DIVINATION: Example of How Kelly's Negligence Results in Death

Sep 30, 2005 07:19

To: Kelly
From: Rod


I have to say that I'm very disappointed and unhappy in your comments. Not because it has anything to do with my own ego, but because I don't like reading in the news when people die because of someone else's negligence in the way they treated me.

People have to be careful with what they say to me because if it's not said correctly, it will result in people getting hurt or dying.

I take death very seriously. I don't like seeing people die because of a shift in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm.

I concede you're entitled to declining any intimate advances or romantic insinuations that I may give, but when it comes to talking about misinterpretations, that is a grievous error on your part.

So grievous enough to where 12 people died because of such negligence. That is unacceptable. That's probably why your other self was said to have committed suicide because it knew what it had done and how it was responsible for those deaths and it wasn't able to stop you from triggering it.

I deal with Death every day and it's a SERIOUS matter. I don't know what you think I am or am not capable of, but I was always dead serious when I said that I am in possession of very formidable Psychic Abilities.

You can put other men in their place and turn them down or brush them off. However, I'm not like regular men. When I get the brush-off and it's not done properly, it can cause harm.

I hate the fact that you had to be used as an example to other women, but this is so that if any other women try to do something similiar or even do worse things like try to play mind games with me or try to trip me up or confuse me, it results in innocent people getting hurt.

Regardless of whatever you think is the extent or scope of my abilities, you still have what's called "Projection" where emotions are projected onto other people.

Plus, as I said, all the Subconscious Minds of the Planet are all watching what is done. When something bad is done to me, they retaliate and create some kind of grave disaster or terrible event to express distaste.

That's why I always warn people that you shouldn't mess with things you don't understand and should tread lightly. Especially with me.


This is an example of why I get ticked when people just say flippant comments to me not realizing that I have very sensitive equipment that is tied into the Planet. When someone just makes a half-assed comment that results in people's Deaths, I get really ticked off.

People shouldn't have to die because of someone else's negligence or ignorance. I've been monitoring the Planetary Movements for a year and a half on CNN and know the changes and adjustments the Planet makes.

This is why I used to get so furious with the Subconscious Mind of that dumbass baycityblues (Charlie). He would do STUPID things that always defy me even when I warned him and told him NOT to do it. However, because he was older than me and thought he knew more, he'd ignore me and do it anyway resulting in people getting sent to hospitals and dying.

That's why in Kelly's case, I'm not happy at all with it. 12 people died because of that thing she said:
  • If a person doesn't want to believe I have Psychic Abilties: FINE
  • If a person doesn't want to believe I have anything that has to do with those news events: FINE
  • If a person doesn't want to have anything remote to do with me of an intimate nature: FINE
However, just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If you don't want to believe in Gravity, that doesn't mean that Gravity doesn't exist. It's still there.

That's the same thing with my Psychic Abilities and how I influence the Planet. That's why I was bitching so much last year because of the Negligence and Ignorance of the four people I've cited last year that I was trying to flag down about the importance of their studies and learning how to manage the Forces of Nature to protect people and keep them safe. However, they ignored me and thought it was all just a bunch of crap.

It's the same thing with Kelly who didn't think about how she made that comment and just wrote something because she was offended and wanted to "put me in my place." That's fine. Put me in my place, but do it tactfully. Not because of my ego but because the sensitivity can result in harm to other people. There could have been a nicer way for her to have said it.

It's fine if she wants to state that she thinks I'm reading into things and doesn't take kindly to the idea of Psychic Sex. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. However, she could've found a more diplomatic way of saying it. Not to bruise my feelings but because my thoughts are SENSITIVE. When someone nudges my thoughts in a certain direction, it creates something in the news. If it's a bad thought, it results in people getting hurt or killed

I'm totally for Women's Rights and don't believe women should be forced to do anything they don't want to do. I also don't think it's fair to hold women in fear to where they think they have to abide by my wishes because they think I'll get angry and start causing death and destruction. All I'm saying is that there needs to be more tact.

Not for my ego. I don't care about my ego. I've been insulted, kicked around, abused, and beaten down to where that doesn't bother me so much. However, when someone does something to me that creates an accident that sends people to the hospital or kills them, that is extremely offensive ot me. It's a waste of human life.
  1. 12 people died. 12 = December. Sagittarius is the opposite of Gemini. When Kelly said no the way she did, she was being opposite of me as the Gemini.
  2. I had said in my previous post that I'm a Sub. The opposite of a Sub is a Bus. Opposite of a Sub is a Dom. Kelly was trying to lay down the Law and "Dom" me with her comment. That's why you saw the bus in the news article hit a Truck from WA/R-Saw head-on and burst into flames
  3. WA-R/Saw = Washington(WA) Gemini(R) Who "Saw."
  4. I'm a T-Ru/CK, meaning the Female(T) Gemini(R) Old God(U) Clark Kent(CK).
  5. It happened in Poland. P.O/Land = Port Orchard Land or Police Officer Land. I'm the Law. I'm the Police
  6. That's how you get the KGB in R u SS-IA. KGB = Aquarian(K) God(G) Gemini(B). R u SS-IA = Gemini(R) in Union with(U) the Gemini Superman(SS) Gemini
  7. Fire Department Spokesperson was Boguslaw Hryniewicki. Boguslaw = Bogus Law. Bo/G u S = Lover(Bo) God(G) in Union with(U) Superman Law.
  8. 20 passengers were hospitalized. 20 = XX/Female
  9. C/z es To CH o' WA = Dominant(C) Aquarius(Z) Northwest(ES) to Dominant(C) FinaL(H) of(O') Washington. Kelly said she chose the Black Shaq. I said that my Aquarian Black Business Associate (ABBA) is Black
  10. It's a 14th Century Monastery. My business associate is born 2/14, which is Valentine's Day
  11. It's talking about a Painting of a Black Madonna. I said I'm the Virgin Mary and that I'm Superman. I said Superman is God. So when you pray to the Black Madonna, you're praying to the Aquariua Black Business Associate. That's why I'm A/sian and he's B/lack meaning Gemini/Lack. A comes before B.
That's why when Kelly had her dream, she made a choice to be with the B/Lack Superman. She chose to go to a Hotel with him. She chose him over me.

I'm not talking about me as a person or anything that has to do with romantic interest. I'm talking about a choice in beliefs and she chose a "False God."
  1. False = F-AL/SE
  2. F = 6
  3. 6 = Opposite of 9
  4. I = 9
  5. 6 = Bad "I" or -I
  6. AL = A/1-L/50
  7. AL = 49
  8. 49 = 7 x 7
  9. 7 x 7 = Non-7
  10. L = Non-7
  11. 7 = Good Luck
  12. L = Bad Luck
  13. SE = Southeast/Florida
  14. Florida is shaped like a Penis
Kelly chose S/Ex over LO/VE

That's why the Time Stamp is 6:38 am. 6 = Six/Sex. 38 = 2 x 19 = Gemini(2) Superman(S/19).

There's a reason why my first initial is I. You with Six, Suffix, and Prefix. IX = 9 in Roman Numerals. That's why my Psychic Abilities stem to any suff"9" or pre"9" tacked onto words.

It's articles like this on a daily basis, which is why I would get so furious when people don't follow my directions. The original four people on the Team last year that I trained would screw up and I'd go off on them when I'd have to see data reports.

That's why I took offense to Kelly's comment about "Misinterpretation." While on one level it was sexual, on another level it was talking about a Vaccine and Cure.

Because she didn't want to take it, you get this mess where you've got Wildfires and bus crashes.

What really irritates me is when people are in denial about this stuff and say, "No, it's not. That doesn't have anything to do with me!"

Yeah, sure. Whatever. I've been taking accurate readings for a year now. I know my Readings and how I'm plugged into the System. When people are selfish and try to front an attitude with me, it results in someone else's misfortune.

That's why I keep trying to warn people over and over about the Incredible Hulk Prophecy. That's why it's Bill B(IX)B-y. IX = 9.

The one Hot Button that really makes me upset is when innocent people die because of stupidity or someone else's ignorance. That's why I said that Kelly got SET UP to do something like this and make an example out of her.

Her pride and how disgusted she was at the thought of intimacy with me in the Psychic Realm nudged her to phrase things in a way that resulted in those Deaths.

That's why I get so furious with my Aquarian Black Business Associate (ABBA) who acts the same way. He can be so DENSE at times. He's been saying, "Wow, that's a strange coincidence!"

He's still in denial about me having Psychic Abilities. He just remarks idly about it not realizing that some of the DUMB things he does has been resulting in some of the bad things that have been happening in the United States and around the world. If people ever figured out that a lot of their hardships and troubles is tied into the financial setbacks and that he incurred that have been hurting me and how I'm plugged into the system, they'd form a lynch mob and want to strangel him for being so stupid.

That's why the Sun and Earth even took a pot shot at Kelly by making sure that every time she sees the name "Warren" in "There's Something About Mary," that she'll remember that Warren was the MENTALLY HANDICAPPED individual. It's supposed to represent her level of intelligence.

Mary represents me as the Virgin Mary in that movie.

Bus Carrying Teens Crashes in Poland, Killing 12
WARSAW, Poland (Sept. 30) - A bus carrying high school students on a pilgrimage to Poland's most sacred Roman Catholic shrine collided with a truck and burst into flames Friday, killing 12 people, authorities said.

The bus was carrying students in their final year of high school from the northeastern city of Bialystok to Czestochowa in southern Poland, the home of the renowned Jasna Gora shrine, said Zlotka Korzeniewska, the school principal.

About 60 people were on board when the bus hit a truck from Warsaw head-on, 20 miles into their trip, said Jacek Dobrzynski, a spokesman for Bialystok police. The force of the impact spun the bus around and caused it to catch fire, Dobrzynski said.

Most of the 12 people killed were students, said Boguslaw Hryniewicki, a fire department spokesman. Dobrzynski said more than 20 passengers overall were hospitalized.

Czestochowa, a 14th century monastery, attracts millions of pilgrims every year, some of them walking hundreds of kilometers, others taking buses or trains to pray before the revered painting of the Black Madonna.

09/30/05 06:38 EDT

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