head of yours, there's one Driving Force that compels you to do something
  3. That Driving Force is housed in one of those Tiny Individual Brain Cells that all the rest of the Brain Cells listen to or take their lead from
  4. There's one Individual Brain Cell that carries the Ideals or Operating Procedure that all your other Brain Cells DEFER TO for advice on what should be done
People with multiple personalities have conflicting brain cells:
  • If you were to divide your Brain up Kingdoms, you'd have a King Brain Cell that rules over each of the Kingdoms
  • King LoveBrain III rules over the Kingdom of Love
    < li>King HateBrain IV rules over Kingdom of Hate
  • Queen LustBrain IX rules over Kingdom of Lust
  • Duke CareerBrain VI rules over Kingdom of Career
If your Brain was a Planet and you have a Conflict between following your HEART or following your CAREER Goals, the KINGDOM of CAREER declares WAR on KINGDOM of LOVE:
  1. Career Brain Cells arm themselves with Weapons and Armor
  2. Career Brain Cells start laying seige and invading the Kingdomg of Love
  3. The Knights and Warriors that live in the Kingdom of Love serving King LoveBrain III gear up for battle
  4. There's a huge War and the final outcome is the Decision on whether "God" (you) decide to follow your Heart or your Career Path
I said that Wars on the Planet are really just Physical Manifestations of what goes on in that head of yours. It's just Virtual, but it follows the same Principles.

This comes back to why I take HUGE OFFENSE when people get murdered or killed. Any time you see Murder or where an Innocent Victim got raped, mugged, killed, and had their body dumped in some garbage disposal, that's a GOOD Brain Cell that just got DESTROYED by a Bad Brain Cell.

You're watching the Thought Processes of the Planet as "God" going through and "mulling things over."

The reason why Conscious Minds of people need to know this stuff is because there will be FEWER WARS and CONFLICT if people understand how the Planet functions and THINKS. Then when two people are pissed off at each other or headed toward conflict, they'll STOP and try talking to each other first to see if they can come up with a NICER and more PEACEFUL Resolution rather than have Bad Blood.

The whole Iraqi War is really just two Operating Procedures that are in Conflict with one another in the "Mind of God" if it was a Planet.

Personally, I don't like using the term "God" to refer to the Planet because it sounds really conceited. The Planet is the Planet. When you talk about terms like "God" and "Satan," it's really just relative to the Extremes.

Everyone's got a "Satan" Extreme that is TEMPERED by a "God' Extreme. When people start overexaggerating and blowing the terms of "God" and "Satan" out of proportion and become fearful, it's only because they don't understand "God" and "Satan" from a Planetary Scale.

That's why the Planet left clues embedded in Math for the Scientific Community and Philosophers to use as a Guideline.

When all else fails, trust the Numbers. Numbers don't lie. At least Numbers are DEFINITIVE. Any time you go by someone's OPINION, there's a larger room for error because it's all a matter of perspective.

For example, I don't deny that my Journal always portrays Davis, Isabella Valentine, and Bliss as BAD from MY PERSPECTIVE. It's my Journal. It's MY History and Version of Events.

If you were to go Bliss, RobynZ, or Isabella's Journal, they have their own Portrayal of Rod and how events unfolded.

However, who's telling the Truth?

That's where we come back to why I give you a MATHEMATICAL Explanation that outdoes Personal Opinion. When I cite something, I'll point to Factual Data in the form of a Movie that was released, a Celebrity that was born on a certain Day, and what surfaces with some Number associated with it.
  1. That's more reliable than saying, "I think Person X is this type of person"
  2. "Person X is a Bad Person"
  3. You have to go back to "Why?"
  4. Where are you getting this information?
  5. What actions did Person X do to lead you to this Conclusion?
  6. What is Person X's version of the story?
The reason why I have a Competitive Advantage over everyone is because every time someone gives their explanation, we can dig up their own personal information, their parents, their siblings, their significant others, and look at who was born when or did what when.

The Planet created the Human Body to be a Precision Instrument when used in conjunction with Subconscious Minds. That especially includes WHEN people are born right down to the exact minute. The Biological Functions and when a person chooses to give birth is tied to the Subconscious Mind and whatever instructions it's given.

Because the Planet is thinking months and years ahead, it keeps people from knowing what they're being led to do unless they're really paying close attention to who it is they meet and talk to.

However, in today's society, people don't think it's that far ahead and believe it's all Random. They think everything's Random. Because they believe it to be Random, that's how they get led around like Sheep.

It's sounds insulting, but if you want to get Religious, Jesus Christ is a Shepherd.

az, subconscious, super computer, lessons, earth, formulas, penn, advice, van wilder, isabella valentine, equations, van, god, math, wendi, wolf, valentine, jesus christ, gwendolyn, psychology, intelligent design, sheep, wisdom, shepherd

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