To: K -Captain of Mass Destruction-
From: Rod
Date: Mar 10, 2006 4:55 AM
Subject: I Like Your Open-Minded Commentaries
Hey Kristian,
Oh, if you want a reading of sorts, I can give you "my" version of a reading. However, there are two things I'd suggest.
You should go to the FAQ Section of my
web site and read those first so you can get a better idea of how my Psychic Abilities function.
People's Current Perception of Psychic Abilities
One thing I've noticed about most people's understanding and depth of Knowledge of the Psychic Field is that there is no official guide or method that people agree on.
What people interpret as being Psychic is that which has been shown on television and the movies or seen in Carnivals or Vegas Shows.
With stuff seen on television and the movies, it's a portrayal of how script writers think Psychic Abilities function. That's usually based on what they've seen in their childhood or watched on television and movies when they were growing up.
My interpretation is that Psychic Abilities are like art. People have different styles of painting or the way they create art, whether it's sculpting, painting, paper mache, charcoal, etc.
Everybody has the equipment to develop Psychic Abilities. It's like any skill that you have to develop and practice. I uncovered my Psychic Abilities two years ago
Developing Psychic Abilities
Three things I've been working on in strengthening my abilties are:
- Accuracy and marksmanship. It's like being a Sniper and knowing how to hit your target (nailing a Psychic Reading right on the head)
- Speed where the Psychic Predictions start coming at rapid fire in hours. I'd really love to have it come ever 2 - 3 hours. 6 months ago, it used to where it would take 3 or 4 Journal Entries spread out over 2 weeks. It's now gone to 3 - 4 every 48 hours.
- Power in terms of how hard you hit. A year and a half ago, I'd make a Prediction, but it's so weak that it's easy to write off as circumstantial or coincidental. Lately, my Abilities have strengthened to where I hit a lot harder now when I nail a reading right on the head.
Psychic Readings are Like an Infantry of Soldiers
As a matter of fact, I've explained Psychic and Divination Readings done in Blogs/Journals to that of an Special Forces Operations.
- Imagine if each Journal Entry was equivalent to one Soldier in a Platoon
- Imagine 5 Journal Entries are 5 Soldiers
- Individually, they could be picked off one by one
- The News Article surfacing in the news would be the battlefield
- Skeptics and Critics would be the opposing forces
- One Soldier (Journal Entry) planted on that News Article or Battlefield can get killed off
- However, when you have 5 Soldiers strategically planted on the battlefield, they'll all support each other and lay down cover fire making them harder for opposition (Skeptics) to take down
- The Dates of the Journal Entries and how long ago I posted is similar to other Soldiers in the area that are able to come to their aid. The older the Journal Entry, the further the soldier is away to reaching that area.
There's a lot of Military Strategy and Tactics that come with organizing Psychic and Divination Readings.
The nice part is that Life tends to mimic itself on all levels. A lot of the concepts I use are stuff I've learned in other mediums.
Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein
Thomas Alva Edison and Albert Einstein were considered brilliant simply because they weren't experts in any particular field. So they had a diverse background and experience to pull from.
People who specialize in certain fields tend to be hampered by their colleagues that tell them what they can and can't do. In my case, I've been flying solo and do Trial and Error.
Since I don't belong to any Scientific Research Firms and have no forma training any of the Physical Sciences, I was able to experiment with the Electromagnetic Field and no one was around to criticize me or tell me that it won't work.
That's why I keep my Psychic Journal blocked off from Comments. I already know what the Peanut Gallery and people will say on how what I do doesn't work. However, if I had listened to them two years ago, I wouldn't have progressed as far as I have in the Psychic Field.
Name Breakdowns
When it comes to Readings, people's names are like Diamonds. When it comes to DNA and the Building Blocks, they attach like Legos.
Whether people realize it, how your name breaks down is a general plan that your Subconscious Mind follows. Even when parents choose the names for their children, there's an embedded tag. When you look at the initials of your Family such as your parents and your siblings and the birthdates, there's meaning behind them.
I can give you a partial reading on your first name.
- K/RI-St./I-An = Aquarius(K/11) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) God(I/1) Saint(St.) God(I) Indefinite(An)
- Kr/I-S/T-I/An = Krypton(Kr) God(I) Superman(S) Female(T/20/XX) God(I) Indefinite(An)
To most people this may be foreign to them, but their Subconscious Minds memorize abbreviations.
The Electromagnetic Field links everyone's minds together so that they all pool or share the same information.
Human Mind as a Miniature Earth
The Human Mind is a miniature version of the Planet. For anyone who wants to understand "God" on a Planetary Scale, simply look at how the human mind functions. It has electrical activity and all the individual human brain cells work together to generate thought.
Now all you have to do is pretend the electrical activity in a human mind is that of the Electromagnetic Field encompassing the Planet. Translate human beings equivalent to Planet-Sized Brain Cells.
Imagine your brain as a partitioned hard drive. where 10% of the Brain is apportioned to your Conscious Mind and the other 90% is set aside for your Subconscious Mind.
A lot of people get confused when I say I've been speaking Telepathically to their Subconscious Minds. People's Conscious Minds don't hear anything. However, your Subconscious Mind as a Processor is sorting through billions of transmissions from the 7 billion other people on the Planet.
If your Conscious Mind could year the thoughts of 7 billion minds on the Planet simultaneously, it would be distractive and even drive you to madness.
Theory Why Crazy People Hear Voices
I've even theorized that's how you get crazy people that claim to hear "Voices in their Heads." My theory is that their "filter" didn't develop correctly and wasn't ableto screen out 1% or a tiny fraction. So their brain is attuned or homing in on a small fraction of people.
Even with 7 billion people on the Planet 1% or even 0.0001% where you've got over 100 people creating noise in your head all the time would be distractive. For people who don't understand, they can become fearful and not know what to do or what it means.
It's like having the radio where the radio station you're listening to represents your thoughts, but you can hear the echo or residual traces from an adjacent radio station on the radio dial.
I'm Like a Weather Forecaster
When it comes to giving readings from me, you have to treat me like a Weather Forecaster. I know about weather, but if people just ask me, "What's the weather going to be like at 4 pm tomorrow on the Intersection of Sunset Blvd. and Cahuega?"
I can't really tell you. I can look outside my window and generalize like anyone else, but that's about it.
Why Mind-Reading is a Bad Idea
Also, a lot of people equate Mind-Reading with Telepathy and therefore assume I should be able to read people's minds.
I have serious hang-ups about people who claim they can read people's minds in that fashion. If they've seen it in a Vegas Show, I believe 99% of that stuff is staged.
I speak telepathically to people and their Subconscoius Minds can give me Yes/No Answers, but they would NEVER give specifics.
If I could pick people's brains, why would I sit around doing parlor tricks guessing what number he or she is thinking?
If a person could REALLY read people's minds, they'd extract your PIN Numbers for people's Credit Card Numbers and address where they lived so that they could go on eBay or start charging that stuff.
People are opening a can of worms by thinking that true Psychics are people who can read your mind. You wouldn't want people like that walking on the Planet anyway because no one would be safe.
If the Electromagnetic Field allows us to communicate to every human being on the Planet no matter where they are and you had someone who could read people's minds and extract top-secret or confidential information, you could have Terrorists hire a "Mind Reader" to "hack" the mind of a Top-Government Official that knows all the Launch Codes to Nuclear Missile Silos and break in.
That's why people should be THANKFUL there's no one that I know of currently that can pull anything like that off. Someone like that could charge millions of dollars to people who want top secret data.
They could extract the key codes from any bank official and be able to turn off all the alarms of the bank, walk in, take the money, and then walk out without setting off the alarm. It would be UNTRACEABLE.
Which comes back to my original statement if Vegas Show People or whomever claim they can read your Mind and what you're thinking. If you had the power to read people's minds and extract numbers, passwords, and data, what are you doing as a Las Vegas Magician?
Just go pick the mind of a Bank Owner for all the Passwords and Number Key Codes, steal a couple million and then retire. No one would ever catch you. Go buy a Motor Home and go from State to State researching all the Bank Owners, extract the Passwords, put all the money in a Swiss Bank Account, and retire in the Bahamas :P.
That's why I get annoyed when people try to front an attitude with me about how I'm a Fake because I can't predict what number they're thinking. You wouldn't want someone like me having that Power, much less anyone else :P.
People don't think about that stuff.
I've read your Blogs so I'm sure that you actually understood most or all of what I said. I do like your commentaries and opinions. Not because I agree with most of them, but I've learned to appreciate people who speak their mind and aren't fake.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
K -Captain of Mass Destruction-Date: Mar 9, 2006 5:05 PM
Well, I am VERY open minded.
If you are uncomfortable, that is OK. I am hardly flakey though.
All the best,
----------------- Original Message -----------------
C-LA/Rk K-en-T™Date: Mar 9, 2006 6:31 PM
That's actually a legitimate question. I joke about how people usually try to pick me up for what I call "Psychic One-Night Stands."
Those are the ones that want you to do a free reading for them and then once they've gotten their reading, you never hear from them ever again.
I sort of do readings for people, but it's notin the way they'd expect. Usually the stuff is tied into me and not really useful to them.
At most it can tell you what your purpose may be on the Planet, but it won't reveal specifics. I'm still skeptical about people who claim they can read people's exact futures. You can probably generalize and possibly get visions, but anything more specific than that would disrupt the natural balance.
In fact, the Planet functions just like the Military. There's it's a highly organized system and the coordinated movements of Subconscious Minds are just like infantry unites working together to execute a plan from their commanding officer.
Even though I haven't served in the military, one thing I've learned to respect is having your officers and infantry follow directions and carry them out. Without that Chain of Command, operations would run less effectively.
In regards to anything regarding you, I just know that you've got that Letter K, which is significant since we're moving into the Age of Aquarius. K is the 11th Letter, and Aquarius is the 11th Sign.
I'm working on writing a book that teaches people can do their own Readings. It'll sort of be the Generic "Fastfood Psychic Readings," but it follows a consistent pattern and teaches how to read Text on a sublevel.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
K -Captain of Mass Destruction-Date: Mar 9, 2006 2:51 PM
How come you never discuss me in any of your prophecies?
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
C-LA/Rk K-en-T™Date: Mar 9, 2006 5:47 PM
NEWS: A Virginia Waitress received a whopping tip of $974.00 just now:
- Virginia: Virgin/IA = Virgin I o' WA
- Waitress: WA-I/Tress = Washington(WA) God(I) Hair(Tress/Hare/Year of the Rabbit)
- $974.00: 9/74 = God(9/I) + Final(W/74-Periodic Table)
- Total of $1,000:
- M = 1000 in Roman Numerals
- M = 13th Letter
- Rhode Island = 13th State inducted 5/29 (My B-Day)
- Signs: I said 3/9/2006 that I'm the Voice of God. That's a huge TIP
I said that when good things happen to me, people win the Lottery and stuff. When people are mean to me, people experience bad luck. I have a Pa/IR of L u CK-y Rabbit's Fe-ET :o)
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