DIVINATION: Bill Cosby, Intellectual Rape, Picard vs. Riker

Oct 22, 2005 21:13

This is a really heated issue for me because I already had some unFriend today. I strongly suspect she did it because of the way I have been expressing discontent over the Black Community based off their representative. It's because you need to plant these things ahead of time so that the Time Stamp indicating that you thought about things ahead of time.

There's a huge clue left in the Star Trek Universe that points to who Davis is. Davis is a good person in general, just not someone you should trust in business. There are people who are good friends, but you shouldn't trust them with money. Davis is one of those people. He needs to be supervised because he's sloppy with money.

In Star Trek, you have William T. Riker and Captain Kirk:
  1. Notice that both have the Letter K
  2. K = 11th Letter
  3. Aquarius = 11th Sign
  4. Davis is an Aquarius
  5. While it's true that Kirk is the Aquarius, it still leans more toward me because the Initials "IR" were slid in between KK for K/IR/K
  6. What's it's saying is that I'm closer to the Title of Kirk than Davis is
  7. That's why I'm the Aquarian Female (XX = KK).
  8. I qualify as a Fe-Male and therefore the Title leans more toward me and outranks Davis' Aquarius Symbol
  9. KK looks like XX because it means Left-Brained Thinking. It's XX Female leaning toward the West Coast or Washington State.
  10. God is to the Left while Maine (Ma in E or the Ma/Sun) is to the Upper Right.
  11. The U.S. Geography was set up so that when you overlap the Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain on the U.S. Map, you are looking at the Geographical Representation of the Mind of God
  12. That's why U.S. translates to VII because U = V in Old Alphabet and S translates to 19 or (I)(I) because 1 = I in Roman Numerals and I is the 9th Letter.
  13. That's why when you see the "S" Symbol on the Superman Diamond Shield, it manifests itself as a "II" Gemini Symbol
  14. You can even warp the "S" on Superman where it almost looks like a 9 meaning I the 9th letter, which is my First Initial
  15. You can even argue that the "S" looks like a 5. Five = Fe with IV in it. Fe = Iron. IV = Four. Fo u R = -I(I) in Union with(U) II(Gemini/R)
When it comes to William T. Riker, he and Kirk were both seen as similar because they were brash and had hot tempers. They were passionate. That's a variatino of the mingled personalities of me ad Davis:
  1. The reason why William T. Riker is Commander and serving under Picard is because it's specifically citing that Davis is Riker and I'm Picard
  2. The reason why Davis was born in Pennsylvania (PA) is because it's was named after WILLIAM Penn
  3. That's why you have WILLIAM Riker
  4. My Initials are "IR," and RI/ker is RI meaning the opposite
  5. RI = Rhode Island and the 13th State inducted on 5/29, which is my birthday
  6. 13 = Bad Luck
  7. If RI/13 = Bad Luck, then IR/31 = Good Luck. E = 31st Letter when you cycle around the 26 Letter Alphabet
  8. RI/K-ER = Bad(RI) Aquarius(K/11) Final(ER)
  9. It means the final position for Davis. However, if Davis chooses to discard the Title, it still falls back on me as a variation of my personality
In the Original Star Trek Missions, Captain Kirk would beam down to the Planet. In the Next Generation, Captain Picard was always on the U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge. It would be Riker who would go on the Away Missions.

This is a very important point to make because it talks about the relationship between me and Davis. If anyone tries to dispute who is really the True Captain, it would be me. So if anyone, especially in the Black Community, tries to complain saying that I'm manipulating Davis or that he's the one who is truly leading and I'm just free-loading, that's a load of crap.

Davis can complain and say that he's doing all the work, but when it comes to RANK and AUTHORITY, I outrank him. That's why I'm Captain of the Enterprise and Davis is the one who should be going on the Away Missions and doing the work. I'm the Picard and taking care of the cerebral aspect of things and doing all the thinking. Davis thinks that he does all the work. What he doesn't realize is that he's serving as an Agent and working for a larger cause.

Commander Riker was involved with Counselor Troi. They had this Psychic Link called Imzadi when they bonded. IM/ZA-Di = Sun(I+M=V) Aquarius(Z) God(A) Non-Self. That's the link that Davis had with me as Commander Riker and where I was Counselor Troi. However, you see in "Star Trek: Nemesis" how the link is severed. They're sleeping together and Troi wakes up in shock saying that the Link is broken.

That's because Davis was PUMPING garbage into my mind with his bad ideas. Davis was using a lot of guilt trips on me because last year when I was doing my Training in the Psychic Realm, I was indisposed. I was training and learning all these Psychic Abilities and not actively participating in the business. I was going through changes or a metamorphosis. So Davis felt justified in coming to me saying that he felt justified in coming to me to go ask my mom for money to keep the business afloat because if I'm not "contributing" as a business partner, there needs to be some compensation.

I'd feel guilty and so I would go and ask my mom for help. That's why Davis finally screwed up because even after he failed to pay back those other 5 times (excluding the times he borrowed a couple hundred dollars here and there), he lobbied for me to convince my mom to put the $15,000 into a refinancing with Dave Summers for the Condo. I made the mistake of telling how my mom hasn't been reimbursed by the other money that Davis has borrowed and so she withdrew from the money on her house to and her retirement money to pay off this $15,000 debt with GM Credit Card.

Davis pounced all over that, and I wouldn't hear the end of it. Every day from November 2004 to December 15, 2004, he'd always ask me if I'd talked to my mom yet about persuading her to put the money into the refi with Dave. He even wrote an impassioned letter on how "unfortunate it is that I'm seen as a bum."

That whole situation was a Sting Operation to catch Davis in a lie and get him off my back when it comes to him trying to guilt trip me more. By showing how he screwed up with money, it robbed him of being able to try asking my mom for more money.

It was a painful hit that my family had to take, but it was for the greater good. This contributes to the whole Jesus Christ Phenomenon where you have to have someone suffer through senselss SHIT because of others in order to reinforce Jesus Christ's claims. By showing how Davis as a Black Person screwed up money and made things worse, it weakens the claim that the Black Community has about how the Blacks are the "true Saviors" of the human race because they helped get me to where I needed to go.

That's why in "Aladdin," you see Ali as the Street Rat(Davis) trick the Genie(Rod)
  1. Ali tricks the Genie into getting them out of the Cavern that had been sealed shut
  2. Early in the scene, you see Robin Williams as the Genie having all kinds of multiple personalities and imitating Arsenio Hall and Ed Sullivan
  3. You see Ali lean over to Abu and whisper that he thinks the Genie is crazy. That would be Rod/Me whom people think is nutty or has a few screws loose in his head

Don't forget that the whole Genius vs. Insanity Aspect is that fine line. To some people I'd be be a certified nutcase. To others, I'd be perceived as a brilliant genius because I pull information from all over the board. That's why Ulysses S. Grant who who graduated 2nd from the bottom from West Point was celebrated as a brilliant war hero because of his unorthodox strategies during the Civil War. Sadly enough, when he was President, he had one of the most corrupt Cabinets because he hired all his friends who were more interested in serving themselves.

That's because in my case, I don't have the Luxury of hiring the brilliant, ethical, and intelligent staff that I'd like because the people whose Conscious Minds are qualified to translate and understand what I'm teaching to move on and become exemplary role models don't believe in the Psychic Realm. Of the people who do believe me, they're unqualified intellectually at this juncture to be of use in any capacity.

So basically I have to run this ship alone. That's why in "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones," you see how you've got Jengo Fett as the cloned Imperial Fighter:
  1. Jengo Fett = J en Go Fe/TT
  2. J = 10th Letter
  3. Capricorn = 10th Sign
  4. EN = Opposite of NE
  5. NE = Northeast/Maine
  6. EN = California/Los Angeles/Heaven
  7. Go = Green/God
  8. Fe = IRon
  9. IRon = IR Activated(On)
  10. TT = Non-Female (Male)
That's why I'm Jengo Fett. I had to CLONE my personality onto all those "Worker Bees" that serve as the Subconscious Minds.

That's why in "Matrix Reloaded," you see the Black and White Variations of my Personalit. On one hand, you have Neo where the Operator says, "He's doing his Superman Thing again." Then you've got the other variation of me as Agent Smith. Notice that he's going around cloning himself. He shoves himself into the chest of other Agents and possesses them.

THAT is what has been going on in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm. I've been replicating myself like a V/IR u S, meaning Sexual(V/Sun) God(IR) in Union with(U) Superman(S).

I'm a VIRUS. That's how you get VA/MP-IR-ES, meaning the Virgin/IA(Virgin II) Military Police(MP) God(IR) Washington(ES/NE/WA).

That's why I get so upset because I keep warning people OVER and OVER and OVER again that you do NOT want me in Control. You don't want to have all the Control in the hands of one Individual becaus they'll impress their Ideals on EVERYONE. And not everyone wants to be a "Rod." That's why Rod is slang for Dick. You don't want to be a DICK DI/CK = Non-Self(Di/Non-Id) Clark Kent(CK).

You will lose your Individuality and what makes you special.

That's why later on when people come praising me and begging me to be the King and assume the Throne and Title, my answer is NO.

That's why you see that scene in "Smallville" where the Father Jor-El says in a booming ominous voice from the Spaceship, "It's your Destiny to rule over the Planet Earth." You see Clark Kent say, "No, I don't want to." That was me. I don't want to rule over the People.

That's why Aragorn/Strider in "Lord of the Rings" doesn't want to be King and assume the Throne. To be honest, I haven't see the last movie "Return of the King" so I really don't know how it ends. I watched the Cartoon, but I vaguely remember how it ends. I'm sure there's a happy ending, but I just don't know what it is. I should probably go watch the DVD so I know how it ends.

The point I'm trying to make is that you have all these people that are all ignorant of what's going on. Because I'm not getting any help here, you see this two-faced aspect of the Gemini Twin where I'm playing the Role of both Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. I'm both Superman and Lex Luthor. When you see the conflict between Superman fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Way, it's going up against Lex Luthor who is the Corrupt Business Mind obsessed with Power.

Everybody's got it. When you take Corrupt Business Sense (Lex Luthor Ideals) and balance them out with Humanitarian Efforts (Superman), you get a NORMAL Person. That's why when you watch the cartoon "Jackie Chan," you see this episode where Good Jackie who'se a total wuss who hates to hurt people and bursts into tears like a little girl and Bad Jackie who is a badass, selfish, and mean person get separated.

That's why I keep talking about how God and Satan are just different aspects of the same personality. With the Psychic Powers that allow me to manage over the Planet and the Forces of Nature, it's balanced. If you take Good Rod who is the nice, sweet person who is forgiving and the eternal optimist, you get God. If you take Selfish, Mean, Conceited, Arrogant Rod and couple them with Command over the Forces of Nature, you get Satan.

If you were to split apart those two personalities, that's how you get God and Satan. However, when you smoosh both personalities together, you get a REGULAR human being. However, you'd like to think that the we lean more toward Goodness. That's why I'm the "Average" person. When you combine everyone on the Planet, you'll pretty much get a Rod.

Although people think that the Cosmos or the Universe is something Ethereal, Life tends to mimic itself on all levels. My current theory is that even the Sun started out with its own problems and pondering Self-Identity, but it probably figured out its issues after a couple million years of sitting around. The Earth probably had some issues, schizophrenia, and trying to determine its place in the Universe as well, but after a while, it got so old and had enough time to think it over that it came to terms with it.

If you think about yourself, imagine if you had one Tiny Brain Cell that is to serve as the Number 1 Brain Cell that all other Brain Cells answer to. That's what it's like, I'm the Number 1 Brain Cell for the Planet. Now imagine yourself as Planet Earth. If you were a big-ass Planet you probably are aware and conscious of things, but you're really not THAT worried or concerned about what your brain cells and blood cells on your body are doing. It's just too microscopic for you to worry about.

You can look at your hand, notice that it's aching, and you can massage it, but you can't really go to every individual blood cell and say, "Hey, how are you doing? Are you okay?" You just group your hand as one appendage.

That's the same thing with the Sun and Earth. Probably on some level they're conscious of me(Rod). However, in the whole general scheme of things, they've probably got Cosmic Problems of their own that we aren't aware of.

Ever notice how the Sun has Coronas or Black Spots? How do you know that the Sun doesn't have indigestive problems? How do you know that the Sun isn't suffering from its own form of Cancer, Illness, or problems? How do you know that the Solar System isn't function like a store working for the "Galaxy" Corporation where it needs to come up with a certain amount of Particles in order to considered a "Productive" Star?

If you think about it, Blood Cells in our body have NO clue whatsoever about what the NASDAQ, Politics, Cell Phone Bills, or whatever that the Human Body they reside in has to take care of. They're all self-absorbed in their own existence. That's the same thing for Human Beings. You don't know what kind of responsibilities the Sun has. How do you know that the Sun isn't an Employee of a larger entity and is required to come up with a certain output?

Because we're so small and ridiculously tiny in respect to the Universe, you don't see that. How do you know that each of the Stars all work for some Galactic Business and are supposed to be producing something?

It wouldn't surprise me because all things have to survive. Most things aren't for free. You have to survive. You don't just sort of come into existence and think that everything is just handed to you. In order to survive, you need to consume and eat things. In the case of the Sun, it's always creating Fire or burning things for whatever reason it's a ball of Light. Sure, it may have enough energy to last for a couple million or billions of years, but it will eventually burn out. It just follows a larger biological clock and its life span is much longer than that of the typical human being.

That's why I sometimes feel sorry for the Sun just sitting around watching the Planet Earth circle around it like an Planetary Ant Farm. I contemplated such things as:
  • "Does the Sun have feelings?"
  • "Does the Sun ever Fall in Love?"
  • "Does it ever get lonely?"
I can tell you that the Sun does know what Love is. However, it takes more than Love. When you start getting into the Complexities of what makes a Society become a Remarkable Civilization, it takes a set plan that needs to be put in motion that will organize everything.

Getting back to Star Trek, the Mother played by Majel Barrett and the real wife of Gene Roddenberry was always flirting with Picard. He was always trying to get rid of the Mother who was always hitting on Captain Picard. I'll never forget that one scene where he has to take Counselor Troi's mother back and has them going at Warp 9:
  1. Majel Barrett = Ma/J-El Ba/RR-E/TT
  2. Ma = Mother
  3. J = Capricorn/10
  4. El = "The" in Spanish (Defined)
  5. Ba = "Spirit/Soul" in Egyptian
  6. RR = Gemini Gemini
  7. E = Sun
  8. TT = Male/Non-T/Non-Female
Notice the Doubles in her name. Double means Pair. Pa/IR = Father God(IR). IR is for my Initials.

That's why the Voice of the Enterprise is Majel Barrett.That's why there's that one funny scene where one of the Captains asks for Coffee, and the Ship's Computer sports an attitude and says, "Make it yourself."

There was even an episode in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" that refers to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. I had said that I'm the Virgin Mary and I'm the real U.S.S. Enterprise in human form. There was one episode where this Alien Helix Form is born in Cargo Bay and starts reconfiguring the Ship's Systems. It taps into the Holodeck and starts learning.

It reconfigures all the Systems within the Ship and takes over. It was trying to find energy and it runs into a problem. So the Crew of the Enterprise find a way to communicate with it through the Holodeck. You see where Worf is forced to help by shoving coal into the Furnace of the Train. Even though it seems like nothing, it's symbolic or an analogy of how Worf was contributing.

The way that the Alien Life Form was communicating was by using examples or Symbols. That's the way the Sun and Earth are communicating. The Alien Life Form was exploring the ship's systems and testing things out. It was looking at the Ship's Shields and used the Symbol of a Knight. The Mafia Person was the Ship's Weapons.

There's that once scene where Data walks into the 1940s and follows this Mobster who goes and takes a Brick and inserts it into the Wall completely it. It was symbolic of the lsat piece that was needed. You could argue that I'm the Final Brick needed to complete the structure.

There's that scene where Data is tapping into the Systems in the Holodeck and how he had to stop a Taxi Cab that was trying to run him over. He's kneeling and recalibrating the System while his hand is holding the fender of the Taxi Cab and preventing the cab from running him over.

In the Psychic Realm, that's the Super Powers that translate over to Superman, Wonder Woman, Data, Picard, Phoenix, Hulk, etc. all doing Super Human Feats around the Planet to get things going. If you want to pretend that the Planet Earth is a Planet-Sized U.S.S. Enterprise orbiting around the Sun that is E/AR-TH, that also works as well. You get that whole ME (Sun as E/AR-TH) and our planet as Minime (Mini-Earth or Earth Jr.) that is the offspring of the Sun.

You could claim it's the whole Pygmalion Theme where the Sun created the Planet Earth like one would a doll. If you imagine the Solar System as a playground and the Sun as an Artist, created the Planets in its Solar System as decorations in tis home and Earth is its Pet Project.

Haven't you noticed that people who are not Physically Attractive wil go online and create a Game Character the way they want or how they wish they could be? You could argue that the Sun did the same thing.

She acknowledges that she's a Ball of Fire. You can't really do much as a Ball of Fire. You can't touch anything without it burning to a crisp. All you've got at your disposal is Gravitational Forces. So all you can do is just shift things around using those Forces to set things in place. Now imagine if the Sun created the Earth as a "Video Game Character" or something symbolic of how she wishes she could look.

Notice how all the Stars are Yellow. When it comes to Human Psychology and Stratification, people will try to differentiate themselves or do something to make themselves look different. Women do this all the time where they adjust their hair, wear certain clothes, and put on make-up.

Now imagine the Sun as being a Woman or Female and does the same thing with the Solar System if it was her body. She decides to add Planet here. Add a planet there. Color the Planets using different Elements and Compositions. Add a couple of moons orbiting around those Planets.

When I make Video Game Characters, I like to do the same thing. I like to fix the hair on my Game Characters a certain way. When people play the "Sims" by EA Games, they do the same thing with how they make their characters. Stretch that time peirod out over a couple billion years and instead of Game Characters pretend they're planets. Then you'll understand what it's like to be a Sun floating in Space.

I don't know about you, but if I was a big-ass Sun floating in Space, I'd get extremely bored and try to think up ways to pass the time and entertain myself.

Getting back to Counselor Troi, that's the Fe-Male variation of me:
  1. Commander Troi was an Empath
  2. Troi was Psychic
  3. I'm Psychic
  4. T/RO-I = Female(T) Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-V) God(I)
That I is there for a reason. You can even translate it the other way:
  1. Troi = TR/OI
  2. TR = Opposite of RT
  3. Rt =Right
  4. TR = Left
  5. Washington State symbolizing God is Left
  6. My Mother's Initials are TR
    O = Sun
  7. I = Sun
  8. (O)I = (I)I
  9. II = Gemini
  10. TR(OI) = TR(II)
  11. TR/II = Rod's Mother Gemini
My mom is extremely intuitive. Regardless of whatever hang-ups people have about me and if they think I'm a fruit loop talking about Psychic Powers, you can't hold anything against my Mother:
  1. My mother's mind is as sharp as a Whip
  2. That woman has two Bachelor's Degrees in Psychology and Sociology
  3. She has a Masters Degree in Education
  4. She taught Remedial English for 28 years
  5. She graduated from the University of the Philippines in 1961
  6. I said when you add up all the Letters on the Compass (N/14 + W/23 + S/19 + E/5), you get 61, which brings you back to the Letter "I" for God (26+ 26 + 9)
  7. I = My First Initial, meaning ONE for God
When I was growing up, I could NEVER get away with anything. My mom had a 6th Sense and she could always tell when I ddi something. She always knew when something was going on. That's why I inherited my mom's reasoning skills and they're even sharper because they employ the Psychic Abilities I have.

That's why Davis or anyone thinks they can outsmart me, I'll always get wind of it. A person can fool me for a little while with their antics and shit like any little kid that can deceive their parents, but I will ALWAYS eventually uncover the Truth.

That's why as a Lawyer, I'm Ma-T/LO-CK or Mother(Ma) Female(T) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15) Clark Kent(CK). Matlock was from Georgia. GA = God(G) God(A). or II/Gemini.

If you pay attention to the way that Matlock would solve mysteries and catch the guilty person by tricking them on the Witness Stand, THAT WOULD BE ME. The same thing goes for Columbo with Peter Falk. Rod is slang for Penis. Peter is slang for Penis. P/ET-ER = Gemini Leo Female(P/16) Alien(ET) Final(E+R=W).

People would always laugh at Columbo because he was cross-eyed, seemingly absentminded, and asked the STUPIDEST questions. However, when all was said and done, he'd always catch the culprit because they'd underestimate Columbo's intelligence.

That's why when it comes to people who think they're smarter than me and can trick me, my Subconscious Mind will cause me to ask seemingly irrelevant questions that have nothing to do with anything, but they end up revealing something that incriminates the guilty party.

That's because my Subconscious Mind is playing a Chess Game that makes its moves days, weeks, months, or even YEARS into the future. That's why if you're LIAR, you'll always trip over yourself eventually because my Subconscious Mind will corner you into forcing your hand into saying something that will be used against you in a Court of Law in the Psychic Realm.

That's because slippery and connoving people will try to avoid getting caught by being vague and where you don't catch them in a lie or where they'll fudge the data over to cover their traicks. If you try to corner someone on a position, they'll try dodge the issue and avoid making any verbal commitment. The way my Subconscious Mind works is that it will trick that person into stating something that is similar in nature and states a certain position that they take on an issue and then retranslate it into a policy that is to be used against them because it's reflecting their very own words back at them.

That's why I'm the Magci M/IRR-Or:
  1. Mirror = M/IRR-OR
  2. M = Non-W/Non-Final (New)
  3. IRR = My Initials
  4. Or = V in Philosophy
  5. V = 5 in Roman Numerals
  6. Leo = 5th Sign
  7. M/IRR-Or = New(M) God(IRR) Sun(Or)
That's why my first initial is "I" and how you get Mohammed's saying, "An 'I' for an 'I.'" E/Ye = Sun Definite(Ye-The/Old English).

That's why you need to be careful with what you say to me. If you're lying, deceitful, or being selfish, it will come back as K/AR-Ma and bite you in the ass. If you're being selfish, I'm the M/IRR-Or and will reflect it back at you.

That's how you get that childhood rhyme:

I'm Rubber and you're Glue
Whatever you say bounces off me
And sticks on you

The Sun and Earth were smart. All the Childhood Rhymes that kids know are actually Prophetic and like "Magical Spells." When you integrate them with the Periodic Table and the Symbols found in the Alphabet, the Decryption Code actually reveals Stated Law in the Psychic Realm:
  1. Rubber = Ru/BB-ER
    Ru = 44 on the Periodic Table
  2. 44 = 4 x 11
  3. 4 = IV in Roman Numerals
  4. IV= God(I) Sun(V)
  5. God Sun = Sun Sun
  6. Sun Sun = Sun x Gemini(II)
  7. 11 = Aquarius or Humanitarian Ideals
  8. 11 looks like II in Roman Numerals when you roll back th Clock
  9. BB = B x 2
  10. B x 2 = Gemini(B) x Gemini(2/II)
  11. E/5 +R/18 = W/Final
  12. Ru/BB-ER = Aquarian Gemini Sun(Ru) Sun(BB/Non-5) Final(E+R)
  1. Glue = GL u E
  2. G = God
  3. L = Bad, Non-7, Non-Good
  4. U = In Union with
  5. E = Sun
When you're trying to act like "Glue" and create a "Sticky" situation, I'm the Rubber. That's why when you say you "Peel O u T" you burn Rubber and are Spinning your T/IR-ES, meaning your Female(T) God(IR) Washington(ES/NW/WA).

Are you starting to grasp how intricate and complex the Language is that the Sun and Earth created? This is just an example that showcases how brilliant the Intelligence of the Sun and Earth are. So if human beings think they can be smart asses and outsmart the Sun and Earth, they're mistaken.

Maybe con artists can fool me, but if they do, it's because the Sun and Earth LET them. It's only because you're being allowed. The Sun and Earth have been around for 4.55 billion years. They've seen all this SHIT over and over again. They already know what kind of bullshit antics sneaky minded people try to pull in order to pervert the system.

That's why if they really wanted to pull the Plug on the Human Race all they need is to fuel Anger and cause a Nuclear World War to obliterate the Planet. If Humankind decides to revolt, I can guarantee you that the Sun and Earth are going to out last humankind. If they wanted, they can obliterate all living things on the Planet by using Gravitational Forces to suck an Meteor into the Solar System that will collide with the Planet sending up a Mega Dust Cloud that will blot out the Sun and kill off everything just like it did with the Dinosaurs.

So if Humankind thinks they can outsmart the Sun and Earth they can WAIT you out. If they need to, they can wipe the slate clean by timing a huge Meteor that will slam into the Earth and reset everything in an Ice Age. It may take time, but the Sun really wants to start over, she can.

That's why even the Polar Ice Caps are finally starting to melt. It's because the Sun and Earth wanted human kind to populate certain areas of the Earth first before they migrate to other areas. Notice that if you have Global Warming, it will flood Florida and the ecosystem will shift where it will be warmer in the northern and southern hemispheres around the Planet making them more habitable.

Currently, the Wind Chill Factor and seasons in Northern Canada, Iceland, and Greenland are extremely cold. However, if you warm everything causing the Sea Levels to rise, you'll force migration of humans into the less populated areas. In fact, you'll even force people in the Coastal Areas to have move inland. The Water is being used as a tool to push people.

That's why if humans think they're so smart, they better think again.

When it comes to my hostility that may be perceived on any level with any minority or special interest group, Davis said it himself the other day. He was using the example of Child Molesters and talking about how you have Puppies that start off pristine. However, if you whip and beat a puppy and the remove him fro society, he says that puppy will grow up to be a vicious dog that will attack people.

He was Subconsciously stating the same thing about me. I used to be a really harmless person. I just listened to everybody, did what I was told, and was always accommodating. What Davis didn't realize is that my hostility toward him is because of many of the antics that he pulled on me. I used to trust him with EVERYTHING. Whatever he told me, I would believe it. I never had reason to question him. Why should I?

He didn't realize he was being tricked into giving an example of how you take one person, mistreat that individual, and see how that person turns out.

What Davis and most people don't realize is that when you use your CHARM and assertive/dominant personality to give people bad ideas and force them to believe in things that go against people, it's INTELLECTUAL RAPE:
  1. I said that in Mythology, planting Ideas or thoughts is God Seed or God Sperm fertilizing the Mind, which is an Intellectual Female Vagina
  2. That's why the Planet Earth is a Planet-Sized Ovum.
  3. When you throw seeds into the ground, that's a representation of the fertilizatino process
  4. Imagine the Brain as an Intellectual Ovum being seeded with Ideas
  5. When you Lie and plant BAD ideas into someone who doesn't believe it or want to believe it, but you FORCE it on them, THAT IS INTELLECTUAL RAPE
What it means is that you're FORCING someone to be seeded with an idea and impregnated with thought that they don't want.

For example, I know that some people don't like what they're reading from me. It's blasphemous, rude, and discomfiting to some people. When you reject that idea, that's you as a Female refusing to be impregnated with that thought. That's you as a Female rejecting the Sperm. It means you don't want that shit in your head.

When you become pregnant with thought and continue to think about that stuff, it means you're with Child and gave birth to the idea. By continuing to think about it and dwell on it, you're continuing to nurture that idea.

So when someone LIES to you and you believe it and you continue to nurture that belief, that's the development of a bad child that will grow up to be a Bad Idea/Criminal or Bad Adult that will hurt or harm a Good Idea/Good Person.

That's why I don't like Bad Ideas. You shouldn't either. When someone lies to you and feeds you crap and you believe it, that's giving birth to a false or bad child.

If you want to get religious, this is how you get the Prophecy about Satan and where people would follow a "False Prophet."
  1. Prophet = Profit
  2. Profit = Earning Income
  3. Prophet = Seer
  4. Davis is a FALSE PROFIT
Every time he keeps talking about how he's got money that he thinks he's going to close on in a deal, and doesn't come through, that's a False Profit and hwere you believed something you shouldn't have.

That's why in the last couple months, I've had to go in and do repairs on Davis' head. You should've seen the BIZARRE whacked out behavior that Davis had over the last 13 months. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. It's because he's one of the most easily influenced people.

That's why if any of the Black Community think they can herald Davis a brilliant person who they can listen to and follow, boy have I got news for you. He was so messed up in the head that every time I'd recalibrate the System, he was one of the FIRST who would go and do something bad because he didn't have enough reasoning skills to combat what he was doing.

People's minds are just like Video Game Characters where you have a Stat Sheet. Your behavior is influenced by your reasoning skills. When you do Roleplaying Games, you have stats on your Intelligence and Wisdom. When you have low Intelligence and Wisdom, you can be affected by Spells. You can have Mind Control cast on you. You can be overcome with Fear or fail to act. Those things all play a part in your behavior.

When it comes to Mind Control, you can pull that stuff off in the Psychic Realm. When you canvas a certain personality all over the Planet, people will start behaving a certain way and to certain varyin degrees based off of their "Saving Throws" and how well they're able to resist that Influence. That's why in my case, there are few things that phase me or will trick me.

The only time I can REALLY get affected is if people yell and scream at me. The initial brunt of being yelled at will usually cow me into submission. However, in the long run, when I review a case and what someone has said, I'll compare it to data I receive, deliberate, and then pass a ruling. So you can yell at me and "stun" me temporarily. However, once I'm out of your influence and able to sit and ruminate over what you said, if I come across new information provided to me that says contrary, that effect will wear off. In the long term, people's yelling and screaming will usually be their undoing because it will shift something that will cause them to misstep or miscalculate.

People are weakest when they're angry. They'll say and do things they shouldn't be saying that will be turned and used against them.

That's how the Sun and Earth are being sneaky. They trick people into saying things ahead of time. While I like Davis a lot, you have to know how to deal with sneaky, slippery people. They're very sly. If you don't get them to take a stand on a position, document when they say something etc., when you try to call them on it, they'll say, "I never said that."

That's why with what I'm typing right now, it's being done YEARS ahead of time. This particular Journal Entry won't seem significant right now. To most people reading this, they'll be scratching their head or looking at me funny going, "Uh...Okay... So this guy keeps on rambling on and on about how he thinks he's Superman, Jesus Christ, some male Virgin Mary, and even God... What a nut."

However, don't forget we're talking about the Mind and the Psychic Realm where everything is conceptual. Everything takes place in the Mind and we're talking about a Psychic Game Grid.

One of my favorite shows was "Andromeda" with Kevin Sorbo as Captain Dylan Hunt. You see how there's only one Ship left and the Commonwealth was disbanded. The Andromeda was trapped on an Event Horizon. The Ship's Avatar is Rommie.

The IMDB Number is 213327. I said 10/21/2005 that 213 is for Wendy Iwaszuk's Birthday.

That's why in one of the first episdoes where these little brats try to take over the Ship Andromeda, Harper creates Romi as the Avatar. She walks in naked and alters the Gravity robbing all those kids of their power. It's called the Andromeda Ascendant because it's AA for Gemini(II) God(A).
  1. You had Tyr Anasazi of the Kodiak Pride who was the Black Nietzsche Warrior
  2. He was the manipulative Black person that was always trying to steal the Andromeda from Dylan.
  3. It was played by Keith Hamliton Cobb
  4. Keith starts with K
  5. K = 11th Letter
  6. Aquarius = 11th Sign
  7. Davis is an Aquarius
  8. Hamilton is for Alexander Hamilton
  9. The original person in charge of Blue/Knowledge last year was Alexandria Joy (AJ), which is the Mirror Image of LA.
  10. Notice how Cobb was no longer on the show after 2003.
That's just showing how Davis as "K" was removed or edited out. Regardless of whatever the reason that Keith left, it's just showing the movements. You see how his scenes were deleted in "Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor." I said God is a Director. When you don't get credit, you get deleted. That's why Film Editor has the Initials FE for IRON, which is me. I'll edit the Film, and I'll cut you out and remove you :P.

That's why I have a cousin named Keith who married Ritchie and they had a child named Isabelle on 3/11. My family tree has ben laced with all kinds of indicators.

It says that Keith is from North Tarrytown, New York renamed "Sleepy Hollow." I just watched "Batman Begins" on DVD. Davis made a slip-up yesterday when he was mentioning Harry Potter and said Harriet Tubman. In "Batman Begins," it talks about the Underground Railroad under Wayne Manor. Harriet Tubman was associated with Kellie from two weeks ago because there was a picture in her Picture Gallery for Playboy that shows her stepping out of the Tub. Harri/ET = Harr(Y) Alien(ET). T u B = Female in Union with B/2/Gemini.:
  1. Underground Railroad has the initials URR
  2. U = V in Old Alphabet
  3. V = Sun
  4. Sun = God
  5. I = God
  6. U = I
  7. (U)RR = (I)RR
  8. IRR = My Initials
That's why it's talking about how the Underground Railroad used to help slaves escape is also in reference to the other variation of me trying to escape "Slavery" from Davis. It's the Inversion.

On a side note, I'd like to point out Cillian Murphy in "Batman Begins"
  1. He played Jonathon Crane
  2. He is born 5/25/76
  3. That is the exact day and year and Bliss/Christine Thomas.
  4. Cillian Murphy is Scarecrow
  5. You have "Scarecrow and Mrs. King"
  6. Bliss was against me and even said that I should go in for Psychiatric Evaluation.
  7. Dr. Crane was a twisted or demented villain
If Scarecrow is the Villain and born on Bliss' B-Day, she's Scarecrow. She's against me so that would make me Batman :P.

That's why the Black Community will get the Ultimate Shock of their Lives when they discover that they were guilty of Slavery in the Worst Way. The reason why they had to endure hundreds of years worth of slavery is because it was them paying for their Sins EARLY through Davis because he was going to enslave me :P.

He borrowed all that money off my family and he still doesn't think he owes any of it and is doing it as a favor and because of "Karma." In his own rationale, he really doesn't think he has done anything wrong. That's why he got so pissed at Lenny's Reading even though Lenny's Psychic Abilities have proven true on five occasions. Lenny is actually intuitive.

However, Davis doesn't want to believe that Lenny is Psychic because Davis didn't like Lenny's Reading that he's a Con Artist and a Scam. By acknowledging that Lenny is a True Psychic and his Readings are accurate, Davis would be incriminating himself. That's why he was quick to pick apart every little line that Lenny said about him.

Davis didn't even listen carefully when I read it on the phone. It was funny. Davis was trying to put up this whole argument on how it's inaccurate and untrue. I told Davis that you're not supposed to take things literally when it comes to interpretations.

However, Davis went on for about whole half hour on the Defensive. Usually, people who don't care or have a problem will just shrug it off. People who protest the most are usually trying to rationalize things.

Getting back to "Andromeda," Laura Bertram is Trance Gemini:
  1. She was originally covered in Blue and with a Devil's Tail
  2. She was all bouncy, happy, and fluffy. That was me
  3. Then she gets total make-over where she's gold-plated. That's because the Sun is Gold/Yellow
  4. She's Trance Gemini because I'm Gemini and I put people in a Trance and get them to Subconsciously do things for me
  5. Laura Bertram = LA u Ra Be-Rt./Ram
  6. LA = Los Angeles (Heaven)
  7. U = In Union WIth
  8. Ra = Egyptian Sun God
  9. Be = 25 (Jesus Christ)
  10. Rt. = Right/Correct
  11. Ram = Aries (IR/I-ES)
That's why there was that scene where it hints about how Trance Gemini is a wayward traveler, but is actually a Goddess in Disguise.

Steve Bacic is Telemachus Rhade(TR). TR is my Mom's Initials. He was the Assistant Captain that ends up betraying Dylan. There is this scene where they were playing a board game and Rhade was cheating and stealing pieces.

DYLAN: You've been cheating all this time!

RHADE: It's legal as long as you don't get caught.

That was a perverted version about winning. Technically, that's another variation of me. I've been walking around just "taking things" in the Psychic Realm and nobody's been stopping me because nobody actually believes that I have Psychic Abiliites. I've been just walking up and claiming it as my own:
  1. The actor who plays Rhade was born in 1965.
  2. 65 = 5 x 13 for Sunny Leone's Birthday.
  3. He was born 3/13, which is 313 for "Taxi" with Queen Latifah
  4. He was Hank McCoy in "X2"
  5. Hank McCoy = Beast
  6. I said 10/9/2005 Kellie is Beast and Kelsey Grammer
  7. K = 11th Letter
  8. Aquarius = 11th Sign
  9. Davis is an Aquarius
There's a reason why the Ku Klux Klan starts with the Letter K as 11 for Aquarius, which is Davis' Sign. What it means is that when you have TOO MUCH Aquarius, it's bad.

Look at the Length of my friggin' posts. LONG-ASS Journal Entries. You numb people with your ramblings of Information. It's too much. That's the same thign with DROWNING people with too much information. That's what Aquarius is the Water Bearer.

In "Andromeda," the Race of Superior people were called the Nietzsche.

Nietszche says, "God is Dead"
God says, "Nietszche is Dead."

Tyr was sneaky just like Davis. I had to replace Davis' mind and clean it up.

Davis was given Jail Time and has a spotted record. He was most likely innocent as he claims, but if you want to go strictly by the record, Davis went to jail first and I currently have no felonies of any sort in my name. I have never been in trouble with the Law to where I had to spend time behind bars. Even if something technically happened where I'm incarcerated for whatever bogus claim, as of today, I have NEVER been in Jail.

This comes back to the whole reason why you have a hidden language that people aren't aware of. I keep talking about Numbers and how they're ways that the Subconscious Mind is leaking information. When word gets out and people really are aware that it's a form of communication, DEVIOUS people trying to exploit the language will start consciously choosing Numbers and tilting the information in their favor.

That's why all the records and dates predating February 2004 before any of this happened that have tags that indicate when the file was made and that it hasn't been tampered with after February 2004 are 99.9% accurate because it was before anyone knew, including me, about the hidden language.

The problem with people's Blog Entries and what you see now is that sly people can start planning and doctoring the Numbers. Currently, I say, "Numbers never lie." As things stand, that's currently a true statement. However, never underestimate the human mind when it sets itself to something and tries to solve a problem or overcome an obstacle.

Probably in some way, you could pervert the numbers to suit your own purposes. However, this is the reason why you have 2,000 years worth of documented history where specific events happened on a very particular day. That chronological time stamp always had a significance and it's near impossible to destroy information that is witnessed such events and wrote it down.

The way that it was desigend was hwere even if people fail to agree on anything, any time you hop around the circle of musical chairs, someone in that group will makes ure that a variation of the Truth is protected or maintained because it's in their best interest.

This comes back to why I talk about how both the Black and White Communities have been set up to where if they want to dispute claims about anything in my Journal, it will be like political parties. When I don't have the support of the Black Community, I can count on Caucasians to defend the aspects of variations of the Truth in my Journal that they embrace. When the White Community tries to dispute a claim in my Journal that is against the Black Community, I can count on the Black Community to switch sides and protect my claims stated within my Journal.

This is why Referees wear White and Black Stripes like hte Zebra:
  1. Zebra = Z-EB/Ra
  2. Z = Hardented 2 for Aquarius or Fixed Gemini
  3. EB = 52 or VII for God(V) Communication(II)
  4. Ra = Egyptian Sun God
The reason why you have the Bra is because it's what holds the Breasts up. Breasts of a Goddess in Mythology symbolize Knowledge and nurturing an idea once it is implanted or seeded as an Idea that impregnates the mind.

This comes back to why Lesbians and Man-Haters are being hypocritical when they go off on males being dumb. When you create new ideas such as Hatred, you're taking on the role of a "Male God" planting or seeding ideas in the form of Hatred in someone's minds when you convert them over to your way of thinking.

So every time a Lesbian keeps poisoning people's minds claiming that men are stupid, idiotic, low-life scum, and a pariah on the Planet, they're actually being a "Bad Male" because they're "Intellectual Sperm" is impregnanting/fertilizing/seeding those thoughts in other people.

So they're becoming the very people they despise:
  1. Male = Ma/Le
  2. Ma = Mother
  3. Le = "The" in French
  4. The = Definite Article (Defined/Definite)
  5. Fr. = French/France
  6. Fr. = Father
  7. Father = Male/'Guy
That's why it's possible for Men to take on Feminine roles regardless of whatever Physical Genitilia they are in possession of.

This is advantageous to Lesbian and Gay Couples because it means that even if two people are of the same sex, they can take on Mother and Father roles. Homosexuality is NOT a Sin against God.

This brings us back to why it's important that you have one individual who takes on the role of "God." Figuratively speaking, I don't want the Title. However, I've also learned that you can't just walk away from it. If you don't take the Title, someone else will and you can't guarantee that they're going to uphold the same beliefs as you and be trustworthy.

That's why when it comes to the Rules of Conquest with Warlords, any time you show weakness, someone else is going to rise up and take over. That's the natural balance in the Animal Kingdom. If you're weak, another person is going to come challenge your authority and take over.

That's why when I had a project that threw me into debt August 2003, the person who took it was "Chris" for CHRISTopher/CHRISTian. He was given a very specific name. He literally stole the project out from under my company. It was illegal because we own the rights to the Project and it's registered with the Writer's Guild Association. He got away with it (For now.).

However, the whole irony is that it was showing what happens when you're nice. I'm sure in some perverted way, Chris's Conscious Mind may be a good person, but he was slated to do what he had to do to teach a lesson of how WHITE people can screw you over.

So now I can bash on WHITE people.

If Black people reading my Entries think I'm just targetting them, the White Community is just as guilty. However, I'd also like to point out that you won't hear any White People crying out "White Discrimination." I'm almost sure that if I was to go on a White-Bashing Binge, White People would take it better than Black People.

If I was to slander the White Community, do you think the White People would be up in arms and behave just like the Black People. I'm guessing no.

The point I'm trying to make is that Black People are oversensitive, and I know how that is because the whole scenario was set up where if a Black person goes off on me saying, "You don't know what it's like to be Black and live in Poverty."

Well, ACTUALLY, yes I do. IN FACT, I can thank a BLACK person for shoving me into Poverty.

Now are you starting to see how devious the Sun and Earth are when they created this little mind game? It was to hold the Black Community in check by turning the tables on them and having THEM have a representative who committed ALL the crimes against them performed by a BLACK person to a Jesus Christ Figure.

While the White Community may share the same reservations and doubts about all these claims I make about being a Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, and God Figure, they'll understand in the whole rationale of WHY I had to get a whole bunch of SHIT dumped on my head executed by a Black person.

It gives me the power to pass judgment on Black people that other White people cannot. I can say things to Black People that White People cannot.

A White Person cannot effectively challenge a Black Person on anything in today's society because it will be viewed as Racial Discrimination. Even if it's not. It could be that the White Person REALLY DOES have a valid claim against a Black Person. However, all Black person has to do is just claim it's an issue of Skin Color and that they didn't get what they wanted because they were Black and that if they had been White Person, they would've gotten it.

In my case, I literally CAN go after Black People and CALL them on their mistakes because THEY wronged me in the same way that they've been wronged.

In fact, if you go by who got wronged the most recently, it would be ME (Rod). My issuance into slavery, financial ruin, and such all happened withn the last two years. Most of the Black People that are crying Racial Discrimination are voicing what was taught to them by their Parents and Grandparents and over things that happened a minimum of 40 or 50 years ago.

A majority of the White Community is no longer discriminatory and it's the Children and Grandchildren of the White Community that are getting punished for the actions of their ancestors whom they may be nothing like at all.

Do you see any people going up to those of German descent saying, "You're a NAZI and a Jewish Hater because you're GERMAN."

90% of the time that's an absurd claim. You can't judge the children of German people as being that way. Even if their Parents or Grandparents were involved in the Holocaust and sent Jewish people to be incinerated themselves, you can't blame the children for having them as ancestors. That's not their fault.

As anyone knows, if there is any observed hatred on the part of Caucasians, it's most likely based off a different Hatred and not the original Hatred. The Hatred and Discrimination you may be viewing of White people against Blacks is because there are angry White people that think that the Black people are getting off easy and sliding by because they claim that any time thye don't get what they want, it's racially motivated.

That's why Bill Cosby turned around and shocked the Black Community in certain circles by talking about how the Black people have dropped the Ball and aren't carrying out their responsibilities.

Amusingly enough Bill Cosby or WI-LL/I-Am Cosby to be more exact is an Agent of the System:
  1. William = WI-LL/I-Am
  2. WI = Wisconsin, which is inducted as the 30th State on 5/29, which is my birthday
  3. LL = Opposite of L, meaning 7 for Good Luck
  4. I = God
  5. Am = Non-Ma, Father
Sadly enough, there's a reason why his Son was murdered. It's of Religious Significance because we're taking about a Father(God) and Son(Jesus Christ) Context. His Son was killed in a "senseless" act of violence.

This comes back to how the Subconscious Mind of Bill Cosby and the Subconscious Mind of his Son are part of the System and knew what had to be done. It was a sacrifice that had to be carried out. This is why the Subconscious Mind is not allowed to reveal information or has been silenced. At most, the Subconscious can drop hints and tell indirectly about things, but it's not allowed to just outright say it.

That's why you need to be a Good Listener. When you talk to people, there's another layer of communication going on that is exchanging between your Subconscious Mind and whomever you're on the Phone with.

That's the Spy Network of "God." That's why I know things. Everything mirrors each other. So when something happens to someone else, I know that it's the Subconscious Minds of the System that are creating an analogy or passing on encoded information on what's happening.

That's my Bullshit Detector.

So if you're lying to me, I'll know because I'll get readings from teh Environment. There will be a shift or a "disturbance in the Force" that will tip me off as to what's going on.

Did you know that it's EXACTLY the 2-month Anniversary of that Car Accident on the Raceway that killed 2 people?

I got furious with Davis because I knew what caused that accident. It's an International Raceway (IR, for my initials). That night, Davis tried to borrow more money from me and he ticked me off because he's borrowed so much money as it is. He always keeps on claiming about how he's such an expert closer and can make money. He's said that for over TWO YEARS.

If he's that brilliant of a closer, why is he still broke and over $60,000 in debt? He had a debt incurred that I wasn't aware of when I went into business with him March 2003. He even had a criminal record that I wasn't even aware of. So when he was having me have all the money written out and had me signing checks, he didn't tell me about all this old debt.

One of the things he says is sabout how "I always had control of the money." That may be true and in certain cases I could have been more assertive in what expenditures could be. However, we were still in a new business relationship, and I trusted his judgment. I didn't see any reason not to. Plus, Davis paints a rosy picture of himself and glosses over the fact that when he'd have me write checks and I'd ask why, he'd say to just "Production Assistant."

He's lied on numerous occasions about what the money was being used for. In one case, he had me write out a check for "Acting Lessons" for $200 and to make the check out to Stacy Roach. There was a film shoot that took place this person's house where Davis had "paid" for usage of Daryl's house in San Diego. When I was eating the Bean Dip of the Nachos, I noticed the name scribbled on the Tupperware and the namw as Roach.

The $200 for that check written had NOTHING to do with Actiing Lessons. This is how SNEAKY Davis is. This has nothing to do with Skin Color. However, it's pointing out how if the Black Community tries to go off on me about being unfair to them, I have a whole SHITLOAD of proof of bad behavior.

In Davis' case on 8/22/2005, I was furious with him because he was being shady again.

As a matter of fact, Davis said that he wanted to drive down to pick up a different car in San Diego to replace the current car he's driving that has problems. Out of pity, I scrounged up some money and put $30 in his gas tank and gave him $30 so he could drive down there to switch cars.

He was supposed to do that Thursday. He didn't want to do drive down during traffic and said he didn't get to drive down Thursday because he overslept. When I called him this afternoon, I asked if he drove down to pick up the car. He said that he did, but he said he wasn't able to exchange cars because he doesn't have license tags and when it comes to the brakes on the car, he would've had to have waited.

So it means that it was a waste of money. He just drove down to San Diego and blew $60. Considering that he has been "closing deals" and hasn't been paying me anything that he gest off those closes, why is it that I'm still paying out?

Sadly enough, I'm still under the suspicion that he didn't go down to San Diego at all and just kept the $30 for himself because he's in need of money. You just get suspicious like that because he's lied about other expenses and what he's done with the money.

He totally lied about the $15,000 that was supposed to go directly to Dave Summers. He never gave it to Dave on December 23, 2004. However, he flat out lied to me and came up with an excuse in early January 2005 saying, "Wow, I'm so surprised that Dave hasn't gone through with the refi yet. We need to pay him $350 for that minimum balance." It wasn't until March that he finally confessed that he had NEVER given Dave the money. In fact, he told Dave I was having family problems and that I hadn't come up with the money at all. He tried to make me look bad and as if I didn't dieliver. I delivered on my part.

Just this afternoon, Davis was FURIOUS about the Divination Reading that Lenny gave about him being a Con. He then insinuated that he was being lenient on me because if you look at the way that the $90,000 that was lost to Chris' "Mutiny" was because I had been too honest and revealed the budget. Chris then used that as leverage and that information to steal the project away from our company.

While that may be true that I was honest to fault, the fact of the matter is I WAS HONEST. When I went in trying to explain the reason why we were having budget problems, it was to smooth over communication. With Chris, he was making a big stink about how he thought that Davis was hoarding money and that the project was bigger than it was and that Davis was being stingy and trying to keep the money to himself. That was NEVER the case. It was Yoen K. who was keeping the money:
  1. Notice that the initials for Yoen K. are YK
  2. Y = Male
  3. K = 11th Letter
  4. Aquarius = 11th Sign
  5. Davis is an Aquarius
That's why the Guilty Finger STILL points back to Davis about the shit hie's pulled. That Letter "K" was intentionally placed in people's names because the Sun and Earth KNEW that people will try to cloud the evidence. However, that's why people were given specific names just like Temp Files.

Any Computer Programmer will tell you that when they assign Variables in Software Programs, they'll give certain Letter Designations or something that hints to the type of File it is or whatever purpose it serves. The Planet is a Super Computer and did the exact same thing. That's why I know how how to read the "God Software Program."

So when people try to BULLSHIT me, I can check. People think I don't have a way of checking if you're lying, but that's where all the Subconscious Minds on the Planet come in. One of those Subconscious Minds SOMEWHERE knows SOMETHING about what you did.

That's why if you FUCKING LIE TO ME, I will KNOW. I'll eventually find out because it will surface in the Associated Press, the Stock Market quotes, a Random Web Site Link via Google Search, or whatever. I'll know.

Taking it a step further, if Davis wants to play that game with me. When I caused a problem with the money in August 2003 not being delivered it was because I was being honest. When Davis screwed up the $15,000 I delivered that would've had $150,000 given to us from the Refinancing of Dave's condo, Davis didn't do it and he LIED about it.

In my case, my screw-up was because I was telling the Truth and it was turned against me. In Davis' case, the financial problems we're experiencing now and where we're delinquent on payment with basic necessities such as keeping the damn phone on are because he LIED and didn't turn over the $15,000 to Dave when he should have. Not only did he lie, but when he didn't use it for its intended use, he failed to reimburse my mom for it. He kept the money and spent it on his own stuff.

That's why if you're going to do the whole lying game with me, be prepared because I call you on it.

In the phone conversation I had with Davis where he was pissed off at Lenny's Reading and claming that it was inaccurate and wrong, the whole point of it was to trick Davis into saying something things that would reinforce my position.

One of the things he said was, "Since you're not the one who's dealing directly with the people, I'm the one who's liable for everything." That's a true statement. I'm the shy person. I don't like talking to people if I don't have to do so. Davis does. He's the one who talks directly to them. Because I don't, he feels justified in the way he conducts business and how he keeps the money for himself where he pays himself first.

That's exactly what the Sun and Earth wanted him to say. Because there's a mirror image. When you flip everything around where it comes to me managing the Psychic Realm as the "Psychic CEO" or the person who's directly dealing with the people, that same rule applies.

I AM THE ONE who has to deal with all the problems and crap that's going on around the Planet. Because I am the one taking FULL responsibility, people should not be questioning my motives of the way I conduct my business affairs. In the mean time while nobody believes that I have any influence over the Psychic Realm or that my decisions are that far-reaching where it influences everyone on the Planet, NOBODY should be questioning the way that I manage the Planet.

If you don't believe that I have any influence over the Planetary Functions, then we don't have a problem, do we?

What you don't know can't hurt you, right?

"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's."

If you don't think I have anything to do with what's going on with the Planet, the Forces of Nature, Sports, and Politics, that's fine by me. Just don't come complaining or whining to me years later about how you don't like the way I've been doing things for the last couple months or years.

This also serves as leverage if the Black Community tries to serve up Davis as their Champion and representative that has just as much claim over the Psychic Realm and where his decisions are just as valid because we're in some "business marriage."

The Sun and Earth tricked Davis and cornered him into blurting that out so that he voluntarily admits that when it comes to any of this stuf that has to do with the Psychic Relam and nay decisions I make, he is not a part of it and has no claim over anything.

He shortchanged himself by choosing to be "self-oriented" in the way he chooses to conduct the business affairs of the company and the flow of any profits that come from it. If that's the way he chooses to conduct business with our company and doesn't share profits or feels that he's the one doing all the work, the mirror image flips around to where I can claim the exact same thing.

I am the one solely dealing with the Subconscious Mind in the Psychic Realm that are under the "employment" or working under me and serving as Agents. Davis has admitted and ceded any claim this on numerous occasions.

At one point, he even went on to mention about how he has this one arrangement where he was originally going to give half of his profits to this other person J. who gave him a lead regarding a deal. However, at the time, he didn't realize how much work it was or what he was getting into and he doesn't feel he should give that person half. At most, maybe 10%.

Once AGAIN, it was Davis shooting himself in the foot because the whole mirror image switches around where it's the same policy I can hold with him. So if he, or anyone in the Black Community, attempts to goad him into "staking claim" to any portion of what I'm doing when it comes to the Psychic Realm, he already threw it away.

I'm writing this so that the Conscious Minds of people are aware, but it's also verifiable to all the Subconscious Minds of people around the Planet because they all witnessed it. That's the reason why they won't listen to him the same way they listen to me.

kellie, bliss, scott, business, relationships, isabella, lessons

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