PREDICTION: Army Probe, "Fugitive," "Galaxy Quest," "Tron"

Mar 04, 2006 21:40

I've known about this particular incident ever since it appeared in the news. It reflects the screw-up that Isabella and Charlie made when they "killed" me off. That's why I said 7/29/2005 that the Twin Isabel getting killed in the movie "Constantine" with Keanu Reeves symbolizes me as Isabelo the Gemini Twin.

Everyone in the Subconscious Realm witnessed the "Murder." So you see everyone's Subconscious Minds from Screen Writers for Film & Television to events being shifted around by Subconscious Minds that keep pointing the guilty finger at the true Killer, which is Charlie of BCB whom all those women sided with two years ago and punished me the Innocent Party.

That's why I said 12/24/2006 that I'm the REAL Dr. Richard Kimble in "Fugitive" and the one who betrayed him is named Charles for Charlie. I kept saying that I'm innocent, and I've been going on a manhunt for the real killer to prove that I was telling the Truth.

That's the one thing I really HATE about all these movies. The writers all think it's fictional and just makes for great storytelling, but they don't realize that I'm the one who has to jump through all the hoops and do this crap that they write.

That's why Gwen DeMarco in "Galaxy Quest" is complaining about the "Chompers" that they have to go through.

GWEN DEMARCO: What's this doing here? This makes NO SENSE.
JAMES NESMITH: (trying to calm Gwen) It's because it's in the Script
GWEN DEMARCO: Well, I hate it! It's stupid!!! We shouldn't have to do this!!!

That would be me bitching about all the DUMB SHIT I have put up with because all the damn WRITERS keep putting it in the scripts thinking it's great for capturing the attention of the audience. However, it sucks for me ME (ROD) because I have to keep overcoming these hurdles in the movie.

That's why I said 9/12/2005 that it's just like the movie "Tron" where I'm the real life Video Game Character sucked into a Video Game and where I have to beat the Game:
  1. Just like Jeff Bridges, I have some special abilities (Psychic Powers) that allow me to "bend the rules" of Reality just like in the Video Game in order to destroy the Super Computer.
  2. In "Tron" DAVID Warner is the nemesis who took over the corporation and is sitting as CEO while Kevin (Jeff Bridges)
    1. Kevin (Jeff Bridges) as the brilliant programmer would be ME (ROD)
    2. I said 3/4/2006 that Davi(S) = Davi(D). David Warner's represents Davis who sitting pretting with all the leads and contacts paying himself first
  3. PLOT OUTLINE: A hacker is literally abducted into the world of a computer and forced to participate in gladiatorial games where his only chance of escape is with the help of a heroic security program: I'm Jeff Bridges (Conscious Rod) and Tron (Bruce Boxlightner) is Subconscious Rod.
That's why I'm almost itching for someone from the Black Community try coming at me claiming I'm being Racist because of Davis' Skin Color. I will make anyone who challenges me look SO STUPID when I ram all the Movies and Television Shows that point to this down THEIR THROATS about the SHIT that Davis has pulled on me.

This also comes back to why I'm so exhausted, tired, and irritable. I keep bitching and complaining because I'm the one who has to do all this shit. I hate it so much. That's why when I get out of this mess, there are certain key people I'm going to chew out if they even so much as try give a bitchy ass attitude.

Dr. Doom takes Reed Richard's frozen hand and bend it backward causing it to crack brittly.
DR. DOOM: Painful...? You don't know the meaning of the word

It's like someone taking your testicles and crushing them in your fist, and it hurts so badly that you cry out in painful anguish. Then you get angry. That's what they do to BULLS at the Rodeo and why they're bucking so hard. It's because they're in PAIN because their nuts are being crushed and they get so angry. That's the amount of pain I've been in for the last two years.

Article Highlights:
  1. Patrick Tillman:
    1. Pa-T/RI-CK = Father(Pa) Female(T/20/XX) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Clark Kent(CK)
    2. T-Ill/Man = Female(T/20/XX) Unhealthy(Ill) Male(Man)
  2. Shot to death by fellow soldiers in Afghanistan in what previous Army reviews had concluded was an accidental shooting:
    1. Patrick Tillman getting accidentally shot to death represents ME (ROD) who got killed off. I was trying to rescue and save people, but instead, I got killed by FRIENDLY FIRE.
    2. Tillman getting killed reprsents the FUCK-UP that Isabella and Charlie made
    3. That's why Tillman's family can thank Isabella and Charlie for that bullshit and the loss of their son
  3. Col. Joseph Curtin:
    1. Initials JC = Jesus Christ
    2. Joseph = Clark Kent's Middle Name
    3. I said 3/4/2006 about Christ and the Law
  4. Tillman, 27, died on April 22, 2004:
    1. I said 3/4/2006 that I posted 10/12/2005 that Charlie is Howard from "Minority Report"
    2. In that post 10/12/2005, it says the date that Charlie is arrested is 4/22.
    3. When you watch movie "Minority Report," the date that Tom Cruise reads off when Howard is caught by a Psychic is 4/22
    4. The whole movie "Minority Report" is about a police officer who gets blamed for a crime he didn't commit
  5. Tillman's father, Patrick Tillman, and other family members have criticized the Army and its investigations: That would be me as Pa/IR = Father IR
  6. A Pentagon official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the new investigation has not been formally begun, said it would focus on possible charges of negligent homicide:
    1. I said 3/4/2005 that Charlie as Politician Randy Cunningham got caught because of the crap he was pulling
    2. I said 3/4/2006 that Charlie was guilty of 2nd Degree Murder through negligence
  7. Tillman, 27, was stationed at Fort Lewis south of Tacoma, Wash., when he was sent to Afghanistan: I said 3/4/2006 that I'm from Washington State
  8. His mother, Mary: I said 3/4/2006 in BOLDFACE BLUE that I'm the Virgin Mary or Virgin Mother
  9. "I think it's another step," he said. "But if you send investigators to reinvestigate an investigation that was falsified in the first place, what do you think you're going to get?":
    1. I said 11/18/2005 that Charlie FUCKED UP when he barged with guns blazing targeted on me WITHOUT CHECKING HIS FACTS
    2. He looked like an ass and to cover up his FUCK-UP and to save face in front of his Employees and Co-Partner, he stuck to his guns that his "instincts" still say that I'm a bad person
    3. Charlie threatened Isabella and told her to get off the phone and if she didn't he was going to shut down the business. Then the started deleting her business accounts on there. HE is the one who was Psycho, not me
  10. He was a member of the Army's 75th Ranger Regiment: I said I'm born in 1975 and Year of the Rabbit ('75)
  11. More than three weeks after a memorial service in San Jose, Calif., the Army announced on May 29, 2004, that friendly fire rather than an enemy encounter caused Tillman's death: I said 2/11/2006 that I'm born 5/29
  12. Updated: 12:03 AM EST: I said Brendan Fraser born 12/3 was 35 year old Virgin in "Blast from the Past." I'm a Virgin
This is an example of how Charlie's behavior was so predictable that Tillman even got stationed in a particular regiment and as slated to die based off of Charlie's screw-up. That's why I swear that hwen people lie to me and I find out, it's going to look EVEN WORSE when I uncover information that points out that they've been lying when the Numbers align.

I said 3/4/2006 to Jessica Jaymes in reply to her comment that those numbers that surfaced with her Blog Entry were not an accident or due to computer illiteracy. That was her Subconscious Mind taking aim and seeing to it that she posted on 5:13 pm for Sunny Leone's B-Day as well as created 4 posts symbolizing Isabella Valentine as IV = 4 in Roman Numerals.

As I said, I know my numbers and they're not random. You can actually "nudge" or "shift" numbers.

That's why I said 3/4/2006 why I'm so unhappy about how I was able to prove REPEATEDLY how Psychic Phenomenon works, but my evidence just got ignored and my name was NEVER cleared. The charges were never dropped and I remained branded a Psychotic Stalker even though I was not.

I said 11/30/2005 about DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER. When you go around spreading rumors and get everyone riled up thinking you're a bad person and it results in loss of business, loss of friendships, and where emotional stress is put on you, you can SUE for Defamation of Character if you can prove that you were telling the Truth.

As I keep saying:
  1. A wedge was driven between me and Scott because of this issue.
  2. My friendship with Bliss was completely incinerated because she sided with the women who all said my claims about Psychic Phenomenon was a bunch of crap and that I'm a Stalker
  3. I had Bliss' friends picking on me and harassing me as well as start Community Hate Groups geared toward making fun of me
That's BULLSHIT when you're telling the Truth and you provide evidence and can repeatedly manifest same results over and over again. That's why it was Psychological Discrimination.

When people snort and laugh at thinking I'm full of crap, what they're saying in not so many words is, "I don't believe someone LIKE YOU could ever have Psychic Abilities." You have to ask why though. While it's true people have a right to be Skeptical, if I can submit results that show that I can produce or manifest Psychic Phenomenon, then it means I was telling the Truth and should receive an APOLOGY from the people who chewed my ass out.

That's why I have no problem with using the "non-existent" or "imaginary" Psychic Abilities to keep on surfacing things in the News that point the Guilty Finger at the people who pulled that CRAP on me.

The other DEVIOUS aspect you're witnessing is how the Planet PUNISHES people for what they do against me and when they BULLSHIT me. When they cheat, lie, or try to avoid things, the Planet yanks the Life Strings of other people with similar nams or will affect what people experience. That's why it's unwise to mess around with the Planet.

Because of that selfish act that Charlie committed trying to save his ass, hundreds ore even thousands of people had to suffer some sort of loss or pain.

Army to Launch Criminal Probe Into Tillman's Death

Former Arizona Cardinal Pat Tillman walked away from a multimillion-dollar NFL contract to join the Army Rangers.

WASHINGTON (March 4) - The Army said Saturday it will launch a criminal investigation into the April 2004 death of Pat Tillman, the former professional football player who was shot to death by fellow soldiers in Afghanistan in what previous Army reviews had concluded was an accidental shooting.

Col. Joseph Curtin, an Army spokesman, said the Defense Department office of inspector general had reviewed the matter at the Army's request and concluded that a criminal probe was warranted.

Members of the Tillman family were notified on Friday, Curtin said. In the past, Tillman's father, Patrick Tillman, and other family members have criticized the Army and its investigations.

"We are obligated to answer the family's questions, as we are with all grieving families," Curtin said.

Curtin said the scope of the new investigation by the Army Criminal Investigation Command had not yet been determined in detail.

A Pentagon official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the new investigation has not been formally begun, said it would focus on possible charges of negligent homicide.

A second Pentagon official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said no specific soldier is under investigation at this point. He said the CID will conduct an overall death investigation and "let the facts take them where they may."

The official said that the CID's probe - the fifth formal investigation into the incident - will focus on the cause of Tillman's death, not necessarily on whether the previous investigations were done correctly. It is the first criminal probe.

Tillman, 27, was stationed at Fort Lewis south of Tacoma, Wash., when he was sent to Afghanistan.

His mother, Mary, told the Washington Post on Saturday that the criminal investigation should have been launched at the onset. "The military has had every opportunity to do the right thing and they haven't," she said. "They knew all along that something was seriously wrong and they just wanted to cover it up."

His father, Patrick Tillman Sr., told the Post that he questioned whether another investigation would provide anymore answers.

"I think it's another step," he said. "But if you send investigators to reinvestigate an investigation that was falsified in the first place, what do you think you're going to get?"

Two initial fact-finding investigations were conducted at the unit level right after Tillman's death. He was a member of the Army's 75th Ranger Regiment. A third investigation was conducted by U.S. Army Special Operations Command, and a concurrent investigation was done by the Army's Safety Center.

Tillman, 27, died on April 22, 2004, when he was struck by gunfire during a firefight along a canyon road near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The Army said at the time that the barrage of bullets came from enemy fire.

A report by the Army later found that troops with Tillman knew at the time that friendly fire had killed the football star. Officers destroyed critical evidence and concealed the truth from Tillman's brother, also an Army Ranger, who was nearby, the report found.

More than three weeks after a memorial service in San Jose, Calif., the Army announced on May 29, 2004, that friendly fire rather than an enemy encounter caused Tillman's death. However, even at the time of the memorial, top Army officials were aware that the investigation showed the death had been caused by an act of "gross negligence," the report said.

Despite the Army's findings, the officer who prepared the Special Operations Command report, Brig. Gen. Gary M. Jones, concluded there was no official reluctance to report the truth. Army officials have acknowledged that they should have better handled the information they released on Tillman's death.

The Defense Department's inspector general started a review of the matter last August, in the wake of complaints from the Tillman family about how the matter had been handled.

Tillman joined the Army after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks even though he had a multimillion-dollar contract to play football for the Arizona Cardinals. He and his brother completed a tour in Iraq before going to Afghanistan.

03/04/06 20:43 EST
Updated: 12:03 AM EST

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personal, military, bliss, scott, isabella, psychic, signs

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