Here's an interesting Sign. It's how people can't make demands on me, but also how I haven't been getting paid:
- Montgomery Maulers Players Were Seeking Back Wages:
- I said Davis = Mont = Montgomery
- I'm a Montgomery Mauler because I maul Davis as Mont
- Montgomery Maulers owner Jamie LaMunyon had an emphatic response to her players' demand for back wages: You're fired:
- J-Am/IE = Davis(BD/Davis) Pennsylvania(Am/Non-Ma/PA) God(I) Sun(E) God(I) Sun(E)
- On another level, it's me as the owner being a Cross-Eyed(J/10X) Father(Pa) God(I) Sun(E) = Mother God Sun
- "I have cut all the football players," she told the Montgomery Advertiser in a story Thursday. "Fans will see a whole new team next week in Montgomery. Maybe they can win a game":
- I said I've been having problems with Davis
- Davis hasn't been a good investment and put me even further in debt and ruined my credit
- The mass firings came after four Maulers held a news conference at a local attorney's office Wednesday saying the team wouldn't travel to Osceola if LaMunyon didn't pay money they claimed she owed them:
- Notice how you keep seeing the number Four surface
- I said Isabella Valentine as IV was the original Four
- I said there were originall 5 Colors and I'm the only one remaining
- I'm the Owner
- Attorney Donald Jackson said some players were owed as much as $800 or $1,000 and the average was about $650:
- Initials DJ = God because "God is a DJ" by Pink
- I've been complaining about how I don't get paid
- You're seeing another layer of Rod who hasn't gotten paid
- "In all my years of a sports-based legal practice, I have never seen anything quite like this," Jackson said:
- That's what people do when they can't afford to pay people
- Even Davis calls it the "Silk Shirt Method" where you find things wrong with the product if you can't afford it
- I said that Davis comes up with all kinds of reasons as to why he hasn't paid back the loans to my mom because he tries to make it dependent on my work ethic
- As I said, regardless of whether I was the laziest person on the Planet (which I'm not), the loans he took out against my mom were straight loans and not contingent on my work performance. Davis was desperate and needed money. So he begged me to borrow off my family to pull his ass out of the fire
- Once Davis go the money, that's it. It's not even me. Davis has borrowed thousands of dollars from other people whom he hasn't paid back yet
- Worse yet is where Davis pays other people back first rather than me. It makes it ironic considering I'm the most important since my suffering gets projected all over the Planet
- The owners of this team are apparently in dire financial straits. Whether you call this a termination or a refusal to pay, it's all the same. What she's doing now is grasping at straws":
- On one hand, it's a slap in the face at Davis
- On the other hand, it reinforces my situation where I said everybody beat up on me and put me in financial ruin
- Because of other people's selfishness and greed, I had an angry film crew come after me wanting to get paid and I had no money. I lost the most from that and my entire credit rating was crippled. All the while Davis walked away from it scott-free
- That's why it was such a slap in the face when Davis said May 2004, "I feel really good about about this last year." It made me want to throw up because I was sitting on $20,000 of Credit Card debt, had debtors and collectors coming after ME not Davis, and my Credit Rating was destroyed. Davis collected all the experience, leads, and contacts, but at my expense
- I said the Planet sends a blatant reminder to Davis as well as a huge Sign to anyone who tries to throw their support behind Davis about his BMW getting totaled in October 2004 by another person in a truck named Blaney and how Davis walked away from that accident without a scratch while the BMW symbolizing me was completely demolished
- "They have missed one pay check," said LaMunyon, who already replaced the head coach this season. "The league requires that I hold their last pay check because (the players) have a couple of thousand dollars worth of equipment":
- Those are technicalities and formalities
- You won't see me dispute them because Davis hasn't helped me with anything
- Davis is always encouraging me to place ads for him and saying how it's going to pay off. He's been saying that for 3 years
- The players' checks bounced earlier this month, which LaMunyon said was just a mistake in her checking account:
- On one level, it's me as the owner with no money
- On another level it's Davis riding on technicalities
- It's also to serve as a message to people when they think that just because I have power over the Electromagnetic Field that I must be rich or rolling in money. I'm not
- The Planet is showing how you can be completely broke but have extreme power over the Planet at the same time
- That's why Johnny Storm jokes about Victor Von Doom who "has more money than God and then there's Reed the World's Dumbest Smart Guy who isn't worth more than a Postage Stamp"
- If I was God, everybody would have more money than me...LOL
- Notice how Victor Von Doom has power over Electricity and his body is made of Metal. I have power over Electricty like Dr. Doom :o)
- That's why you see a variation of Subconscious Charlie as the bank and how I, as Victor Von Doom, "terminated" Subconscious Charlie in the movie as the Head Banker in Parking Garage
- That's why in "Anchorman" you see how I'm the innocent-looking Brick Tamlin who kills someone with a Trident...LOL. Ron says, "You know, Brick, I've been meaning to tell you that you may want to lay low for a while...because you're probably wanted for murder..."
- Everybody is quick to laugh about my ridiculous claims about Psychic Theory until they start realizing how many people have actually died and it's untraceable. That's why the Planet teases about me being the Gotti Family and the Ma/F-IA (Mother V/IR-Go I o' WA)
- You don't want to mess with me as the Ma/F-IA. It's just to show that as a Shark, I have Teeth and can rip people to shreds
- That's Sharks have that Fin that come out of the water. Water is Knowledge. I'm the Shark that starts circling around people. F/IN = V/IR-Go Final(I+N=W).
- "I don't know what happened," she said. "But immediately when I found out, I sent $5,000 in to fix it. If there's a player who hasn't been paid, I'm sorry, but that happens everywhere":
- It does happen and people don't have sympathy
- When people don't get paid, you won't see any sympathy at all
- You should've seen the pissed off film crew that didn't get paid. No sympathy even though I lost 10 times as much as they did
- The Maulers are 1-4, and coach David Daniels resigned and was replaced by Kelvin Stokes two weeks ago:
- Ma u L = Mother(Ma) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7)
- I said 4/26/2006 about "Star Wars" with Anakin Skywalker. You had Darth Maul
- Isabella Valentine was the original Darth Maul
- They say that they come in Pairs. Chancellor Palpatine is the other Twin Sith Lord
- PA/L-Pa/T in E = Pennsylvania(PA) Bad(L) Pennsylvania(PA) Female(T) in Sun(E)
- I said Isabella Valentine = Valentine's Day = Davis born Valentine's Day
- Davis is from Pennsylvania (PA)
- That's why you see me as the "captured" Anakin Skywalker who is transformed into "Darth Vader" and under mind control when I'm forced to work for Davis
- David Daniels:
- I said 2/6/2006 that Davi(S) = Davi(D)
- Daniels = Danny = Da/NN-y = Giving(Da-Spanish) Valentine(NN/2x14) Male(Y)
- Kelvin Stokes:
- Initials KS = Kansas where Clark Kent is form
- K/S = 11/19 = My Biological Father's B-Day
- Asked about Stokes' job security, LaMunyon responded: "The coach hasn't been silly. The coaches have been very good":
- That's because I'm the coach
- I've been coaching Davis. Too bad he wasn't listening to me for the first two years when I'd tell him what was wrong with his Presentation
- LaMunyon said the new team will be composed of players "from all over":
- I've been pulling people from all over to help
- LA-M u NY-On = Los Angeles(L.A.) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in Union with(U) Nature Male(NY) Activated(On)
- LA m un-Y=On = Los Angeles(L.A.) 5/29(M) Non-Male(un-Y) Activated(On). I said I'm Fe-Male
- 04/27/06 15:29 EDT:
- 1/5-29 = God(1) 5/29
- 1529 = 15/2/9 = O/B/I = Obi Wan Kenobi
- That's how you know I'm fiddling with the Media
- Updated: 10:21 PM EDT: My Maternal Grandfather was born 10/21.
I can't say whether the owner of the Montgomery Maulers has money or not in her bank account. I just know that it was made to mirror a situation reflecting mine.
Davis was supposed to be like my "Football Team" that you put money into.
From a buisness perspective, Davis is like a losing football team. He claims that he brings in money and that he has been successful. However, as things stand, it only appears to be enough to pay off his bills.
When Davis took out all those loans against me and my mom, they were supposed to be paid back and it was based on "Good Faith." There was no contract. It was based off of trust and the business relationships we had.
The Planet set it up in a very unique way. If the African-American Community or anyone complains about the way I conduct Politics and Business Affairs, I can turn around and point the finger at them first.
I had no business contract with Davis and the money he borrowed was based off of his Word. He broke his word and hasn't paid money back. It's hanging there on a TECHNICALITY where he "says" he's going to pay, but because there's no contract, he's just taking his sweet time and I'm low priority.
This is especially aggravated by the fact that he doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities and he doesn't know my Identity. If he really knew my identity, he'd be totally kissing my ass right now and paying more attention.
That's why I got irritated when Davis tried to use a "sly rationale"
- Davis got set up to put his foot in his mouth
- Davis was bitching about how Mark Shelton had taken his investor Ed Bone for a ride borrowing money and defaulting on payment
- Davis was stating that he hasn't been proactive in going after Mark and pulling out all the stops in getting Mark to pay Ed back
- I said to Davis on the phone, "Yeah, I know. It's the same thing with me where I don't pressure you back to pay back the loans you borrowed from my mom"
- Davis got offended and on the defensive and said, "I don't see how that's the same thing"
- Davis said, "Ed Bone is an investor. You're a business partner"
- In not so many words, Davis was claiming that because I'm his business associate, it's not the same thing
See how the Planet sets people up for Double Standards?
- When things happen to them, they'll bitch and complain
- The Planet will then create similar situation with hidden tags where it's being done to them
- Mark Shelton = MS = 5/29(M) Superman(S), which is a "Bad Rod" Version screwing Davis' Investor Ed Bone (Variation of My Mom)
- Ed Bone = EB = Sun(E/5) Gemini(B/2), which is me Rod as the Sun Sign in Gemini
- The way that Davis borrowed is exactly the way he did with Mark Shelton
- That's why every time Davis bitches about Mark Shelton, he's really criticizing himself :o).
I said 4/26/2006 how there's an Inversion of Good Rod vs. Bad Davis and Bad Rod vs. Good Davis Scenarios:
- The Mathematical Interpreation of the Golden Rule is -1
- GOLDEN RULE: Do unto others as you would have done unto you
- When you use the statement, "How would you like it if ____________ was done to you?" you're using the "Mathematical Golden Rule"
- My Psychic Abilities create Mathematical Karma where people who screw me over get a dose of their own Medicine
It's where people get to see what happens when they get screwed over in the same way:
- Did you know that Bliss in Missouri has been pining over Jamie in Missouri?
- It's the same way I used to pine over her?
- Missouri = MO = Mission Objective
- Miss O u RI = Single Female Sun(Miss O) in Union with(U) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island)
- Jamie is born 12/3 = Bad(12/L/Non-7) Gemini(3/3rd Sign). Brendan Fraser in "Blast from the Past" is born 12/3
- Brendam Fraser was Virgin like me
The same thing happened with
Isabella Valentine:
- Her mom used to physically abuse her as a child
- Isabella used to cry out and ask her mom why she'd hit Isabella when she didn't do anything wrong. Same way Isabella punished me when I didn't do anything wrong
- If you go to Isabella's Journal from September 2003 - October 2003, you see her bitching about the nightmare dates from Hell. She had to go through mirroring what I had to go through
Did you know that Subconconscious Charlie used to stalk me?
After I fired him, he wouldn't leave me alone. He kept trying to reinsert himself back into the Program. I had to block him. I'd get all these weird freaky calls and wrong numbers.
I was talking to Davis when he interrupted me in the middle of my Journal Entry and he said, "How is Bush still around? What is he still doing here?" I said That Bush has a Davis Tag because his initials GB = 72 = 1972 = Year of the Rat = Davis' Birth Year :o)
Davis was criticizing John Kerry. K/Err-y = Aquarian(K/11) MistakeN(Err) Male = Davis...LMAO
He was talking about this guy named Brian who has a house in Alabama just like this article.
Football Owner Fires Entire Team Over Demands
Montgomery Maulers Players Were Seeking Back Wages
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (April 27)- Montgomery Maulers owner Jamie LaMunyon had an emphatic response to her players' demand for back wages: You're fired.
LaMunyon said she will field a replacement team for the National Indoor Football League game at Osceola, Fla., on Friday, and next week at home.
"I have cut all the football players," she told the Montgomery Advertiser in a story Thursday. "Fans will see a whole new team next week in Montgomery. Maybe they can win a game."
The mass firings came after four Maulers held a news conference at a local attorney's office Wednesday saying the team wouldn't travel to Osceola if LaMunyon didn't pay money they claimed she owed them.
Attorney Donald Jackson said some players were owed as much as $800 or $1,000 and the average was about $650.
"In all my years of a sports-based legal practice, I have never seen anything quite like this," Jackson said. "But it's not really surprising. The owners of this team are apparently in dire financial straits. Whether you call this a termination or a refusal to pay, it's all the same. What she's doing now is grasping at straws."
LaMunyon disputed the players' claims that some have not been paid for as long as four or five weeks.
"They have missed one pay check," said LaMunyon, who already replaced the head coach this season. "The league requires that I hold their last pay check because (the players) have a couple of thousand dollars worth of equipment."
The players' checks bounced earlier this month, which LaMunyon said was just a mistake in her checking account.
"I don't know what happened," she said. "But immediately when I found out, I sent $5,000 in to fix it. If there's a player who hasn't been paid, I'm sorry, but that happens everywhere."
The Maulers are 1-4, and coach David Daniels resigned and was replaced by Kelvin Stokes two weeks ago.
Asked about Stokes' job security, LaMunyon responded: "The coach hasn't been silly. The coaches have been very good."
Stokes informed the team about the firings before Wednesday's practice.
LaMunyon said the new team will be composed of players "from all over."
"There are 100 ball players to replace anyone that doesn't want to play football," LaMunyon said. "And these guys don't want to."
04/27/06 15:29 EDT
Updated: 10:21 PM EDT
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