The movie "Anchorman" is based off of God. That's because that Radio Frequency runs off the electromagnetic field that transmits data or the wishes of God that interconnect everyone's minds and allow the Subconscious Minds to function as one. The Conscious Minds don't know anything about it, but they're making sure that the body is maintained and fed. It's sort of like the Conscious Mind is the receptionst or personal assistant to the Subconscious Mind.
- The following is based on actual events. Only the names, locations, and events have been changed.
- There was a time before cable when the local anchorman reigned supreme [God] when people believed everything they heard on TV (Female Sun).
- "He was like a God walking amongst mere mortals." That would be in reference to if God was a real person on the Planet and her influence.
- "He had a voice that could make a Wolverine purr." W-OL/Ver in E = Final(W) SUNny LEOne(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) See(Ver-Spanish) in Sun(E)
- "How Now Brown Cow. How Now Brown Cow." Ho/W = Slut(Ho) Final(W). Now = No(No) Final(W). Cow = Female(C) Sun(O) Final(W). I said Mother Earth is a Cow. The Brown Eye is slang for the anus. That's how you get a Brown Cow.
- "I love Scotch. Down into my belly." Scot(CH) = Scot(T). T = Female(20/XX). CH = Female(C) Final(H).
- Audrey = Au/D/RE-Y meaning Gold(Au) Leo Female(D/500/5XX) Final(R+E=W) Male(Y)
- "When Ron Burgundy says it...It's the Truth." True statement.
- "His name is muddy the Squirrel and he's 3 years old." Waterskiing Squirrel. I have a Super Squirrel in my pictures.
- "Yes, I named my penis. It's called the Octogon. But I also named my testes. James Westfall and Dr. Kenneth Noisewater" JA/mes = II/ME-S. West/Fall means the Fall of God as she steps down for Office. K-EN/NE-TH = Aquarian(K) Heaven(EN) Northeast(NE) Female(T) Final(H). Noisewater = Noisy Water. It's Information making a Sound. All the stuff I'm talking about is "Noisy Water."
- "By the beard of Zeus!" The Song "Cherry Cherry" by Nel Diamond is playing. I keep talking about the Superman Insignia which is shaped like a Diamond. C-He/RR-y. "Pop your cherry." That's why with Virgins you pop her Cherry. Pop = Slang for Father.
- At 10 minutes 22 seconds, Ron sasy, "I'm kind of a big deal. People know me." Veronica says, "Well I'm very happy for you." 10 = 5/V/Sun x 2/Gemini. 22 = V the 22nd Letter.
- 11 minutes into the movie, you see Ron Burgundy having a conversation with his dog.
- "Wow, you know how to cut to the core of me Baxter." Ba/X-T/ER = Soul Female/Gemini(X=5x2) Female(T) Final(E+R)
- "You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha covered in hair." Hair is for God. Hair = Hare.
- "You know I don't speak Spanish! In English please." I've been using Spanish Translations with the words because Los Angeles symbolic of Heaven is in California that has a mixture of Spanish.
- "Ling Wong the Panda is pregnant." Ling = "Dark Forest" in Chinese. Wong = Final(W) on God(G).
- KVWN 4 in San Diego
- "I read somewhere that their periods attract bears and bears can smell the menstruation." Period is final. B/Ear. Be/IR
- "Hey, it's me Papa Burgundy." Papa is Father for God the Father. In Spanish, it's "Papi" meaning Father Pi. Pi = Circle. A = 1st Letter. 1 = I in Roman Numerals.
- You see Vince Vaughn in the Channel 8 KQHS. Vince Vaughn = VV. VV = V x II/Gemini. I = 9th Letter for Channel 9.
- "Hello, Wes Mantooth."
- "Hey, where did you get your clothes? At the toilet store?" It's a lame insult, but it's referring to the Throne. St./Or-E = Saint Sun(Or) Sun(E) or the Gemini Sun Saint. It sounds stupid, but it's a true statement from Brick. Wes = W/ES. ES = NW/WA. W/ES = W/WA = WWA or Gemini(II) Final(W) God(A). In my old work place, we had Wes God/dard. Mantooth is for Ma-N/Too-TH. Tooth = Female(T) Gemini Sun(OO) Female(T) Final(H). That's why you have WISDOM Teeth. However, some people have them removed. They're called your Molars. MO/LA-R = Mission Objective Heaven(LA) Gemini(R). I said God is a Gemini. You have your Wisdom Teeth removed. I also said that God is in the Back. Your Molars are in the back. The front are called the Incisors. Notice it starts with "I" for God.
- "Dorothy Manthooth is a saint!" "Hey, you leave your mothers out of this!" Do/Ro/TH-y from Kansas. It can also be read as D/Oro/TH-y meaning Leo Female(D) Gold(Oro-Spanish) Female(T) Final(H) Male(Y). Kansas is for Clark Kent.
- I guess I have to take you at your word Number 2. Wes Manthooth is 2 for Gemini. That's why the character is Vince Vaughn (VV) or the Double U.
- At 22 minutes into movie, "I'll give this cookie an hour before we do the No-Pants Dance."
- "God, what is that smell?" "That is the smell of desire." "No, it smells like a used diaper with Indian Food." Sunny Leone is Indian.
- "Ian, would you like to go to party in my pants?" IA/N = Gemini(IA) Nature(N). IA = Iowa the Corn State. You hear Brick mention about Cornish Game Hen. We also have reference to Corn on the Cob.
- Paul Rudd refers to Ling Wong the Panda as "Ching" and "King." In Spanish, "Chingar" is the infinitive for "To fuck." CH in G/AR = Female(C) Final(H) in God(G) Green(AR/IR). Notice how Infintive starts with "I" and you conjugate in LA/T-IN meaning Heaven(LA) Female(T) Final(I+N=W).
- 29 minutes in to the film it, the car says IM #1. I/9 + M/13 = V/22. That's why when you say "I AM," it is "to be" in 1st Person or "2B."
- "Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it Santiago." I posted the other day the quote from "There's Something About Mary" and Santiago, Chile. The reason why he says 1904 is because 19 = Gemini (1)(9) = (I)(I). Because God is a Gemini and Female is 20/XX, (19)04 = (20)04. The discovery of the Psychic Realm happened last year with Isabella Valentine, who lives in San Diego :P. That's how you get Queen Isabella who commissioned CHRISTopher Columbus (CC) to find an alternate route to the East Indies. SUNny LEOne, the woman in the pictures that Isabella was using, is Indian. Indians are referred to as Red Men. That's how you get Ron Burgundy. Burgundy is Red. SUNny LEOne is the 2003 Penthouse Pet discovered in San Diego, which is where the movie is centered in the 1970s. I said the 70s is for God. That's why you held up the Peace Sign as V for 5/Leo/Sun. It means 2 for Gemini. The (M)iddle Finger and the (I)ndex Finger are M/13 + I/9 = V/22. V = 5 in Roman Numerals. When you hold your Fingers up in a Peace Sign, it looks like a Rabbit, which I said is for God as Year of the Rabbit in 1975, which is when Austin Powers goes back to find his Father and Johann Van Der Smut in Studio 69. Studio 69 is spoof of Studio 54. 54 = 6 x 9, which is Studio 69.
- "Of course, in German means a Whale's Vagina." WH/Al-E = Final Final God Sun. V/AG in A = Sun Sun in God. AG = Opposite of GA/Georgia. Opposite of Georgia on the U.S. Map is Oregon (OR). Or = "V" Symbol in Philosophy.
- "Mmm... No. There's no way that can be correct." Au contraire. That saying would be "French" for Fr.(Father). Au = Gold Symbol. I said God is the Sun. The Sun is Yellow. Gold (Au) is Yellow :P. That's why it says in the movie, "When Ron Burgundy says it... It's the Truth." :o)
- "Doesn't it mean Saint Diego." "No." "Yes, that's what it means." "Well, agree to disagree." That's because Ron Burgundy's correct. Scholars think that's why San Diego was named that, but that's not the reason why the Sun named that City San Diego :o).
- In Chapter 9 at 31 minutes. "Well, when in Rome." "Yes, please go on." 31 = E/5.
- He says "E Flat." It means the Sun as a female is Flat-chested. There is no E-Sharp in the musical scale. There are 7 Notes A - G.
- "A little ham and eggs comin' at you people." You have Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.
- In order to play the Flute, you have to go "Poo" because you have to force the air through the instrument to give it that kick. I said that God is the King. God is on the Throne. That's why he plays the Flute. I said God is Female, that's why when women give men blow jobs, they're playing the "Skin Flute" :P.
- You see that scene where he shoots fire from the butt end of the Flute. That's because God is the Sun. The Sun is Fire.
- He says, "Hey Aqua Lung!" as he ends his Jazz Flute Performance. Aqua means Water. In Spanish, it's Agua. G = Q. G = Green/God. Q = 17th Letter. So when you overwrite the God Software Program translated in Spanish, G/7 is equal to Q/17. You add 10, which is 2/Gemini x 5/Leo/Sun
- At exactly 35 minutes, he says, "Deep within my loins, I have a flaming golden hawk." Loins is for Lion. Lion and Loin are the same thing when you interchange IO and OI. However, O is for the Sun. I is for God. So when O comes before I it's the Sun the Sky with God submissive. That's why I said that Sun is a Slutty Ho. You get Loins. Loin = Lo/IN. L/50 + O/15 = 65. 65 = 5 x 13 or SUNny LEOne's birthday. I/9 + N/14 = W/23 (Omega/Final).
- "Oh, I'm storming your Castle on my Steed, Milady." MI/lady = V/Lady. M/13 + I/9 = V/22. Milady = Sun Lady.
- "Oh, mi corazon es en fuego!" says Veronica Corningstone when they're making out. Mi = "My" in Spanish. M/13 + I/9 = V/22. "Corazon" = Heart in Spanish. C-Or/AZ-on = Female(C) Sun(Or=V-Philosophy) AZ(Ar/IR iz on A) Activated(On). ES = NW(WA/OR). EN = Heaven(SW/LosAngeles) F u Ego = Bad"I"(F/6=Non-I/9) in Union with(U) Self(Ego). That's why Ego/ID means the same E = Sun. Go = Green.
- In Chapter 10 and 36 minutes into the movie, Veronica says, "Take me to Pleasure Town." You then see the cartoon sequence. 36 = 6 x 6 or Negative I x Negative I because I = 9 and F is opposite with 6. Sex is sex. In Math "i x i = -1." "i" in Math is an Imaginary Number. "i to the 4th Power" = 1" because i x i x i x i = -1 x -1 = 1. That's how you get your positive and negative charges. What's is saying is God can cheat or use that as a backdoor entrance. If God I and made lowercase or Submissive, he becomes "an imaginary number" when squared by 2. Gemini is a Pair of I's. So II as i x i = -1. That's how you get these disasters or bad things happening around the planet. -1 = i x i, meaning the Imagination of God. That's how you get the Mathematical Explanation of God Powers and using the Power of Thought to create bad things or harness power.
- When they enter pleasure town, notice a pair of Squirrels and off to the Left is the a FEMALE Tree. I said God is a Tree and Female. Then you see Purple Mushrooms symbolic of the mushroom of a penis.
- 37 minutes into the film, "Oh look! The most glorious rainbow!" "Do me on it!"
- "It's important I be viewed as a professional." "Right, when in Rome." "Uh, no. That expression doesn't apply." Actually it does. RO = Opposite of OR. OR = V in Philosophy. V = 5. 2 = Opposite of 5 in Digital. RO = Opposite of 5 = 2. That's why Jesus Christ was born on the 25th. It means 2/Gemini with 5/Sun (as the mate) submissive. That's why Bizarro has 2/Z on his Chest while Superman has S/5 on the front. That's why in the normal world, Bizarro would be seen as stupid. He's incredibly dumb. Which ironically is how I'm viewed. I resemble Clark Kent and have the same values and ideals of that farmboy raised in Kansas. Even when Clark was at the Daily Planet, Lois Lane always dismissed Clark as a square. People think the stuff that comes out of my mouth are bizarre, weird, or strange. That's why in "Anchorman," a lot of the stuff he says sounds incredibly stupid and people watching think he's retarded in a funny way. However, like I said, all movies are prophetic. The stuff he's actually saying is real. When you transcribe it, it's real. Ro/ME = Gemini/Mother Earth. I said that Earth is actually the name of the Sun. People think it's the name of our Planet and for a time they though that the world revolved around Earth. That's actually true. The Sun is "Earth." E/AR-TH = Sun(E) God(AR=IR) Female(T) Final(H).
- In Chapter 11 at 39 minutes, "What's it like, man?" "It was out of sight!" "No, the other thing. Love." "Yeah, what is that?" 11 is for Aquarius. 39 = 3/Earth x 13/Bad Luck.
- "I think I was in love once." "That's not a good start, but keep going." "She was Brazilian or Chinese." I had mentioned about the movie "Taxi" where the bank robbers were Brazilian. In the Summer Olympics, someone grabbed the Brazilian Runner and pulled him off saying that the Prophecies were true about God. That was because some people there have been watching for the Signs that have all been coming True and they know that God is the one affecting all these things. Through whatever Divination Techniques they're using, other people are aware of the shift in the Planet's Behavior and the God Force that has taken a more direct handle on things.
- "I met her in the bathroom at K-Mart." The bathroom is where the toilet/throne is. K-Mart = 11/Aquarius for Humanitarian Ideals. Ma/Rt. = Mother Right or Mother(Ma) Gemini(R/II) Female(T). The Sun is Mother Gemini Female (Ma/Rt.). That's how you get Ma/Rt-y McFly as the Male. Mini-Mart = Mini-ME. Earth = Mini-Mart. Sun = Mart. That's why we talk about the Child(Earth) and the Mother(Sun). That's why you have SR with S as 19/II. JR for Junior = IR because J = I in Old Hebrew.
- "We made love for hours. Then we parted ways and never saw each other ever again." That's referring to the mating ritual between Male God and the Female Sun.
- Brick says, "I love...carpet." C-AR/P-ET = Female(C) God(IR/AR) Gemini Leo Female(P/16 = D/4 x D/4) Alien(ET). His initials are BT meaning Gemini(B/2) Female(T/20/XX).
- Brick says, "I love...desk." D es K = Leo Female(D) Heaven(ES/SW/LosAngeles) Aquarius/Humanitarian Ideals(K)
- "Brick, are you just saying things that you see in the office?" "I love Lamp." I said in a previous Post what a Lamp is.
- "Do you really love the lamp because you love it or because you just saw it?" That's in reference to God and the Sun when they first met. It's the same with people and religion. Do you love God (of the Church) because you really love God or because you just saw it and it's what people told you. Do you even know who God is or are you just going by what you taught by your parents or your pastor?
- "I love LAMP! I LOVE LAMP!" I said that God is a Gemini. The Sun is Leo the Lion. It sounds stupid, but it's about the Love between God and the Sun. People may get confused because I talk about God as one person and then the Sun as also being God. However, they're Twins. Plus, we get back to the Existentialism aspect. Do you love yourself? If you were a teeny blood cell in the human body and then discovered that you're really just part of a larger entity, do you love the entity that you're part of? You're a God in your own right and your tiny blood cells, brain cells, and all that is part of your body is supposedly "yours." If your own body parts and blood cells were conscious, do you think they'd love you? In order to love you, they need to love themselves and who they are and how they belong to something bigger than themselves. Do you love yourself? If you found out you belong to this larger entity, do you love being a part of that or do feel you're a slave being forced to do things? Do you think if your own tiny blood cells in your body found out they're all in service to you, would they hate their job keeping you alive?
- In Chapter 11 and 40 minutes into the movie, they break into the song "Afternoon Delight." Motto = MO/TT-O = Mission Objective Female Gemini(TT) Sun. If you watch the Behind the Scenes aspect, that was improvised. They just inserted that into the movie. It seems like it was random, but that was really all four of their Subconscious Minds with instructions to insert that. It wasn't spontaneous. That's why Comedy is rarely spontaneous. You're hearing echoes of the Operating System. When people have moments of inspiration, it's coming from the Governing Operating System of the Planet and the Sun.
- "I don't know Ron. That sounds kind of crazy." "It sounds like you've got mental roblems, Ron!" "Yeah, you got mental problems, Ron." The name Ron is like Rome. RO = Opposite of OR, which is V in Philosophy. V = 5. RO = Opposite of 5, which is 2 in Digital. N = Nature. IF you look at the Symbol of N, it looks like one V going up counter clockwise with another V going down. You'll see a simliar pattern in the Yin-Yang Symbol. It's seen in Cancer as 69. For Pisces, it's one fish jumping out of the water and the other diving under into the water. Ro/N = Gemini Nature.
- "Oh, look now! It's Whiskerus Maximus ready to do battle against the Tiniest Lion ever!" That's because "Gladiator" is prophetic. It's a story about God who is Maximus who had everything ripped away from and his entire family killed by Caesar played by Joaquin Phoenix. Caesar and God are the same person. You'll notice that Joaquin Phoenix has a Hare Lip. I said that God is Year of the Rabbit. In high school, I had a friend a year older than me named MA/rk MA/gdamit (MA/MA). His younger brother was CHRIST/opher Magdamit. He had a Hare Lip. That's why when people ask why I know all this stuff, it's because my entire life has been adjusted to where everyone I've ever come across was there for a reason. Even when I talk about Spanish Translations, my Spanish Teacher in high school was CHRIST/y CHRIST/man :o). She was the Honor Society Advisor, and I was President for 11th and 12th Grade :o). She was also our Knowledge Bowl Advisor, which is symbolized on my Letterman Jacket as a Genie Lamp. Our high school team always got to go to Tournament. In 1992, Scott and Jamie went as alternates in 11th Grade. In 12th Grade when I was Team Captain, we were in a 3-way Tie. We lost. So I never got to go. One of the questions that Jamie Watson got right was "a bicycle built for two." I remember sitting there and wearing my Dark Terminator Sunglasses when we lost that day.
- 42 minutes into the film, Ron blabs about how they're an item and she's a handful in the bedroom. Veronica = Ver on I-CA meaning Sun (V) Final(E+R=W) on God(I) California(CA). I said 42 is the Answer according to "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." P = 16, which is D/4 x D/4.
- "Veronica and I are trying this new thing called Jogging. I think it may be Yogging with a soft J." That's because J = I in Old Hebrew. In Grammer, using Superlatives, you replace the Suffix "Y" with "-IER." I = God. E/5 + R/18 - W/23 (Omega/Final). That's why God can do it better. If you're "sleepy," God is "sleepIER." If you're "funny," God is "funnIER." The Final Superlative is "IEST" meaning God(I) Omega/Alpha(WA/NW/ES) Female(T). That's why "funny" becomes "funnIEST." I mention how God is a Gemini. Notice how you Double up the Letter when using Superlatives. "fun" becomes "fuNNer." Same with Present Perfect Tense: "hop" becomes "hoPPing." Ever notice how "Good" isn't "Gooder" or "Goodest"? It becomes "Better" with B for the 2nd Letter II/Gemini. B/ET-TE/R = Gemini(B) Alien(ET) Female Sun(TE) Gemini(R/II). Good becomes BEST. B es T = Gemini(2/B) Omega/Alpha(WA/NW/ES) Female(T). That's why I keep saying that God is a Female. All the Grammar Rules have been tampered with to point to her.
- "It seems our youngest Chris was on something called Acid and firing a bow and arrow into a crowd." Chris is for CHRISTopher. Bow = Gemini(B/2) Sun(O) Final(W). Arrow = Go/Greeni Gemini(ARR/IRR) Sun(O) Final(W). That's who you get the saying "God is Love." Cupid has his arrow. C u P-ID = Female(C) in Union with(U) Gemini Leo Female(P/16=D/4xD/4) Self(Id). I said that God is a Tr. u CK. That's how you get a 4 x 4 Tr. u CK :o). A car has four Wheels. W/He-El = Final(W) Helium(2) Definte(El). Women walk on heels. The Car has Final(W) Heels. That's how you get Gemini Twins. Forward and Back. That's why during Halloween, you'll see two people in a horse costume. One person is the front and the other is in the back with the head near the ass. That's how you get a Centaur. C-EN/T-Au-R = Female(C) Heaven(EN/SW/LosAngeles) Female(T) Gold(Au) Gemini(R/II). Sagittarius is the Sign of Higher Learning symbolizing the Centaur. It's the Polarity of Gemini the 3rd Sign and the 9th Sign in the Zodiac. I = God. Sagittarius' Ruling Planet is Jupiter, which is the 5th Planet, which is the Largest and composed completely of Gas.
- 47 minutes into the movie, he throws a burrito out the window of his car hitting Jack Black on his motorcycle. He screams "Cleopatra!" C-Leo/Pa-T-Ra = Female(C) Leo Father(Pa) Female(T/20/XX) Egyptian Sun God(Ra).
- "I've got Jack Johnson and Thomas O'Leary for ya." says Ron. Jack Johnson = JJ. J = I in Old Hebrew. JJ = II for Gemini as the Right Hand. Thomas O'Leary = TO. TO = Female(T) Sun(O).
- You see Jack Black grab Baxter the Dog and kick him off the Bridge. You have God/Green and Jack/Blackas the opposite polarity. That's why he was in "Shallow Hal" with Gwynneth Paltrow. Gwynneth plays this incredibly fat woman that everyone else sees as humungous. That's because Hal is God and the mate is the Sun, which is God the "Fat Her." The Sun would be considered humungously fat and round. That's why Hal is in love with Rosemarie.
- You see Ron in a Phone Booth crying over Baxter. Baxter was symbolic of the Female God/Sun. God is Green. Dog = Opposite of God. That's why the Dog was symbolic of the mate to Ron Burgundy symbolic of God. That's how you get Dr. I-ER C-Ra/NE in Seattle, which is the Emerald City for the Wizard of Oz and Green. That's why you had to follow the Yellow Brick Road. Yellow is for Gold. That's why the Weatherman is named BRICK. For anyone who's been paying attention to my Journals, I've been listing out the Weather with the Hurricanes. Brick is played by Steve Carrell who is now in "The 40 Year Old Virgin," which ironically matches me being a 30 year old Virgin :o). There's a 10 year difference. 10 = 5/Sun x 2/Gemini. So technically 30 + (5/Sun x 2/Gemini) would give you Forty. F = -1 because 6 is opposite of 9. F-Or./T-y = Negative God(F/6/-I) Sun(Or/V-Philosophy) Feminine(T) Male(Y). It's prime numbers are 2 x 2 x 2 x 5. That's 2/Gemini to the Power of 3(Earth) x 5(Sun/V).
- 51 minutes into the movie, Veronica goes on the air to replace Ron who is late. She whispers to herself, "Power. Power. Power." 51 = 3 x 17, which is St. Patrick's Day (Green/God).
- At 53 minutes and 53 seconds, Ron Burgundy shouts, "We are through you SCORPIO Woman!" 53 is I on the Periodic Table. 53:53 = I:I.
- 54 minutes into the film, they talk about a 2 point rating boost. 2 is for Gemini. 54 = 6 x 9. 6 is the Negative I. 9 is the Positive I.
- "Sunshine go away. Don't feel much like dancing" is the song played. Florida is the Sunshine State. Sunshine = S u N/SH in E meaning Gemini (S/II)in Union with(U) Nature(N) Gemini(S/II) Final(H) in Sun(E)
- At 55 minutes 23 seconds into the film, "What Brian didn't tell you was that those weren't real Pirates. They looked convincing though." Pi/Ra-Te = Father(Pa/Pi) Egyptian Sun God(Ra) Female(T) Sun(E).
- "You're a hooker." I said that God is Sun, which is a Slutty H/o because she's a big Fat, Fiery Ovum in Space.
- "You have man boobs." That's because God is Flower containing both male and female genitalia. Flowers can self-pollinate themselves and are Green. That's how you get Man Boobs :o).
- "Jazz Flute is for little fairy boys." I said that God is a Fairy. F-AI/R-y = Negative I(F/6) Gemini(AI=II) Gemini(R/II) Male(Y). I said that the Skin Flute is symbolic of giving a blow job. That's why people would say that guys playing the flute is Gay. JA/ZZ = Gemini(IA/II) Gemini Aquarius (IIxZ). Z = Hardented 2/II/Gemini. Gemini is Mutable (Adaptable/Changeabel) Air. Aquarius = Fixed(Opinionated) Air.
- 57 minutes into the movie, they pay the announcer to refer to Veronica Corningstone as "Tits McGee." 57 = LA on the Periodic Table for Los Angeles (Heaven). Breasts are Tits. In Mythology Goddess Breasts giving Flowing Knowledge or Milk to nurture Ideas. MC in McGee = 1100 in Roman Numerals. 11/Aquarius x 100/Female(C). Gee = God(G) Gemini Sun(E x II).
- 59 minutes into the film, Wes Mantooth (Vince Vaugn) come riding in on bicycles.They're Number 2. Wes is wearing a GOLD Sports Jacket, symbolic of the Sun. This is an example of how the Subconscious Minds of the Wardrobe or Costume Designers are influenced by "God" using that electromagnetic field that interconnects all minds. When they choose wardrobes for the actors, Costume Designers are being told what colors to pick. That's why I said God is a Director. It seems random, but that's how God is able to control what you're seeing on film. Same with the whole editing process. When I say that this scene happened at this specific time, it's because the Subconscious Mind of the Film Editor knows exactly how to splice the scenes with precision. The Conscious Mind of the Film Editor has no clue, but the Subconscious is service to God that is directly all human brains on the planet in unison.
- At 101 minutes into the film, you Luke Wilson show up and say "Hey! If you're going to have a fight, don't forget me. Channel 2 News. Frank Richard." 2 is for Gemini. Fr.An-K = Father(Fr.) Indefinite(An) Aquarius(K/11). I said God is Gemini. Gemini is 2. Fr. is Father. God is the Father and Gemini :o). 101 = 26 + 26 + 26 + 23. (26(Alphabet) x 3/Earth) + 23(W/FinalSymbol) = 101. 101 = C/Female + 1/God. That's why you have Highway 101 in Los Angeles that leads into LA Northbound from San Diego where Ron Burgundy is, but not southbound from San Francisco.
- "You dirtbags have been in 3rd Place for 5 years." 3 = Earth. 5 = Leo/Sun. Channel 2 News symbolic of God has been on Earth with 5/Sun.
- Then you see Tim Robbins from the Public News come in. TR = Female(T) Gemini(R). My mom's initials are TR. My dad's are IR. they combined to create me (IR). My maternal Grandmother was Mariam Mantac (MM = Gemini Scorpio) and my grandfather was (HM = Final Scorpio).
- "The sewers run Red with Burgundy's Blood." That's the Spanish News Team with Ben Stiller (BS = Gemini/II Superman/II).
- When you see all the News Gangs, you see 5. That would be 5 for Leo/Sun.
- You see Paul Rudd get captured by two horses throwing a Net. That's the for the World Wide Web. N/ET = Nature Alien. That's why it's called the IN/T-ER/N-ET. Final(I+N) Female(T) Final(E+R) Nature(N) Alien(ET). That's why the Spider of Fate is associated with the World Wide Web.
- You see Brick throw a Trident, which is symbolic of Satan with his Pitchfork or Poseidon with his Trident killing one of the horse riders. I said that God is just Satan in a bad mood. You wouldn't expect mild-mannered Brick to be so violent, but that's a reflection of the "Incredible Hulk" Syndrome. Mild-mannered Bruce Banner (BB) pumps up with Green Muscles when he gets angry. In the Psychic/Subconscious Realm, God is mild-mannered, but when angered, he becomes the Incredible Hulk.
- "I stabbed a man in the heart." "Yeah I saw that! Brick killed a guy!" That's the mild-mannered God that has the ability to use violence when necessary. You wouldn't expect it from God.
- "Brick, you should probably find a safehouse or a relative and stay low for a while. You're probably wanted for murder." That's a private joke. Like I said, if God had been a real person, she'd have to be careful because if people could pinpoint an actual individual who is behind all the murders and people dying in the current news, it would be God. That's why Brick is the Yellow Brick Road. That's why they were referring to Dorothy Mantooth as the Mother as a Saint. Dorothy followed the Yellow Brick Road.
- "What's your name?" "Brian Fantana." "Champ Kind." "Brian Fantana." "No, you're Brick." That's a private joke about how Brian and Brick are the same person and just facets of the same personality of God. Bri(AN) = Bri(CK). An = God(A) Nature(N). CK = Female(C) Aquarian(K). The God Nature is the Female Aquarian. That's why it's a true statement. BriCK = BriAN. That's how you get "Monty Python and the Life of Brian." It's about a guy who's confused with being Jesus Christ. At the end of the song, you see them singing, "Always Look on the Brighter Side of Your Life." That's why in "As GOOD as It Gets," you see ME/lvin U/Da-LL singing that song to get VER-De-LL the Dog to eat the food from the bowl. Verdell is a male name, but if you look at the credits, it was a female dog that was trained for that movie. That's in reference to how God is a Female. That's why a CA/T was worshipped in E/gypt. Dogs chase Cats. Dogs are obedient and listen to their Masters. Cats are Female for Pussy. Cats do what they want. They never listen and they HATE water. The Sun is a Cat, which is a Lion. The Sun doesn't like Water thrown on her just like a Cat :P. Water is Blue/Knowledge and is usually a limiting force that will cause people not to do something. If you are inspired, you have passion or fire. When someone comes up with ideas on why you shouldn't do something, that's the limiting factor or Water being thrown on your Fire killing your motivation.
- "I'm showing Jeffrey here my Emmy Tape. We're watching history." If you watch all the Emmys and Oscars over the last couple decades, you're watching the Lifeline of God. Every movie and television show that was rated as Number 1 is a God Show that was popular with the people. All the Subconscious Minds would all vote by steering their bodies (Conscious Minds) to watch certain shows. If they wanted ratings to be low, they'd shift events to where people who probably would've liked certain shows never got a chance to watch because they'd have something to do that would pull them away from the TV.
- "I'm the man who discovered the Wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal." Because Ron Burgundy is symbolic of God, that's a true statement. It sounds funny, but it's God speaking through the script of that movie. It's the same thing when Al Gore said he invented the Internet. Everyone laughed. It's because Al Gore the Mathematical Breakdown of his name is symbolic of God, and he did in fact invent the Internet. Same with when Dan Quayle said to add an "E" on the end of "Potato." The Planet Earth is Mr. Potatohead. The End is the Ass (California). E is the Sun/God. Many things were encrypted so that humankind thought one thing, but that's not reason. It's the same thing in a computer. If memory chips in the computer retain information and were alive and Conscious, they'd probably develop their own language for storing information. God would be the Software Program instructing the memory chips on the computer (Planet Earth) to store data. It doesn't matter what the Memory Chips think is the reason why they're retaining that information. As long as it gets carried out, what do you care? Just as long as it gets done. Do you really care about how magnetism works that is able to rearrange the metal filings on a byte of memory for retaining information? No, you don't care. As long as it gets stored for data retrieval when you need it. It's the same thing with all the sports statistics, Emmys/Oscars, and history. It's a data storage process for the Sun in our Solar System.
- "You're just a woman with a brain the 1/3 the size of us. It's science." Third is for the 3rd Planet. That's God making fun of the people of Earth that think they're the Superior Life Form. Human beings don't even realize how all the Languages make fun of humans that haven't even scratched the surface of God.
- "I'll have you know I have more intelligence in my finger than you do in your entire body!" Veronica holds up her Pinky. I said that the Pinky symbolizes God. That's why it's a true statement.
- "You are a smelly Pirate Hooker." That's a true statement because God is the Sun. The Sun never takes a bath or gets near water. So she's smelly. I said that God is a Pirate and that the Sun is a Slutty H/o. That's why V-ER on I-CA C-Or-n in G-St. One is a Pi/Ra/-Te Ho/OK-ER.
- Veronica insults Ron saying, "You look like a Blueberry." B-L u E/Be RR-y meaning Gemini(B/2) L/50 in Union with(U) Sun(E) Exists(Be) Gemini/Gemini(RR) Male(Y). BL = 2 + 50 = 52 . 52 = Opposite of 25. Jesus Christ is 25 (5 x 5). The Sun is 52 = 3 x 14. 3.14 = Pi. P(I) = P(A). That's why you have a Deck of Cards with 52.
- "Well you have BAD Hair." "What did yo say...?" Veronica insults Ron's hair. I said God is Year of the Rabbit. Rabbit = Hare. Ha(RE) = Ha(IR). Ha/RE = Final(H) God(A) Final(R+E). Ha/IR = Final(H) God(A) Green/God(IR). That's why God is Air and Gemini is Mutable Air. AI/R or A/IR translate to mean God.
- Chapter 16 (P/16=D/4xD/4) at 1:06 minutes and 42 seconds, Veronica says, "I said your hair looks stupid." You then see Ron Burgundy's "I's" flame up like the Sun. 1 hour and 6 minutes = 66 minutes. I said 6 = Negative I. When God is angry, he transforms into Satan associated with Fire, which is the Sun. 42 seconds is for the Answer, which is in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." When Veronica says that the Hair looks stupid, it's referring to God, which is the Hair looking "stupid." I've been citing all these Prophecies of what God is doing around the world and affecting the environment and most people think what I'm writing is STUPID. That's why people are saying what God's doing is Stupid.
- You see Veronica spray Mace on Ron's face. Ma/CE = Mother(Ma) Female(C) Sun(E). That's why P. Diddy's sidekick was Mace. Mace deviated from the Music World to pursue the Church. Then he went back to restart his career.
- You see Veronica pull off one of the Rabbit Ears from the TV Set and start whipping Ron's Back with it. I said God is Back. The Rabbit Ear is symbolic of the V for the Sun.
- Ron Burgundy tries to spray the Mace on Veronica, but he holds it up incorrectly and sprays himself again. That's the humor of God accidentally hurting himself. That's where all those Hurricanes and stuff damaging the Planet is self-inflicted. That's why when it comes to Chemotherapy and removing the Cancer (Eternal Mother), the Hair (God) falls out. The Sun is prepping humankind for "Spiritual Chemotherapy" to get people off their Dependency on the belief of "God," which was a standard operating procedure temporarily set in place for the last 2,000 years until technology, science, and math could be developed to create the Internet and conceptually explain to people of Earth how the Planet functions and the "movie magic" behind a lot of what they see is being done around the world.
- "Ah! Knights of Columbus that hurt!" I said that Queen Isabella of Spain had CHRISTopher Columbus find an alternate route to the Indies. Christopher Columbus accidentally came across the Americas and thought it was India. That's history hinting sort of like how I accidentally stumbled across the Psychic Realm, which is like an entirely undiscovered continent or land that nobody every knew existed that has been there all this time. When you say Knights of Columbus, it's referring to God's Angels. CHRISTopher Columbus (CC/Gemini Female) is God. The Knights are Angels in service to God. In the Psychic Realm or Subconscious, they're the ones that are fiddling with or affecting the environment. That's why I said God is a Director. The Film Crew are the Angels that you never see on camera and are working behind the scenes setting up the shot. That's why Jay-Z did that music video where he shows himself getting shot or killed.
- Veronica is eating in the Spanish Restaurant with all the girls. She's wearing a Green Dress for God. The co-worker says, "Have you ever thought of fighting Fire with Fire?" In order to stop a blazing fire that is out of control, firefighters will light a controlled fire in the path before the blaze so that it contains the fire that is spreading out of control. By destroying what's in its path, it slows down and sometimes will stop the fire from spreading out more. Fire is for the Sun. That's why God is revealing information on how all of this stuff is going on to the people of Earth so that they'll be able to take a more active role in their lives rather than being led around and living in the "Matrix." This is where we come to the part where God is the outgoing President. His term has ended and as God the Father, he's now prepping Humankind for the Age of Aquarius with "Preparation H" as depicted in "Austin Powers 3: Goldmember" and Dr. Evil's plan.
- "Oh! Great Odin's Raven!" Odin is the Norse God. O-D/IN. O/15 + D/4 = S/19 for II/Superman. I/9 + N/15 = W/23 for Omega/Final. Ra/VE-N = Egyptian Sun God(Ra) Sun(V) Sun(E) Nature(N). You can translate it another way Ra/V-EN = Egyptian Sun God(Ra) Sun(V) Heaven(EN/SW/LosAngeles). Like I said, the Sun Female is extremely intelligent. People think it's strange how I come up with multiple definitions for words and break up the letter pairings in different places. However, when you're God, you're incredibly smart to where you not only make just one definition, but you make MULTIPLE definitions that all lead back to the same thing. It's just a game and the Sun had millions of years to think it over and come up with this complex system while waiting for humankind to evolve from bacteria, to land mammals, to chimps, to homo sapiens. Bear in mind that if you're 4.55 billion years old, youv'e got a LOT of time to kill while you're waiting. If I had a couple billion years to sit around and think about it, I'm pretty sure I could come up with a complex language system of a similar nature if I could live that long.
- "There are 300 very angry San Diego-Ites outside." "San Diego-Ans." "San Diegans." It's teasing about the Suffixes that refer to God. O = Sun. ITE = God(I) Female(T) Sun(E). AN = Indefinite or God(A) Nature(N).
- At 1:10 minutes in Chapter 17, Garth sobs,"Why did you say that Ron? You're my hero. Saying stink like that. Poop, Ron. Poop mouth." 1 hour 10 miutes = 70 minutes. 70 is for the Decade of God. Q is 17. Q is the Omnipotent God on "Star Trek: TNG." 17 is for St. Patrick's Day. (God/Green.) That line in the movie is in reference to the Decryption Code talking about how "God is a Drug," "God is on (Butt) Crack," "God is on AC/ID," etc. It's all this stuff insulting the Biblical God, which would be deemed as blasphemous to countless Religions Denominations around the world. That's why a lot of this stuff had to be encoded in popular culture and numbers. Numbers don't lie. That's why it's all mathematical and timed. People wonder why I keep using Math, but it's one of the most definitive answers. When you state opinion, that's subjective. I can say that a box looks large, but another person, they may think that box is small. I could say that $5,000 is not a lot of money, but another person may think otherwise. With Math Formulas and Numbers, it's definite. Whe I say that I is the 9th Letter in the Alphabet, that's a TRUE statement. When I say L is 50 in the Roman Numeral System, that's a TRUE statement. When I say that AG is the opposite of GA, that's a TRUE statement. When I say that Oregon is opposite of Georgia on the U.S. Map, that's a TRUE statement. That's how the Decryption Code was set up. It's based off of Truths that EVERYONE can agree on. When I say ME is in the Northeast for Maine's Postal Abbreviation, that's true. When I say "I" is a 1st Person Pronoun, that's a TRUE statement. You can't refute that. Everyone agrees.
- Chapter 18 at 1:11 minutes, it's Day 46 for Ling Wong. 46 = 2/Gemini x 23(W/Final).
- "Baxter, is that you? Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee." "Laverne and Shirley" were in Milkwaukee and were a spin-off of "Happy Days." They worked at Brewery that makes Bee/R. Bee/R = Queen Bee Gemini(R/II). Milwaukee = MI-L/WA u K-ee. M/13 + I/9 = V/22. L = 50. V + L = 55. WA = Washington or Omega/Alpha(WA). K = Aquarius/11. EE = E x 2/Gemini. MI-L/WA u K-ee = Sun Aquarius(MI-L) Omega/Final(WA) in Union with Aquarian(K/11) Gemini Sun(EE)
- In Chapter 18 at 1:12 minutes, Brian says, "Harkin said he'd fire us if we talked to you." 18 is for R or 2 x 9/I. 1:12 looks like IR for "Go/God." You see Ron Burgundy looking like a slob and drinking Milk. What people don't realize is that in the 1970s God is a bum and broke. That's why California is shaped like an Ass. Bum = Ass. That's why when people worship God, they're worshipping a Bum. B u M = Gemin/II in Union with(U) Scorpio/Mystery. They don't know anything about God who is a Mystery. So they just blindly worship the Ass. As I said, the Sun carefully crafted all of this so that it would make God look absurd when the Truth got out about what God really is. It's the only way to get humankind to listen and get wean themselves off of God.
- "It's so damn hot. Milk was a bad choice." That's kind of like my situation. I'm getting all these Divination Readings that are coming from an unverifiable source. That milk is symbolic of Breast Milk from a Goddess. However, most people don't believe me and think I'm smoking crack or on something. Technically, I am "smoking crack." Smoke = Insult. God is California shaped like an ass. Ass is Butt Crack. That's how you're "smoking crack" :P. That's why anyone in Los Angeles (symbolic of Heaven), which is in California shaped like an ass, is "on crack." Get it? Crack? Butt Crack? :P All the geographical locations were set in place to make fun of humankind worshipping God.
- "Yes, Chris. Put the gun down and let the Marching Band go. We'll play it off as a prank."
- "I'm expressing myself through the Majesty of Music!" He didn't say Magic. He said Majesty for Royalty. "God is a DJ" by Pink.
- "I got no heart because a She-Devil stole it!" I said God is the Sun. You have Twins. Good and Evil that are polaritys. Yin and Yang.
- "If I'm going to do this. I'm going to need my news team. NEWS TEAM: ASSEMBLE!" God has a Team. That's why in Voltron, you see 5. In Transformers, you'd have 5: 2 arms, 2 legs, and the Torso. You see Ron blow on a Seashell or Conch summoning the team. Hawaii is associated with that is HI for Final(H) God(I).
- You see the dog crawl out of the river and bark, "Ron, I'm coming!"
- "Hey, Ron. What's up?" "Oh, I didn't see you there." "We've been here the entire time you've been here." That's in reference to the different aspects of God. When see 5 colors White/Justice, Blue/Knowledge, Green/Nature, Red/Passion, and Black/Self, they represent different character traits. Everyone has them. If you were to give specific names to each of your personalities, and they could manifest into real people, they'd behave a certain way. On God-Like or Planetary Scale, they manifest themselves in the form of Different Gods or Deities.
- "How does the hair look?" "Magnificent. You've got hair like an angel." That's referring to God who's an Angel.
- The network scout is the actor who played Clark Kent's dad Jonathon Kent in "Lois and Clark Adventures." I said God is Superman and that Ron Burgundy is symbolic of God.
- At 1:21 minutes in to the film, Ron has to decide between saving Veronica or launching his career. 121 = 11 x 11/Aquarius. Humantarian Ideals(11) to the 2nd (Gemini) Power. 1 hour and 21 minutes is 81 minutes. 81 = 9 x 9. It means Twin Gods.
- "Ron, I know it sounds harsh, but God does not want her to live." That's in reference to the Sun and the death of God as a concept or Ideal that is governing the current belief system of Planet Earth. It's time to graduate to the next level of Spirituality.
- "It's alright, my sweet Chinchilla." CH in CH IL-LA = Female(C) Final(H) in Female(C) Final(H) the(Il/Italian) Heaven(LA/LosAngeles). The Female God residing in the Female Final Heave n is a Chinchilla :P. God the Sun created all these creatures in the animal kingdom with funny names that are perversions of the Alphabet System she designed.
- "Sweet Eli Whitney's nose!" Eli is "Teacher" in Hebrew. WH-IT/NE-Y = Final(W) Final(H) God(I) Female(T) Northeast/Maine(NE) Male(Y). That's how you get Whitney Houston. Houston is in Texas, the Lone STAR State. That's why she married Bobby Brown (BB). Bobby Brown's a Thug. TH u G = Female(T) Final(H) in Union with(U) God(G). He was part of New Edition, which is a term for a newspaper. When he was really young, he sang "Candy Girl" and "If It Isn't Love." He then went solo and did "My Prerogative."
- The news team goes in to fight the Bears. B/Ear = Gemini Ear. God hears everything with his Rabbit Ears. That's how you get a B/Ear and why the Bear is on the California State Flag, which is the Golden State symbolic of the Sun.
- Brick says, "Hey, Ron! I'm riding a furry tractor!" In "Austin Powers 3: Goldmember," Dr. Evil says that Operation Preparation H is a Tractor Beam T/Ra-C/T-Or = Female(T) Egyptian Sun God(Ra) Female(C) Female(T) Sun(Or/V). Beam = Be/Am = Existing(Be) Father(Am). That's how you get a T/Ra-C/T-Or Be/Am. That's why I said the U.S.S. EN/T-ER/P-R is E is symbolic of God the Father. God is the Enterprise. I like to joke about how I'm like the U.S.S. Enterprise because I've been going to and mapping out "Star" Charts tracing the genealogy and film credit histories of all the celebrities that are Stars. The original Enterprise was an Aircraft Carrier, then a Shuttle, then the Constitution Class (1701-A), a Galaxy Class (Enterprise-D for Leo/Female), and finally the Sovereign Class (Enterprise-E). That's why when it comes to plagiarism of my work, it will be difficult because it's tagged to my own genealogy and family tree. That's why I'm an actual Prince with Royal Blood and born on John F. Kennedy and Bob Hope's Birthday.
- You see Baxter jump into the Bear Pen and start talking to the Mama Bear. That's because you've got God and the Dog. God is the Bear. The mate is the Dog. That's why God's mate or other half is actually Satan. This is where we come back to Yin and Yang. In Pisces, one fish is going up and the other is diving down into the water. They balance each other out. That's why with parents, you have the Mother and the Father. Usually the Mother is the nurturing force and the Father is the Limiting Force. The Father is Gravity. The Mother is the Sun that causes things to grow.
- The bear says, "Katow-Jo is my cousin. Go in peace." You have Superman who is the B/Ear (Gemini Ear) and Supergirl who is the Cousin.
- Chapter 19 at 1 hour 25 minutes, Ron is so happy Baxter is alive. S is the 19th Letter. S is the Superman Insignia. 125 = 5 x 5 x 5.
- Champ says, "Wow, he really likes that Dog." Go/D = Green/Leo Female. D/Og= Leo/Female Non-Green.
- He hands the mic off to Veronica, but Brick tries to take it. That's because Brick, Veronica, and Ron are all the same person and different aspects of God.
- Brian Fontana (BF/Boyfriend) when to be on the show "Intercourse Island." That's II/Gemini.
- Brick Tamlin is married with 11 children and advisor to the Bush White House. True Statement. 11 for Aquarius. God is manages the Subconscious Minds and that includes affecting the Mind of George W. Bush. That's why people wonder why he does all thse strange or bizarre things. During the elections, everyone was making fun of Bush and how he would say the stupidest things. That was the Sun and the power of all the Subconscious Minds affecting the voting poles so that even though all these people went to vote, the statistics and polls still elected Bush as President.
- At 1 hour 29 minutes, he says, "You stay classy, Planet Earth." 1 hour and 29 minutes is 79. 79 is the Last Year of the 1970s. That's the end of God's Reign as the Decade of the 1970s. Mercury is the 79th Element. I said that God is a Gemini. Mercury is Gemini's Ruling Planet and the FIRST Planet. The two of them together symbolize the mating of God and the Sun (the other God).
- The song chosen in the film credits sings the song "Carry On Wayward Son." If you look at the Credits, you'll see it's performed by the group "Kansas." I said that you've got Dorothy Mantooth as the Mother as a Saint. Brick is the Yellow Brick Road. Clark Kent is from Kansas. That's why the Dog was named Toto. To/To = Gemini(II) Female(T) Sun(O). You've got Dorothy as God and Toto as Dog. That's why Ron Burgundy calls Veronica Corningstone a "Dirty Bitch."
- "Oh, by the Hammer of Thor!" TH/Or = Female(T0 Final(H) Sun(Or/V). That's why Thor with the Long Golden Hair was really a Female. That's why in "Adventures in Babysitting" with Elizabeth Shue, the car repair guy looks like Thor who lost his hammer. In that movie, it's about Elizabeth Shue being mistaken for a Playboy Centerfold. That's very much like my situation where I mistook Isabella Valentine for 2003 Penthouse Pet SUNny LEOne. I didn't realize those pictures were not of her.
- "Saint Damien's Beard." I said God is Satan when he's in a bad mood. Damien is for Satan. Saint is God.
- "Sweet Grandmother's Spatula!" S-Pa-T u LA = Superman(S/19/II) Father(Pa) Female(T) in Union With(U) Los Angeles(LA/Heaven).
- "Uncle Jonathon's Corn Cob Pipe!" Jonathon is for Jonathon Kent the dad of Clark Kent. C/Or-n = Female(C) Sun(Or/V) Nature(N). C/O-B = Female(C) Sun(O) Gemini(B). That's why you get C/Or-N on the C/O-B and Corn is Yellow. That's why Native Americans call it "Maize." Ma iz E. S becomes Z for Hardened 2 for Aquarius.
- "I'm going to shoot you with a BB Gun when you're not looking. In the back of the head." I said God is a BB G u N. I said God is "BA/CK." That's why all the Bloopers are what's going on behind the scenes. The reason why the actors laugh is so that it becomes part of the Director's Cut as outtakes. If it was done flawlessly, you'd never know about it.
- "You're a dirty bitch." That was an outtake blooper. The Sun is D-IR/T-y meaning Leo Female God(IR) Female(T) Male(Y). That's the Subconscious Minds of Will Farrell and Christina Applegate messing around because they knew it would get printed in the Credits and shown to the people on Earth.
- "I pooped a Hammer." True Statement. I said that Thor is the Sun and that God is the Ass. So the Sun pooped a H-Am/ME-R meaning Final(H) Father(Am) Gemini(M+E=R) Gemini(R).
- "I pooped a Cornish Game Hen." Corn is H meaning Female(C) Sun(Or) Nature(N) is Final(H). Life is a Game. H/EN = Final(H) Heaven(EN/SW/LosAngeles).
- You see an outtake of "Smokey and the Bandit" with Sally Field and Burt Reynolds. I said earlier that God is "smoking crack." Smoke/Y = Smoke Male(Y). Ba/ND-IT = Egyptian Soul(Ba) Nature(N) Leo Female(D) God(I) Female(T). The car that he drove was a Black Firebird. I said God is Green and Satan is Black. Fire is for the Sun. B/IR-D = Gemini(B) Green(IR) Leo Female(D)
- "So Brick, are you having your Celebrity Golf Tournament this year?" "No, too many people died last year." That's in reference to God and all the celebrities that have died last year: Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Rodney Dangerfield (who never got any respect, kind of like me. My name is Rod), and Isabel Sanford (who played Louise on the( Jeffersons"). Go/LF = Green/Go Washington(LF). LF = Opposite of Florida. Washington is opposite of Florida. When you hit a white ball in one shot, you get a hole in 1. 1 = God. You play on the Green with an IRon. IRon = IR Activated(on). You also use Wood. It was a game created in IR-E/land.
- You see Will Farrell crack up when he says "Whale's Vagina" and says, "This is the most ridiculous thing ever." If only he knew LOL. That's God's sense of humor for you :o).
- Tonight. Kelly was asking me about Thai. You have the Isley Brothers sing "Thai Lady" listed in the credits of Ron Burgundy. Isley starts with I for God. The group listed in the credits are: E/rnest Isley, MA/rvin Isley, CHRISTopher JA/sper, R/onald Isley, R/udolph Isley, and O'K/elly Isley.
- At the end of the credits, there's a scene and Ron Burgundy says, "Someday we'll look back on this with much fondness." It's talking about God and what had to happen. It'll be interesting when Will Farrell and all those actors of our time finally discover why they were doing all those movies and did all the things they did and the purpose they served in shaping human events.
All these movies may have seemed like fiction, but it was the only way God could get through to humankind to prove her existence. That's why it's called "The LEGEND of Ron Burgundy." The Sun as God is a Living Legend.