Sometimes I just can't help but shake my head and laugh at
robynz and
celticblissy that are on
isabellaval's Friends List. They wouldn't have known Isabella if it wasn't for me.
Personally, I think the Entertainment Value and Fascination that Robyn and Bliss would have with Isabella's Lifestyle and Profession would be something that interests them because it's different.
But will I get credit for having introduced them and having gotten to know Isabella. Noooooo. This is how it is with Networking Resources and why we get PAID for introducing and linking people together.
It's the same reason why
celticblissy doesn't appreciate the Host Server that was provided for Haven. That Resource came from me that she wouldn't have had. I took on that "project" because I believed in the person (Bliss).
If it wasn't for Bliss' personality and caring for her, do you really I think I, or anyone else, would care about Haven or lift a finger to help her? She was WAITING on Flux for MONTHS to set time out of his schedule to get Haven running, but he was always busy.
When people want things done, they'll MAKE the time. They'll get the job done. I got the job done. That's what Bliss fails to appreciate. You'll see a lot of Stars and Actors trash-talking their original Talent Managers for "reaming" them with a Contract that is tilted in the Talent Manager's favor.
They'll talk about how greedy, manipulative, and mean the Talent Manager was. However, the Actors and Stars FORGET that if it wasn't for that Talent Manager opening the DOOR for them, none of the media would've cared about anything they had to say.
If you want to get TECHNICAL, if
robynz is reporting in to
celticblissy and/or
isabellaval relaying what I'm writing and posting, she's taking on the role of Talent Manager. She's MY talent manager.
I can get pissed and angry at Robyn, but if she's the one that bringing it to Bliss and Isabella's attention where they sit and think about what I said and review the information or get summaries or reviews by Robyn, that's the Talent Manager.
That's because Robyn is in good with Isabella and Bliss. That's how the Film and Entertainment Industry functions. You need to know someone who knows someone can get the in.
With Bliss, she never would've gotten the "IN" with Vamp and Sabrina who gave her the "break" she needed to showcase Haven and have it running and get a User Base (like a television show). Then when someone else saw it, it got "picked up" by a network (someone giving Bliss a new Host Server to run Haven off of).
However, if that Host Server hadn't been provided to Bliss, she never would've gotten discovered. This is why Networkers and people who provide such Resources are UNDERVALUED and Unappreciated.
Bliss can talk shit about me all she wants, but she cannot take away the fact that a lot of people listening to her from Haven wouldn't be taking her as seriously if she wasn't the Owner of Haven.
robynz from a Managerial Perspective, was actually CORRECT when she was stating about how I should remove the Disabled Comment Function so that people can respond (and criticize). It creates feedback and people can have their say and are more likely to read, comment on my Journal, and keep coming back. While it's sealed off, it's One-Way Communication and that's no fun.
If I wanted to get Publicity, that would be the way to do it. However, I just opted not to do so right now and leave it sealed off. Simply because I already have enough content and stuff to write about, and I don't want my Journal to run away with me where I'm at the mercy of responding to people.
There would be a lot of critics that would say offhanded comments or stuff that would REALLY bother me or get under my skin. It would stick with me and I'd remember it. For example, Anonymous Posters may attempt to post
inflammatory Gay Comments like Woodsy Allen.
I just don't need it and people can be NASTY when they really want to be. I have enough on my plate, and I don't need to hear the criticisms of people. I already know what most people will say. That's why I ignore them.
If I sat and responded to every comment or tried to explain to every person who has an objection or alternative opinion that is contrary to what I say, I'll be here all day and all night.
That's how you can become a slave to something else. That's why I stopped running Chat Places. It's like a baby. You have to maintain it, look after it, take care of it, and deal with it.
You have to deal with complaints, misunderstandings, or conflict. When there's only you on the system, you can be more relaxed. It's like your home. If you live alone, you can do whatever you want. If you live with 6 other people, you have to be careful and watch out when it comes to boundaries.
If you say or do the wrong thing, it could blow up in your face. You have to screen what you say. When people living under the same roof don't like you, they move out. That's like being Unfriended on your Journal.
I have had so many people who didn't like what I was posting and writing or the sheer volume of postings was too much. So they removed me from their Lists.
grue23 did that.
This isn't directed at Scott, but this is how you get abandoned. When people don't like you or what you say, they'll leave you. They'll abandon you. That's why it's sometimes better to be a loner and not where you have to depend on people so that you don't get disappointed.
You can always count on yourself. Everyone else will come and go, but you can always count on yourself. You create dependency when it comes to other people and needing them.
That's why I still contend that the reason why Bliss didn't tell me about her Kara Alt was because she was afraid it would ruin our friendship. She didn't want to lose me. Yet, she wanted to have her cake and eat it, too. Have Rod as a Friend, but still have an open sexual relationship even though Rod wnated a monogamous relationship.
She got "creative" with her lifestyle. Which is really her own business and none of mine. Whether I got upset or not is irrelevant. People will act how they will act and you can't have your life dependent on how other people are going to be.
If I was going to be an unreasonable dickhead that wouldn't understand why she had a Kara Alt, she should've just been up front about it. I would've understood, and I would've told her that if I had been an ass and chosen to be bratty and immature about it, then usually those types of people AREN'T worth having as friends.
True friends don't abandon you. They'll still love you and stick by you regardless of what happens. I would've been unhappy about it, but I would've abided by it. HOWEVER,
celticblissy is a good person and she knew she would've been riddled with guilt.
She didn't want to have to log on as Kara knowing that I knew that she was as Kara and using it as a Sex Alt and feel guilty knowing that I knew she was there. It would've bothered her peace of mind.
That's the whole Psychology of it.
She may think I'm a stupid, but she doesn't give me enough credit when it comes to my Reasoning Skills and Level of Intelligence. She didn't trust me enough and she didn't want to lose me. So she opted for keeping it secret.
When she finally revealed it, she even said she was secretly hoping I'd figure it out because she was feeling guilty.
Once again, this is where we come back to "Psychological Abuse." It was really just Bliss beating herself up emotionally back in May 2001. She should've realized that True Friends and people who love you will stick by you regardless.
Whatever their own personal feelings are is their own responsibility to deal with and NOT YOURS. However, I choose to feel about it is my responsibility. Not hers. We all choose how we want to feel.
The reason why I keep on harping about Isabella and Bliss like a broken record is because I still haven't gotten over how I was wrongfully punished for telling the Truth and it doesn't fit my Core Ideals and Beliefs. It bothers me so much that will ALWAYS hear me ranting about how I was unfairly treated.
That's why you won't see me back down or give up on it. My Integrity, my Name, and having Bliss and Scott as friends were IMPORTANT to me. They meant that much and they were taken away from me. Why? Because of half-assed assumptions by people who don't even know me.
I had told
grue23 that if someone doesn't learn to let go after 6 months and is still talking about them, that's dysfunctional. I'm eating my own words. Scott pointed that out back in July 2004. I'm STILL talking about Isabella and Bliss.
However, the reason why there's this mental short circuit in the system is because I found out that I was indeed correct about Psychic Phenomenon and what I saw. Especially when it came to 2nd Degree Murder, which is HEINOUS crime. It goes against my Principles.
So if there's anything I should be blamed for, it's being "obsessive" about Justice. If I'm going to be guilty of any crime, it's going against society to stand up for what's right. I know what I saw, and I'm dead certain about my Readings. That's why you won't see me back down on this issue.
Especially when it comes to the
2nd Degree Murder of Bliss' Grandmother. That's why you won't see me budge on that. It's a matter of Bliss' Honor. Even if Bliss doesn't see it, I have already seen and documented months worth of research and know how Psychic Phenomenon works. My readings are ACCURATE.
That's why I keep saying that the whole House of Cards that those people have collapses if it turns out that I prove I am in possession of Psychic Abilities because that's why they formed this Hate Group and where it spread to others.
However, if I was telling the Truth about having observed Psychic Phenomenon, then I shouldn't have gotten punished and they should've really listened to me. Especially
isabellaval and
I have time on my side. All I have to do is just sit and keep on posting consistent Psychic Readings. When you start hitting past 3 - 5 years and the same pattern keeps surfacing without fail, that's hard to refute.
That's why Information is compared to Water. Water is soft, but given time, it will eventually erode away at things with constant pressure.