PROPHECY: "Moulin Rouge," "Nature Boy," Tuberculosis

Jan 28, 2006 19:20

This was a touching news article:
  1. Bill Gates is donating $900 million over the next year to TB Research. 900 = God(I) Female(9)
  2. Britain also said Friday it would commit $74 million to fight tuberculosis in India: I said that Sunny Leone is East Indian. She was the original model for Satine because Isabella Valentine was using her pictures and I mistook Isabella for Sunny
  3. I said 1/28/2006 that my health is failing and I don't know how long I have to live
  4. I said 1/28/2006 about Satine from "Moulin Rouge." In the movie, she dies of Consumption, which is Tuberculosis. It's when your lungs fill with water.
  5. I said 1/27/2006 how I drove down from L.A. to San Diego and tried to meet Isabella on Washington and India Street. Sunny Leone's East Indian. That's why "Moulin Rouge" is set in India
That's why my Journal is the story. I'm the writer. I'm Christian writing a story about love.

"Moulin Rouge"

DUKE: What’s the story?

ZIDLER: The story?

DUKE: Well, if I’m to invest, I’ll need to know the story.

[Obviously, ZIDLER has no idea. SATINE gives him a worried look-she hadn’t thought about this.]

ZIDLER: Ah yes. Well, the story’s about...Toulouse?

[ALL look to TOULOUSE.]

TOULOUSE: Well, the story-the story’s about…well, it’s about um…

CHRISTIAN: It’s about love!

DUKE: [with a sneer] Love?

CHRISTIAN: It’s about love overcoming all obstacles.

[CHRISTIAN looks meaningfully at SATINE as he says this.]

TOULOUSE: And it’s set in Switzerland!

[Puzzled looks all round.]

DUKE: [alarmed] Switzerland?

ZIDLER: Exotic Switzerland!

[CHRISTIAN looks around, sees a statue of Ganesh, and is inspired.]

CHRISTIAN: India. India! It’s set in India.
I'm the Sitar Player that only speaks the Truth (Twuth)."Yes, and he gives the game away." I've been telling the Truth and giving the Gam away.

S-IT/AR = Superman(S) God(I) Female(T/20/XX) IR(AR)

I'm also broke and the Penniless Sitar Player. Tan/Go = Tan(IR). I said 1/28/2006 that my Grandmother's maiden name is Tan. That's how you do the Tan/Go, which is a sexy dance. Isabella got her name from her grandmother. So she and I used to do the Tan/Go.

When Jessica Jaymes said, "I gotta go tan my white ass," her Subconscious was saying Tan/Go because GO(IR) = "M-y WH/I-te A/SS).

ARGENTINEAN: I will play the penniless tango-dancing sitar player. He will sing like an angel, but dance like the devil!

DUKE: Yes. Yes, all right. And- and what happens next?

CHRISTIAN: Well, the penniless sitar player and the courtesan, they have to hide their love from the evil maharajah.

SATIE: The penniless sitar player’s sitar is magical. It can only speak the truth.

[TOULOUSE takes the sitar from the ARGENTINEAN.]

TOULOUSE: And- and I will play the magical sitar.

[TOULOUSE turns to SATINE, imitating the sound of the sitar.]

TOULOUSE: You are beautiful. . .

[TOULOUSE turns to ZIDLER, imitating the sound of the sitar.]

TOULOUSE: . . .you are ug(w)y. . .

[TOULOUSE turns to the DUKE.]

TOULOUSE: . . .and you are…

[ALL clap their hands over TOULOUSE’s mouth.]

DUKE: Yes, yes, yes. And he gives the game away, eh?


ZIDLER: [to CHRISTIAN]Tell him about the can-can.

CHRISTIAN: The- the- the tantric can-can. It’s…

[ZIDLER pushes CHRISTIAN to one side and addresses the DUKE.]

ZIDLER: It’s an erotic spectacular scene that captures the thrusting, violent, vibrant, wild bohemian spirit that this whole production embodies, Duke.

[CHRISTIAN, SATINE, and the BOHEMIANS assemble behind ZIDLER.]

DUKE: What do you mean by that?

ZIDLER: I mean the show will be a magnificent, opulent, tremendous, stupendous, gargantuan bedazzlement, a sensual ravishment. It will be...
At the end of the movie, you see how the movie is dedicated to the dad Leonard Luhrmann (LL - Double Letters). Leo is for Leo the 5th Sign, which is the Sun for the Sunny Leone. That's how you get the song "Nature Boy" by David Bowie

Nature Boy
By David Bowie

This story is about love,
The woman I loved is dead...

There was a boy,
A very strange enchanted boy.

They say he wandered very far,
very far over land and sea.

A little child and sailed about,
but very wise, was he.

And then one day, one magic day he passed my way,
while we spoke of many things Fools and Kings, this he said to me.

The greatest thing, you'll ever learn,
is just to love, and be loved in return.
When I found out that Isabella Valentine was not Sunny Leone, it was like Satine dying of Tuberculosis. Her L un-GS (Bad/L Non-Superman/Non-Supergirl/Non-GS) filled with WA-T/ER (Washington/WA Female/T/20/XX IR/ER).

That's why I can tell you from experience about loved ones and when they pass away and they're with you in Spirit. That's why I said that when Bliss, Isabella, and Scott shut me out and stopped talking to me, it's like being dead where you want to talk to someone, but they ignore you.

That's what's it's like for people who die. They're still around but no matter how many Signs or messages they leave, they get ignored. That's why I feel sorry for dead people. That's why a lot of dead people come to me to pass messages on for them because the loved ones they want to get in touch with don't know how to read.

I'm much like that Nature Boy who was very wise and one "magic day' passed my WA-Y while we spoke of many things Fools and Kings, and this he said to me, "The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn is Just to Love and Be Loved in Return..."

I can tell you all about Operating Procedures, Operating Systems, Planetary Alignment, and Planetary Corporations. However, at the heart of it the most important thing is Love.

That's why I said that the one thing I wanted was Love, but I didn't get it. Instead, I ended up an Electromagnetic Field with the power to shift and affect the world. However, it doesn't mean anything compared to Love.

That's the grief and tragedy that comes with Love. It was set up that way because the one person to give Immense Power the size of a Planet would be to the one person who didn't want it. Give it to the person who wanted more than anything else to be loved by a woman.

That's why I had to be a Virgin Male for 30 years. It's because the one thing I really wanted was to have a woman fall in love with me, and I fell in love with Sunny Leone's face. That's why I said 12/17/2005 taht she's the real Helen of Troy.

You'll always see the recurring theme of sorrow and grief and the loss of a loved one. The one thing you can't lie about in the Subconscious Realm is Love. It's a powerful emotion that all Subconscious Minds can read. That's why I said 11/18/2005 that all the Subconscious Women on the Planet witnessed what happened and why I get the sympathies of people around the Planet on a Subconscious Level.

"The World kneels before Love." That's why it's really a true statement when they say that Love is the most powerful force on Earth.

I watched the "Moulin Rouge" every day from 1/6/2004 - 2/13/2004 before I met Isabella and that's how she manifested and got dreamed into Life. That's why the saddest tragedy is that one of the greatest loves of all was over a woman who wasn't real and didn't exist.

People wonder why I keep talking about the Electromagnetic Field. It's because it takes a whole lot of power to be able to harness that power. It took all that Love I had to do it. People don't think it's possible, but when you want so badly to be loved by a woman you'd do anything for it including think so hard and wish so hard that it gets heard all around the world and the entire Planet responds to it.

Trust me. I know. It can be done. That's why I said 1/17/2006 that I was like a Tiny Sperm and the Planet was a Huge Planetary Ovum. My "Mental Flagella" was whipping so hard that it pierced through the Shell of the Electromagnetic Field and that Mental DNA began replicating itself all over the Planet. That's why you see all these manifestations in the news that mirror my thoughts.

That's the Power of Love.

That's why I'm a Gemini Superman. G.E./Mini Superman = General Electric(G.E./Electric) Tiny(Mini/Sperm) Superman.

Gates to Spend $900 Million on TB Research
DAVOS, Switzerland (Jan. 27) - Bill Gates said Friday his charitable foundation will boost its funding for tuberculosis eradication from its current level of $300 million to $900 million during the next decade.

The effort is part of a larger campaign against tuberculosis announced at the World Economic Forum. The disease killed 1.6 million people last year.

The announcement came as Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, British treasury chief Gordon Brown and Gates called for help to treat 50 million people and prevent 14 million tuberculosis deaths worldwide over the next decade.

"This is a very tough disease," the Microsoft Corp. chairman and co-founder said. "It is going to take all of us - private sector, the pharmaceutical companies, philanthropy and governments in countries that have the disease - to participate as well."

The Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis was formed by the Stop Tuberculosis Partnership, a group of 400 organizations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation already has given $300 million to help fight the disease.

Britain also said Friday it would commit $74 million to fight tuberculosis in India.

"If 2005 was the year of commitments, 2006 must be the year of delivery," Brown said. "That's why, when the G8 finance ministers meet in Moscow in only a few days time, I will put on the agenda how we can meet the commitments to fund this specific plan."

Brown also said he would propose to the G8 ministers expanding a debt relief agreement made last year to some of the world's poorest nations.

To fully implement the tuberculosis eradication plan will cost an estimated $56 billion during the next decade - $47 billion for tuberculosis control and $9 billion for research and development, said Marcos Espinal, executive secretary of the partnership.

He said 60 percent of the funding should come from tuberculosis-affected countries and the remaining 40 percent from the G-8 and other donor countries.

Espinal said new research was yielding help in fighting the disease, adding that 27 new tuberculosis drugs were being developed and four vaccines were in early-stage trials. The new vaccines are needed because many of the strains of tuberculosis, which is spread by sneezing and coughing, are resistant to existing drugs.

Obasanjo said implementing the new tuberculosis plan should be a priority for African leaders.

Nigeria will host a meeting of African heads of state in May, and Obasanjo said he would make the issue a priority for them and the African Union.

"The Global Plan is fundamental for Africa, where tuberculosis was declared an emergency by 46 countries in 2005," he said. "We hope the African Union will endorse this plan and call upon African governments to commit their share of the resources needed to implement it."

The World Health Organization also welcomed the announcement of increased funding.

"This funding from the UK government and from the Gates Foundation shows real, long-term commitment to the global effort to stop tuberculosis," WHO chief Dr. Lee Jong-wook said. "We must now act urgently to raise all the funds needed to put the plan into action."

Gates said the increase in funding was because of his goal to see the disease treated with new drugs and effective regimens.

"This plan makes a compelling case for greater investment in tuberculosis," he said. "We're willing to triple our funding for tuberculosis, and we urge others to do the same.

"If we have the chance to save 14 million lives, and a clear plan to make it happen, we have an obligation to act."

[Click Here for Original Link]

personal, grief, scott, love, bio, relationships, death

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