You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Twenty-Nine

Sep 03, 2012 13:00

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Teenage Warning-Angelic Upstarts
A/N: At the End


Dedication: This is dedicated to the lovely callumgriffin97 because he's a fellow Whovian, and he dedicated the last chapter of his fic to me, which was pretty awesome(: Speaking of, go read his fic, because its really good and deserves more recognition! Link to his page(:

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Josh, please.”


“Just tell me what's wrong.”

“It's not my place to say. I'm done with heavy things. I'm not doing that to another person again.”

The blonde looked at him with shock. “You did that to him? This is your fault!? Josh, are you completely out of-”

“No, Alex. I mean, yes, indirectly, I did. But I'm not the one that's really affected him. That's down to someone else.”


“I told you, I'm not getting into this. It isn't my place and I'm not getting involved. Hey Dan!”

Alex sighed. He knew that was the end of the conversation. They were standing in the “popular” crowd and Josh had effectively ended any serious conversation in the quickest and easiest way he knew how. Talking to other “populars”. Alex knew that now he had to invest in the conversation as well not matter how mind-numbing.

He shot Josh a look that clearly meant 'this isn't over' to which the other boy responded by completely ignoring him. The blonde sighed again and started to mingle.


“Josh, I swear to god if you don't tell me what it is that you aren't telling me I will flip shit.”

Josh sighed, this wasn't his week. “How do you even know if there is something I'm not telling you, Jack?”

“Since the last time you kept something from me I seem to have become an expert on this stuff. So what is it?”

Well, he had a point. “Alex has been asking about you all day.”

Josh swore he could have predicted Jack's reaction down to the eyebrow twitch. With his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed at the name “Alex” he said, “You didn't tell him anything, right?”

The English boy tiredly said, “No, Jack. I keep telling him that it isn't my place and that I'm not getting involved. Which is true.”


“Really, Jack. I think you should just talk to him about it. Sort through it all.”

“No, Josh. I told you. I'm not associating with him any more. He's a total douche and I don't want to have to deal with him in my life any more. So, let's just stop talking about it, okay?”

“Fine.” Josh mumbled.

The two looked up as they heard the sound of their friend Matt. “Hey guys. You wanna go see the film that everyone's talking about with me after school? It's supposed to be really good!”

Josh, in an attempt to have things back to normal as soon as possible, silently thanked whoever controls these things for Matt, and acted cheerful. “Yeah, all right, Barnes. But why do you want us to go? Don't you usually just take this weeks shag to the cinema?”

Matt rolled his eyes as if Josh was an idiot. “Well, usually, yeah. But I mean, I actually want to watch the film this time. If I bring Oswin then I won't exactly be paying much attention to what's going on up on the big screen.

The blue-eyed boy laughed. “We'll come, just don't try to make a move on either of us.”

“No promises.” Matt winked.

The two boys started walking then looked behind them to see Jack hadn’t moved. Josh sighed, “Come on, Jack. Let's go out and have some fun. Like normal.”

Jack looked at him dead on, and just as Josh expected him to decline and make some bitchy comment, the lanky boy shrugged and followed them out.


A few days passed, the week finished up. The next week came around and still no change in Jack's mood. It was as if the anger had finally broken his constantly happy and excitable exterior and had left him with this new Jack that people were scared to talk to.

No one knew the reason for this sudden change, and no one cared to asked for fear of being the new victim of his anger. Josh was the only one, much to Alex's increasing agitation and annoyance, that knew the real cause.

The blonde had started asking Josh whenever he could what was wrong with Jack, each time being met with the same answer, 'it's none of my business'. Alex was going mad with not knowing. Jack was still his best friend after all. On his most recent begging session the brown-eyed boy had used this as a way to try and convince Josh. Surprisingly to him the other boy had replied with a snort of laughter and shrewdly said, “Why don't you go ask him then?”

But that was the problem. Alex had tried to ask him, every day at their lockers and each time Jack just flat out ignored him. Soon the blonde had just stopped asking, but he would still watch Jack everyday hoping to see some change in his face that would indicate to Alex that Jack was just about to inform him on everything, but that never happened.

All this stress that Alex was going through did nothing to slow down his cocaine intake. Kellin seemed to have notice it too because he was always ready when Alex went over to his house, plus, the American always "made him feel good" claiming that it was good for stress. And honestly, that kind of helped. But recently, Kellin hadn't had time for Alex much, he'd been claiming he was busy and the two things had had helped to lower his stress were suddenly gone.

Though for some reason, the sex with Kellin didn't help get his mind off of Jack, it seemed to make his mind go into overdrive with thoughts of the Lebanese boy, which was weird. But the blonde had long since decided not to dwell on it and to just go with it.

It was now a Friday night and Alex was sitting in his room, by himself, feeling horrible. He could have gone out to some party or event or whatever else it is that popular people do on a Friday night, but he'd told all of the countless offers that he wasn't feeling well and had stayed home.

His curiosity and frustration was eating him up. He just wanted to help his best friend but said best friend wouldn't let himself be helped. It was maddening!

He lay on his bed and looked up at his ceiling thinking about Jack, he couldn't help but feel like this whole scene was familiar, quite like the morning after the party that he and the other boy had made out.

He suddenly sat up. There was something of a plan forming in his mind. He looked at the clock. Quarter to Midnight. He had to hope that he was doing the same as Alex right now, sitting at home doing nothing.

To be sure the blonde picked up his phone and texted Josh. 'What are you doing tonight?'

After a moment Josh replied, 'Why do you care?'

Alex sighed, the blue-eyed boy was so damn sassy sometimes. 'Please. Can you just grace me with an answer?'

'Fine. I'm with my girlfriend.'



'What about Matt?'

'Jack isn't with either of us. He's home alone because we weren't able to drag him with us anywhere tonight. Can you stop texting me now?'

'I wasn't asking to find out about Jack.'

'Sure you weren't. Now, stop texting me.'

Alex rolled his eyes and put his phone in his pocket. He was satisfied. He walked over to his closet, put on a grey beanie, and grabbed the first sweatshirt that he saw. As he put it on he noticed it smelled different. Familiar, yet he couldn't quite place it. He looked down at it. Oh yeah, Jack had left it here one day when he'd slept over and Alex had never remembered to give it back.

The blonde shrugged and hugged the piece of clothing to him, breathing in deeply. He'd missed that smell. He smiled and walked out of his room. As he passed the living room he saw his parents sitting on the couch cutely wrapped up in each other. Alex loved to see how in love they were. It showed him that this urban legend of an emotion did truly exist.

His mom looked up when her son stood on the part of the floor that squeaks. “Are you going out, love?”
Alex looked over, “Um, yeah. Is that okay with you?”

His mother smiled, “Depends where you're going at this hour. If you're going to go join a gang and beat up some people, rape some young innocent person, and become the Alex from A Clockwork Orange then, no. It's not okay with me.”

Alex rolled his eyes fondly, he loved that his mom shared her love of reading with him. He didn't read too often, but when he found time he always had his mom recommend something. A Clockwork Orange had been one of his favourites.

“No mom, I'm not going to go out and rob some old lady's house either. I'm just gonna itty to odin of my droog's domys.” The blonde winked at his mother, she smiled, understanding.

He father looked between the two, confusion plainly written on his face. “Anyone care to translate?”

Alex laughed. His dad always got annoyed whenever he and his mom spoke in the Nadsat language written for A Clockwork Orange, because he could never figure it out.

His mom smiled at her son, giving him a knowing look, before speaking to the man next to her, “Oh love, he clearly said that he was going to one of his friends houses.” She looked at Alex and gestured to her husband, rolling her eyes, “Gloopy ded.”

Alex laughed at the fact that his mother had just called his father a silly old man, then waved and walked out of the house.

He looked up at the sky, breathed in the night air, and set off in the direction of Jack's house.


A/N: I rather liked this chapter, especially the end because the family bit was like, insanely cute and fun to write. I absolutely love the book A Clockwork Orange, it's so good, and I couldn't resist putting it in here haha.
I decided to update today because I'm going back to school tomorrow (help me) and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to post. Once again, I'm going to try as hard as possible to keep getting chapters out on time but I really don't know how good I'll be at it. But please, as You Me At Six put it so well, Staaaaaaay With Meeeeeeee!
Btw, sorry if you comment and my reply is really awkward, weird, or comes on too strong. I've been reading through all the comments I've got on the whole story, for motivation's sake, and my replies are sometimes weird. I'm socially incompetent and don't know how to respond sometimes, so I apologise....

jack barakat, josh franceschi, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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