celticblissy was in the English Tabloids:
- Over the last week, I've been having really, hot sex with Subconscious celticblissy.
- One of the encounters was so terrific that a Firetruck Siren began blaring in the at 4 am in the morning.
- I had mentioned about a Van in a previous post meaning "They Go" in Spanish, which is derived from the Infinitive "IR"
- The Tabloid claimed it's a VW. V = 5 in Roman numerals. Double U = Doulbe V because U = V in Old English. V/W = V/(UU)= (5)/(5)(5) = 5/25 = celticblissy's B-day
- I had edited it where Bliss is the Mother
- Teri Haticher is the original Lois Lane. I said I'm symbolic of Superman.
Someday, I hope Bliss will understand years down the line what was going on and that her other self didn't separate because it knew the whole story and that I was innocent last year.
How to Split Someone's Personality in Half
This all comes back to how you get a rift or a split in people. You can lie and fool a person's Conscious Mind, but their Subconscious Mind will always know whether you lied or not. That's when word gets out and my Theories about how the Electromagnetic Field serves as a Power Grid for a "Psychic Cyberspace" running on the same Principles as the Internet, some people will rethink their actions because it's cruel to to separate siblings.
Conscious Bliss believed one thing, and Subconscious Bliss believed another. I had mentioned about grotesque mutilations on Twins performed during World War II. The Subconscious Mind knows everything because it's networked with all other living things on the Planet. The Conscious Mind doesn't know everything. You can also subject the Conscious Mind to physical abuse.
isabellaval is a living example.
This comes back to why
robynz was shocked at
celticblissy's response still offering to help
sleepingbeautyz despite our differences. Subconscious Bliss and Conscious Bliss are running off the same Principles. However, if you give Subconscious Bliss the fully story where she knows everything while you only give Conscious Bliss parts of the story, you can tilt the data to where Conscious Bliss will reach a totally different conclusion.
For example, I said that I know
grue23 and
celticblissy's personalities. The only reason why Scott is behaving the way he does is because he doesn't believe my story about having observed Psychic Phenomenon. However, one thing I do know about Scott is that if he discovered that I had been indeed telling the Truth about my Psychic Observances, his attitude would completely change.
Scott would feel guilty and remorseful and would start talking to me again. Some people wouldn't want to admit when they're wrong. With Scott, he has good parents who taught him important values and lessons. That's why I know that Scott would open his mind. Same with
celticblissy. She's an advocate of Justice. She believes in Fairness. It wouldn't sit well with her if she knew what I knew and the mistreatment and wrongful punishment I've had to endure.
Like I said, if I was telling the Truth about what I witnessed last year regarding the Psychic "CSI" Forensic Tests I had conducted and that 2nd Degree Murder did indeed occur, I shouldn't have been kicked out of the group and made out to be a bad person. That's the reason why
sensualsky sent those nasty letters to
grue23 and
Sky knew where to hit me hardest. She had been reading my Journals and knew that I always talk about
grue23 and
celticblissy and that they were the two most important people to me.
That's why you have to be very careful about a woman like Sky. You would've thought that Sky would've defended me because I had spent $1,400 for seven 120-minute calls and $150 in books in 11 days. She talked more with me and had over 14 hours to really get to know me and probe my mind. However, instead, she was the one who completely blew me out of the water.
The reason why I had been attempting to communicate with Isabella and Sky was to warn them about what I'd learned. Sky used to be on my side. However, that ban that Charlie put was where her loyalties shifted over.
That's why I don't directly blame Sky. Bliss taks about low blows and how I hit her where it hurts when I talk about Ravenshade. That's what Sky did. She hit a really low blow and
celticblissy naturally fell for it. That's why Bliss' error was choosing to side with Sky because she was a woman and not even thinking about what she knew about me during the four years we'd known each other.
"Eternal Night" Code of Conduct
celticblissy has seen me play on "Eternal Night." It may seem trivial because it's merely a Game Simulation, but how you conduct yourself on there hints at what kind of values you have and your regard for human life. Bliss and I shared the same ideals on how you treat people.
Whether you were a Wolf or a Vampire on "Eternal Night," Bliss and I never discriminated. You had people whose characters were Wolves that automatically roleplayed hatred toward Vampires. Then you had Vampires that despised wolves. Each side believed that anyone else from the other side must be bad. Bliss and I just liked to hang out and make friends. So we treated Vampires and Wolves the same based off of their personalities.
Bliss and I followed a Strict Code of Conduct. That's why our Vampire Characters on "Eternal Night" developed a reputation as Friendly. Word spreads. Wolves would talk amongst themselves and would give a rundown of who to stay away from and who's safe. All the Wolves knew that Bliss and I wouldn't attack you.
In fact, there were even young Wolf Players that would come and ask if I could fetch them Armor and Equipment that was difficult to obtain early in the game with a Weak Character. The Fenris Belt worn by a King was also difficult to obtain. I'd have Wolf Characters that would ask me to help them even though we were sworn enemies. It's because people trusted me and
That's our natural personality. That's why I'm unhappy that Bliss couldn't see that and chose to believe
sensualsky. I don't stalk people and I'm not violent. With all the times I helped Bliss on "Eternal Nightt" and how I got those Host Servers on Planes to launch Haven, people looking at the situation would've thought Bliss would've shown more gratitude and benefit of the doubt.
However, it's always a matter of perspective. If you give things to people freely, they'll take it, but they won't always realize the value of it. When people don't work for things, they don't realize the value. Thta's how some people get spoiled.
Romantic Aspect of Heroism
I was in servitude to Bliss and enjoyed serving her. I really did enjoy doing things for her and making her happy. Thta's why I did it. I always loved being the one to swoop in and rescue her and help defender on "Eternal Night" when she was in trouble because I was always hung up on the Romantic aspect of it all.
That's the same
isabellval and why I did what I did. Isabella thought I was stalking her. I was caught up in the whole Romance of it where I wanted to once again be a Rescuer and the Heroic Knight that saves the Princess. Instead, it backfired. Charlie was the Evil Wizard that "enchanted" the Princess and "bewitched" Isabella into thinking I was the bad guy.
Charlie succeeded in convincing everyone I was bad and because I was babbling about Psychic Phenomenon that sealed my Fate to everyone else as a Certified Loony. Charlie couldn't have asked for anything better. It just dropped right into his lap.
That's why back in 6/26/2004 you see how Isabella chews my ass out defending Charlie in her Journal. All Charlie had to do was just sit there innocently and play the wounded victim who's being "harassed" by a stark, raving mad lunatic gaining the sympathies of all the women.
Plus, it made
isabellaval and
sensualsky completely break off and side with Charlie. I accused him of 2nd Degree Murder, which now that I think about in retrospect are really serious allegations. However, I was going by what I saw.
Fatal Flaw of the White Knight
That's the Fatal Flaw of the Honorable White Knight. The number one weakness of the White Knight is that he will always run charging in blindly with because he's driven by Honor, Heroism, and Chivalry. It's to serve and to protect.
Unfortunately, they're not always very smart. They'll take foes head on not paying attention to whether there are any traps set. One of the reasons why the English lost the American War for Independence was because their tactics were straightforward.
The American Soldiers learned how to use guerilla warfare tactics. The British used to walk across an open field marching in a line toward American Enemies and would get literally mowed down by the musket fire of American Freedom Fighters.
That was really dumb. Military Warfare is much smarter now.
The British approach to warfare wasn't the appropriate strategy. The same guerilla warfare tactics were used by the Koreans and the Viet Cong with all their rat holes and tunnel system they made underground. American Soldiers back then weren't really fighting for any strong cause. The Vietnamese were fighting for their Freedom and Survival.
Survival Tactics and Warfare
I use similar tactics because there's only one of me. So I have to use my Knowledge of Strategy and Warfare to keep alive.
celticblissy joined
robynz beating on me even though Robyn started it with her WTF Community Post. It was 2 on 1 as well as anonymous posters sending me Hate Mail. That's why I had no problem with playing dirty with Bliss because I didn't ask for to be dragged into that drama and Robyn took it upon herself to pick on me.
Like I said, I lost everyone importand and dear to me. On top of that, I have to be wary because I'm fighting for my own "Psychological Freedom." Everyone has branded me as a Certified Nutcase. One worng move and you could get carted off to the funny farm. Everyone else has nothing to lose by their Pride. You don't see them have to worry about anything aside from admitting they're wrong.
With Isabella, Bliss, Sky, Charlie, and Robyn, it's all really just about Pride and Prejudice. The only reason why they refuse to budge on the issue and listen is because it's so much easier and more convenient. It's so much easier to believe that Isabella and the other side is write about me being a Stalker. It's harder to believe my story.
That's why they have that saying about, "Doing what's Right and doing what's Easy." It's so much easier to believe their story. I ask a tall order because it means people have to take a Leap of Faith and actually humor me on Theories that completely go against over 1,000 years worth of Science that have been laid out by some of the greatest Scientists and Inventors. My theories are considered radical.
That's why it's a constant uphill battle.
Teri Hatcher Sues Tabloid Over Sex Story
A Brit tabloid claims Teri Hatcher has been having "sex romps" in a VW van outside her L.A. home.
LONDON (Nov. 23) - "Desperate Housewives" star Teri Hatcher is suing a British tabloid newspaper for libel over its claims she had "sex romps" with men in a Volkswagen van, her lawyer said Wednesday.
London law firm Schillings said Hatcher, 40, had instructed them to begin libel proceedings against the Daily Sport over articles that she says "falsely alleged that she engages in sex romps on a regular basis with a series of men in a VW van parked outside her L.A. home for this purpose."
The claims "were repeated extensively elsewhere in many countries," the firm said. Hatcher "bitterly refutes these offensive allegations," it said.
The case is expected to go before the High Court in London next year.
11/23/05 10:41 EST
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