Here's an interesting Signa about Cuttino Mobley's home getting robbed:
- Cuttino Mobley:
- C u TT in O = Dominant(C) in Union with(U) Male(TT/Non-T) in Sun(O)
- Cut T in O = Remove Female(T/20/XX) in the Sun(O)
- M.O.-B/Le-Y = Mission Objective(M.O.) Gemini(B/2) Definite(Le-The/French) Male(Y)
- Thieves stole $500,000 in cash: The business deal that Davis is closing on is $500,000 for a 3 movie picture deal
- Los Angeles Clippers: I said I'm born Year of the Rabbit and a Hare. You Cut/Clip your Hair. I'm the Hare and Davis is BALD with no "Hare."
- Mobley led the Clippers with 19 points in their victory over the Nuggets: S = 19th Letter = Superman Insignia
- Denver Nuggets:
- C-OL-Or/A-Do = Dominant(C) Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) Sun(Or/V) God(A) Leo Female Sun(Do)
- Den/Ver = Lion's Den Exist(Be-Ver/Spanish)
- N u GG-ET = Nature(N) in Union with(U) Gemini God(GG) Alien(ET)
I was watching the "Spider-Man" DVD last night. You see where Peter Parker is trying to raise money for a Car because he sees how Flash got one as a birthday present that MJ takes a ride in.
- Car = CA/R = California(CA) Gemini(R/18)
- C/AR = Dominant(C) IR(AR)
- Mary Jane = MJ = Translates to the Numbers (13)(10). 1310 = 1/3-10. My best friend Scott is born 3-10
- Watson = WA-T/Son = Washington(WA) Female(T) Jesus Christ(Son) or Superman Activated(S/On).
- FL as H = Florida(FL) as Superman(H). Florida is shaped as a Penis. It means Sex and Self
I lost my friends when they thought I had lost my sanity babbling about Psychic Phenomenon. I wanted to win Scott back because they took my best friend away. You see Peter Parker in the movie. He sees the ad for Wrestling and $3,000 if he can last 3 minutes in the ring. So he goes to there.
34 minutes, 34 seconds into movie:
His Uncle Ben tries to tag along giving Peter a ride to the Library:
- Davis is Uncle Ben
- UB = (21)(2). I said Charles Schuilz of "Peanuts" died 2/12
- You have "Charlie's Angels" as the Voice of God in "Charlie's Angels"
- Uncle Ben married Aunt May
- A un-T Ma-Y = (God/A) Male (Non-Female/un-T) Mother(Ma) Male(Y)
- I'm born in the Month of May and like the Virgin Mary
- You have Uncle Ben's Rice. It's a picture a BLACK man on the front. Davis is Black
Uncle Ben thought Peter was going to the Library to study when he was really going over to the Wrestling Match to try win some money. Davis, as Uncle Ben, thought I was spending time working on the business but I was spending the last two years posting Journal Entries as submitted evidence to prove to Scott, Bliss, and Isabella that I really was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon.
It was the belief that once Scott, Isabella, and Bliss saw that I was telling the Truth, they'd change their minds, realize it was a mistake, and then be friends with me again.
Cliff Robertson plays Uncle Ben. My friend Cliff is Clifton Thomas and Bliss' real last name is Thomas. So Cliff Robertson is represents my friends Cliff, Scott, and Bliss who were concerned about me because they thought I'd developed some sort of delusional fantasy about observing Psychic Occurrences.
Scott was so worried about me he called my mom up in Washington State and recommended she intervene and have me leave L.A.and fly back up to Washington State for Psychiatric Evaluation and to be put on Medication.
Davis, Bliss, and Scott were trying to give me advice on how to "cope with my problem." That's why you see that scene where Uncle Ben is trying to give Peter a lecture:
PETER: Thanks for the ride
UNCLE BEN: No, wait a minute, Peter. We need to talk.
PETER: Well, we can talk later
UNCLE BEN: Well, we can talk now if you let me
PETER: What do we have to talk about, and why now?
UNCLE BEN: Because we haven't talked at all for so long that your Aunt May and I don't even know who you are anymore. You shirk your chores, you have all those weird experiments in your room, you start fights at school--
PETER: I didn't start that fight. I told you that!
UNCLE BEN: Well, you sure as Hell finished it.
PETER: What was I supposed to do? Run away?
UNCLE BEN: No, you're not supposed to run away but... Pete, look. You're changing. I know. I went through exactly the same thing at your age. [Scott and Bliss trying to reason with me and thinking I'm suffering from some mental problems]
PETER: No. Not exactly. [Rod's Psychic Abilities]
UNCLE BEN: Peter, these are the years when a man changes into the man he's going to become for the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into. This guy Flash Thompson. He probably deserved what happened. But just because you can beat him up doesn't give you the right to. Remember: With great power comes great responsibility. [People wonder why I was granted these abilities and it's because you need strong Mental Discipline and to be even-tempered. If you get angry and are emotionally volatile with your Psychic Abilities, you'll cause upsets that will result in physical harm and even death to innocent bystanders. People are going to ask years from now why I'm "so lucky" and why I was chosen. It's because very few things bother me. The only time things bother me is if someone really goes out of their way to get in my face and they're usually being unrealistic.
I said 1/23/2006 about the Incredible Hulk Prophecy where you always see someone antagonize David Banner even thoug he was trying to be peaceful and diplomatic.]
PETER: Are you afraid I'm going to turn into some kind of crimina? Quit worrying about me, okay? Something's different. I'll figure it out. Stop lecturing me. Please! [I get lectured by people who think they know what I'm going through and they don't even understand the enormity of the responsibilities and stress I'm under. I'm dealing with responsibilities on a Planetary Corporate Level. I"ve been doing this for 2 years already and these people who are trying to diagnose me or give me advice aren't even anywhere near at the level in which I'm working on. They mean well, but they don't understand]
UNCLE BEN: I don't mean to lecture and I don't mean to preach. And I know I'm not your father.
PETER: Then stop pretending to be! [I said Davis is from PA. If people really knew about the level of influence I have all over the Planet and the way Davis talks to me and ignores my advice and suggestions, you'd laugh. That's why I have low tolerance for others when they act immature. Age doesn't mean anything. I don't care if you're 50 or 70 years old. People those ages haven't even done what I've done. That's why my Spiritual Age would be around 70 or 80.]
UNCLE BEN: Right... [That's Scott and Bliss when I tried to tell them to stop trying to interfere with what's going on]
I understood why Scott caleld my mom asking her to intervene. It's because he doesn't understand the Psychic Realm and what's going on, but it still hurt me. There's nothing more degrading than being a 30 year old male and having your own mother call you up and talk to you like a child. That's why few people understand what I go through.
If you watch the "Incredibles" Disk 2, Brad Bird talks about the "Fantastical and the Mundane" where you've got a Superhero who can do fantastic and amazing things, but his life gets bogged down by the mundane. Simple, trivial things like bills, a boss they have to listen to, and really minor things that you wouldn't think a Superhero would have to deal with.
It's the same thing with me. I'm so handicapped by a lot of things. Some of them were as a direct result of the selfishness of others. That $45,000 debt that ballooned up into a $80,000 one crippling my finances and chewing up my credit card and credit rating was all because of selfishness and lack of understanding when the film crew mutined following the advice of someone who didn't even know what the actual budget of the production was and convinced everyone that Davis and I were being stingy and hoarding all the money. There was no money!
I thought that by explaining to the above the line staff that they'd understand and then be more reasonable. Instead, the Asscociate Director Chris who was under my payroll took the initiative and went over everyone's head convincing the television station in Indonsia to transfer the production and the remaining $90,000 budget over to him. So all those bills got shackled to me. That's why I'm not happy with the White Community.
I said 1/19/2006 that people might think I'm being Racist and against Blacks. Oh Hell no. There's enough SHIT to go around on who screwed me over last during the last two years. The Planet had to create Equilibrium by making each of the demographics have a representative that does something against me that makes my life MISERABLE in order to balance things out so that I'll be able to better assess the situation based off of how they wronged me:
- Black Community: a lot of fuck-ups
- White Community: Responsible for shoving me in debt and accepting money unable to carry out what needs to be done with lack of guidance
- Asian Community: Fired me. Hired me back. Fired me when another White Employee who didn't want to lose her job mentioned how I'd offhandedly said that that the two married owners were "intimate"
- Women and Lesbians: Branded me as a Psychotic Stalker
I have a whole a Laundry List. That's why I'm like S-An/T-A C/L.A. u S "wrting a list and checking twice. Gonna find out who's Naughty and Nice." I'm born Year of the Rabbit and the E as -TE/R B u NN-y, menaing the Sun(E) as Non-Alien(TE) Gemini(R) of the Gemini(B/2) in Union with(U) 2/14(NN=2x14) Male(Y). As the E as T/ER B u NN-y, I go around hiding E.G/Gs (Example Gods) or Sun(E) Gemini God(GG).
What are the first things you eat off of a Chocolate Easter Bunny?
- Ears (IRs)
- Feet (Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel/Superman)
- Ass (A/SS=God/A Gemini Superman/SS)
I'm not kidding when I say that the Planet has spent thousands or maybe even millions of years planning out all these symbols that all fit nicely together.
People don't get it. They don't realize the level of responsibilty and the extent of my Psychic Abilities that affects everybody on a Global, Federal, State, Municipal,and Local Level. You can't even talk about it to anyone without people scoffing at you or rolling their eyes because it's a story so fantastic and beyond this reality that people won't believe it.
Human Behavior
That's why I already know that people don't believe me. They either read my Journal Entries because they're bored or looking for some idle amusement. However, that's irrelevant. The reason why I post this now is because is because someday years from now people are going to get wind of this and realize that I'm dead serious and that my Psychic Abilities are real and that far-reaching.
- First, they'll be scared.
- Then they'll be awe
- Then they'll be curious
- Then they'll get jealous
- Then they'll get critical
That is natural Human Behavior. If you think people are going to be excited for me about this wonderful and new power, they won't. In fact, the very people who kicked me out of Society and branded me as a loony told me to get the Hell out of their lives are going to come banging on my door bitching and complaining about how unfair it is about the way I "control" their lives.
The people of this society had no problem with kicking my ass out the door. However, when they find out that I was telling the Truth, then they'll want to stick their nose in my business and tell me how to run things. The very people who wouldn't listen to me when I tried to show everyone how it works. It was public record on my Journal. It's still public record showing day by day how the decisions I make and what I do manifest itself.
People think I'm just lucky or that it's coincidence. No it's not. The Human Brain formulates a thought and sends transmission to its throat to emit the sounds needed for Speech and Communication.
The Earth, which is one BIG-ASS PLANET, functions the same way with the Electromagnetic Field that formulates a thought and then sends the transmission to its "Voice" to say something. If you've got a Planet that that is billions of tons you should expect that it would take weeks, months, or even years for it to formulate a thought and then transmit the message to its "throat" to make a sound.
So when I say something and it manifests itself in the news, it's not coinicidence. It's just a normal process observed in Human Physiology that has been multiplied by the mass of the Earth when it comes to the Time Differential of how long it takes to send the transmission in Geological Time from the brain to the throat.
When it comes to posting these Journals, it doesn't matter if nobody believes me right now. I'm cover my ass later. If I don't post all these problems I'm having or the struggles I have to put up, you're going to have all these people years from now who are going to jealous and bad-talking me abou me:
- "What a spoiled, pampered brat."
- "He was born with a Silver Spoon in his mouth"
- "Why wasn't it a Black Person who got the job?"
- "Why him and not me?"
People don't know about the CRAP that I've had to put up with over the last two years.
Contract Law
One thing I've learned in business and the Film & Entertainment Industry is that being nice and letting things slide doesn't work. When your client or whomever you work with screws up, you point it out IMMEDIATELY. If you don't point out the times that your client has breached contract or not followed your directions and the SHIT hits the fan with finances or a film production falling through, they'll come after YOU and blame YOU for the project's failure.
You would not BELIEVE the CRAP and the BLAME that people will try to make you accountable for if you don't speak up or say something. When you let clients go on thinking that they haven't done anything wrong, they'lre still making a private list or tally of all the times YOU screwed up. So when things go badly, they'll give their laundry lis.
The best time to state this stuff is BEFORE it happens so that the party knows its place and doesn't get out of hand. Someitmes you have to humble people else they'll develop this belief that it's all your fault when they haven't looked over their own actions that make it where it was their fault or they were just as guilty as you when it came to mistakes that happened.
When it comes to thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of dollars, you don't want people coming after your ass suing you when you know that they didn't follow your directions.
That's why all throughout my Journal over the last two years, you see how I had REPEATEDLY given instructions and told how all this stuff, but my warnings and suggestions all went ignored.
If anyone wants to laugh at my Journal Entries now and think I'm living in some weird fantasy, that's fine. However, years from now, I don't want anybody coming after me trying to chew my ass out about the way I do things. When I needed help, there was NO ONE. I had to do this all on my own and forge a Training Manual and Map on my own with nobody's help.
People hate their bosses, but the reason why they always point out what's wrong is to keep people in check else they'll think they deserve a raise :). They don't want employees getting ahead of themselves and becoming discontent.
Unfortunately, some places just beat you down.
Fans and Celebrities
Being a boss or manager is like being a Celebrity or an Adult Film Star complimenting a Fan. You give one compliment or say something nice and the fan thinks that's an open invitation to talk to them all the time.
Fans do this to Celebrities all the time. That's why I feel sorry for Celebrities.
Right now, I technically, have a "Secret Identity." Nobody knows about me. I'm under the Radar and untrackable. However, once rumors or gossip spreads and people start paying attention, I'll lose that anonymity.
The nice part about having a Secret Identity is you don't have people bothering you. While I'm still rebuilding my finances, I can't have people knocking on my door swarming me for help or asking for things. I don't even have proper safeties set up.
When it comes to Celebrities, you'll get Fans who obsess about you and all they think about is you. Just like in the song "Stan" by Eminem, it shows the how obsessive fans will get pissed off if you don't respond to them ASAP. Fans can be unrealistic in their expectations of the Celebrities they idolize.
Some will get REALLY mad or ticked off if a Celebrity doesn't answer their Fan Mail. The thing that Fans forget is that the Celebrities they worship wouldn't have become Celebrities if they didn't do what it is they're doing. You have all these Fans who want their favorite Celebrities to spend time with them or donate a little of their time, but there isn't enough time to do that.
As I said, you see that scene in "Matrix Reloaded" where Neo returns to Zion expecting to spend some quality time with Trinity. When they show up at his place, there are hundreds of fans and worshippers camped out waiting for him wanting him to heal and bless them, give alms, and what not.
That's why if anyone thinks I'm looking forward to getting discovered for my abiliites and what I really do, they're mistaken. The short-term glory is being in the spotlight and being recognized. However, when you fuck up, you're in the spotlight. Just as people are eager to adore you, they're just as quick to ridicule you and criticize you. Especially opponents who don't like you or what you stand for. They'll be laying in wait eager to pounce on you. You see it in Politics all the time.
Bonesaw McGraw and the Wrestling Match
RECEPTIONIST: (laughing) There's no feather weight division small fry. Next.
PETER: No no! Sign me up.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. You understand the NYWL is not responsible for any injury you may and probably will sustain while participating in said event? And you are indeed participating of your own free will?
RECEPTIONIST: Down the hall and to the ramp. May God be with ya.
ANNOUNCER: If he can last 3 minutes in the cage with Bonesaw McGraw, the sum of $3,000 dollars will be paid to...(whispers to Peter behind the screen) What's your name kid?
PETER: The Human Spider
ANNOUNCER: The Human Spider?? That's it? That's the best you got?
PETER: Yeah :(
ANNOUNCER: Well that sucks.
The announcer speaks into the Mic.
ANNOUNCER: The sum of $3,000 will be paid to...the Terrifying...the Deadly...the Amaaaaaaaaaazing Spider-Man!!!
Notice that Peter's got a retarded outfit. He's wearing a Red Ski Mask and sweat pants
SK-I Ma-SK = Gemini Superman(S-19th Letter/K-19th Element) God(I) of the Mother(Ma) Gemini Superman(Gemini Superman)
PETER: My name's the Human Spider
BACKSTAGE CREW: I don't care. Get out there.
PETER: No! He got my name wrong!
BACKSTAGE CREW: (shoving him out into the ring) Get out there, ya moron!
(Heckling and taunting)
BONESAW GIRL: Did you bring your mommy with you?
FAN: Cage!!!!
PETER: (leaning over the railing) Hello? Guys?
ANNOUNCER: Please lock the cage doors at this time!
PETER: Hey, listen! There's some kind of mistake! I didn't sign up for a Cage Match!!!
CA/G.E. Ma-T/C-H = California(CA) General Electric(G.E.) of the Mother(Ma) Female(T/20/XX) Dominant(C) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron/Alien/Man of Steel)
- Bonesaw McGraw = Ali MacGraw
- I said 7/26/2005 that Isabella's Subconscious is named Alison (ALI)
- Ali was born on April Fool's. I said the last time I ever talked to Isabella was on April Fool's. The Pope died a year later on 4/2/2005 marking the one year anniversary
- Mac: I said 1/9/2006 that Bliss uses a Mac and that Isabella and Bliss joined forces branding me as a Stalker
- Bo-NE/Saw = Lover Northeast Seen(Saw
- B-One/Saw = Gemini(B) God(One) Seen(Saw)
- B on ES AW = Gemini(B) on Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Florida(AW/Non-WA)
Bonesaw MacGraw represents Isabella and Bliss beating up on me. All the Bonesaw Fans booing Peter/Spider-Man are all of Bliss and Isabella's friends that all thought I was stalking Isabella.
It also just shows how even though Bliss and Isabella may be physically female, they're male on the inside. I said don't judge a book by its cover and what you see on the outside. Women can be males on the inside the same way I can be female with a male body.
PETER: Hey! Unlock the thing! Take the chain off!!!
BONESAW: Hey, freakshow! You're goin' nowhere. I got you for three minutes. Three minutes of play time!
Bonesaw charges Peter who jumps up and clings to the cages. Bonsaw smacks into the Cage Bars
CA/G.E. B-AR/S = California(CA) General Electric(G.E.) Gemini(B/2) IR(AR) Superman(S).
When Bliss and Isabella were trying to attack me, they kept smacking into the CA/G.E. B-AR/S. As Spider-Man, I'm clinging to the safety of the WA/LL, meaning the Washington(WA) Good(LL/Non-L/7).
BONESAW: What are you doing up there???
PETER: Staying away from you!
Isabella, Bliss, and RobynZ were trying to hurl insults at me, but my Journal is locked so no one can reply. So they couldn't get at me and bash me.
PETER: That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give that to you?
H u S-Ban(ne)d = Superman(H) in Union with(U) Superman Banned not in the Northeast = Gemini Superman Banned
I saiid I got banned and I live in Los Angeles, which is in the Southwest and not in the Northeast(NE).
BONESAW GIRL: (handing Bonesaw a chair) Finish him off!
Bonesaw hits Peter over the head with a Chair and on his back.
C/Hair = Dominant(C) Hair (Hare)
C/H-Air = Dominant(C) Superman(H) Air Sign(Gemini)
That's why you S-IT in a C/H-Air
A/IR = God(A) IR
BONESAW GIRL: (handing Bonesaw a Crowbar) Kick his Spider Ass!!!
Peter starts using his Fe-ET to kick Bonesaw in the C-He/St. and FA/C-E and then flips him so he slams against the CA/G.E. B-AR/S knocked out.
REFEREE: That's it! That's it!
ANNOUNCER: Let's hear it for the new Champion Spider-Man!!!
S/Pi-Der-Ma/N = Superman(S) Blue(Pi) Blue(Der/Non-Red) Mother(Ma) Nature(N) = Superman Gemini Knowledge(Blue-Blue) Mother Nature
41 minutes and 42 seconds
The bookie hands him $100.00. Peter waits smiling expectantly for more as the Bookie's counting his money.
BOOKIE: Now get out of here.
PETER: $100 bucks? The ad said $3,000.00
BOOKIE: Well, check it again Webhead! It said 3 Grand. For 3 minutes. You pinned him in 2. For that, I give you $100.00 and you're lucky to get that.
That's Davis who's the Bookie. It's also another reflection of Isabella and Bliss who were holding Scott captive. I worked so hard for a year posting Journal Entries and proof that I did indeed observe Psychic Phenomenon and can exhibit Psychic Abilities, and that's all I got for all that trouble.
It also reflects the way Davis has been taking credit for all the business and the people he's been hooking up with in Producer and Celebrity Circles thinking it's all him. I always have to listen to him remarking ,"Wow, what a COINCIDENCE!" when he gets called by these people.
I don't get credit for it. That's why I said I'm like a B/L.A.-CK Fe-Male who is overworked and underpaid. That $500,000 represents the the money Davis stands to make off of the 3-picture deal where he gets Producer Credit with A-Level Producers and a Finder's Fee. He's allocating $20,000 to me, which doesn't even pay back the $45,000 he borrowed from my mom or the mounting interest on all that debt.
That's why you see that scene that shows how Davis is behaving. Davis doesn't even think he's doing anything wrong. This is the perspective people take. This is why I was hinting that the last couple centuries of Slavery that the Black People have been complaining about is because they were paying EARLY for what Davis was going to do.
It evens out so the White Community can't blame the Black Community for any mistreatment that Davis is doing to me. They already paid their debt having to go through the amount of Slavery equivalent to what Davis is doing now in this short period of time. Woudln't it make sense that if you're going to enslave a Jesus Christ figure that gets vomited all over the Planet that you're going to have to pay for it somehow?
That's why I keep saying that the Black People should get off their high horse and stop blaming the White People for oppressing them. The Black Community was just putting in an early "deposit."
I said that the Planet runs like a Corporation. Like any business, you can charge for services early. So really, the Black and White Communities should stop fighting with each other about who's being selfish and affirmative action, etc. The debt has been paid and they're both even now. Blacks need to stop blaming the White People for choosing other White People for jobs or think it's always about discrimination.
In fact, you could argue, they should be more annoyed at ASIAN people. I'm Asian. You've got Blacks and Whites pointing the finger at each other when it was really an ASIAN.
AS-I-An = Clark Kent(33/3x11/CxK) God(I) Indefinite(An)
That's why China is so notorious for Piracy and Pirated Software :). I guess you could say I have pirated software that I downloaded and have been using :).
PETER: I need that money [Rod trying to pay back his mom as well as win Scott, Isabella and Bliss back proving Psychic Phenomenon exists]
BOOKIE: I missed the part where that's my problem [Davis, Isabella, Bliss,and the people who didn't care about my reserach or exonerating me]
Peter walks out disappointed not making an issue of it just as a robber walks in. The robber steals the money and makes a break for the Elevator
BOOKIE: Stop him! He's got my money!!!
SECURITY GUARD: What the Hell's the matter with you??? You let him go!!!
BOOKIE: You could've taken that guy apart. Now he's going to get away with MY money!!!
PETER: (repeating the bookie's words) I missed the part where that's my problem.
It's the same thing with Davis. I used to chauffeur him around, borrow from my mom when he asked me even though I didn't want to but he insisted, having him on my Cell Phone Plan where he couldn't even pay it and shoved me into delinqunecy, would carry around his stuff and lug my laptop like a Personal Assistant. My car racked up 60,000 miles a year and a half of being his driver. He didn't set aside any money to help pay for the DBA accounts and they fell into delinquncy with Washington Mutual and went on my record to where that bank won't even do business with me anymore.
However, I can even point out that Davis isn't fully to blame on that one. That's because of the selfishness and sneakiness of ANOTHER Black man Michael who took Davis' money source Julia and turned her against Davis. I know the entire store about that. Davis got to experience what it's like to have someone turned against him and be called a "bad" producer. That's why Michael MC. (MM = Mary Magdalene = Isabella x Gemini) is driving around in a new Land Rover while Davis can barely pay rent.
It's another mirror of when people screw me over. They pay early. Davis has been wondering why he's been suffering from such bad luck and delays. It's because even though I can't affect him directly, every Subconscious Mind on the Planet watches what they do. So they put a chokehold on his finances strangling him.
Len Dawson Prophecy
That's why when people do things to me I can stand by and just let things happen. Even when he wasn't giving me any portion of whatever he was making, he was still in debt and borrowing from me. I thought that if he would at least be able to take careof himself. Instead, he would still borrow. When we were getting free consultation from my cousin Karen who has a Harvard MBA at the request of my mom, Davis didn't like getting "lectured" about his poor money management after blowing all that money from my mom.
That's how bratty people can get. You'd think that considering I don't press legal charges against him or go after him for embezzlement that he'd be a bit more appreciative and "tolerate" some lecturing, which is really a slap on the wrist compared to jail time.
This comes back to what I said about how people will get skewed ideas not realizing how bad things can really get. On a side note, I've always said that I was innocent and not involved in those things:
- I said 1/26/2006 about the Worst Football Moments.
- It talks about Len Dawson of the Kansas City Chiefs and the gambling charges
- Len = Leonard = Leo the Lion
- Kansas City = Kansas for Clark Kent
- The Bookie got arrested and Len Dawson was cleared
I said the same thing. I was never involved in any of that shady behavior. Davis didn't tell me about any of the things he'd do, which is fortunate for me. It's better I don't know and kept myself distanced.
The reason why those things happened is so that there's Planetary Legal Precedence showing why things happened and how it's related regarding the Decryption Code. People wonder why dumb or blatantly stupid things occur and it's because the Planet is aware and creates examples.
It had to be done this way because people will have funny ideas as well as try to change the story. If it wasn't for this Decryption Code, it would just be my word against Davis and no way to prove it.
That's why we have to go through this process of showing that I can cite Psychic Readings with accuracy in tandem with the news on a daily basis because if my Psychic Readings are accurate exhibiting such abilities, why would my Readings on everything else be inaccurate or wrong?
Stolen Car
That stolen car that the robber takes is another variation of how I said we rotated around the Color Wheel multiple times. Uncle Ben is a variation of Davis, Isabella, Bliss, and Scott. You see how Uncle Ben gets shot and the Car is stolen.
When Isabella and Sky chose to believe the crap that Charlie fed them and how they convinced Bliss as well as Scott, that's the equivalent of stealing a car.
I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car or a House. When someone tells your friend some lies about you and your friend believes that other personand and stops being your friend, it's like their mind just got hijacked or stolen.
When Charlie convinced Isabella and Sky that I was dangerous and not to be trusted even though I was a good person, that was Isabella's mind and body being stolen like a car. Same with Bliss who was fed that mean letter by Sky. Bliss was stolen like a car.
That's why it's a major offense in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm when you LIE and make up shit. Because all the Subconscious Minds know about it and what you're doing when you lie, cheat, and steal.
So you see Uncle Ben symbolizing Bliss, Scott, and Isabella who got shot and killed.
I said I went through a simliar "crucifixion" when Charlie turned all the women against me. You had all these people just like the Jews laughing and throwing stones and sneering at my claims about Psychic Phenomenon. That Cross is the Letter T for the Female. I said I'm like a car and a Subconscious Mind as a Female Driver.
So when you see Jesus Christ being tormented like that carrying a huge T on his Back, that's simliar to how I had a "Fe-Male" on my Ba/CK (Spiritual Clark Kent) that nobody could see that everyone ridiculed.
I told the Truth the entire time about having observed Psychic Phenomenon, and I shouldn't have gotten punished the way I did.
"Constantine" Prophecy with Keanu Reeves
I said 7/29/2005 about "Constantine" where the murdered Twin is named Isabel. I'm Isabelo. I was a Good Person who was innocent. In the Spiritual/Subconscious Realm where you convince everyone that someone's a bad person, you're erasing or deleting the "Good Person" and substituting it in with a new file of a "Bad Person."
So when Charlie pushed forward that belief of "Rod the Stalker" on the women, they had to erase or terminate the belief of "Rod the Good Person." That's how you get Murder.
When you delete or edit a file on a human scale that shouldn't be delieted and was a good program, that's murder.
That's why it's such a heinous offense. It's the most offensive. That's why I'm like Superman who fights for Truth, Justice, and the American WA-y. I'm the Washington Male :)
Thieves Rob Mobley's Home of $500,000
Clippers Guard Was in Denver at Time of Burglary
LOS ANGELES (Jan. 29) - Thieves stole $500,000 in cash, jewelry and other items from NBA basketball player Cuttino Mobley's Bel-Air home, authorities said Sunday.
The Los Angeles Clippers guard was in Denver for a game against the Nuggets when his home was burglarized Saturday night, said Los Angeles police officer Mike Lopez. He declined to release details of the burglary or whether detectives had any suspects.
Saturday, Mobley led the Clippers with 19 points in their victory over the Nuggets.
01/29/06 23:20 EST
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