Here's a funny Sign:
- Rob used to be in High School P.E.
- Rob said, "Holy crap, Batman. You're right! It's all coming back to me now."
- I said 5/16/2006 that I'm the real Batman and use Davis who's Black as the Batman Costuem
- Rob = Robin
- That's how you get a variation of Batman and Robin...LOL
That's an example of the Subconscious Mind of Robin teasing about my Identity
- P.E. is for the Spear of Destiny in "Constantine"
- S(P.E.)AR = Superman(S) Physical Education(P.E.) IR(AR)
- It's Pierce Brosnan's Birthday
- I said 3/28/2006 that I'm the real James Bond
- That's why Pierce Brosnan is from IR/eland. My initials are IR
- You PIERCE someone with a SPEAR (of Destiny's Child)...LMAO
Destiny's Child
- Destiny = D-ES/T in Y = Sun Female(D/Leo Female) Northwest(ES/Non-SE) Female(T/20/XX) in Male(Y)
- That's how you get "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Woman" in "Charlie's Angels"...LOL
- That's why the lead singer is Beyonce Know/Le-S = Aware of (Know) the(Le/The-Fr.) Superman(S)
Mickey Mouse Club:
- Notice how you've got a Britney SPEARS and a CHRISTina Aguilera from the Mickey Mouse Club...LOL
- Then you've got Justine Timberlake also from the Mickey Mouse Club dating Cameron Diaz who was a "Charlie's Angel"...LOL
- That's why Frankie Avalon (FA) was with Annette Funicello (AF). Notice the reversal of Initials
- I said 5/16/2006 about Psychic BINGO. You had "Beach Blanket Bingo"...LOL
I grew up on "Beach Drive" like Scott:
- That's why Ronald Reagan liked the "Beach Boys." Scott and I were the Beach Boys
- Notice how one of the Beach Boys was friends with a Psychotic Killer
- One of the other Beach Boys went on to start "Mamas and the Papas" famous for "California Dreaming"
When people get out of line, I'll hit you over the head with my "Mickey Mouse Club"...LMAO
That's why the offspring of the Beach Boys would be Wilson-Philips:
- You see Harold and Kumar singing to "Hold On" by Wilson-Philips while they're driving in the Monster Truck
- The actor who plays Kumar goes on to be in "Superman Returns"
- Chynna Philips:
- I'm 1/8 Chinese
- Philips = Philippines. I'm Filipino
- Chynna Philips was in "Roxanne: The Prize Pulitzer"
- It starred Perry KING. I said I'm of Royal Blood and Prince evolving into a King
- That's why Seattle, WA is in KING County
- NBC for "Frasier" was "KING 5" for the King LEO(5)
- Courtney Cox was Jacquie Kimberly:
- Courtney Cox is for Courtney on "The New Guy" played by Sunny Mabrey
- Sunny = Sunny Leone
- Co/X = Company(Co) Davis(X/24/BD)
- P/Err-y King = Aquarian Male(P) Mistake(Err) Male(Y)
- Perry King was in "Riptide"
- It had that huge freaky Helicopter with the big smile on its face...LOL
- Joe Penny was Nick Ryder:
- I said 3/6/2006 that Davis is the "Penny"
- Penn/Y = Pennsylvania(Penn) Male(Y)
- Davis is from Pennsylvania and Male
- Davis has been complaining about "Joe" who stole his lead and has been living in a Condo with Dave Summers
- That's reflecting Davis to serve as a reminder of where he used to be before he started working with me :)
- If Joe PENNY is Davis as the PENNsylvania Male(Y), Davis and I are business partners, and I'm of ROYAL BLOOD, then I'd be Perry KING...LMAO!!!
There's a scene in "Roxanne" where they're having a THREESOME and Roxanne (Chynna) goes to sniff some cocaine and she gets mad because Herbert (Perry King) goes on to continue having sex with Jacquie (Courtney) while Roxanne isn't present.
If you look at my Profile, I have "Roxanne" by the Police as my Song as well as Sunny Leone and Rod Serling from the "Twilight Zone" :).
That act there is symbolizing how I'm of Royal Blood (Perry King).
- You're also witnessing the GOD FORCE that is the Planetary Software Program that is running
- When you align the Data, you suddenly understand WHY certain Actors with certain NAMES were cast in popular television shows and sitcoms
That's why I keep saying that NOBODY has EVER seen anything like this before.
Some people are going to be in awe and amazed while others who KNOW they've been doing BAD things are going to be SCARED SHITLESS. That's why in "Without Me" by Eminem, the Music Video is with Eminem as Robin and Dr. Dre as the Black Batman.
Eminem sings, "Guess who's back! Guess who's back! Guess who's back!"
- In the Music Video, you see the Pink Rabbit as a Villain...LOL
- That's why you see Courtney Cox's first film cred as BUNNY in "As the World Turns"...LOL I said I'm the real Clark Kent and work for the DAILY PLANET
- That's why Courtney Cox's famous entrance is in the "Dancing in the Dark" Bruce Springstein Video
- You think that Bruce Springstein was pulling a random person out of the crowd, but it turns out it was STAGED
- It's the same thing with how the Planet chose me. You think it's random, but it was all staged...LOL
Notice how on the Featured Users on
MySpace it lists "Coxy" meaning the Cox Male(Y). I'm the Male and I said that I fiddled with the Software Program to perceive me as FE-Male (Iron Male).
Did you know that
Monika Model sent me a Friends Request? (I should really start taking Screen Captures of the Friends Requests I get showing the Time Stamp)
- She's from Canada
- Sunny Leone is from Canada
- Sunny Leone = Sunny Mabrey = Courtney on "The New Guy" = Courtney Cox = Monica = Monika
That's how you get connection Data. Even when you link up Host Servers online, it's never usually a direct link. You have to make various stops when you're traveling. It's the same thing with Data.
If you're talking about the "Mind of God" as the Consciousness of the Planet, wouldn't it make sense that when it comes to Data Points and stringing information together that you'd have to go through various points or "6 Degrees of Separation" to link up?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Rod
Date: May 15, 2006 9:32 PM
Hey Rob,
Of course I remember you. We had P.E. together. You were my Badminton Partner.
We were okay, but they other teams were good at aiming the birdie at our chest.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
RobDate: May 16, 2006 3:11 AM
Holy crap, Batman. You're right! It's all coming back to me now.
Badminton rules. How come nobody plays it outside of P.E. and South Korea?
Were you my pickleball partner too?
To: Rob
From: Rod
Date: May 16, 2006 12:41 PM
Subject: Pickleball and Cherie Lyman
I'm about 90% sure we were Pickleball Partners because I remember you hold ing a Pickleball Paddle. I'd remember you always diving for Pickleballs.
You were really good at doing saves. The reason why I was the weaker of our duo was because I didn't have the arm strength like you did.
Our strategy was where you were in the back since you had the arm strength and a power hitter and I was up in the front.
At least in Badminton, the birdie is light so you can lob it over. With a Pickleball, you need to pound that thing like a Tennis Ball else you'd be put in a bad situation when the other team would return the ball on the other side of the court.
I just remember that P.E. was mandatory our 10th Grade of High School.
For me, Mr. Rieschmann was 1st Trimester. I know I had Cherie Lyman 2nd Trimester because she was pregnant. She'd be doing the Cross Country runs with us.
You knew it was sad when a Pregnant P.E. Teacher has more stamina than you do and can outlast you. I remember you were made really good time and were a fast runner.
I think you also had Cherie Lyman 2nd Trimester with me in 10th Grade because I remember playing Flag Football with Jay Stone.
The field was muddy because it was around early spring time when the football field was all mushy. I didn't like getting my feet and socks wet and stepping in the mud.
That's why during 2nd Trimester P.E., I always looked forward when we'd be in the warm Gymnasium and not outside in the cold on the Football Field.