I was really surprised to get to get a letter from someone claiming to be Valerie. The last time we talked was March 2002 before I move down to Los Angeles. Her E-mail changed and she stopped accepting E-mail from me.
celticblissy had a huge falling out late February 2003 over this. She was so hurt she banned me from Haven and she gave me the ultimatum that I return to her or that it's over and Bliss would close to the door on our relationship.
Personally, I thought Bliss was being moody in the same way that she is over Ravenshade. I was going through the same pining over Valerie the way that Bliss would when Ravenshade was absent due to no Internet access.
I wish Bliss and I were still on speaking terms. Maybe it's better we aren't anymore though. Bliss never liked Valerie and even admitted she was jealous. That's the part I didn't like about Bliss. She goes around telling everybody that I'm a Psychotic Stalker obsessed with her and Isabella. However, she neglects to mention the part of how:
- She begged for me to come back to her after I told her September 2002 that I was going to step aside so she and Ravenshade could be together and I'd try making a relationship work with Valerie
- Bliss talks about how controlling and was stalking her. I loved her, but I just stopped trusting her. She went for three months from April 2001 - June 2001 pretending she was disconnecting from AOL to go offline. Then she'd sneak back on using her Kara Account as a Sex Alias so that she could go have sex with other men. That was a huge lie of omission. She finally admitted it, and I was devastated.
She said that she didn't tell me because "she didn't want to hurt my feelings." That was such a cop-out. She just wanted to have her cake and eat it, too. She wanted to keep me as a friend and person she could lean on, but she wanted to have the freedom to fuck other guys.
Back in April 2001, I was bothered by that and wanted a monogamous relationship with her. I'm much different now. In fact, I even found out that it really wasn't the sex, I really wanted to be her "official boyfriend." If she had just given me that, I would've eventually come around to the idea of an open sexual relationship. I said I was Man Whore online and not exactly an Angel either.
- To make things worse, Bliss even proposed marriage to me online. However, she was bothered that I didn't tell Valerie about it. I wasn't aware that was necessary. She didn't tell me when she chose to create her Sex Alias and go behind my back fucking other men. She says that's different.
How is that different? Because she chooses to be secretive and not tell anyone about her sexual encounters while the marriage between me and Bliss would've been public on a different chat line? Some of the guys on the place she was having sexual intercourse with behind my back KNEW.
Bliss claims that she was hiding from everybody and not just me when she would go dally with other men. However, she told other guys and not me. Nakon, whom I thought was sleazy, even knew. N(AK-O)N = NN with AK-O in it = Valentine(2x14/NN) with Alaska(AK) Sun(O) in it
Like I said, Bliss totally got set up on that one. I know all the names of the people who and how they were given specific tags :o).
As I said, it's so unfair to call someone a Stalker when they left to be with another woman and that woman claiming to be stalked years later had tried to win that guy she claims as being a Stalker back. My personal feelings is that when a guy a woman claims is a Stalker years later leaves her, but that woman tries to bring that guy back into her life, she WAIVES the right to accuse that guy of stalking her later on because she courted trouble.
It's so unfair to blame the guy.
Bliss didn't even think that Valerie's pictures were real. It actually makes sense now. Bliss and Pliny thought Valerie's pictures were fake because "she was too pretty." You have a lot of fakers out there and it was much worse 5 years ago and even 10 years ago. Attractive people weren't Internet savvy:
- There were even rumors that Valerie wasn't even a woman.
- Poeple, especially Bliss and Pliny, thought that Valerie was actually a guy.
- If that's true, it makes sense because it comes full circle.
- I said that I fiddled with the God Software to where it interprets me as FE-Male
- Valerie was going to Virginia Tech.
- Virgin/IA = Virgin I o' WA
- She was originally from Knoxville, Tennessee:
- K no X/Ville = Aquarius(K/11) not(no) Cross-Eyed(X) Town(Ville)
- 10SE = Cross-Eyed(X) Southeast(SE)
- She told me that when she was in North Carolina, she was a prostitute and she was trying to get away from her Psycho Pimp that was trying to kill her
- She was an exotic dancer
At least, that's what she TOLD me.
Now the one thing I've learned in the last two years after having dabbled in the Psychic Realm is that people can make up stories and lie. However, believe it or not, what stories they make up are usually half-Truths and indicating what's going on in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm.
So it's POSSIBLE that the Valerie I was in communication with was actually a guy. Because I've fiddled with the God Software Code, everybody's genders who are in my life got flipped out:
- I said I'm Female
- Bliss is CHRISTine or a Female Jesus Christ
- Bliss used to sign on using the name "Tony Blair" since she's from England.
- I said I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini running parallel to Queen Elizabeth II
- My first name is Isabelo, which is a MALE Isabella
- My stepdad is Patricio, which is a MALE Patricio
- My aunt was Rosario, but she changed it to Roseemarie because she got tired of being mistaken for a guy because of the "O" on the end
This is where all the information and what I've experienced over my lifetime has been all coming together.
This is what makes it all so interesting because the mystery deepens. I always wondered though if that really was Valerie in the picture or some model like Bliss was claiming. Bliss was extremely jealous.
That's why it was such a Double Standard:
- Bliss made it quite clear that her relationship with Ravenshade came first and was the most important.
- I was was the second fiddle.
- Every time Ravenshade would log on, Bliss would drop me in and go scurrying off to be with Ravenshade
- After 4 months of that, it starts to weigh down on you
- You don't feel important anymore
One of the reasons why Valerie's offer was so tempting was because I yearned to have what Bliss and Ravenshade had where you're the number person in someone's life. It's nice to be loved and be important in someone's life.
Bliss cared about me, but she would always go to Ravenshade. I thought that with Valerie I could finally have a woman where I was the number one person in her life. Valerie was the jealous type though. She was always wary of Bliss as my "ex" even though Bliss never acknowledged we were ever really going out as boyfriend and girlfriend.
That's why if you want tosee drama, that was drama :P.
From: Valerie
To: Rod
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 04:28:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: you prolly dont remember me Rod..
I was thinking of you as I some times often do and decided that I would try to say hello and let you know that I am alive and well enough, still..
To: Valerie
From: Rod
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:21:32 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Valerie from Virginia?
The Valerie I knew was from the chat place. The last time I saw her was March 1, 2002 on a chat place where we first met.
Sorry if I sound cautious, but I want to make sure you're the real Valerie. Valerie was a very special person to me that I don't really like to talk about her much to anyone, and I don't want some prankster just messing with me.
Sorry to sound paranoid, but her old dedication web site is still up and someone could easily gotten that information off my dedication web site to her.
Could you answer some questions to make sure I know it's you and not someone faking?
1) What does E. in her middle name stand for?
2) What does M. in her last name stand for?
3) What was the color of her Jetta?
4) What school did she go to in Virginia?
5) Who was she trying to get away from when she relocated to Virginia and why?
6) Who was her former Master "D" before she started dating me?
7) How many siblings does she have?
If you are the real Valerie, I never forgot about you. I remember everything about you right down to your birthday. Even after you disappeared March 2002, I made a Wolf Character on using your Initials VEM.
I tried to find you to see if you were okay. You never answered your AIM Messages when I'd try to say hello.
I was never mad at you, but I waited 9 months faithfully for your return. Even Bliss was upset and telling me to move on. (We're no longer friends anymore or speaking to each other.)
If you are who you say you are though, I hope life is treating you. I'm just surprised that you got back in touch with me. It's a pleasant and welcome surprise though because I did miss you.
Regardless, I hope life is treating you well. I never fully got over you till October 2003. You meant a lot to me.