Let me give you an example of why I get so annoyed when people don't listen to me. I'm in a situation where I've gotten good at calling and predicting things as well as making things happen in people's lives.
If you had my Abilities, you'd be irritated as well when you tell people things and they don't listen to you. On top of that, you have to put up with criticism from people that really don't know what they're talking about and sound really dumb when they judge you or when they open their mouths.
It is the most OBNOXIOUS thing. What I'm suffering from is what you'll normally see when it comes to Employees that are working for Bosses that are less intelligent or underqualified. As we all know, nobody likes working for someone in which they feel smarter or superior.
Trust me. You'd hate it. Imagine if you're working in a company and you have a boss who's DUMBER than you. It sounds insulting to call people that, but hypothetically speaking, wouldn't you be upset if you worked for an imbecile where you predict everything or you anticipate things, but your boss ignores you.
You see the same thing in Marriages that fall apart. The reason why Spouses get angry with each other and divorce is become they are both of two different minds where they believe they're right and the other person is wrong.
It really gets under your skin when you feel you're right and the other person is wrong and not listening to what you're saying.
Dominant and Submissive Relationships and Marriages
My problem is that two years ago before my Psychic Abilities kicked in, I was very docile and tame. I'm your typical nice guy who just follows other people. That's where Davis and I started to part ways because in our "Business Marriage," I was the "submissive wife" and he was the "dominant business husband."
I took my lead from him. I was quiet, attentive, and never said anything. That works out conveniently for a Dominant and a Submissive Relationship. However, what happens when the Submissive outgrows the Dominant?
This is where we get into Child Psychology and when the Child outgrows the Parent. The parent is used to being dominant and doesn't like the Child challenging Authority. It's difficult when Child starts to get "unruly" or refuses to take direction.
That's why you see this irony where I'm 30 years old, commanding the Electromagnetic Field that governs the Planet, and I still get nagged by own mother. It's really sad. It's where you see the absurdity of it all.
People think they've got problems. They should try walking in my shoes. You'd think that I'd be this polished individual who has his act together, but in reality, I still get treated like a kid by my mom. That's the work I do is intangible. It's highly untraceable and so subtle that no one sees it.
Unless you REALLY sit down, take me seriously, follow along with the pattern, and where you see for yourself that I'm influencing global trends, people will just think it's a far-out story. That's why sadly enough, I had to part ways with my friends because we don't see eye to eye on this.
Scott may be my best friend in the whole world, but I'm still 13 year old Rod in his eyes. Which is fine, because Scott really cares about me and he's worried about me. It just really caused problems freaking out my mom like that when he suggested Psychiatric Evaluation and being put on meds.
However, as I said, I knew that Scott did it out of grave concern. If you really cared about your friend you've known for 23 years and you see him go through a type of "dementia" where starts acting like God and think he controls the Planet, wouldn't you do the same thing?
That's why I don't blame Scott. However, one thing it does do is it reinforces my bitterness toward the people on the Planet should anyone ever try to come at me with a bitchy ass attitude thinking that I haven't given up or sacrificed anything.
As I said, my friendship with Scott was one of the most cherished and valued things in life more than money. I was forced to have to choose between the Greater Good and my own best friend. That's where you get that bitterness and resentment that leaks in every now and then.
You get shoved with a SHITTY JOB where you have to go in and practically rescue 7 billion people who are UNGRATEFUL, SELFISH, and talk down to you because they're like kids that are playing with Fire and don't realize that they're putting themselves in harm's way.
So you have to be the Adult that goes in and has to rescue them while they're struggling, kicking, screaming, and clawing at you the entire time while you're trying to get them to safety.
That's why it makes me want to vomit when I have to read about people all trying to preach about how "Jesus Christ died for our sins." I sometimes just want to tell those poeple to shut up and not talk about things they don't understand and when they're being hypocrites.
They have the nerve to go around making other people feel like crap and gulity when they're guilty of the same thing. You can bet that all those Bible Thumpers preaching the Word of God would be the first to jump on the Bandwagon spitting on me for "insulting their Religion" by comparing myself to their Religious Icons.
Signs in Front of Davis' Face
Davis is continually a thorn in my side. We wee talking on the Phone today and he's praising how he really likes Gavin's script "Golden Rule"
DAVIS: Do you know what the Golden Rule is?
ROD: Yes, I know what the Golden Rule is. It's where you "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
Davis is then complaiining about Newton Lee who is living in a million dollar house with a non-Profit Organization, but he doesn't want to pay out any money. Davis was saying that Newton's so cheap that he'll hitch a ride and take a bus home rather than fly or drive in order to save money.
I had once said though that you really can't criticize people like Newton when you're not exactly in a financially stable position. Davis can't even pay even pay his rent. Newton may be cheap, but at least he has money
He doesn't want to pay anything out for his Non-Profit. Even if Newton's cheap, at least he has a house and a place to live.
It puts a new spin on the saying, "Having more money than God." I can speak from experience that's not really saying much :o). I know a lot of people that have more money than God :o).
Davis was complaining about Newton saying "If you want people to give you X amount of Dollars, you need to do more for people."
Davis doesn't realize he's criticizing himself:
- That's a Davis Tag
- NE-W/T-On = Northeast(NE) Final(W) Female(T/20/XX) Activated(On)
- Last name Lee = Leo the 5th Sign
- Davis is from Pennsylvania in the Northeast
- I said the Planet is sneaky and it puts tags on everybody
- It's so that when people criticize each other, they don't realize they're criticizing mirror images of themselves
I was laughing at Davis'
DAVIS: I would never have gotten to this level if I hadn't met James [Dalrymple]
- That's another example of people who are slipped in with certain names
- I'm 3/28/2006 that I assumed the name "James" for James Bond
- Davis was complimenting me as James, but didn't realize it
- Subconscious Davis knows he's talking to me and was just slipping in an indirect comment
As I said, Davis just thinks I sit around and do nothing. Every time Davis calls me and will always ask, "What are you doing?"
I used to tell him about the Psychic Readings, but he'd just grunt and say, "Hmm" and just change the subject talking about himself and what he's doing. After a while, you fall into "housewife" mode and you don't even bother telling your "business spouse" what you're doing.
If women think I don't know what it's like to be Female and a wife where they're under appreciated and overlooked, they're wrong. I'm one of the most underappreciated. I know intimately what it's like to be treated like an inferior.
Men think that women aren't very smart or don't understand things just because they're supposedly the fairer or weaker sex. That's crap. However, it also flips around where women who don't want to be treated as lesser people should acknowledge that they need to step up to the plate admitting they enjoy certain perks that men don't.
Women Afraid of Stalkers
I said that women have a "Stalker Immunity" and where they're graded less harhly when it comes to Public Scrutiny:
- If a guy is "anonymously" reading a female's Journal and what htey post (even if it's Public), it's viewed as creepy and being a "Stalker"
- If a woman does it, other people and the woman herself would turn around and say it's not stalking
- I said 10/25/2005 that RobynZ was snooping my Journal for SEVEN MONTHS
- All her friends and supporters see nothing wrong with that, but they can turn around and criticize me for being "creepy" when I go and read Isabella's Journal Entries (which are Public)
If you're going to go air out your garbage and it's public, I don't think it's fair to call people Stalkers just because they go out of their way to peek at what you're saying.
Yes, there are creepy Stalkers that obsess about you, but that comes with the territory. People just get creeped out because Cyberspace is where people call can check you out when you aren't aware of it.
However, people have been engaging in such behavior for DECADES and WAY BEFORE this whole Stalker Issue ever came into play. The realization of Stalker Behavior started to manifest because
- Celebrities were made from Film and Television where you're in front of millions of people with a recognizable face
- Transportation allowed us to travel further distances increasing the risk of "dangerous people" having access to you
Do you know that such behavior is visible in Junior High and High School when it comes to Puppy Dog Crushes and geeky nerds that are smitten with beautiful cheerleaders?
You'll get geeky nerds that will get lovestruck over pretty girls and can't help but follow them around and worship the ground they tread on. Then the girlfriends aware of it will whisper among themselves. If they like the guy, they'll be flattered.
If it's some homely, ugly, and nasty looking nerd, the girl will be disgusted and grossed out. That's all the makings of Stalker Behavior in the Adolescent World. However, the reason why it's never really considered as much of a threat is because you're surrounded by your close friends and it's in a limited environment.
During that time, the people who have the ability to turn puppy dog crushes into a "sick obsession" don't have a Driver's License where they can actually drive to your house and stalk you.
Did it ever occur to you that when student drivers get a License and a car, they drive by the houses of the girls they have crushes on? They know where the pretty girls live and drive by. You don't see anyone really thinking about that as stalking though even though it fits the behavior of a Stalker.
I said that if people aren't careful and don't properly train people on "Stalker Behavior" or teaching women or potential victims how to neutralize undesirable behavior in a budding Stalker or someone who has the potential to be a Stalker, you're going to have all kinds of Social Problems.
Look at
MySpace. You see all these things cropping up in the news and where you've got Law Enforcement Agents cracking down on people. It's because no one's been properly trained. Plus, you get flaming where you insult other people online.
Psychic "Wild Wild West"
Because the Planet is still in a "Wild Wild West" Stage where people think they can go around being rude and nasty to people anonymously without repercussions, you see bad behavior. This is why I'm an advocate of Psychic Abilities.
You don't need to know people's names or where they live. They all give off an "Brainwave IP Addresses" that allows you to "finger" or "ping" them using the Electromagnetic Field as a Psychic Internet to locate them. Then you can fire off a Psychic Hex or a Psychic Curse to mess up their lives.
That's why I have no problem with EXPLAINING the Scientific Theory behind how it works where you do "Psychic Google Searches" for an individual and locate them. Then you can LAUNCH a Psychic Attack that will mess up events in their real life using Karma.
I'm an advocate of teaching it to EVERYBODY. Not just me. If it was just me and I go around using Curses and Hexes on people, that's being a bully and where it's unfair.
You have a right to PROTECT yourself if people are harassing you anonymously online. When they're being CHICKEN and hiding behind an anonymous name and where you don't know anything about them or where they live, you use Psychic Abilities to locate them and SERIOUSLY FUCK THEM UP and teach them a lesson when they try to mess around you.
I say this when it comes to SELF-DEFENSE though. I don't believe people should be taking my Information and using it to beat up on people. That's where Mental Martial Arts requires Mental Discipline. Just because you can beat people up with your Psychic Abilties doesn't mean you should.
The only reason why you see me bitching is because it's just me getting bullied around. When you're just one individual and a whole bunch of people are riding on your ass, jeering at you, calling you a fake and fraud, and you told the Truth, you should show that you're not bluffing and that you've got the Goods.
Maybe people will fear you and leave you alone, but at least they'll get out of your face.
"Golden Rule" Script
Davis was giving me a summary of the script "Golden Rule" by Gavin. It's about these three kids in Hawaii that find a Magic Staff that grants wishes.It also has a curse on it. The wishes are only granted to those who serve mankind and make selfless wishes.
I've said the same about the way my Psychic Abilities work. They function best when they're selfless. That's how you get Karma. If you act selflessly, your wishes will come true and because you aren't expecting anything, it'll work out nicely.
If you're acting selfishly with your wishes, they'll come true, but they'll backfire on you.
In the story one of the townspeople finds out about it because one kid makes a selfless wish for the grandfather to come back with more fish. When people get wind of the magical staff they try to steal it.
I was just sitting and listenign to Davis recount the story, and I thought it was funny. Davis still doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities or how I've been shifting things:
- The Magical Staff is the Rod, which is my name.
- The Three Kids represent Davis who is Davis III. K/Id = Aquarius(K/11) Self(Id)
- He doesn't realize that he's got a Magical Staff in his possession (Rod)
- The people who find out that the three kids have the staff and get the Kids to make Selfish wishes represents the Black Community that are going to try and exploit Davis as my friend to force me as the Magical Staff (Rod) to grant their wishes...LOL
It's just the Planet slipping in a joke. As I said, the Black Community is going to try to use Davis as Leverage to get to me and make me grant wishes or side with the Black Community.
It's a subtle Warning that anyone who tries to force me to do things or grant wishes will have it backfire on them. They need to be careful as well. I said that whatever you wish for always technically come true, but not in the way you expect.
As I said, all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet are linked and know what everyone's thinking. That includes all the schemers and Masterminds that are going to try formulating a sneaky plan motivated by Greed or Selfishness.
Davis was saying the part about the Secret Service in there was slow. That was in reference to the Subconscious Minds and how they've been serving as the Secret Service Agents.
Davis said, "I read Gavin's Script, and he's good at wrtiing Kid's Dialogue."
DAVIS: You need to read their Scripts. People reading more scripts.
That statement he made is referring to people and their Subconscious Minds that have "Scripts." When you go to the Back End of a Web Site, you're looking at their Script or Code that is responsible for displaying the Web Site that you see on the Front End. The Front End would be the behavior that you see.
All that Script and Code is symbolic of what's governing your mind and causes you to behave the way that you do. When people go to Psychologists and Psychiatrists, they're asking the Psychiatrist to be the Psychological Computer Programmer that goes in and tries to identify or read the Scripting and Code that is influencing your Psychological Behavior.
DAVIS: Dialogue should flow. It shouldn't be long. It should be read under an hour and a half. You don't want to be bored by it
People have short attention spans and don't want to be bogged down by a lot of lines of script. That's why I'm working on my book where I condense a lot of what I say and shorten it up.
"Love Boat"
Davis was saying about how strange it is that this all happened within the last 30 days.
It was funny because I told Davis about how I had written in my Journal about his physical body being the "Love Boat" and how he's taking advice from "Gavin" symbolic of Gavin MacLeod who played Captain Stubing.
You get to see how Davis got transformed into the real "Love Boat." I said I'm the U.S.S. Enterprise. When you're traveling with Davis, you're riding on a Cruise Ship and watching the silly antics that go on there.
I wasn't kidding when I said that whatever I say will come true in some way, shape, or form. So when I "curse" someone it will technically come true. That's whY I get to be the U.S.S. Enterprise-E, which is a Sovereign-Class Starship armed with Photon Torpedoes and can do lethal damage and Davis is a comical Love Boat floating around ferrying people with Teri Hatcher riding as the Mermaid :o).