LESSONS: Mental Illness, Amendments, "Blast from the Past"

Feb 08, 2006 08:00

I have to say something about this article because it really bothers me and why I don't approve of some of the current practices of the AMA. I've been branded as mentally ill, which is really insulting and offensive to me.

When people brand you as mentally ill and tell you to go seek help because you don't conform to their ideals, it's really a slap in the face. You've got people who are trying to dictate to you what's right or wrong.

The reason why I get upset about it is because I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon, but I got punished for speaking out. I told people what I saw. I tried to show people the Research and Findings and it just got ignored.

The rumor mill was churning and it just spread to my friends. It didn't help that you had these bitchy women going around to all my friends thinking I was a demented stalker bad-talking me.

I can understand the part about women's rights and how it's wrong to harass women. However, when a whole group of women beat up on one individual male that is so unfair. Then when the male submits his research, it falls on deaf ears.

They just delete your messages and put up a block refusing to hear what you have to say because you've already been judged. When you get accused of being psycho and a stalker, it's as bad as being branded as a Child Molester or a Rapist. Everyone avoids you and treats you differently.

That's why I lost my Faith in the Truth. Just what exactly is Truth? I told the Truth and I had more credibility, Psychology, Research, Digital Pictures, Screen Captures, and News Articles, and it STILL wasn't good enough.

That's why I take such a bitchy attitude when I get people that come out of the woodwork with this defiant attitude toward me demanding that I prove that I'm not a fake or a fraud.

Why should I have to prove anything to them? I'm so sick of jumping through hoops for people. If people don't want to believe me, fine. However, I don't have the time or the patience to hand-hold people and repeat my Theories.

It's on my Web Site. It's in the Frequently Asked Questions Section. I shoudn't have to repeat myself or give special treatment to individuals. I tried kissing the ass of one person who was close to Bliss and Isabella could've put in a good word for me and she would take this conceited attitude and talk down to me.

She was a 19 year old brat taking down to me when I'm almost 10 years her senior and seen more stuff that she has. She talked down to me because she thought she could treat me the way that Isabella and Bliss treat me.

I tolerated Bliss and Isabella's CRAP because I actually had feelings for her. As for that 19 year old, I don't know her. The courtesy I extended to Isabella and Bliss was for certain reasons.

I don't have to prove a damn thing to anybody. If a person refuses to believe my Research, that's fine by me. Go away. But don't sit there like that girl did snooping my Journal for 7 months collecting the juiciest passages from my Journal and then making a cute little collage of all my stuff feeding it to the WTF Community siccing all those people on me.

This is the CRAP I've had to put up with for the last two years. So if people wonder why I'm so standoffish and aloof it's because of the bullshit I have to put up with. And why? Because people are TOO LAZY and/or TOO DUMB to make sense of the Math Calculations and Formauls I laid out.

I shouldn't have to compensate for people's STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE. People think I'm flying off the handle, but I spent TWO YEARS patiently waiting and submitting my Research only to have it flushed down the toilet.

I feel justified in calling it Stupidity and Ignorance when I keep reporting the SAME results and you see innocent victims who are getting physically injured, maimed, and killed because nobody's lifting a FINGER to do something about it.

I gave repeated Warnings and how people should fix this stuff and I just got written off as a nutcase. That's why I stopped caring about people's opinions when it comes to how I conduct my Research and what I do with the Electromagnetic Field when it comes to conducting experiments.

Like I said, if you're going to ostracize someone from a society, don't come crying to that person you kicked out of when you find out all his Data and Research was actually true and you not only kicked his ass out the door but you spit on him, took his friends away, and smeared his good name when he told the Truth the entire Time.

I said how the Psychic Realm functions and the Principles of of Electromagneticism and Organic Hardware used for Telepathy and how it runs parallel to the Internet. I'm sure of my Theories because I use practice it on a daily basis. I already know it works.

If anyone wonders why I'm Anti-Social and just wrap myself up in continuing to do more Research in this Field, it's because of the very people who cast me out. That's why I do my job and carry out what I'm supposed to do.

The one thing I'll say about Mental Illness is that people don't fully understand what is causing it. They have to realize that some people don't have Psychic Immunity and are influenced by such thoughts and have poor reasoning skills to shake off "the voices in their heads."

What they're picking up are all the Subconscious voices and thoughts of people around the Planet. So they go loopy or insane acting on impulse. This comes back to why I said Drugs and Alcohol are bad for you because you destroy brain cells and lower your resistance.

One thing I'd also like to say is that I disagree with people using this Research as a cop-out for killing people or where they always plead Insanity. There are preventative measures that can be taken, but I don't think people should use my Research and Findings as a blanket excuse.

People should be held accountable for their actions else you'll get a lot of people that will use that as a reason to commit crimes or acts of violence. Everyone has choice. You can say no. When I use my Psychic Influence on people, you can say no.

You do have the final say in saying no. I was getting led around, but I learned how to build up a resistance and say no. If I can do it and make it back out okay, other people can do it.

As I say, people take their Sanity for granted. You'd almost think it's like a License that can be revoked. When your "Sanity License" is revoked, everybody treats you like a social leper and it's hard to win back people's trust and prove that there's nothing wrong with you.

Did you know that they conducted an experiment to see if Psychiatrists working at Mental Institutions could tell the difference between sane and insane patients? They planted CLINICALLY SANE people in selected wards to test those people.

Did you know that those psychiatrists at those institutions failed? The experiment was so horrible that it had to be halted and a special representative had to be brought in to prove that those clinically sane people wished to be removed from the experiment.

Those Psychiatrists wouldn't believe anything that person said. So even if they sounded clinically sane, the Psychiatrists didn't believe a word of it.

THAT is disturbing. It means that the criteria that the AMA uses to measure sanity is faulty. It may be the only methods they have right now, but it's still faulty. That's why you should be careful with Psychiatrists and getting Therapy.

The reason why I don't place stop in Psychotherapists and Psychiatrists is because they're following what they learned in textbooks. They have no clue about the Psychic Realm and most likely don't even believe it exists.

If they're wrong about that, why in the Hell would I place my life in their care when it comes to determining my mental wellness?

That's why you see that scene in "Blast from the Past" where Brendan Fraser mentions about them:

ADAM: We don't have much time.
MOTHER: Why is something wrong?
ADAM: I think... I'm being chased by a Psychiatrist
MOTHER: That's terrible!!!

There's a reason why Brendan Fraser plays a 35 year old Male Virgin. I'm a Male Virgin. You see what it's like when someone who is separated from the rest of society is transplanted and how his honesty is perceived as kooky behavior. Same with me. You see how he was actually telling the Truth about everything. Same with me. I was telling the Truth about everything :P.

They try to throw Adam into a Mental Institution, and so he has to run away and keep from getting captured. Same with me :P. People don't realize how nice it is to be sane and not have to worry about people questioning if you're nuts. It's one of those things people take for granted.

In my case, I've had to fight tooth and nail to prove that there's nothing wrong with my mental state. I'm STILL working at it. That's why my job SUCKS. I have to deliver a friggin' message to people that will make me look crazy or nuts. That's why I get really irritable at the thought of how people going to chew my ass out years from now and criticize me when they haven't had to put up with the BULLSHIT that I've had to deal with these last two years and what I know is coming up for the next couple years.

That's why I've EARNED the right to be called a "Superman" by Nietzschian Standards. I have to break away from the herd and take on a Leadership Role and strike it in a direction that few people are going to want to go in.

That's a joke directed at the AMA. I said 1/21/2006 that I'm a Virgin and the Virgin Mary. However, in the wrong light, saying such stuff could be deemed as Megalomania or Insanity. That's why I'm not out of the woods yet.

People wonder why I am working so hard to prove Psychic Phenomenon. It's because it's the only way I can keep those Psychiatrists off my back and make sure they leave me alone. As long as I keep on producing consistent results when it comes to Psychic Phenomenon that is inexplicable by normal Scientific Means, I'm safe.

That's why I can't afford to slow down or stop. It's like being a hunted animal. I have to make sure I stay a couple steps ahead. It's a matter of survival

People wonder why I still work with Davis even though I complain about his shady behavior. It's because I don't have the luxury to pick and choose whom I want to work with. So I have to make due with the Resources and People I"ve got.

Do you know that the day after Scott contacted my mom in Washington State suggesting she intervene and have me fly back up to Washington State to enroll for Psychiatric Evaluation and be put on medication, I panicked.

I said 7/1/2005 that it caused a Ferry to crash because it missed the Terminal Berth. This is the stress I'm under. I have to make sure I stay ahead of it.

If you read the Replies there, you see that IDIOT Kevin who was reading my Journal and using my Math Formulas and Calculations to crown himself as the Anti-Christ. I was so irritated and kicked his ass off my Journal.

The nerve of that guy thinking that he's the one influencing me when he takes drugs and drinks. I have a PURE SYSTEM. I don't do drugs, smoke, or drink. I haven't even had REAL SEX. My Body is as PURE as you can get.

It's set up that way so that when any Scientists, Religious Figures, or Opponents try to find chinks in the armor, they'll have a really hard time. If I'd been strung out on drugs, they could easily write me off as a Stoner who's delusional. However, I'm pure.

I'm so pure it's disgusting.

That's why I even told Kevin that he doesn't even understand Math or Business. He was trying to calculate that 11 is the Power Number. I said it isn't Even if it's a Prime Number, there are other smaller numbers. That's why he was born 10/10 for Christopher Reeve's DEATH Anniversary.

I told him that you can't lead a cause of Love. Love isn't enough. None of the business leaders or world political leaders will take him seriously if he doesn't have a working Knowledge of business. He's just one of the most influenced by Psychic Mind Control because his mind is whacked on drugs.

That's why I submitted a request to have him "removed" and "terminated." I got my confirmation 8/5/2005. I know how the System works because I wrote many of the Laws that are based off of current standing Law with the U.S. Constitution.

If you study the Numerical Symbols to each of the Amendments, you know WHY certain numbers coincide with certain Amendments. Why do you think the 5th Amendment is where you can't incriminate yourself? The 23rd is when Jesus Christ died. The 14th is regarding Valentine's Day.

There are all kinds of clues if you know what you're looking for.

Killings Loom Over Debate on Treating Mentally Ill
Published: February 8, 2006

SANTA FE, N.M., Feb. 7 - Against the vivid backdrop of recent killings by mentally ill people, both sides in the national debate over whether mentally ill people who have not committed a crime can be forced into treatment are preparing for a showdown in the Legislature here.

Kate Russell for The New York Times
Sarah Couch, who has bipolar disorder, opposes the effort to force treatment on the mentally ill.

New Mexico lawmakers are considering a bill, backed by Gov. Bill Richardson, that would make the state the 43rd with a law allowing family members, doctors or others to seek a court order forcing the mentally ill into outpatient treatment. Typically under the laws, if mentally ill people refuse the treatment, they can face confinement in a hospital.

Across the country, proponents have pushed the laws as a pragmatic approach to the mentally ill who fall through the cracks of the mental health system, particularly those who have committed no crime but could harm themselves or others as their sickness worsens. These mentally ill people often do not need to be in a hospital, but do need to stick to treatment, which could include medication, therapy or both.

"We are talking about a small group of people who do not get help because they don't want help or know they need help," Mary T. Zdanowicz, executive director of the Treatment Advocacy Center, based in Virginia, said in a break from lobbying lawmakers here.

But opponents say the laws infringe on the civil rights of the mentally ill, and they suggest that teams of social and psychiatric workers could accomplish the same thing with direct intervention on the streets. Critics also say that most states have not provided adequate money for the services needed by those forced into treatment.

One of the more glaring examples, the opponents say, is California. Three years after adopting an outpatient treatment law, none of its counties, which are charged with carrying it out, have found the money or will to put it into practice.

Michael Allen, senior lawyer with the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law in Washington, who also lobbied lawmakers here, said the measures were "a political quick fix in response to tragedies."

Like other states, New Mexico provides that violent offenders who are mentally ill can be committed to inpatient treatment at a psychiatric hospital for a certain period. But the proposed law is intended for the mentally ill who have not committed crimes and have resisted treatment.

The proposal - called Kendra's law after one in New York named for Kendra Webdale, who was killed when a schizophrenic who had been in and out of treatment centers pushed her in front of a New York City subway train in 1999 - arose after an Albuquerque man on a long descent into mental illness shot to death five people, including two police officers, in August.

Jennifer San Marco, the former postal worker who capped a growing history of psychological problems by killing seven people and herself last week in Goleta, Calif., lived in a village about 70 miles west of Albuquerque. There is speculation Ms. San Marco could have been helped by a forced-treatment law, though advocates have not pushed this line of reasoning hard because little is known about what treatment she was getting, if any.

Still, just as in many other states that have considered laws allowing forced outpatient treatment, a specter hangs heavy over the proceedings.

The widows of the slain police officers testified in favor of the law last week, while several people with mental illness spoke against it.

State Representative Joni Marie Gutierrez, a Democrat and the chief sponsor of the bill, said it would provide another tool to help the severely mentally ill.

"A lot of families have been keeping this under wraps and trying to take care of loved ones on their own," Ms. Gutierrez said. "They don't have the legal means to petition the court for treatment."

Sherri Pabich, who said she had sought treatment for a mentally ill acquaintance for 13 years, said the law would help because "a lot of mentally ill people do not realize they are sick and won't seek treatment on their own."

Officials estimate that up to 100 people a year would get treatment under the law. People who defy the court order could be committed to a state hospital.

But opponents said New Mexico already had an underfinanced mental health treatment system that could frustrate even those who sought treatment voluntarily.

"There already are long waits for treatment here," said Sarah Couch, an Albuquerque woman who has bipolar disorder. Ms. Couch and others want more financing for voluntary mental health programs, rather than the threat of court action.

Both sides have been conscious of history; more than 30 years ago, states moved away from warehousing the mentally ill in large institutions that earned a reputation for abuse and shoddy care.

A wave of patients' rights laws made it difficult to commit people against their will or force them to take medication, and proponents of a new law here have been careful to assert that the vast majority of mentally ill are not violent and will not face court orders.

Both sides have offered competing studies on the effectiveness of the approach, with a New York State report last year getting particular attention.

Reviewing information from case managers from 1999 to 2004, the New York Office of Mental Health said people ordered into treatment under the law committed fewer crimes and were less likely to end up homeless or in psychiatric hospitals or harm themselves or others.

A little over one-third of the 10,000 cases referred to court, most of them in New York City, resulted in forced outpatient treatment, according to the report, which Gov. George E. Pataki cited in declaring Kendra's law a success.

But Harvey Rosenthal, executive director of the New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, flew to New Mexico this week to dispute the state report's findings.

Mr. Rosenthal cited a report by a legal advocacy group, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, which asserted that blacks were five times as likely as whites to face court orders. In addition, he said, counties have unevenly applied the law, skewing the results of the study.

"New York's law is not the model it is made out to be," he said.

In recent years, opponents of the laws have scored victories in New Jersey and Connecticut, which considered laws for involuntary outpatient commitment but did not approve them and are among the eight states without them.

In addition to New Mexico, the others are Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Tennessee and Nevada, Ms. Zdanowicz said.

The bill's fate here is uncertain, but it has support from influential politicians like Mr. Richardson, a Democrat, and Senator Pete V. Domenici, a Republican who has been an advocate for mental health causes across the nation.

Mr. Richardson's advisers had argued against the proposal, but his health secretary said she now supported it because legislators agreed to provide about $2 million for outpatient programs.

Representative Gutierrez said lawmakers were considering setting a two- or four-year limit for the law, which could then be renewed after a review.

Ms. Gutierrez said the state would still face challenges in providing treatment for people forced into treatment. New Mexico has a shortage of doctors and mental health professionals, she said, and the state's rural nature often means patients have long drives to few clinics.

State officials are trying to recruit more professionals and, in a move watched by other states, recently consolidated the work of 15 public agencies to enhance and more efficiently deliver mental health and substance abuse services.

"We are working towards doing better every day," Ms. Gutierrez said. "This bill is part of it."

Published: February 8, 2006

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