One funny thing that RobynZ pointed out that I thought was funny was when
she blasting me on the WTF Community and made a comment about how I use this weird sort of Math.
The reason why people don't believe in Psychic Abilities, WitchCraft, or Wizardry anymore is because people are much smarter today than they were 100 years ago or even 200 years ago compared to the Middle Ages.
People "claminig" Witches, Wizards, and Sorcerers back then had little Knowledge of Science. They don't know about:
- Chemistry
- Compounds
- Electricity
- Circuitry
- Psychology
- Natural Sciences
You could get away with using Fear and Intimidation
- Wizard would raise his arms menacingly, "If you don't do as I say, I'm going to transform you into a NEWT!!!"
- Witches would say, "If you don't do as I say, I'm going to give your family a Pox and where they'll be stricken with iillness"
- Magicians would bellow, "I'll send down a blight that will harm your crops!"
- Smal Townfolk that didn't know about Science and how it's Physically impossible to do that kind of stuff would cower in fear and say, "Oh, please! I beg you! Don't hurt me or my family!!!"
You can't get away with that nowadays.
- We have 1,000 years worth of proof that shows that nothing immediate has ever happened
- We've never see any documentation that shows that anybody has ever had the ability to transform someone into an animal
- We've never seen any proof that shows you can put a Hex on people
- We've never seen any direct proof that says that a person stricken with an illness has anything to do with some Witch Doctor taking credit for it
Like I said, people are SMARTER and there's enough Documentation that shows that nothing like that has ever happened.
According to current textbooks, it is impossible to disappear and reappear in this Physical Realm. I'll be the first agree. There isn't. You don't have to worry about that.
What people fail to understand about my Psychic Abilities is that it's rooted in Science, Technologies, and Computer Circuitry. The appropriate terminology would be a TECHNOPATH:
- It's a term that comes from the movie "Sky High"
- It's where someone has the ability to affect Electrical Equipent
- They use Electricity
That's the way my Psychic Abilities function and why it works so effectively.
I'm always repeating myself, but I know that I have to keep being REPETITIVE and SPEAK SLOWLY to make sure it really gets drilled into people's heads:
- The Human Mind is composed or organic tissue
- The brain has blood that is composed of Iron
- Iron is metallic and can conduct electricity
- Brainwave Patterns measured by CAT Scans indicate that Electrical Activity in the Brain
- The Electromagnetic Field is generated by the Planet and encompasses the Earth
- The Organic Tissue and the way that Blood and Neural Pathways flow through the Brain is like an Organic Circuitry Board
- The way the Electromagnetic Field courses through the Limestone Layers of Rock is by the PATH OF LEAST RESISTENCE
- Electricity flows through the Path of Least Resistence just like Water
- So when that Electromagnetic Field courses through the Planet, everyone's Human Minds, which are electrical, are swimming in that Electrical Field
When I say that I use my Psychic Abiliites to plug in through the Electromagnetic Field as a "Planetary Local Area Network" using my Mind an "Organic Laptop" with a Psychic Wireless Internet Connection plugged into that Planetary LAN, that's how I'm able to PERFORM Psychic Mind Influence.
You'd think people would get it through their THICK SKULLS such a simple concept, but people are SO DENSE:
- The Planet is like a Super Computer
- The Mind is like a Computer
- The Planet has an Electromagnetic Field
- The Brain uses an Electrical Field
- Computers use Software comprised of Lines of Code for an Operating System
- Human Minds follow an Operating System that we refer to as Psychologically Conditioned Behavior
This is where MATH COMES IN:
- I said 10/25/2005 that RobynZ was dismissing my usage of Math Abilities
- Math Formulas are Operating Procedures
- When you take a Math Equation and plug in Numbers or rearrange the Variables, that's a "Math Operation"
- So when I say I "cast a Psychic Spell" where I take a VOCABULARY WORD and dissect it assigning or attaching meanings to those Letters as SYMBOLS, that's a "Mathematical Spell"
Haven't you ever heard of a MATH WIZARD? :o)
- When I say that I can go into people's Subconscious Minds and fiddle with things, I'm using that Electromagnetic Field to send a Message to transmit data
- I said 10/26/2005 that the Japanese invented technology you can attach to the back of someone's neck into their Nervous System and take control of their motor functions
- To do that, it means it requires electricity
- You'd need to be able to send a Message to that Transceiver so that it can transmit data through your Nervous System to emulate a Signal telling you how you should move your limbs
That's Technology.
Now if you know that the Japanese can invent Artificial Technology, wouldn't be safe to assume that it must use some type of Computer and run off Electricity?
If you know it runs off a Computer and Electricity by an artificial unit that is manmade, doesn't that leave it open to the possibility that if you could figure a way out to do TELEPATHY that you could create a similar effect?
That's the point I keep trying to make. Ironically enough, because people don't believe in it or haven't been educated in this field, it just falls on deaf ears and people just dismiss it as nothing.
I said 5/17/2006 about Goibniu and Forge of Celtic Lore. In the Video Game "Diablo," you have weapons that are based off the Zodiac. Even though it's in a Video Game Construct, you can translate all those Letters into Symbols.
A lot of those special weapons that you see can be constructed the same way you see Game Programmers create them:
- Is there a real Firetooth Knife? No, but you can create a Video Game version of it.
- Is there Magical Armor that doesn't wear down? No, but you can one in a Video Game
- Is there such a thing as a Bag of Holding where it never gets fulll? No, but you can write one into a Video Game
For anyone who has played on Bulletin Board Systems, Online Gaming Sites, World of WarCraft, EverQuest, or Ultima Online, you can acquire such items. They're figurative, but they exist in the Fantasy Video Gaming World that you plug into.
If you imagine the Electromagnetic Field as a Local Area Network functioning like an Online Gaming Facility, you can create a "Psychic Gaming Facility." If you yank off the word "Psychic" and you translate all the Organic Human Minds as being Host Servers all interconnected into one huge Network, you've got yourself one huge Planetary Gaming Facility.
That's the best way in which I can describe how my Psychic Abilities function.
People just assume that because I can't cause a manifestation to occur instantaneously like within minutes or seconds that it doesn't exist. You have to think like a Corporation. You don't measure business in hours or days. You measure in Quarters, which is every 3 months.
When I show you something that manifests in the News within 24 hours, that's FAST. Have you forgotten how BIG the Planet is? Wouldn't it make sense that if it's Super Computer that is juggling 7 billion Humans on the Planet that despite its speed, it may need a WEE BIT of time to process a request?
That's why in Computer Labs, you'll see ONE Printer linked to four or five computer terminals. Not everyone is using that Printer at the same time so it's more cost-effective to have five computers share one Printer.
When there are multiple requests for Print Jobs sent simultaneously, the Printer goes through the process of completing each task one at a time.
Imagine the Printer being the Planet Earth and each Computer being one Human Being. Now imagine 7 billion Human Computers that are using Planet-Sized PRINTER.
That's how you get your "Psychic Print Jobs." Some take priority over others. That's how I'm able to pull it off.
When you see me posting on the News claiming it's a Psychic Prediction, I'm breaking down the Language or Decompiling it so that I can understand what process went through and was carried out.
If you understand Computers, the Internet, and E-mail, it's not that hard to translate that model over to the Psychic Realm that functions on the same Principles.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that when I claim I cast Spells that I use some sort of Symbols, right? Wouldn't it make sense that the Hybrid of Math and Magic would be a Mathematical Spell that uses some form of Computer Code and then using "Psychic E-mail" or TELEPATHY to transmit it in an Electronic-Based Medium that fits with TODAY'S SOCIETY where everything is Digital?
Wouldn't it make sense that if I'm going to use a Computer Program that can HACK people's Minds, that it would be in the form of NUMBERS and YES/NO Statements if the Human Mind is like a Computer and Computers respond to Boolean Statements?
What you're observing is SMART WitchCraft and Wizardry being UPDATED with Current Technology. You'd be surprised at how you can unlock people's minds using Math and Psychology. It's never overt, but if people aren't paying attention you can actually slip them suggestions and get them to do things.
It may not be instantaneous or done in hours or days, but eventually you can shift things to happen over weeks or months. Once again, we come back to how Time is Relative. Hours and Days may fit the Human Mold, but for a Planet as a Super Computer that has been orbiting around the Sun for 4.55 billion years, years, decades, centuries, and millenia are considered short.
If you can digest this information, you start to get the bigger picture of how small and miniscule Humans are in comparison to the Galaxy and the Universe.
People should be THANKING me rather than insulting me for explaining it in terms they can understand :P. It also reflects my Level of Intelligence. Not that anyone ever gives me credit for it :P.
For anyone to do that would meaning having to entertain the thought that maybe I actually am perceptive and intuitive and really DID know what was actually going on two years ago and that MAYBE Isabella and Bliss were WRONG and GOOFED.