I said all movies are Prophetic. Here's an unfortunate Re-Enactment of the "Titanic" sinking that happened the same time I posted about the movie halfway around the world. I said t:
- I said 1/31/2006 about "Titanic" where the ship sinks
- I said Sunny Leone is East Indian and the Titanic 1912 translating to her Initials "SL"
- Sunny Leone's heritage is East Indian
- Indonesia = Ind(ones)ia = India with ONES in it = India with God(1) Superman(S) in it
- I said Titanic sank 4/15, which is Tax Day for the IR/S
- I said I'm IR, and I'm like Clark Kent who's Superman(S)
- Rear Adm. Yusuf Malik: Ma/Li-K = Mother Fire(Li-Chinese) Aquarian(K)
- Kupang:
- K u Pang
- I said Subconsciosu Isabella(K/11)
- Pang = Hankering
- Timor Island: T/IM-OR = Female Sun(I/9+M/13=V/22=Leo) Sun(Or/V in Philosophy/5)
- Rote Island:
- (R)o(T)e Island = (RH)o(T)e Island when Gemini(R) = Gemini Superman(RH) and Female(T) = Leo Female(D)
- Rote = Rote Memory
- Rhode Island was the 13th State inducted 5/29 (my B-Day)
- I said 1/12/2006 about Indonesia:
- t's the Television Soap Opera that was stolen from my company's production that crippled me with $45,000 worth of debt three years ago
- We hired the Director Francisca U. (San Francisco/Bay Area/Bay City Blues)
- Chris P. was the Associate Producer (Chris = Christine/Bliss)
- Waves were 10 Feet High: WA/VE = Washington(WA) Gemini Sun(V5/E5)
That's why I know using Psychic Abilities I know exactly what kind of CRAP That
isabellaval and
celticblissy pulled because events were mirrored in Business. That's why
I said 1/28/2006 that those two got punished early in Life to atone for the human suffering, misery, and death.
That's why all the Women should be ashamed. I feel sorry for the United Kingdom. Though that's why I also retain the Title of Queen Isabelo the Gemini mirroring Queen Elizabeth II and T-on-Y B/L.A.-IR. I love the British. Just like Bliss, they're so sexy :).
I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table. That's how you get Lord B/RI-T is H, meaning Jesus Christ(Lord) Gemini(B) 5/29(Rhode Island) Female(T/20/XX) is Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel). I used to wish I was British :).
Ferry With 82 Aboard Sinks in Indonesia
JAKARTA, Indonesia (Jan. 31) - A ferry carrying at least 82 passengers and crew sunk Wednesday in eastern Indonesia after it reported being battered by high waves, and navy vessels were searching for survivors, a navy spokesman said.
Three navy vessels and an air force plane were scouring the area close to where the vessel was suspected to have sunk, said Rear Adm. Yusuf Malik.
"If the life belts and lifeboats were functioning well, we hope we can find people alive," he said.
He said the ship's manifest showed it was carrying 82 passengers and crew, but that it was possible that more people were on board.
The ferry contacted a local port around two hours after leaving land to say it was turning back because of bad weather, he said.
"The report said waves were up to 10 feet high," he said.
The ferry was traveling from the port of Kupang on the western side of Timor island to Rote Island, a trip that normally takes around four hours.
The region is about 1,250 miles east of Jakarta.
Updated:2006-01-31 21:51:40
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