SIGNS: "Superman 2," "Volunteers," Joey/Phoebe on "Friends"

Jan 20, 2006 19:00

One of the things that's addressed regarding Clark Kent is why he lies. For someone who represents Truth, Justice, and the American Way, he lies about his identity posing as Clark Kent even though he's Superman. He pretends to be something he's not. He pretends to be normal even though he's practically a God.

He covers up his identity. If he was so honest and good, why doesn't he just let everyone know he's Superman?

The world, of course, can't just be seen in Black and White. There's more to it than that. You have to take into account the Evil Hearts of Men. There are selfish, unscrupulous people out there that would exploit such information because information is power.

People currently look down on me as being "crazy" and write me off as a nut, but it's that very "Craziness Shield" that protects me from bigger trouble at this stage in my life. I said that I tapped into the Electromagnetic Field and have been exerting influence that way that affects things subtly.

Whether people believe my story or not is actually irrelevant at this point. It's really no one's business to know what I do or how I do it. I carry out my tasks do what I need to do.

I went to Olympic College in Washington State, and there's a story about a Janitor who won the Lottery, but he still does Janitor work. He just goes around picking up trash. He doesn't have to do it. He could retire and just live a life of luxury. However, who he is as a person isn't defined by money or power.

You may hear me make a huge deal and big fuss out of how I told the Truth about having Psychic Phenomenon and how upset I am that Isabella, Bliss, and Scott didn't believe me, but the reason why I wanted them to see I told the Truth because it's a matter of Principle and a reflection of Integrity.

When I tell people something, I rarely waste their time when it comes to such issues. When it's something important, I'll tell you straight out because it's something people should know.

What's Your Motivation?
Isabella, Bliss, and Scott shouldn't really feel too bad about their behavior. I said 1/20/2006 that it was all staged and scripted. I had hoped that I would've been able to get through to them so that they'd wake up and realize what was going on, but I guess they'll just have to wait like the rest when I write a book and go mainstream with this information.

The reason why they had to be dangled as bait like that is because you need something to motivate humans. If you want someone even-tempered who isn't prone to being rash and flying off the handle, how do you do that when you cultivate a personality that is so mild-mannered where practically nothing bothers them?

In "When Harry Met Sally," you see Harry snap at Sally call her "Miss Hospital Corners" and to let him know when she's giving a Lecture on human behavior. He then rips into her talking about how she never gets bothered about Joe and that nothing seems to bother her. "How is that possible?"

Same thing with me. I said that there are very few things that bother me. I take a LOT of abuse from people and have shrugged it off over the years. I've always had an accommodating personality. I'm the type of person who will sit as a passenger in a car and be content with whatever radio station the driver has as long as I see that the driver is enjoying the music.

I may not care too much for country or opera, but if the driver of the car likes listening to that, I can enjoy it "vicariously" through that other person. As long as the other person's happy, I'm happy. That's my general demeanor.

The problem with that type of personality though is that nothing ever gets them down. Look at Ned Flanders in "The Simpsons." Nothing ever bothers him. When he does get upset, he gets really flustered.

There's actually a scene that shows how Ned Flanders went through a very special Anger Management Course that conditioned him to be the way that he is. He used to be a problem child. However, with proper training and management, he was taught to curb those tendencies.

I'm very much like Ned Flanders. In person, if I was in an argument with someone, I'm not as quick-witted when it comes to a retort or quip. That's why in public conversation, Davis is dominant. He spends all his time talking on the phone and communicating with others. I don't.

That's why I dominate in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm where I don't have to talk to people. I can just send "Psychic E-mail" or "Psychic Bulletins" that get broadcast to everyone. It's very simple. All you need is a dominant mind. You don't have to use words. The message is conveyed.

So when it came to finding a way to lure me into the Psychic Realm, it was a very specific surgical procedure:
  1. Have Isabella using pictures of Sunny Leone
  2. Have Isabella be a sweet, nice person
  3. Have a mean person like Charlie trick the nice Isabella into thinking Rod was a bad person
  4. Have it look like Isabella is in danger or in the clutches of a bad person triggering the Damsel in Distress Scenario
  5. Dangle the whole Knight in Shining Armor who comes in to rescue the Sunny Leone type female
I had to literally be tricked into doing it.

I would never have done it otherwise. Someone tried to tell me that 6/30/2004, but they misspelled the name and put NN. So when I visited the link for Sunny Leone, it registered as nothing.

That was a pivotal moment there.

I even told Isabella via E-mail that if I had known that Isabella was NOT Sunny Leone or the person in the pictures, I wouldn't have gone through all the lengths that I did that accidentally got me to cross over into the Psychic Realm.

I admitted it flat out because it's the Sad Truth of my own Superficiality and Weakness wanting to be with an attractive female. The sad fact I had to come to terms with is that if I had known she was not that woman in the picture, I wouldn't have succeeded.

That's how we come back to the Superman Prophecy where Superman gets his Super Strength from the Sun(ny Leone). All that "Super Strength" was based off of an illusion. I saw something that wasn't there.

Even Scott was right when he was warning me last year telling me that I'm imagining things. He and everyone else was actually correct. I saw something that wasn't there.

However, the irony is that it shows that when you put your mind to something and you want it badly enough, you can create whatever your dreams desire. Only if you want it badly enough.

Virginity Complex and the Fool's Errand
This is where that whole Virginity aspect comes into play:
  1. I said I'm a 30 year old Virgin
  2. Add a picture of a beautiful Sunny Leone
  3. Add a sexy voice of Isabella who is posing as Sunny Leone
  4. Create a scenario where it seems like there's chemistry
  5. Give that Virgin the slightest bit of hope that a person who looks as beautiful as Sunny Leone might be interested in dating that Virgin
When you have someone who is so starved for Affection (as well as Sex) and you dangle bait like Sunny Leone and the tiniest shrivel of a chance that someone like Sunny Leone could fall in love with a sex-starved, emotionally-deprived, unloved Virgin Male, that's what you'll get.

I wanted so badly for Sunny Leone to love me and see me as a hero coming to rescue her that pushed forward into the Psychic Realm and did what was considered impossible, which is find the Psychic Realm, which really shouldn't exist.

I literally went on a Fool's Errand.

Have you ever seen that cartoon where they send the boring dog Droopy to go fetch something that shouldn't exist, and then he goes to fetch it and hands it over?

That was me. I was Droopy. Sometime told me to go fetch, and I came back with it. That's what makes it all so funny :o).

This also brings up an interesting Debate:
  1. Just what exactly is the Definition of Love? Does that mean that after all that work and having gone to the ends of the Earth to bestow a gift to a woman as giving her the entire world doesn't count as love?
  2. I once said that I've been emotionally abusive to my mom. When she drove away Christy in 1998, I punished her and twisted her own words against her. She once told me "I love you" to her son and I replied callously, "I don't feel comfortable telling you I love you because you taught me to always be honest and I feel that would be a lie if I told you I love you back." I said it in the most insulting way by turning her very own values she'd taught me as barb to hurt her the way she hurt me
You should always be careful though with how you treat people because Karma comes back on you. I said I'm the Virgin Mary, which is Mother Superior. Isabella = Isabelo. So I'm getting a full dose of the same punishment and hurt I inflicted on my mom where Isabella won't speak to me and has shut me out of her life.

I know for a fact that there are mothers out there that love their children and their children despise their mothers. If you know that a Mother's Love can be true even though the child is angry and really doesn't love them back, does that mean that the Mother's Love doesn't exist or that the Mother is being a "Stalker" by constantly calling or secretly reading the child's Online Journal?

I said that the most cruel thing that Bliss did to me wasn't reject me as a lover and boyfriend. I said the most cruel thing a woman could ever do to a man is not only reject them, but tell the guy that the feelings he has for her isn't love.

Not only do you reject the male, but you tell them that they don't even know what love is.

That's why I saind in "Forrest Gump" that Jenny Curran has the Initials JC for Jesus Christ and Bliss is Christine. It's played by Robin Wright Penn. RobynZ was the one who was tagteaming with Bliss having fun picking on me. Penn = Pennsylvania where Davis is from.

FORREST GUMP: I love you, Jenny
JENNY CURRAN: Oh, Forrest. You don't know what love is.

Forrest may be dumb, but that has nothing to do with love.

FORREST: I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.

Bliss committed the ultimate crime of Love. It's the one way to kill man's heart by saying what she did telling me that I don't know what love is and that I'm just a "lonely, obsessed man" and nothing more.

There is nothing that cuts deeper in a man's heart than saying somethign like that. After all the things that I've done for her and how I stuck by her loyally, and she sided with all those women who were siding with a bad person and when I told the Truth.

That's why you see the heartache and grief that comes with that. You see all the people in England where Bliss is from pitying that poor beat-up whale, not realizing it was one of their own who did it.

As I said, all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet saw it, and that's why there's an outpouring of sympathy. Even from the Animals that understand and value love. So you see grief and Love manifest itself on a global scale. It's one of the saddest tragedies ever.

It's a Miracle, but it's a sad miracle.

That's why in "Legally Blonde" Script, you see Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods dressed up as a Pink Bunny Rabbit like me who's Year of the Rabbit and a Fe-Male.

WERNER: I know, but come on, Elle, be serious. You can do something more valuable with your time.
ELLE WOODS: I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I?

Werner = W-ER/NE-R:
  1. W = Omega/Final
  2. ER = 5/18 = Mount St. Helens
  3. NE = Northeast
  4. R = 18th Letter (2x9/2xI/II/Gemini)
  5. W-ER/NE-R = Final(W) Isabella/Sunny Leone(ER?5-18) Northeast(NE) Gemini(R)
Bliss is Gemini and in the Northeast (England). Davis is in the Northeast. ER is for Isabella as Sunny Leone and the original Volcano/Mountain.

That's how those three talk down to me without even realizing it. People who think my Psychic Research is a waste of time and a delusional fantasy can't help but talk to me in the same manner as well.

Oprah Winfrey, Mercury Store, and Black Community
That's why when the Black Community complains about discrimination, they should try experiencing Psychological Discrimination where people treat you like you're stupid. People used to treat Black People like they're stupid because of their Skin Color and as if they're nothing more than animals or pack mules.

I get the same treatment. Ironically enough, I get treated that way by a Black Man. That's why the Black Community really shouldn't be complaining. There are people who are far off worse situations than them.

As I said, people can get spoiled. When you have everything handed to you and get your way all the time, you can get spoiled. The Black Community will hate me for saying this, but they're moving into the extreme. You have Affirmative Action and continual complaints any time a person of Caucasian Descent says no to a Black Person whether it's for a job or refusal of service because it's after hours and the store is going to close.

I said 6/29/2005 about that news article about Oprah Winfrey. I don't know the EXACT story on whether it was actually after closing hours, but I do know it was a Hermes Store, which is Communication and represented by Mercury, which is Gemini's Ruling Planet:
  1. He/RM/ES = Gemini(2/He/Helium) Mrs. (RM/Non-MR) Northwest(ES/Non-SE)
  2. H-ER/ME-S = Superman(Pisces/H/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel) Mount St.Helens(ER/5-18) Mother Earth(ME) Superman(S)
If the store was closing or shutting down and ushering people out, that would not be discrimination. Just because you see people in the store even if it's closing hours doesn't mean that you should be granted access.

I know from personal experience working in a Jewelry Store that we had to wait till all the customers were out. Some customers would stay there a half hour after closing time. All the employees had to wait. We were tried and hungry and wanted to go home. However, we had to stay because this one person had to make a decision on a purchase and ou can't rush the customer.

I heard that Oprah Winfrey had the owner go on television and make a public apology. I hope for Oprah Winfrey's sake that my version of the story that I heard was faulty else I'd have to say I disagree with Oprah and the Black Community that got sore about it.

If the store was shutting down and there were customers lingering, I don't think it was discrimination on the part of the employees because Oprah Winfrey was a black person.

My Aunt used to work at the Navy Federal Exchange in San Diego and you get these stragglers that always slip 15 minutes before the store is closing and then take their sweet time. The employees have to wait. Even though it explicitly states that the store hours are where they close at 9 pm.

The way the customers take their time is similar to how I feel the Black Community has been starting to exploit their plight about discrimination and mistreatment. As I said, the Black Community thinks that they were unfairly treated for no reason.

That's not the case. I said that they went through centuries worth of slavery to pay EARLY for what Davis is doing to me :P. That's why the way the Black Community punishes the White Community is actually wrong. They're actually even. I said that the United States translates to VII for 7, which is the Letter G and God.

If there's anyone the Black Community should be mad at, it's Davis. They had to put up with all that crap for centuries to pay off the way that Davis was exploiting me. When you exploit someone at my level, you have to pay for it somehow. All that work and labor was to pay off Davis' actions.

As I said, whatever happens to me gets projected around the Planet. So it means that when I get enslaved and mistreated, it gets mirrored all around the Planet. That's why the Black Community commits a HUGER offense by having one of their own enslave the rest o the Planet.

In fact, you get double Karma circling back on them. I said that I translated myself as a B/L.A.-CK Fe-Male. So every time that Davis exploits me, it means it gets projected on to the Black Demographic.

So you get this perverted irony where it's one Black Man punishing the rest of the Black Community. Pretty sick, huh? :o)

AUSTIN POWERS: My name is Richie Cunningham, and this is my associate Oprah.
  1. I said Bliss is born 5/25 like Mike Myers.
  2. Richie Cunnhingham (Sly Pig) is Ron Howard. I said 10/12/2005 that Charlie of BCB is named Howard."
  3. Vanessa played by Elizabeth Hurley is Oprah. I said Elizabeth is Spanish for Isabella. My name is Isabelo. Van = "They Go" in Spanish derived from IR, my iniitals
  4. In 'Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me," we find out that Vanessa's a femmebot. That's the Original Isabella who ended up being a "robot" or under mind control
AUSTIN: Vanessa's a femmebot
Austin's face wrinkles in confusion as he tries to ponder why they didn't tell him.

That was in reference to the Subconscious Minds. Basil's Initials are BE, which is 25 for Jesus Christ. It's in England. I said Bliss is Christine. Nobody told me that Isabella was a Femmebot and just acting under orders. That's why the mother was Mimi Rogers (MR). My mom's initials are TMR, meaning the Female(T/20/XX) Scorpio(M/Isabella) Gemini(R/Bliss). Then my mom remarried and became TMRR, which is the Female(T) Mr. Gemini(R). or TM/RR for TM(Non-Mountain/Non-Red/Blue) Rod Rodillon(RR).

I said I'm a B/L.A.-CK Fe-Male. So if any of the Black Community wants to get mad at me, they're actually getting mad at Oprah Winfrey who represents me. WHy do you think she's in Chicago where the Statue of Superman is? Chica/Go = Female Green :o). It's in IL, which means "The" or Definite Article in Italian :).

This is an example of how you get people gettting ticked off about things, when they don't even know the whole story behind why things happen the way they do. That's just what Charlie of BCB did when he stormed in 4/2/2004 and started yelling at Isabella and even tried to break through the call and start yelling at me for talking to Isabella.

He didn't even try to wait and find out what was happening. He just went off half-cocked. People around the Planet do that without checking their facts and are so prone to gettig angry. The reason why I'm even-tempered is because I know that a lot of it is "staged." I know there are things that are happening behind the scenes that I have to check out first before I pass judgment.

I have to gather as much information first before making a Ruling.

"Volunteers" and "Friends"
The reason why it had to be done this way is because itw as a carefully crafted plan. I said 1/20/2006 that there were originally 5 Colors needed to organize the different types of Powers. That's why "Magic" is done by Wizards of the Coast whose headquarters is in Renton, Washington where I'm from.

I did an oral presentation on them. I used to wish I could work there because I would've loved spending all my time making Games :). That was my dream job. They used to get free candy, but someone abused that privilege and was hoarding it. So they lost that privilege.
  1. C/Andy = Dominant(C) Indefinite(An) Leo Female(D/500/5XX) Male(Y).
  2. John Candy was in "Volunteers" as Tom Tuttle with Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
  3. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson eventually got married in real life
  4. Tom Hanks' IMDB Number is 158:
    1. I said 1/202/006 that one of the Excelsior Diamond Chunks was 158 carats
    2. Bliss is Thomas. Tom Hanks is Thomas. I said Tom Hanks is born 7/9 for 79, which is Au on the Periodic Table for Gold
    3. Colin Firth's IMDB is 147. The other diamond was 147 carats. He's from England like Bliss. Tom Hanks' son is Colin Hanks. F-IR/TH = Bad God(F/6/Non-9) IR Female(T) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel). I said Bliss is Sharon Thomas mother of Superman (Dean Cain).
    4. Jamie Lee Curtis' IMDB Number is 130. The other diamond was 130 Carats. I said 12/11/2005 that Bliss' "Soulmate" Ravenshade (Jamie) is born 12/3 like Brendan Fraser who was the 35 year old Virgin in "Blast from the Past.". Lee is for Leo the 5th Sign.
  5. Rita Wilson was Beth Wexler. Beth = Elizabeth = Isabella in Spanish.
  6. Xander Berkeley was Kent Sutcliffe:
    1. Kent = Clark Kent
    2. Xander is from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." I said 11/9/2005 that Bliss is Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    3. Berkeley is the name of Scott's obese female cat. I always confused Berkeley with being Male. Scott would always correct me and tell its "her." That was one feisty cat that was really unhappy. Maybe it was because it was unhappy being female :o). I said Bliss is Christine and Son of Man. I said that in the cross-over of the Psychic Realm, I'm the Virgin Mary and Fe-Male. So Bliss is a Female in the Conscious Realm and a male in the Subconscious Realm while I'm a Male in the Conscious Realm and Female in the Subconscious Realm. It was a cross-over :o)
    4. Did you know that in Los Angeles, Kent Street (Clark Kent) intersects with Berkeley Street and Scott Street that are adjacent to one another? ;) I once said that when you look at all the Interstate Highways in the U.S., they all have specific numbers in various states :o)
  7. Ji-Tu Cumbuka was Cicero:
    1. The loyal servant of Maximus was Cicero who plays one of the Irish Thugs in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" helping Dylan Saunders' former boyfriend. She's Helen Zaas. I said Isabella/Sunny Leone is Helen of Troy. Isabella thinks I'm a psychotic stalker. Crispin Glover is the creepy thin man who was originally George McFly. You see that disturbing (but poignant) theme where the Creepy Thin Man is protecting Dylan, but gets killed off by Shamus O'Grady. Isabella, Sky, and Bliss think I'm the Creepy Thin Man :P. I was trying to help last year, but they thought I was the bad guy
    2. Ji-Tu: JI = II in Old Hebrew. Bliss is a Gemini/II. Tu = You in Spanish. (Yo)U = IV in Old Alphabet Spanish. Isabella Valentine is IV. I said 10/28/2005 that Subconscious Isabella(IV/Tu) and Subconscious Bliss(JI) were trying to help me prove to Conscious Bliss and Conscious Isabella that I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon and that I was innocent. As I said, they knew I was telling the Truth. However, they're like Actors that were trying to appeal for a Script Change. The Directors and the Producers have the final say
    3. He's from Montgomery. I said 1/20/2006 about Elizabeth Montgomery
    4. You see that funny scene in "Friends" where Joe Tribbiani is (Matt LeBlanc) Dr. Drake Remoray on that soap opera:
      1. The Character's Initials are JT. Bliss' Full Initials are CJT, meaning the Dominant JT.
      2. I said Bliss is a Drake, which is a Dragon. She's born Year of the Dragon.
      3. The character Drake gets written out of the script where he steps into an elevator and falls to his death. During that scene, you can see that Joey doesn't want to go and tries to change the Script not wanting to get on the Elevator. That as Bliss...LMAO.
      4. Everyone knows that Joey's an idiot. That was making fun of Bliss who was being so stupid and didn't have enough common sense to see through Charlie's crap that influenced Isabella and Sky.
      5. Lisa Kudrow is Phoebe Buffay. Buffay = Buffy with A in it. I said Bliss is Buffy.
      6. You saw how Phoebe dressed up as Supergirl during Halloween. I said Bliss is Supergirl. Phoebe Buffay is PB for Peanut Butter:
        1. John Candy was born Halloween
        2. Jamie Lee Curtis was in "Halloween"
        3. It's by John Carpenter, which is JC for Jesus Christ. Bliss is Christine.
        4. Debra Hill did the Screenplay for "Halloween." I said 11/14/2005 that Bliss is Debbie in "1985" by Bowling for Soup. That's why "her Yellow S u V is now the N/M.E." Bliss majored in Acting. She was going to be an actress. She was going to shake her ass on the hood of "White" Snake's C/AR!!!
        5. "Bruce Springsteen, Madonna [Virgin Mary] way before Nirvana[Seattle, WA] there was U2[Bono born 3/10 like Scott] and Blondie and music still on MTV[M(Scorpio/Isabella) T(Female) Sun(V)]"
      7. I said Lucy the Bartender and Charlie Brown of Bay City Blues are named after "Peanuts" by Charles Schulz. Everyone knows how stupid Phoebe is. It's making fun of Isabella and Charlie.
    5. Ji-Tu was born 3/4, which is the day that John Candy died. I said that when you pay attention to people's Birthdates and Deaths, you'll see patterns
The reason why Isabella, Scott, and Bliss don't know this stuff is because it's scripted. The Subconscious Minds know what they're supposed to do. The Conscious Minds have no clue.

Superman Could Always Kiss Lex Luthor
Remember that ridiculous scene in "Superman 2" where Clark Kent erases Lois Lane's memory with a Kiss?

I remember watching that and wondering, "What kind of story line is that?" Who came up with that lame idea?all

If Superman has the ability to erase people's memories by kissing them, all he'd have to do is just go around kissing everyone who discovered his identity and just kiss them...LMAO.

If Lex Luthor ever discovered Superman's true idenitty, all Superman would have to do is just put on lip balm, pop a breath mint, and then kiss Lex Luthor full on the lips...LOL

I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty gay :o).

I said 12/30/2005 about Phoebe as Supergirl being a Homo Phoebe or a Homophobe.

JASON BIGGS: (off JAY and Bob, to JAMES) What's with the weird, gay huddle going on over there?

JAMES VAN DER BEEK: What's gay about it? It's two guys talking in a corner. Man--why are you such a homophobe.

JASON: I'm not a homophobe.

JAMES: You are. You're always calling things gay. "Ooo--look at the gay huddle, dude!"

Suzanne the Ape approaches them.

JASON: Hey--look at the monkey.

JAMES: Next you're going to tell me the monkey's gay.

JASON: What? How do you know he doesn't smoke monkey pole?

miracles, scott, movies, relationships, isabella, gay, lessons, signs, psychology, bliss, love, superheroes, wisdom, politics

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