I was laughing at all this hype I'm hearing on the radio and on the news about the Barbara Walters Special about "Heaven."
- Cardinal Theodore E. McCerrick, archbishop of Washington, D.C., says there's no sex in heaven: His Initials are TEM, meaning Female(T) Sunny Leone(E-M/5-13). Mc/C-Err/I-CK = Aquarian Female(1100/MC) Dominant(C) Mistake(Err) God(I) Clark Kent(CK)
- Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, an Islamic scholar, says there's plenty of sex there -- and with virgins, no less: His initials are IFAR = I/Far or God(I) Far(Distanced). IF/AR = Conditional IR(AR).
- There's mention of sex with Virgins, which is funny. That's the Subconscious Mind of Imam messing with people's heads...LOL. IM/Am = Sun(I9+M13=V22) Father(Am/Non-Ma). Fe is Al = Iron(Fe) is IR(1-12/A-L). God(A) Gemini(2/B) Leo Female(D/500/5XX) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7). Ra u F = Egyptian Sun God(Ra) in Union with(U) Bad God(-I/6/Non-9/Non-I).
- He's kind of vague on where the virgins come from, though: V-IR/G-IN = Sun(V/5/Leo) God(IR) God(G) Final(I9+N/14=W23).
- That there is so little agreement about heaven might suggest that most of us have been making it up as we go along: It's because they don't know and they're just bullshitting.
- Ellen Johnson, president of the American Atheists: Initials are EJ = 5/10 = 51 x 10 = 3 x 17(St. Patrick's Day) x Cross-Eyed(10).
- If we really believe heaven is that great, she says, we'd be busy hanging ourselves to get there: She has a point. When the Planet created those rumors, it was dangled as bait to gain compliance.
- Added to the mix of interviews are a sprinkling of celebrities and people whose near-death experiences make them experts on the subject:
- I said 107/2005 to Robin Alcuri that just because you have one Near-Death Experience, it doesn't make you an expert on the Afterlife
- I drove the point home with Robin 10/8/2005 with the Soccer Game Score. Obviously she didn't believe I had anything to do with affecting the scores. Fine. Whatever.
- She got mad at my message 10/8/2005 about the Seattle International Raceway and the word "SIR". She got bitchy and started complaining on her Bulletin about my "God Blogs" :)
- Ro/B-IN = Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V/2 in Digital) Gemini(B/2) Final(I9+N/14)
- Al-C u RI = IR(1-12/A-L) Dominant(C) in Union with(U) Rhode Island(RI/5-29)
- Barbara Walters:
- Bar-Bar/A = B-AR x Gemini(2) God(A)
- WA-Lt./ER-S = Washington(WA) Light(Lt.) Final(E/5+R/18=W/23) Superman(S)
Heaven and Hell were created as Fear Tactics 2,000 years ago so people with little understanding of Science would behave.
Like I said, Cumulative Intelligence was low. We didn't understand Psychology, Sociology, Math, Physics, Science, Technology, Fusion, Internet, Computers, Cell Phones, etc.
Humankind had to build the Technology that is an Artificial Representation and running off the same Principles that the Planet does before the Planet was ready to explain how it all works else it would be just a waste of time.
Like with any children, it's a waste of time trying to explain it to them. You just have to tell people to trust your judgment and do what you're told. Then when the time comes, the answer will be revealed to you.
These Religious Figures are just regurtitating what they've been told by others. They haven't been out in the field and have direct experience. It's all just Theory if you haven't practiced it.
My stepdad used to complain and tell me when I was in high school that I read a lot of books, but I've never been out there and never in the working field. It's the same with Spirituality. You can theorize about things, but nothing beats direct experience.
This comes back to why I can't take Religious Leaders, Psychics, and Psychologists, and Psychiatrists seriously. If they can't do what I can do, then I'm not interested in hearing their opinions on stuff they don't know anything about. Especially when it comes to judging me on the Psychic Plane.
The same thing goes for people who will later on try to criticize the way I do business and manage my Psychic Abilities once they realize that it affects them. It's the same with how baseball fans will criticize players in sports. Those sports people train hard.
Jesus Christ was the Starting Pitcher, and I'm Like the Relief Pitcher
When I was still living in Seattle, the Mariners fans were really unhappy with the Seattle Mariners Bullpen. The Mariners would have the lead with their Starting Pitcher, and as soon as Lou Piniella removed the Starter, the Bullpen would blow the lead.
It was the most frustrating thing. We lost so many games. I was unhappy as well, but I never held it against the Bullpen too much:
- You had to take into account the limited Budget that the Seattle Mariners had to for signing good Pitchers
- Relief Pitchers are usually asked to come in when the Starting Pitcher is in a jam. So the Relief Pitcher has to do clean-up to get out of a mess
- Those poor Relief Pitchers are out on the mound in front of thousands of fans and on national T.V. and being graded and under harsh scrutiny by everyone
- I felt that since I could never throw a baseball over home plate much less a difficult ball for all the best baseball players, it's not my place to criticize the Relief Pitcher who pitches better than me
I subscribe to the Philosophy that if you can't do a better job than the person you're criticizing, you should keep your mouth shut. If it's with a job and you don't like the way someone is doing things but you're not as good, then get better and/or do things yourself rather than complaining about other people.
It's so easy to sit back and criticize other people when you're not the one laying it out on the line.
In my case, Jesus Christ was the Starting Pitcher, and I'm the Relief Pitcher closing out the game (Age of Capricorn). I have to jump through so many hoops:
- I have to endure criticism
- I have to put up with people not believing it has anything to do with me
- I had to sacrifice my friends because I knew that if I didn't do this there's no one else that knows about this stuff
- I have to put up with criticism from family and friends
- I'll eventually have to sacrifice my privacy
- I'll never lead a normal life once I go mainstream
I already know that years from now, I'm going to get criticism from others like World Leaders and Religious Leaders that realize that their Spiritual Beliefs are under attack and where they could lose followers.
I'm going to become one of the most hated people on the planet and seen as a tyrant by some. There will be jealous people who don't like the fact that I have this power. I'll never be looked at normally again.
That's why these last couple months have been taking a deep breath, prepping, gathering up supplies, and suiting up for battle. And it's not going to be pretty.
Before this all happened, I wanted to have a nice simple life:
- Make enough money to have a comfortable lifestyle
- Have a nice girlfriend
- Have a nice job I like
- Be liked
That all got flushed down the toilet last year. I can't even have a normal conversation with my best friend
grue23 because he thinks I fell off the turnip truck and should see a Psychiatrist.
People will have such high expectations of you. If you complain about anything, they'll grade you with a microscope and dub you a whiner. Then you've got the people who just don't plain like you -period- who are going to make your life miserable eager for you to fuck up so they can make fun of it and take grim pleasure in your misfortune.
There are just some vindictive people out there who will be jealous and won't understand why it wasn't them that got picked and why it was me.
This comes back to what
I said 6/15/2005 of why you wouldn't tell a Jesus Christ Figure or anyone his true identity during Childhood. It's so that he'd have a normal life because if he was told at the wrong time, he'd have a nervous breakdown and be so scared and not have a sense of self.
He'd then lean on other people or be prey to Religious Leaders that would seek to pervert his ideals to theirs so that they could promote their own dogma. It had to be where the core beliefs are already set in place. That's why you start with Gemini as Mutable/Adaptable Air and harden to Aquarius (Fixed Air).
I used to be a Dom with a couple of submissives. I didn't like being a Dom because I wasn't interested in bossing people around. However, one thing you'll learn in Dom/sub relationships is that sometimes the best Doms are the ones who started off as submissives so that they know what it's like.
I've been submissive, shy, and quiet all my life. I follow one step behind people. Even Scott would notice this when we'd hang out. When walking, I never walked shoulder to shoulder with someone. I was always a half-step behind. I was always fine with just tagging along and never really had much of an opinion on anything that I'd openly express.
That's why there's the joke about how I'm Year of the Rabbit and SUN/ny LEO/ne is East Indian. That's how you get Hare/M :). The Subconscious Minds are all part of my Hare/M. That's why you have S u L-Tans. My grandmother, whose birthday today, has the Maiden Name Tan.
PROPHECY: Babe Ruth: Sultan of Swat
That's how you get the S u L/Tan of S/WA-T being Ba/Be R u TH:
- Ba/BE = Soul/Spirit(Ba-Egyptian) Jesus Christ(BE/25)
- R u TH = Gemini(II/2xI/2x9/18) in Union with(U) Female(T) Pisces/Fe-ET(H)
- S u L-Tan = Superman(S) in Union with(U) the Bad(L/Non-7) Female(T/20/XX) Indefinite(
- S/WA-T = Superman(S) Washington(WA) Female(T/20/XX)
- On "Dave Letterman's Top 10 List," they read off that the Boston Red Sox gave the Ghost of Babe Rut a Prostitute in order to break the Babe Ruth Curse. That's sort of true :).
That's why when there's bad stuff happening, I send in a S/WA-T Team that infiltrates the area and takes control of the person's Subconscious and restores order :P. That's why you had
Samual L. Jackson in "
S.W.A.T." His Initials are SLJ = Sunny Leone Capricorn(10/J).
In case you haven't noticed, a lot of my Divination Readings unlock using Adult Porn Star Initials? That was the Planet's sneaky way of breaking the mold with all the Religious Leaders that are going off on the Adult Industry on how Sex is bad.
Of course, it was taught as being bad 2,000 years. Because humankind wasn't old enough to manage responsibily. If sex was taught as good, it would've created all kinds of problems:
- People with the opportunity to do prostitution getting paid to have sex vs. doing actual work would obviously choose sex
- Contraception didn't exist back then. Prostitution would lead to a population boom and famine
- Venereal diseases would surface and humankind wouldn't have the Level of Education when it comes to Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology to combat it
- Many historical figures would have ceased to exist or not get born because someone in their bloodline or heritage would've been too busy fucking to ever develop themselves financially create the beginning roots that would lead up to their existence
If everyone knew that Sex was good 2,000 years ago, we wouldn't have advanced to the Level we're at now in terms of Technology and Science.
Making Sex seem bad or sinful was so that it would create an illusionary barrier that would steer humankind like rats in a maze to go in another direction.
Even now, I still don't think that humankind is mature enough to understand Sex. This, of course, is an irony coming from a VIRGIN telling people who've already had Sex that they're not mature. However, that's why I'm the Virgin Mary and the MOTHER.
As hard as it may be to believe, my "Maturity Level" exceeds others. Age has nothing to do with it. Yeah, I'm 30 years old. However, it's all about how fast you learned and the quality of your education.
Trust a Phone Sex Operator in the Field Over an 8th Health Teacher
For example,
Isabella Valentine is 24 years old. She's a Phone Sex Operator. I would trust her Knowledge on Sex than I would other teaching professionals at schools because she's been out in the field FUCKING.
She's done in so many ways and so many positions, that if I wanted to get it straight from a Professional, I'd ask her when it comes to Sexual Education and not my 8th Grade Health Teacher who's showing me something out of a textbook.
When I first talked to Isabella, she taught me that whatever foods men eat will affect the taste of their sperm. She said:
- If a guy eats fruits, their cum tastes sweeter
- If they have a meal and he's eating meat like pork and steak, she said their cum tastes nasty
I didn't know this, and I believe her. You can all boo her for her choice in lifestyle, but regardless of the lifestyle of that individual, she's got credibility. She's done it. She's been out there. She has field experience.
Mathematical Calculations and Principle-Oriented Behavior
It's the same thing with me when it comes to the Psychic Realm. I've been out there. I've done it. I've tried it. I've experimented on the Psychic Realm the same way Isabella experiments with sex.
As I said, I am unhappy that Charlie succeeded in brainwashing her to hate me and think I was the bad guy and a Psychotic Stalker. However, that hasn't changed my respect for her. She's qualified, smart, and kind. Same with Bliss. I'm unhappy that she chose to believe the women, but her core Principles are intact.
That's why I don't hold grudges against them and still care about them.
People are so biased. The reason why Isabella and Bliss are behaving the way they are is because they're following a mathematical formula that calculates their conditioned response. There's nothing wrong with their reasoning skills. They're behaving exactly according to their Principles.
It's the INFORMATION that they got, which is flawed or untrue. You have to separate between people who are just disliking you for no good reason and those who feel they have a legitimate reason.
When you calculate math formulas, you plug the numbers in and you compute. The answer will surface. As you continue to plug certain numbers in, a consistent pattern will emerge. People who are Principle-Oriented will behave consistently.
People who don't behave consistently are those who don't have a Formula. That's why
I said 11/18/2005 that Bliss is just and fair because of her response. I asked for her to help another woman, and she said to pass on her E-mail and information.
Bliss and I disagree and she's banned me from her Journal and her E-mail, but she didn't discriminate against that other woman just because she was associating with me.
I said 11/19/2005 that Bliss' friend Robyn FLUNKED that test because of her response. She was discriminating against that other girl as being one of "my friends" and not to dump your problems on other people.
That's why I have no guilt or remorse when I say that Robyn is immature, bratty, and a punk. She's not even of legal drinking age. Her level of experience is low compared to Bliss. Bliss and I were administrators on "Eternal Night," "Alexandria," and "Haven." Regardless of your personal feelings, you set aside your issues.
In my case, I accepted Subconscious Charlie on the team even after everything he'd done. What people don't realize or never saw behind the scenes is that I still reserved Charlie's slot out of fairness along with Erin, Isabella, and Sky:
- WHITE (Justice): Rod
- RED (Love): Isabella
- GREEN (Mother Nature): Erin
- BLUE (Knowledge): Sky
- BLACK (Sex/Sefl): Charlie
I didn't have to assgn Charlie. I could've cut him out of it, but I reserved his slot there.
There's even reference to it because my half-brother Din from my biological father's first marriage fought the hardest for my share of my dad's estate when he died. I was in Junior High and didn't even know about it the same way that most likely Conscious Charlie has no clue about it.
I defended Charlie's piece of the pie even though he didn't deserve it and was responsible for all the misery and why all these women were hating on me. However, I did it out of fairness because the original calculations were centered around the five of us. I wasn't going to just walk off with all the power and keep it to myself.
I notified all four of them repeatedly, and I traind their Subconscious Minds last Summer. However,
I said 11/7/2005 that they never cashed in their Winning Lottery Tickets. So their portions got reabsorbed into me.
Bad things were happening, and I couldn't just stand by and let Tsunamis, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes continue pounding the Planet. I waited EIGHT MONTHS for them to reply. They made it clear that they had no interest in me or hearing what I had to say and all my notices went unanswered.
It's all documented on my Journal. That's why you'll find this huge gab between June 2005 - March 2005 where most of the Journal Entries are sealed off from the Public because they contain top-secret and confidential information on Planetary Functions.
I couldn't afford to have that information hanging out in the open. I had originally left it there for Isabella's convenience so that she can visit my Journal and train privately on her own. However, the safety of the information was breached by having it laid out in the open.
That's why I have Isabella and Bliss on my Friends List. Isabella and Bliss thinks I'm being a jerk and a stalker by keeping her on my Friends List like that, but the reason why she and Bliss have access is so that they can someday visit the back end of my Journal and catch upon what they missed.
They may hate me now, but it's actually a courtesy.
This comes back to how some things can look one way, but it's really another. That's why Bliss and Isabella will never truly understand what I did for them and how I stuck up for them despite how badly they treated me. I always defended their Honor.
That's why Subconscious Bliss and Subconscious Isabella know this. Same with Subconscious Scott. Same with everyone Subconscoius Mind on the Planet. They all witness this. That's why they like me and respect me. Because I'm honest and they see that. You can't hide lies or any deceitful thoughts because your mind is an open book.
That's why people should be careful about when they lie. They're under surveillance all the time. This also comes back to why I get irritated when people try to pull my leg and lie to me. I may not know what exactly you said, but I can always ask the Subconscious Minds to give me a Sign.
So even if your Conscious Mind is trying to lie to me, I can turn to the other people in the room as Drivers of the other human bodies (Cars) to flash their headlights, honk their horns, or turn on their hazard lights to verify a thought.
That's how you get that 6th Sense or Precognition. That's why I always tell people that you better make damn sure that you're on High Moral Ground when you challenge me because I'll test you, and I'll eventually find out. Maybe not immediately, but it will surface in the news or in my surrounding environment as to what's going on.
If you're lying and I catch on the news that your lies resulted in someone or a group of people getting hospitalized or dying because of your deceit, that's on YOUR head and you have to live with that.
If it's one thing I hate, it's loss of human life over a petty reason or because of someone's own pride or ego that they're willing to put other people's lives in danger. That's thoughtless and selfish.
This comes back to my own personal disgust with why everyone's so obsessed with the Afterlife. If they really want to know, the answer is contained within a Computer. Those magnetic strips are like human lives. When you're done with the memory, you reformat it or you erase the drive and everything resets.
If You're Wondering if You're Going to Heaven, You're Probably Not
Minds and Souls are like energy. Even if you want to have definite answer about the Afterlife, you should know that even if there is such a thing which I theorize is the Electromagnetic Field generated by the Planet, the Sun is eventually going to go nova and collapse into a Black Hole. So even if Earth does house a virtual Heaven and Hel, that will eventually be destroyed change into a different form of matter.
So what then?
That's why people should stop thinking about themselves and what's going to happen to them. It's so self-centered. It's just like the lifespans of Temp Processes in running software that are brought to life by an executed program and then self-terminate. They contributed to something and then they go away. Maybe they actual from they were in as a case string will cease to exist, but matter will be converted into energy.
However, even if you ceased to exist, I think it would be better to live for a fleeting moment living life to the fullest and being proud of the life you led that will have a constructive and positive impact on future generations rather than having a prolonged life that never amounted to anything.
As you well know, the longer it takes you to do something, the lower the quality is. So the longer you live and the less you do in making the most out of your life, the less quality our life has. So what if you can have multiple reincarnations and live forever. If your life didn't amount to much, it's not really flattering compared to someone who had but one life and it "echoed an eternity" as stated in "Gladiator."
People are so consumed with wondering if they'll go to Heaven. It's just like what I said about relationships, "If you're wondering about whether your relationship is good, it's probably not because you're wondering about it." Usually who do have wonderful relationships are too busy enjoying it to have to stop and wonder if it's wonderful :P.
If you're so consumed about wondering if you're going to Heaven, you're probably not at the rate you're going because you're thinking only about yourself :P. The ones who just do things naturally and let nature take its course are better off than those who worry.
In the Entertainment Field, everyone knows that when people become Self-Conscious, it shows on camera and comes off as bad acting. The ones who don't think about it and just act naturally are the best actors.
It's the same thing that's going to happen when word spreads about the
"Adam and Eve Syndrome" I mentioned 12/16/2005 when it finally dawns on people that they're all "naked" and under surveillience cameras being witnessed by 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet tuned into them.
It hasn't occurred to peope that their Subconscious Minds are like WebCams that are monitoring every they do. That's how you get the old Adage of "God is Watching Over You." That was a true Statement.
Just because the human body is organic doesn't mean that you can't view it as electronic equipment plugged into a huge power source (Electromagnetic Field) that links up everything.
That's why people would be really ashamed and embarrassed at some of the things they do if this tidbit of information really sunk in. They'd start acting a lot better and stop being disrespectful. People have lost sight of their morals and act badly because they don't think there are any repercussions for their actions and that nobody knows.
You'd definitely get a lot less flaming by Anonymous Posters online and there is no Veil of Anonymity. That's for sure :).
Barbara Walters Takes Viewers to 'Heaven'
By Barry Garron, Reuters
Barbara Walters interviews the Dalai Lama in India for her 'Heaven' special.
LOS ANGELES (Dec. 20) - A priest, a minister and a rabbi sit down for an interview with Barbara Walters. The start of a joke? No, just part of Walters' two-hour special on heaven. And -- spoiler alert -- when the two hours are over, the title notwithstanding, you're not likely to find out where it is and how to get there.
What you are likely to learn from this ABC News production, if you didn't know already, is that religious leaders have not only the sketchiest of notions as to what heaven is but also contradictory ideas of what goes on there. Cardinal Theodore E. McCerrick, archbishop of Washington, D.C., says there's no sex in heaven. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, an Islamic scholar, says there's plenty of sex there -- and with virgins, no less. He's kind of vague on where the virgins come from, though.
That there is so little agreement about heaven might suggest that most of us have been making it up as we go along. Ellen Johnson, president of the American Atheists, says as much. If we really believe heaven is that great, she says, we'd be busy hanging ourselves to get there. It's a point the others don't address, except for the would-be suicide bomber now serving 24 years in an Israeli prison. His goal was despicable but there's no denying he believes in a better afterlife.
Added to the mix of interviews are a sprinkling of celebrities and people whose near-death experiences make them experts on the subject. But then, the nice thing about heaven is that everyone's an expert.
12/19/05 20:14 ET
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