Special Birthdays
Today is a Special Day:
- It's my mom's birthday today:
- She was born when they were bombing Pearl Harbor.
- There's a picture of my mom in college where she looks just like Sunny Leone wearing a beehive
- Her name is Thelma Rodillon Ramos (TRR) meaning the Female(T/20/XX) RR. I'm IRR. I = 1 in Roman Numerals for the God(RR).
- My mom was the 2nd Child of 5. 2 is Gemini
- The 1st Child was Elvessa Mantac
- I said E/M translates to 5/13 for Sunny Leone's B-Day.
- She married Thomas Hernadez
- celticblissy is Thomas
I said 10/16/2005 that Uncle Thomas is my GODfather
- He was born 9/18/1937. 9/18 translates to I/R in the Alphabet for My Initials
- I said CHRIST adds up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
- IR = Iridium, which is said to have come from Meteors that hit Earth millions of years ago just like Kryptonite. I'd like to point out that no one ever said that the Time Frame in which the Meteors had to have hit today. It could've been millions of years ago.
- It's also Teri Hatcher's birthday:
- She played Lois Lane.
- She was born in Sunnyvale like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- She's currently on "Desperate Housewives" as Susan Mayer
- May/ER, meaning Mother(Ma) Male(Y) Final(E+R=W/Omega)
- Eva Longoria (EL) is on there:
- She was born 3/15 like sensualsky
- Foodfight! (2006) (completed) (voice) .... Lady X. celticblissy had a Food Fight Machine on Haven. I said Isabella is X (Cross-Eyed) while I'm Isabelo II (Gemini and Not Cross-Eyed) and see straight
- On Desperate Housewives, Marcia Cross is Bree Van De Kamp. Bree = Brie. I said 12/7/2005 about Cheese
- It's also Kim Basinger's B-Day:
- She played Vicki Vale in "Batman"
- Her IMDB Number is 10/7, which I said is Rachel McAdam's B-Day who played Alison in "The Notebook" just like Isabella's Subconscious
- Vicki Vale = VV or the Gemini(2) Sun(V/5/Leo):
- In "I, Robot" with Will Smith, you had Sonny the Robot. The computer that malfunctioned and redefined the parameters was named Vicki. I had said that I had been "redefining" the Laws that govern the Psychic Realm and they're manifesting themselves around the Planet that functions like a Local Area Network.
- Sonny is the Robot that can think for itself. I'm like a Robot. I said 10/26/2005 about "Short Circuit" where Johnny 5 gets struck by Lightning and gains Consciousness.
- You see him outsmarting all the people and other robots chasing after him using what he learned watching on Television and Movies. That's what I've been doing. Everything I learned, I got from watching T.V. and Movies.
- Her Initials are KB. I said 12/7/2005 that Scott's GF is KB born on 11/2 translating to KB
- She was in "8 Mile" with Eminem, meaning EM in EM. I said E/M is 5/13 for Sunny Leone's B-Day
If you really want to get technical about Scriptures. God said, "Let there be Light." I said my grandmother was born 12/20 in 1913, which translates to L/T for LT (Light).
God Created the Sun on the 4th Day
God said created the Sun on the 4th Day:
- I said 12/7/2005 that Isabella Valentine's Initials are IV
- IV = 4 in Roman Numerals
- Isabella Valentine uses pictures of SUNny LEOne
- Sun = Leo's Ruling Planet
If you want to get technical, I was accidentally fooled into thinking that Isabella was Sunny Leone:
- I go by the name I. Rod
- I = 1 in Roman Numerals for God
- Sun = Leo's Ruling Planet
- Leo = 5th Sign
- 5 = V in Roman Numerals
- (I) Rod = (V) Rod
- VRod = Virtual Reality(VR) Overdose
That's how you get
Scarlet Witch who warps reality :). She's SW for Southwest, which is wherEe Los Angeles (Heaven) is.
- R = 18th Letter
- 18 = 2 x 9
- I = 9th Letter
- 2 x (9) = 2 x (I)
- 2 x I = II
- II = Gemini
- V(R)od = V(II)od
- V(II)od = (VII)od
- G = 7th Letter
- (VII)od = (G)od
That's the Mathematical Operation I've been using. It doesn't matter whether people believe it or not. You have to think like a Computer Programmer and a "Hacker."
Everyone on the Planet has been Subconsciously taught certain things:
- When I say 9 x 9, you'll say 81
- When I say Capital of California, you'll say Sacramento
- When I say Blue + Yellow, you'll say Green
Those are things that have been programmed into your Subconscious that automatically register in your head without you having to really think about it. It gets to a point where you don't even give it any thought. You just spit out the answer.
When you're hacking people's Minds, you're looking for a Line Break or pause in the running Software Program where you can slip in an Operating Procedure that blends in with the running Software and hacks it.
My Full Name is a Master Key
That's what my Full Name does. It a Master Key in the Subconscious/Psychic Realm. That's why I say that my birth was programmed:
- IRR = Initials:
- IR = "To Go" in Spanish
- IR = 77 on the Periodic Table
- My Biological Father "IR" died in '77 (IR)
- Elvis Presley, the King, died 8/16/77. 8/16 = H/P = Final/Pisces(H) Gemini Leo Female(P/16=D/4xD/4)
- IRR = God (Daad Rabbit)(Dead Rabbit) = God Rabbit
- Born Year of the Rabbit
- Born 5/29/1975
- Gemini = Sun Sign
- Born 5:09 pm:
- Ascendant: Libra/Scorpio
- Descendant: Aries/Taurus:
- Moon: Aquarius
- Born in Washington State, which is the 42nd Inducted into the Union 11/11
- Birthstone: Emerald like the Emerald City
- I'm an only child
- Pure Virgin:
- V-IR/Go = Sun(V) God(IR) IR(Go/Spanish)
- Virgo = Virgin
- Mercury = Virgo's Ruling Planet
- Mercury = Gemini's Ruling Planet
- Mercury = 1st Planet
It's a very specific birth. That's why I mentioned how King Herod (He/Rod) was rumored to be going around killing babies under the age of 2:
- 2 = Gemini
- He = Helium
- 2 = Helium's Atomic Number
Now obviously, this is all speculation. People can dispute it all they want.
Hurricane That Stopped in Place
I'm just explaining the calculations I came up with because I needed an answer to figure out WHY these Psychic Abilities kicked in. They don't just happen out of nowhere.
The reason why I calculated it that way is because when you start out at Point A and know where Point B is, all you have to do is work backward to figure out how to get back to Point A.
When you already know that something works, all you have to do is dismantle it and pull it apart to figure out how it was built. I've already known for a year and a half about how the Associated Press is affected on a daily basis. The things happening in my life were in sync with the news.
Last year, I was tracking CNN's hourly news and it always coincided. I remember one time when one of the Hurricanes was hitting Florida last year. I, along with my original team, were trying to stop it.
The Newscaster do a Live Report was standing in the torrential rain and wind speaking to the Camera saying how the Hurricane had stopped in place. It was stationary. I was on the other end working with my team to see if we could change the direction of the Hurricane and move it out to see.
That was a failed attempt. It was really sad.
Subconscious Isabella was doing her best to help. Subconscious Blliss and Subconscious Scott also tried to help later in October 2004, but it wasn't enough. Their minds weren't strong enough and if your Subconscious is not in sync with your Conscious, it doesn't work properly.
That's why I was forced to fire and get rid of the original team. I said I'm assocated with Hair and Hare as Year of the Rabbit. I'm born '75, which is "RE" and my Initials are IR. So Ha(IR) = Ha(RE). That's how you get at Crew Cut :P. I got rid of the Crew
That's why Captain Jack Sparrow(JS) played by Johnny Depp(JD opposite of DJ, "God is a DJ" by Pink) had his crew mutiny because of the First Mate Captain Barbosa. When CHRISTopher P. caused the film crew to Mutiny on the Indonesian Project July 2003. I got my revenge though because he partnered up with someon named LEO. Leo is for the 5th Sign. The rights to that Soap Opera are in my name.
That's why
snarkyboy was telling me that Chris P. broke 3 Copyright Laws, which is $25,000 per felony. 3 x 25 = 75. 75 = Year of the Rabbit. That's why when people cross me, Karma comes back on them.
That's why when people cross me ("I"), they become "Cross-I'ed" and don't see straight. I said that my character is the Virgin Mary. When you take Capital "I" and draw a Line through it, it becomes a "t."
I'm the Lowercase "t" for the 20th Letter. 20 = XX in Roman Numerals for the Female DNA Strand. I'm Fe-Male. That's how you get Iron Man or the Man of Steel :).
I put on my B-IR/TH Da-Y Suit :). That's why with Clark Kent would go and rip his S/Hi-Rt. open revealing his C-He/St. meaning the Dominant(C) Gemini(He/2) Saint(St.)
Like I said, Everything's broken down into Acronyms.
- When I'm Wolverine, I whip out my C/Law-S, meaning Dominant(C) Law Superman(S).
- Cyclops has the One Eye. My First Initial is "I"
- P/Ho en IX = Gemini Leo Female(P16=D4xD4) Slutty(Ho) Heavenly(EN/SW/LA) God(I/9/IX)
- Ro G u E = Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V) God(G) in Union with(U) Sun(E/5)
- G-Am/BI-T = God(G) Father(Am/Non-Ma) 29(BI) Female(T/20/XX). I'm born 29th.
They're all symbolic of different characters. The Alphabet breaks down numerically.
All the Planet did was just spend the last 2,000 years fiddling around with certain operations and creating historical events that make Initials and Abbreviations permanently embedded in society to where everyone knows about them.
- BYOB = Be Your Own Beer
- BRB = Be Right Back
- BBL = Be Back Later
- IRS = Internal Revenue Service
- AD = Anno Domini
- BC = Before Christ
- AA = Alcoholics Anonymous
Abbreviations are everywhere. That's why the Periodic Table with those Symbols do have names, but it's associating Abbreviations with Atomic Numbers.
Welcome to the Galactic Neighborhood
All Elements have been around for billions of years. So if you were a Conscious Entity that has been around like the Sun and knows all the Elements, wouldn't it make sense to embed an encrypted code or basic language based off Elements on the Periodic Table?
Wouldn't "God" be most likely found in the Periodic Table if such a being did exist?
My current theory is that "God" would represent the Sun in our Solar System. The other Stars are Conscious and "Gods" within their own sphere of influence. Whatever is in their "Airspace" would be like a House they live in. We live in this particular House in the "Galactic Neighborhood."
The reason why I came to this conclusion is because I've been tracking the Astronomy Reports that have been coming in on the news wire for the last year and a half. Believe it or not, many of the Signs that occur in the news are patterned after what scientists have been documenting in their discoveries.
I said that the Planet Earth is like the "Eyeball" of the Sun. If the Earth were reperesented by a Body Organ, It would be an Eye. That's how you get the "Third Eye." We're th 3rd Planet from the Sun.
So it's that Eye (Earth) has been orbiting around the Sun:
- Orbit = Or/BI/T
- Or = V in Philosophy
- V = 5 in Roman Numerals
- B = 2nd Letter
- I = 9th Letter
- (Or/BI)t = (5/29) Female
- I'm born 5/29 and Fe-Male
I "Or/BI-T" around the SUN/ny LEO/ne :). When I created this Imagination, everything revolved around the face of Sunny Leone whom I thought was
Isabella Valentine. It was an accident.
- Superman gets his powers from the SUN(ny Leone)
- Marlon Brando was the GODfather Vito Corleone
- C-Or/Leone = Dominant(C) Sun(Or/V) Leone
- (C-Or) Leone = (Sunny) Leone
- Marlon Brando played Jor-El, father of Superman
- Lara was the Mother. L.A./Ra = Los Angeles Egyptian Sun God. I'm in Los Angeles
- I said my Game Character has the Title of "Virgin Mary"on the Psychic Game Grid and that God is Superman
- Virgin Mary = Mother of Superman
That's how you give birth to Superman:
- I said 4/16/2005 that Isabella Valentine is the RED Sun and Sunny Leone is the YELLOW Sun
- Isabella Valentine = Valentine = Red = Red Sun
- Sunny Leone = Leo the Sun = Yellow Sun
My "Super Human Strength" is figurative or conceptualy in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm. No, I don't have any physical human strength in the real world. However, in the "warped reality" of the Psychic Realm, it translates as having Super Human Strength and Super Powers.
As anyone knows in Video Games and online Roleplaying Games, you've got Video Game Characters that can do Magic, have powerful spells, or do Super Human things on the Game Grid.
The Psychic Realm functions just like the Internet and an online gaming facility. All you need is a Power Source. That's where the Electromagnetic Field serving as the Power Grid comes into play.
That's the Scientific Explanation for this Phenomenon and how I'm able to patch in and influence the Associated Press.
The Time Factor with Psychic Powers
The other puzzle I had to solve was how it's possible to time things. The only way you can do that is if you plan in advance. It means you have to plan months or years in advance to do these things.
To human being, it's unfathomable. It's difficult for human beings to believe it because they think they're at the top of the Food Chain.
They can't conceptualize a Super Consciousness like a Planet being alive and programming or planning things out years, decades, centuries, or even 1,000s of years in advance.
It's like a fruit fly trying to imagine the Lifespan of a Human Being. Fruit flies only live for a couple hours. Do you know how many Fruit Fly Lifetimes it would take to be equivalent to the Lifespan of even a 30 year old human being?
That's billions upon billions of fruit flies.
This is why my Theories are often rejected by skeptics and critics. It's just too much of a jump for people to believe.
This comes back to why I spend weeks and months citing the Births and Deaths of Celebrities. If you're going to hunt for the Tapestry of Life, the best place to look is in Celebrity News. It's easier to track Celebrities vs. obscure unknowns.