stages of love Heero - Confusion/Shock.

May 29, 2006 04:59

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Author: Rodeohue
Title: Old Beginnings
Character: Heero Yuy
Theme: Five stages of change: Confusion.

The first few days after the war were forever a blur in Heero's memory. He'd found himself practically under house arrest while they waited for the media frenzy to die down. It was almost a week after peace had been declared that he was able to set foot outside the door of the temporary accommodation that had been offered to all the pilots.

During his life he'd always had a choice. He could accept or decline the missions that Dr. J had sent to him. There had always been a goal to those missions, a bigger picture that every little success was working towards.

That goal was gone now and, walking through the small garden at the back of the house, he realized that the responsibility for his future was now his and his alone.

And it was terrifying.
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